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Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)

Page 16

by Sher Dillard

  He watched the emotions race across her face as she fought to believe. Seeing that he was speaking the truth she threw herself into his arms, her mouth attacking his, unable to get enough.

  “I love you too,” she said between hurried kisses.

  “Even though I am a dragon?”

  She hesitated for a moment, it was a quick moment, but he saw it.

  “I don’t know that I will ever understand your dragon. But, I will love him because he is a part of you.”

  Drake stared into her eyes. He knew it would take time for her to accept the dragon inside of him. But, that was alright, they had time.

  Taking her head in both his hands, he bent and kissed her. A long, tender kiss that let her know she was the only person he would ever kiss for the rest of his life.

  She moaned in the back of her throat and melted into him. Her chest pressed against his, her hands roving over his shoulders.

  They both fell to the blankets, rolling in ecstasy as they fought to remove each other’s clothes.

  The woman was desperate for him. The woman was a goddess. Her hands pushed his pants lower, then reached for him, groaning when she felt his hardness.

  He broke away and smiled down at her, his eyes traveled over her beautiful, naked body. Cataloging every curve, memorizing every feminine swell.

  His hands naturally came to her breast, squeezing, caressing. They felt tender, soft, and so tempting. Leaning forward he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  She arched her back as is demanding that he take more.

  As he continued to feast on her breasts, his fingers traced a long, slow line down her belly to touch her. She was wet for him, already wanting and willing.

  He circled his fingers around her vital core. Touching, teasing, taking her higher. Still, he sucked and fondled her breasts while his fingers slowly entered her.

  “Oh, Drake,” she moaned.

  The way she said his name sent a shaft of pure joy through him. This was his woman. This was his love.

  He continued to touch and probe, to kiss and taste. Always building her need. Always giving her want she wanted.

  His insides began to burn. His mind began to lose itself to the beast inside of him. He must have her.

  Shifting his body, he readied himself before her.

  Opening her eyes, she looked up at him as he hovered above her. Reaching up, she gently brushed the hair from his eyes. Giving him a look of pure love and admiration, she smiled and said, “My dragon.”

  He could withhold himself no longer. He burned to have this woman.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, he entered her. Her soft, warm, velvety core taking him in.

  So tight, so unbelievably tight.

  This is where I belong, he thought. Inside this woman. The world was perfect.

  Elsbeth reached up and pulled him down on her as she ground herself into him.

  “Yes,” she exclaimed as he buried himself into her.

  He couldn’t stop himself, nothing could stop him from taking what he needed.

  Thrusting, over, and over, He pushed them both higher.

  She rose to meet him, demanding he give her more, faster.

  He pounded into her tightness, the pressure building inside of him demanding to be released.

  “Yes, please,” Elsbeth screamed as she climaxed around him. Squeezing, shuddering. “Yessss.”

  Her pleasure sent him over the abyss into ecstasy. He exploded. His energy flowing through him, exploding into her.

  The world stopped, there was only her, wrapped around him.

  Reluctantly, he rolled to the side, leaving her warmth. Elsbeth moaned at the loss of him. Turning with him, she lay her head upon his chest and sighed.

  “Oh, Drake,” she whispered. “What are we going to do?”

  He laughed as his hand roamed across her back, caressing her, letting her feel his love for her.

  “The first thing we need to do is establish some new rules,” he said.

  “Rules? I thought you hated rules,” she said.

  “Not for me, for you.”

  She flinched, “What rules?” she asked hesitantly.

  He smiled at her concern.

  “Number one,” he said, “I am yours to command. In all things, except your protection. When it comes to that, I am in charge. Everything else is yours.”

  He could feel her smile into his chest.

  “Oh, does that mean if I say you have to take me to a ball, or an ambassador’s party, you have to go.”

  Now, it was his turn to hesitate. “Yes,” he grunted. “But, don’t abuse it.”

  Elsbeth smiled. “What about if I ask you to get me something to drink, or make a fire, or carry me across a stream?”

  Again, he hesitated. This woman was going to be difficult.

  “Yes,” he said finally. “But, don’t forget, you will be in my bed each night. There is always a price for girls who misbehave or abuse their power.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “That is sort of what your mother said.”

  “What exactly did she say?” he asked as his hand traveled across her silky skin.

  “She said that I could make you do anything, if I but loved you.”

  “My mother has a habit of getting involved where she doesn’t belong.”

  Elsbeth hugged him and draped a leg over his, obviously wanting to get as close as possible.

  “Rule number two,” Drake said. “You can never ask another for protection.”

  “What? I can’t go beg Prince Julian?”

  He growled under his breath, “NO.”

  “Very well, I understand,” she said. But, he could tell she was secretly pleased with his jealousy.

  “Rule number three,” he said, pausing for a moment. “I am a dragon. A grumpy dragon. There will be times when I am less than thoughtful. I will say and do things that upset you. It is the beast inside of me. The beast that will protect you always. When I am less than kind, you must forgive me. Not right away, but eventually. I will not change. I will not become what you want. But, I will always be what you need.”

  Elsbeth didn’t respond. His heart jumped as he waited for her answer. Would she accept him as he was? All of him. Both of him.

  “I have a rule,” she said finally. “A rule that must never be broken.”

  “What might that be?” he asked as he held his breath.

  “That you love me. That you never stop loving me. My heart would stop beating if you ever stopped loving me.”

  Drake smiled to himself. She had created a rule it was impossible to break.

  “Very well,” he said. “I accept your terms.”

  “This wasn’t a surrender negotiation,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh, in many ways, it was my dear,” he said as his hand returned to her rear.

  “Enough of talking,” he said as he trailed sweet kisses down her neck. “What is your first command?” he asked, knowing full well what she wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Three days of bliss, Elsbeth thought as she looked across the clearing towards her man. They had spent it laughing and loving. Bathing in the hot springs. Walking hand in hand through the forest.

  Spending their nights beneath the stars.

  Her world was as perfect as it could be.

  “This can’t last,” she said to him.

  Drake scowled at her, that silly scowl of his. The one that was never for her, but for the world in general. She had learned, if anything threatened to come between her and her happiness, that beautiful scowl would appear.

  Dropping his head, he nodded reluctantly.

  “I know.”

  She sighed heavily. Secretly, she had hoped he had fought her on this. That he had some way to avoid what they must do.


  Elsbeth stood at the forest edge and looked out at her lands. Her heart swelled with pride and love. This was hers to rule, hers to protect.

  Once she stepped through thes
e trees, there would be no going back.

  She turned to look at the forest behind her. The thought of returning to their camp tempted her. To spend a few more days in each other’s arms. Laughing, teasing, and loving. Each of them lost in the other.

  Every part of her soul called for her to do just that. To be this man’s woman and nothing more.

  She glanced over at Drake. The breadth and height of him overwhelmed her. His dark eyes stared back at her as he waited. Dressed in a simple white cotton shirt, open at the neck, he looked like a man out for an afternoon stroll, not at all like a man preparing to take on an army for her.

  Was this the right thing? she asked herself. Was it right to risk this man’s life for her dream? Was it worth it?

  “Should we do this?” she asked him.

  He cocked his scarred eyebrow.

  “Yes,” he said. His voice was filled with confidence and an easy determination.

  Her heart expanded three sizes with love for him. He was hers, and she was his. There would never be doubt.

  Smiling, she nodded and stepped out from the forest.

  Drake joined her as they walked down the dusty road.

  She continued to worry, continued to try and decipher all the ways things could go wrong.

  “Don’t worry,” Drake said.

  She swore there were times the man could read her mind. Smiling up at him, she took his hand and continued on towards the city.

  He squeezed her hand, but remained silent.

  They passed the tavern of their first meeting. He glanced at the old building, and then down at her.

  “Should we stop? I believe I need to return a pack.”

  “I wonder if my things are still there in the barn?” she said with a laugh.

  He laughed with her. “You should have seen your face. Your eyes as big as dinner plates. It was as if you were seeing a monster.”

  “I was,” she said, “I just didn’t know what kind.”

  Drake laughed, and they continued on.

  The sounds of the city reached them from over the hill. The smells of people and horses assaulted them as they approached. Elsbeth yearned for the clean, living smells of the forest.

  Had her city always smelled like this? It wasn’t bad, just strong. A reminder of how far from nature they had strayed.

  As they crested the hill, the city lay before them. Stone walls surrounding brick buildings and castle towers.

  The walls were manned with soldiers, each patrolling back and forth. Men who should be loyal to her. Could she convince them? What must she do to convince them to switch their loyalty from her uncle?

  Drake paused on the hill top and stared at the city. He shook his head. She could tell that he was wondering if it was worth it.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get this over with. I’m pretty sure delaying things aren’t going to make them easier.”

  She tried to smile at him as they stepped down the hill.

  Two King’s Guardsmen manned the city gates. Dressed in golden armor, they looked strong and powerful.

  Would they recognize her? Did they have orders to stop her? Would they have to fight their way into her own city?

  Drake had dropped her hand, ready to respond if necessary.

  Elsbeth swallowed heavily and held her breath.

  She needn’t have worried. Both men remained at attention, their eyes studying Drake and his long sword.

  Walking through the gates was like stepping into a new world. People and animals hurrying about. The sound of vendors calling out their wares. The heavy hammering as someone worked on repairing a roof over the bakery.

  “That was easier than I thought,” Drake said after they had gone a short way into the city.

  “That was the easy one, it’s the castle gate that we need to worry about.”

  “Hm.” He mumbled.

  She glanced over, Drake was taking in everything. Observing, evaluating. She knew that he was marking potential dangers, scoping out possible escape routes.

  As they walked through the city, she pulled her hood up. She didn’t want anyone to recognize her, not yet. She needn’t have bothered. All anyone could do was stare at the large man next to her. Elsbeth noticed that the women especially seemed to be interested in what they saw.

  More than one tried to draw his attention. A flirty glance, a shift of the hip. It was as if she weren’t even there right next to him.

  A small jealousy began to build inside of her. They might be her people, but they weren’t always perfect.

  She began to look at them from under her cowl. To study them with new eyes. Something was missing, something was wrong.

  Her shoulders twitched as she tried to fathom what it was about her city that bothered her.

  At last, she had it. No one was laughing, No one was enjoying life. Too many people carried heavy frowns. Too many people refused to meet their eyes. They were afraid of drawing attention to themselves.

  She cursed her uncle, how dare he. He had ruined a happy, joyful place and turned it into a frightened, worried town. It wasn’t right. Setting her shoulders, she hurried her pace to the castle steps.

  Inside the walled city sat a walled castle, and inside the castle, a keep. Her home.

  As they approached the large oaken door of the castle entrance, four King’s Guardsmen, this time, brought their focus onto Drake. She could see the interest and a little nervousness in their eyes. People didn’t normally approach the castle unless escorted. Especially, men like Drake.

  As they drew nearer, one of the guardsmen stepped forward to greet them. He held his hand out indicating they should stop. He didn’t say anything, just stood there, waiting.

  Elsbeth took a deep breath and lifted her hood to reveal herself.

  It took a moment, but the shock in the soldier’s eyes was one of those memories she would hold dear for a long time.

  “I am here to see my uncle,” she said with her best Princess voice.

  The soldier balked, he had obviously not been told to expect this. Obviously, not been warned. This was good. Her uncle had not had time to discredit her. He hadn’t tried to ruin her right to be there. Up until her escape he had hoped to use her.

  The soldier looked around, obviously hoping to offload the problem of higher rank.

  “Open the door, Corporal,” she said with just a hint of condescension in her voice.

  The man flinched at her words. Throwing Drake a quick glance.

  “Now,” Elsbeth said. Her heart raced, and her palms were wet. She held her eyes steady on the man.

  At last, he bowed and stepped back to open the door. He whispered something to another soldier, who immediately scurried through the door.

  Off to warn her uncle, obviously.

  “Of course, Princess,” the corporal said.

  Drake stepped aside to allow her into the castle first, a slight smile on his lips.

  As they stepped into the short tunnel that led through the castle walls, he bent forward and whispered into her ear, “I hope you never speak to me that way.”

  His gentle laugh let her know he was teasing. Her shoulders relaxed, they were through.

  “Don’t make me mad, and I won’t,” she hissed back to him.

  The corporal and another soldier followed them into the tunnel. She saw both of them continually glancing at Drake, their hands resting on the pommels of their swords.

  They are going to be the least of our problems, she thought.

  Her eyes were focused on the end of the tunnel. Home, her home. Her heart beat heavily in her chest, so much it felt as if it would push through and fall on the floor. Her lips were dry, and her hands ached to clench into a fist.

  She held herself steady. Do not let them see that you are afraid, she said to herself. You have Drake, all he has is an army.

  They stepped into the light of the dusty courtyard.

  Her uncle had reacted quickly. The courtyard was ringed with King’s Guard. Each of them adorned
with armor and a sword at their belt.

  Elsbeth balked for just a moment. She hoped her uncle didn’t see it.

  He stood on the distant walkway overlooking the courtyard. Julian stood next to him.

  Both of them looked down with interest and a little surprise in their eyes.

  She could see her uncle looking at Drake, then over her shoulder, obviously wondering where her army might be. He couldn’t begin to believe that she had walked back into his control of her own free will.

  Julian appeared as oblivious as ever. The stupid smirk on his face was a clear indication of just how dumb the man could be. What had she been thinking?

  He glanced at Drake and raised an eyebrow. She wondered if he could tell they were lovers. Fighting an urge to take Drake’s hand, she stared back and smiled up at the Prince.

  A special smile.

  Now, he knew.

  The stupid smirk turned to anger. A thrill traveled through her at his being so upset. One of the little joys in this life.

  She turned to study her uncle. He stared back at her, a battle of wills raging between them.

  This man must be destroyed, publicly, she thought. It was the only way.

  Drake took it all in, studying each soldier and archer. His eyes rested on Julian for a moment, then looked back down at her.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” he said with a subtle shake of his head. “You put your trust in that?”

  She laughed. “I was young and foolish.”

  Stepping forward, she looked out at the assembled soldiers that surrounded her. Over forty men, each of them were supposed to be pledged to her. Yet, her uncle controlled them.

  They feared him, she realized. Feared him more than they loved her.

  “Men of the King’s Guard,” she said with a loud, steady voice. “I stand before you, my father’s daughter, and call on your loyalty.”

  Her uncle laughed out loud and grinned at her as he shook his head. “You’ll have to do better than that,” he exclaimed.

  Elsbeth ignored him, instead staring at each of the soldiers in turn. Trying to lock onto their eyes.

  “You, know me,” she said, “you know that I am the true Queen.” Still, no soldier moved, not even a hint of discord.

  “You know this man, my mother’s brother, has no rights here. He has usurped power, twisted and bent this power to make the people suffer. All for his own benefit.”


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