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Fatal Exposure

Page 12

by Lia Slater

  The inside of the vehicle was enormous with a third row of seats perfect for her to hide out. She scrambled over and lay flat against the soft leather, waiting for him to take her to the next destination.


  When a large man almost identical to Kade walked in the front door, Ava let out a breath. Again, relieved it wasn’t Zack but curious to know who the man was. His eyes were a mysterious dark brown, and his hair hung shaggily onto his forehead, but other than those obvious differences, he could have been Kade’s twin.

  The two shook hands and muttered greetings. It was apparent they weren’t the best of friends. Ava hung near the bathroom door, mostly out of sight, as she listened to them talk.

  Kade invited the man in, calling him Jax, only glancing in Ava’s direction once as he sat at the table with the stranger.

  “So what are you doing here?” Kade asked with a sharp bite in his voice.

  “I just came to warn you. Moreno’s on your tail, and he wants the target like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Ava’s body stiffened when she heard Zack’s name come out of the stranger’s mouth.

  “And?” Kade asked coolly.

  “And he knows where you are so I suggest you follow through and give her over to him...or me.”

  “Did you sell me out?” Kade asked with an eerie calmness.

  “I just gave him what he would’ve gotten from someone else. It’s not like this shitty cabin is a secret. And in case you’ve forgotten, you have more enemies than Satan himself. Anyone would have given Moreno your whereabouts. Even Lucy.”

  “Fuck you,” Kade said through clenched teeth.

  “You’re my goddamn cousin. We’re blood.”

  Cousins, huh? Ava squinted at the man’s profile. That explained the resemblance, but it didn’t explain why Kade was angry. Didn’t he want Zack to find them? Wasn’t that the whole point?

  “That’s why I came up here,” Jax said. “To warn you.” The brown-eyed man shook his head and leaned over the table. “Why the hell are you pulling this shit anyway? He’s got the money for you.”

  “Then he can bring it here. I’ve got what he wants.”

  Ah, there was the Kade Ava had grown to know. Damn him. It was all about the money.

  “Where is she?” Jax asked abruptly. “Got her tied up somewhere?” He grinned like a schoolboy about to perform a prank. His eyes shot across the room, and Ava stepped backward, completely out of sight.

  The lump in her throat was painful as she listened on. She needed to get away before Zack showed up. And before Kade could get paid for kidnapping her. Bastard.

  Maybe this guy was the ticket out. If she could get him to take her away from here, away from this man who made her heart break every second he kept her hostage, then she could get to a different location. And maybe, just maybe, she could have a chance to escape—to survive.

  She peeked around the corner again and caught Jax’s amused stare.

  He smiled and nodded once, his features just as handsome but darker than Kade’s. “Are you going to come out and join us?”

  “No, she’s not.” Kade stood. “Ava, go to my room,” he ordered.

  Screw you. If this was her only opportunity to break away before Zack arrived, then she’d seize it and run. Whatever it took.

  She walked out into the open, letting the bathrobe open as she moved.

  “Mmm,” Jax rumbled. “Now, I see what all the fuss is about. Why don’t you come closer so I can have a better look at this sweet little target?”

  Kade’s face paled as he strode toward her. With jerking motions, he pulled her robe closed and tightened the knot. “I know what you’re doing,” he

  said under his breath. “Trust me, Ava. It’s not a good idea.” His knuckle skimmed down her cheek as he gave her one of those bogus you-mean-something-tome expressions. Ava flung his hand away and glared up at him. She wasn’t going to fall for his bull. “You can’t keep me here,” she whispered up at him.

  Kade leaned down and spoke softly into her ear.

  “I’m not letting you go so you can forget about whatever strategy you’ve got rattling around in that foolish head of yours.”

  “Foolish?” She lifted her chin defiantly. He crossed his arms. “If you’re considering leaving here with him, then yes.”

  “Besides,” she said loud enough for Jax to hear and walked around Kade’s large frame. She took bold strides and stood in front of the stranger. “This looks like fun.” She ran her hand through the man’s hair.

  “Could be.” Jax swept his dark gaze up her body and tugged at the terry cloth belt. “I like this girl, Kade.” The robe opened, and he slid his hand across her bare belly.

  Ava swallowed and tried not to think of what Kade could be thinking of her at that moment. And hated herself for caring. She peeked at him. He hadn’t moved, and he wasn’t looking. But his fists were clenched white at his sides, still standing where she had left him.

  It didn’t matter. This was her only chance, and she had to take it.

  Just like any other time at the club, she lifted her leg and set it on the man’s thigh. But unlike any other time, he responded by holding her close, his large hands firmly gripping her hips.

  She tried not to think, letting her attention go to Kade, who turned around and looked sickened.

  “Ava,” he gulped out. “Don’t let him do that to you. You’re more than that.”

  Jax chuckled and slid his grip over her ass.

  “Lighten up, cuz. We’re just having a little fun.”

  “Let’s leave,” she gathered the courage to whisper into his ear. “Take me with you and we can finish this without an audience.” Without Kade staring at her, making her ill. She had to do this. She needed to survive.

  “Mmm...that sounds tempting.” He shoved the robe off her shoulders, and it landed at her feet.

  “Kiss me in front of him,” he said in a low voice and forcefully squeezed her butt cheek. “And we’ll go.”

  Ava attempted to empty her mind. It was just a kiss. She closed her eyes and lowered her lips. His mouth crushed hers while his tongue slid between her lips. It was like Kade’s kiss, she told herself, but without the passion and enticing taste.

  “Fuck this,” Kade’s angry voice said from behind her and suddenly she was being yanked from Jax’s hold and into Kade’s strong arms.

  He didn’t look happy as he rushed her into his bedroom and slammed the door shut with his foot.

  “Kade,” she breathed out, feeling unwanted guilt and anxiety.

  He dropped her on the bed and climbed on top of her, unbuttoning his pants in the process. “What?

  Did you want me to just stand there and let him have you?” He tore off his shirt, making the buttons fly, and threw it on the floor. “Do you think I’m that kind of a man?”

  “I just wanted a way out,” she whispered.

  His eyes were distant and avoiding her stare. It was upsetting to see him hurt. She cared about him. And even after all that had happened she still wanted him.

  “I’m your way out, Ava. Not him.” He reached over her and grabbed a condom from his dresser. Quickly, he pushed his pants down and rolled the rubber over his thick, long hardness, making her mouth water with anticipation. “ I’m the man you need.”

  Ava nodded. It had taken another man’s touch for her to realize how her feelings for Kade had grown...whether she wanted them to or not. What was wrong with her? How did he get under her skin?

  How did he make her desire him?

  “Fuck me,” she heard herself say and spread her legs wide for him. Love me. Never let me go. Kade wedged her thighs farther apart and only let her have one passing glance before he drove his cock deep.

  She gasped at how he quickly filled her and with enough force to inch her up the mattress. He pulled out halfway and repeated the thrust. Like a man on a mission, he pumped faster and harder through each pass. So much so the bed shook and rattled beneath her. She’d never felt
anything so powerful. Pain and pleasure. How that combination kept arising.

  She cradled his face while one of his hands reached down and grabbed her ass. He hauled her bottom up toward him as he continued to slam his full length into her. Almost as if he couldn’t get in far enough.

  Ava felt the heat rising and buried her head into his neck, licking at his pulse.

  “You feel so good, Kade.” Tears burned her eyes as she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Skin slapping together and panting breaths were the only sounds in the room, and it made her even hotter. She hoped Jax could hear it. She hoped he would walk in the room to see Kade pleasing her like no man could.

  The door pushed open, and she got her wish. Jax leaned against the jam with a grin on his face. Thankfully, Kade didn’t appear to notice. His full attention seemed to be on their two bodies colliding together.

  Jax stared at her breasts with a predator’s eye as they bounced every time Kade glided into her. To show the wicked man who she really wanted, she wrapped her legs around Kade’s body and began moving with him, matching his thrusts, letting him go deeper than ever before.

  His cock was agonizingly delicious and, as she stared up into his eyes, she allowed herself to pretend she saw love and devotion. Was it really there? Could he love her? Her heart wanted to believe. It stuttered and flurried as the words tingled at the tip of her tongue. I love you, Kade.

  “Come, Ava.” He tore her from her foolish thoughts as he tugged her earlobe through his teeth.

  “I’m the only man who’ll ever fuck you this hard, this good. Scream for me.”

  “Oh, God, Kade!” she cried out. Her mind and body ached with pleasure, and she forgot all about Jax’s presence, focusing only on the man she was falling in love with.

  The ceiling above spun as she climaxed, abrupt and potent.

  Kade groaned and fell onto her, his body slick with sweat, sliding against hers. All Ava could think of doing was holding him close. She ran her hands over his broad back and kissed his cheek as he breathed heavily against her ear.

  A few minutes passed before he finally met her blurred gaze, but he didn’t say a word. Instead, he rose, pulled the spent condom off and threw it onto the floor. He stashed himself back into his pants and buttoned up.

  “I’m going to get rid of him,” he mumbled, pointing his thumb to the now closed door. “Stay here.”

  Ava nodded, grasping at her thighs that panged with gratification.

  How was she ever going to say good-bye to Kade Gavin?

  Chapter Nine

  Kade dressed before leaving Ava sprawled out on his bed. Bits of her hair were drenched in perspiration and clinging to her rosy-cheeked face. Beautiful, as always. But goddamn her for letting Jax touch her like he did.

  Watching the woman he loved being groped, especially by a man as unscrupulous and undeserving as Jax, had driven him to the brink of insanity. Sure, for the past few years, Kade hadn’t been much better, but he was going to change that. He was going to become a good, moral man. For Ava. He just needed to convince her of his loyalty and love so she’d stay to witness the change. Maybe then she could grow to love him, too.

  He closed the door behind him and spotted Jax sitting in the same chair, staring at the computer equipment that had been concealed by the roll top desk...but wasn’t any longer.

  “You’ve got a nice setup here.” Jax nodded toward the bedroom. “I’m jealous.” He stood and walked to the desk and let a finger brush against the screen. “Listen, I know you probably hate my guts, but I’m only looking out for you.”

  Kade clenched his fists. That was bullshit. Jax Cullen might have been his blood relative, but he was not his friend. They were competitors, with unresolved grudges tracing back to their childhood. Not to mention, Jax was the spitting image of Kade’s

  father. “It’s time for you to go,” he said through his gritted jaw.

  “Don’t get mixed up with this girl.” Jax looked at Kade pointedly. “Moreno wants her dead. You know that, right?”

  “That’s not going to happen.” Kade took the few steps to close the distance between them. “Not on my watch.”

  Jax shrugged his shoulders and exhaled a breath. “No one’s going to hire you after this crap you’re pulling. You could end it. Just apologize to Moreno. He’s a fair man. I bet he’d still pay you.”

  “I don’t care about the fucking money,” Kade said in a low voice and took another step forward with his arms crossed. “And I’m not going to let anything happen to Ava.”

  Jax shook his head, making Kade want to knock it off his shoulders. Of course the guy didn’t get it. He’d never been in love with anyone but himself. And with his attitude, he never would.

  “You’re being a complete moron, cuz,” Jax said.

  “But if you want me to stick around and help out, just say the word.”

  Ha. Kade couldn’t and wouldn’t trust the man, not after all they’d been through. “No thanks.”

  “All right.” Jax stepped back and then headed for the door. “Good luck then. You’re going to need it.” After gripping the handle, he sent Kade a look of warning. “You might want to find out why Moreno wants her head on a platter.” He shrugged. “Before you give up your entire life for a woman who’s willing to leave with a guy like me.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Kade attempted to sound confident, but Jax’s words had struck a chord. Finding out exactly why Moreno was after Ava was

  top priority if Kade planned on resolving this without any fatalities.


  Poppy tried to keep her heavy eyes open as she lay comfortably in the very back seat of Zack’s SUV. Maybe she’d purchase one of these after she got her money. It was damn cozy.

  Zack hummed along to a Frank Sinatra song from the front seat. The music wasn’t helping her stay alert either. She turned onto her belly and ran her fingers across the lush black carpet on the floor. Very nice. She could get used to stuff like this. It was much nicer than her dirty old car. Stains everywhere. Torn upholstery. Fast food wrappers all over.A cell phone rang, and Zack answered. “Moreno speaking.”

  Poppy turned back around and listened intently.

  “Like I said before, Gavin, I don’t need to tell you shit. You’re screwing with me, and it’s pissing me off.”

  Ooh, this was getting interesting, but who wasGavin? She tried to remember if she’d heard Kade’s last name. It had to be him.

  “No, fuck you,” Zack yelled. “I’m going to kill the cheating bitch, and if I find out you’ve touched her, I’m going to kill you, too. You got that?”

  Shit. This guy was nuts.

  Poppy peeked over the seat to see the side of his bright red face. He slammed his hand onto the steering wheel, and she ducked back down.

  “Listen,” his voice lowered. “I’ll give you another chance, Gavin. I know how manipulating that little whore can be, and she obviously has your balls in a

  sling, so all you got to do is—hello? Hello?

  Motherfucker hung up on me,” he yelled. Poppy heard a swish, a crack, and then a thunk on the floor. He’d thrown something at the window, and she was pretty damn sure it was his cell phone. What a freak.

  She was really going to have to be careful getting that briefcase away from him.

  The speaker beside her head started blaring TheBest Is Yet to Come as the SUV lurched forward, accelerating.

  Good. The sooner she got to the next destination, the better. She got cozy on her side and plopped her arm over her ear to block out the deafening music. Maybe a little nap to pass the time wouldn’t hurt.


  The overhead lights in the kitchen spotlighted Kade as he slammed the cell phone on the counter. Ava stood in the shadows of the wood-burning fireplace, against the bedroom door watching him. She’d heard everything and was horrified.

  “Are my ears deceiving me or did you just call the man who wants to kill me and ask for a reason?”

  she asked through
the dusk-darkened room. Slowly, Kade looked in her direction. His mouth was pursed and his forehead crinkled. “I need to know, Ava.”

  “So you asked him? Do you think I’d lie to you?”

  “No. That’s not it.” He shook his head and closed the distance between them.

  Before he could reach her, Ava put her hand up, making him stop an arm’s length away.

  His clear blue gaze swept over her as she stood there wearing one of his flannel shirts, buttoned up

  only half way. She’d been in a hurry to run into his arms after she heard Jax leave but then was shocked when she heard the phone call.

  “I didn’t think you’d tell me,” he said. “You haven’t exactly been happy with me.”

  “I just let you make love to me,” she said and pointed at him, poking him in the chest with her finger.

  “After you asked Jax to take you with him.”

  Another sting of guilt ripped through her, and Ava dropped her arm, allowing Kade to step forward. Her anger fizzled with him so near, his strong presence much like a sedative. He caressed her cheek as she stared up at him. Flickers of light from the fire danced across his ruggedly handsome face. Always so serious.

  Ava wanted to make him smile. She could imagine making that her life’s goal and never growing bored of it.

  The reality was spending more time with Kade wasn’t an option. Not if she wanted to survive. And damn him for putting her in a situation that jeopardized her right to live. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Can we call it even?” A half a grin peaked the corner of his gorgeous lips. His fingers dragged her hair back and then slid down between her breasts. Why did he have to be so tempting? She nodded, mindless under his watchful gaze.

  “So tell me what happened, Ava? Why does Moreno want you?”

  With her hand in his, she followed Kade to the couch in front of the warm fire. She had no desire to rehash the memories of Zack, but she would rather


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