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The King's Man

Page 26

by Alison Stuart

  Kit looked up sharply. ‘For how long?’

  Thurloe shrugged. ‘Until this business is over.’

  ‘It will never be over, Thurloe. There will be other plots, and then there is the Sealed Knot … ’ Kit shook his head. ‘What will become of the others, Thurloe?’

  Thurloe’s lips tightened. ‘Without prejudicing an otherwise fair trial, I think I can confidently predict that there will be deaths. There have to be.’


  ‘Lord Gerard, for one. Vowells. Maybe one or two others.’

  Kit grimaced and looked away. ‘Gerard was a friend of my father’s,’ he murmured.

  Thurloe regarded him for a moment. ‘Don’t blame yourself, Lovell. If it hadn’t been you, it would have been someone else. Lord Gerard was playing a fool’s game. You will see in time that it was the right decision.’ Thurloe shook his head. ‘I get no pleasure from sending good men to the block, Lovell. But to answer your question, I will not stop you returning to England when the time is right. But … ’ His voice dropped and his eyes narrowed. ‘ … it will be on the clear understanding that you renounce all ties with Charles Stuart, am I clear?’

  Kit nodded. ‘Quite clear. Before you go, Thurloe, what of Ambrose Morton?’

  ‘Ah yes, Colonel Morton. I’m sorry, but there will be no action taken against Colonel Morton.’

  Thamsine and Kit stared at him.

  ‘Insofar as the charges you have levelled against him for the kidnap and assault on Mistress Granville, – my pardon,’ Thurloe inclined his head in Thamsine’s direction ‘ – Mistress Lovell, while I’ve no doubt there is truth to the story and Morton should be punished, it has been decided the scandal attaching to a trial, particularly as the chief witness will be out of the country,’ – he gave Thamsine a meaningful look – ’would outweigh the benefit of our work of the last few months. As for the allegation of rape … ’ He shrugged his shoulders. ‘The girl is a known doxy, and the charge will never stick.’

  ‘So, Morton is free to roam the country at will?’ Kit said.

  ‘It would seem so, although I do hear that he has been rather unwell. Must be something contagious. Captain Lovell.’ Thurloe picked up his hat and gloves. ‘I am pleased we’ve had this talk. I wish you both a good voyage and a long and happy life together.’

  The door closed behind him. For what seemed a long moment, Kit and Thamsine stared at each other.

  ‘I’m sorry, Tham,’ Kit said.

  She shrugged. ‘I expected it. He’s not going to risk the scandal of a trial that involves you and me. It’s in our own interests to keep our anonymity, but it’s May I feel for. How dare he call her a doxy!’

  ‘That’s what Morton called her too.’ Kit shrugged unhappily. ‘There’s no justice for the poor.’

  He picked up the paper Thurloe had left and turned it over, tracing the seal on the back of it.

  ‘Barbados,’ Thamsine said. ‘It’s the other side of the world. I thought France … ’

  ‘France can wait, Thamsine. This is more important.’

  She nodded, her fingers closing over his. ‘Barbados, and then, maybe, Virginia?’ she ventured. ‘A new beginning?’

  Kit nodded. ‘A new beginning. Maybe we should try our hands at farming coffee? Come here, Mistress Lovell.’

  She crossed to him and sat down beside him. He slid a hand around the back of her neck and their lips met, as they allowed time and their worries to slip away for a few short hours.

  ~ * ~

  ‘The boat sails at high tide,’ Jem Marsh remarked. ‘You better hurry.’

  Kit rose to his feet, flinching as the bruises and cracked ribs caught in the unaccustomed movement. Thamsine secured his injured arm in a neat sling, tied his cloak, and picked up his hat.

  ‘My sword?’ Kit looked around the room.

  She indicated his chest. ‘Packed. You won’t need it and you can’t use it anyway.’ She slipped an arm around his waist.

  Kit shrugged off her encircling arm. ‘I can manage just fine, thank you,’ he said, instantly regretting his stiff-necked pride as he took a few uncertain steps towards the door. After the long inactivity he felt stiff, sore, and as weak as a kitten.

  Jem shouldered the box and followed Kit down the stairs. May and Nan waited at the bottom of the stairs. May had tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around Kit, an action that caused him to recoil as every barely healed bone in his body jarred. Undeterred, she sobbed into his jacket. He patted her back and looked at Jem for help

  ‘Come on, lass,’ her brother said gruffly, ‘’nough of that. They’re leaving and that’s that.’

  May let him go and sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve, before flinging herself at Thamsine, who kissed her on the cheek.

  At the foot of the stairs, they stopped. Half a dozen heavily armed soldiers stood in the taproom.

  ‘What will we do?’ Thamsine clutched his arm.

  ‘Well, I’m no position to make a bolt for it,’ Kit replied. ‘We’ll just have to brazen it out.’

  Nan sauntered forward. ‘What’ll it be, Cap’n? A pot of ale for your men?’

  The officer gave her a contemptuous glance and his gaze moved to the two men standing at the foot of the stairs.

  ‘We’re seeking one Christopher Lovell,’ he said. ‘Last known to be lodging at this establishment.’

  ‘Don’t know who you mean, Captain. Now if you’ll excuse us, this gentleman has a boat to catch.’ Jem made to move but three of the soldiers now moved into his path, another three behind them.

  The officer squared up to Kit. He stood half a head shorter, square and pugnacious next to Kit’s lean form.

  ‘A dark-haired man two yards high, injured arm.’ He looked at the sling on Kit’s right arm. ‘Scar over right eye. I think we’ve got the right man, lads. Christopher Lovell, I have a warrant for your arrest.’

  ‘Indeed? On what charge?’

  ‘Treason. Do you deny you’re Christopher Lovell?’

  Kit heard Thamsine’s quick indrawn breath. He could neither run nor fight. He glanced at his wife. Surely she could see resistance was pointless?

  He turned to the soldier. ‘I’m in no position to deny anything. I am Captain Christopher Lovell, late of His Majesty’s forces. Where do you intend taking me?’

  ‘My orders are to convey you to the Tower.’

  Kit closed his eyes to suppress the shudder that ran through him. He dreaded the Tower again, and this time with little hope of reprieve. The soldiers moved forward. Kit held up his good hand.

  ‘I am unarmed and, as you can see, in no condition to resist arrest,’ he said. ‘I’ll come peacefully. Just let me say farewell to my wife.’

  He turned to face Thamsine. He could see the fear in her eyes. Her slender body trembled like a reed. Taking her hand, he pressed it to his lips. ‘I’ve no choice, Tham. This is a corner from which I have no escape.’

  ‘This is Thurloe’s doing!’ she whispered in French, her voice tense with anger.

  Kit shook his head. ‘No. It’s not his style. Whatever else he is, he’s a man of his word, Thamsine. This could be any one of the others. They all knew where I lodged. I’m just surprised it has taken them so long to seek me here. Be strong, Thamsine,’ he said and bent his head to kiss her.

  Her lips quivered beneath his touch and she leaned her head against his chest. ‘Kit … ’

  He placed a finger on her mouth. ‘Shhh … ’

  He straightened his back, wincing as the cracked ribs caught. ‘Lieutenant.’ He managed a slight inclination of his head. ‘I am at your disposal.’

  The officer scowled. ‘Fetch this man a horse,’ he said, seizing Kit’s good arm.

  Kit did not look back. He could not face Thamsine’s eyes again.

  Chapter 20

  ‘Mistress Lovell? An unexpected surprise.’ Thurloe rose to his feet. ‘Shouldn’t you be on a boat to Barbados?’

  ‘He’s been arrested.’

  John Thurloe�
�s eyebrows lifted in a look of genuine surprise, but the unguarded moment was fleeting and the familiar guarded look returned just as quickly to the dark face.

  ‘There is a warrant for his arrest. I did tell him that,’ Thurloe said.

  ‘But you know he was never intended to be arrested.’

  He spread his hands. ‘I can’t control everything, Mistress Gran – Lovell. It’s unfortunate that my diligent officers effected his arrest, but I assure you it is not of my doing.’

  ‘Then undo it.’

  Thurloe leaned back in his chair and shook his head. ‘I regret it can’t be undone.’

  ‘But surely there is something you can do?’

  His expression was bland. ‘I warned him that there was nothing I could do if he was caught. I’m sorry, Mistress Lovell, but I’m afraid your husband is on his own and must face the consequences.’ He paused. ‘I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what those could be.’

  Thamsine felt the blood drain from her face. ‘Are you saying that he could die?’

  Thurloe’s mouth was a grim line. ‘Mistress Lovell, please understand, I can’t save him without betraying everything I have worked for. If it comes to a choice between the life of one man and the good of the nation … ’ He spread his hand.

  Thamsine sat down unbidden as the reality of Kit’s fate sank in.

  ‘Will there be a trial?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course.’

  She looked at the man across the desk and felt her resolve begin to wane. ‘But you said that there would be deaths.’

  Thurloe looked away. ‘Unavoidable but necessary. The message must be sent that these conspiracies will not be tolerated. Go home, Mistress Lovell, and pray. That is all you can do.’

  Thamsine rose to her feet and placed both hands on the desk, leaning towards Thurloe, trying to hold his gaze. ‘You can’t let him die. Not after all he has done for you.’

  Thurloe returned her gaze without blinking and said in an icy tone, ‘He knew the risks.’

  ‘But he was doing it for his brother, not for his own motives.’

  ‘His motives are irrelevant.’

  ‘You blackmailed him into it!’

  Thurloe pushed back his chair. ‘Mistress Lovell, don’t be fooled into thinking your husband acted purely out of concern for his brother. He was paid and paid well for his work. His brother will be freed. As far as I am concerned, the books are closed.’ He strode to the door and opened it. ‘There is nothing further to be done. Now leave me.’

  Thamsine felt her breath leave her body at the perfidy of this man who had used Kit for his ends and would now sit back and let him die. She turned on her heel and ran past the astonished secretaries in the outer room.

  ~ * ~

  Every morning for the next week Thamsine walked to the Tower of London, only to be turned away at the gate. After another abortive visit, she trudged back to The Ship Inn, which bustled with its usual dinnertime activity. May and Nan were back at work, skilfully avoiding the groping hands and ribald remarks.

  Jem looked up from his position at the keg. ‘Still won’t let you see him?’ he asked.

  Thamsine shook her head.

  ‘I’m sorry lass,’ Jem shook his head. ‘It’s a grim lookout.’

  Heartsick, Thamsine turned for the stairs.

  ‘Hold on, lass. There’s a man in the parlour waiting for you,’ Jem said. ‘I told him I’d not heard of you but he insisted on staying. Says he won’t go till he sees you.’

  Thamsine turned. ‘Not … ?’ Her heart skipped a beat.

  Jem read her thoughts. ‘Not Morton. I’ve not seen him before. Weedy specimen. Middle height, thin face, fair hair. Balding. He gave me this for you.’ Jem held out a grubby note.

  Thamsine took it and unfolded it.


  I know you will not wish to see me but I beg you hear me out. Jane has been taken ill and is asking for you. She has been ailing all winter and I fear she may not see out the summer. I have done many great wrongs by you and I beg this chance to be forgiven.

  Yrs in penitence, Rgr Knott Esq.

  Thamsine looked at the parlour door. For a brief moment she remembered that first night when she had sung for Kit Lovell. He had stood in that doorway, watching her, a tall, lean shadow with laughter in his eyes.

  ‘I saw a handsome proper youth

  And he was wondrous fine

  But when I understood the truth,

  His case was worse than mine,

  On wine and drabs, he did all spend

  Which wrought his overthrow,

  So fortune plac’d him in the end,

  With beggars all a row.’

  She sang the words softly. So much had happened in those few short months since that day in February. She straightened her shoulders and opened the door.

  Roger sat straight-backed in one of the oak chairs, his hat and gloves neatly placed on the table before him. He stood up as she entered, his eyes flicking to the sturdy figure of Jem Marsh looming behind her.

  ‘She’s dying, Thamsine,’ were his opening words as he ran his fingers through his lank, thinning hair.

  ‘She seemed in good enough health when I last saw her,’ Thamsine replied coldly.

  He shook his head. ‘She’s not been well for a long time. Her lungs, the doctor says. She wants to see you.’

  Thamsine stood quite still. ‘Did she tell you where I was to be found?’

  Roger nodded.

  Thamsine fixed him with her eyes. ‘Did you betray Captain Lovell?’

  Roger looked surprised. ‘Captain Lovell? No. Why would I do that? What are you talking about?’

  Thamsine searched his face but saw only confusion and worry.

  ‘Wait here. I have something for you, Roger.’

  She left him and returned with a packet of papers, which she threw down on the table before him.

  ‘Your letters,’ she spat. ‘The letters you wrote to the Talbot doxy.’

  Roger picked them up, counting them.

  ‘They’re all here,’ he said and looked up at her in wonder. ‘How … ?’

  ‘Kit Lovell risked his life to get those, paid for them with his blood. Now I am buying your loyalty with them, Roger. I need your help.’

  ‘What do you want of me?’

  ‘I’m a married woman now, Roger.’

  He paled. ‘Not Morton?’

  She shook her head. ‘Not Morton. I married Kit Lovell. I am, like you, free of Morton.’

  ‘You? You married Lovell?’ Roger stared at her. ‘Does Morton know?’

  She shook her head. ‘I don’t know and I don’t really care, but I need your help to unwind his grasp from my estate. Can you do that?’

  Roger nodded. ‘Of course I can. I … ’ He tailed off, tears welling in his eyes. ‘Words cannot express how appallingly I have failed you.’

  She regarded him coldly. ‘I am prepared to let the past be, for the moment. Now, what of Jane?’

  ‘I have this for you.’ Roger handed her a piece of paper. She unfolded it and a ring fell out. She caught it and held it in her fingers.

  ‘My grandmother’s ring,’ she said, then turned to the note.

  Dearest sister,

  I am sending Roger to you on this errand in the hope that I can see you again before you leave. I dared not tell you about my illness for fear it would worry you and you seem to have enough worries. This may be the last time I will see you, so if it is possible, dearest, please come. Roger’s contrition is genuine. He does not wish you any harm and you are free to leave at any time.

  Yr. loving sister, Jane.

  She looked at her brother-in-law, who seemed to shrink inside his collar.

  ‘God is calling my wife. It’s a punishment for my sins. There is nothing Morton can do to me that matters. If indeed you are now married, then you are free of him. Let us put the past behind us.’

  Thamsine studied him with narrowed eyes. All the fierce pride and resistance had gone from him.
He looked old, tired, and desperately unhappy. She sighed. He was right; there was little she could for Kit, Ambrose was no threat for the moment, and there seemed nothing to be gained from ignoring his plea. Jane had come to her aid when she needed it and her skill had saved Kit’s hand, if not his life.

  ‘Very well, Roger, I will come with you, but it is on the understanding that I can come and go of my own free will.’

  The relief on Roger’s face was pathetic. He rose to his feet and picked up his hat and gloves. ‘We must leave now, Thamsine. There is not a moment to waste if we are to reach Turnham Green before dark.’

  ~ * ~

  Riding pillion behind Roger, Thamsine began to regret her impulsive decision. What if it was another trap? What if Jane was hale and hearty and it was Ambrose waiting for her? Jem had argued with her about her decision to go, but then she remembered Jane’s shadowed eyes and the cough and knew in her heart that all was not well with her sister.

  The house in Turnham Green looked silent and grim in the gathering gloom, as if death already waited by the door. She shivered as Roger helped her down off the back of his bay mare.

  Thamsine followed Roger into the house and up the stairs to the main bedchamber. Roger had spoken the truth. Jane lay propped on the bolsters, her eyes sunken in her waxen face.

  ‘She came, my dear.’ Roger crossed to his wife, picking up her hand in a tender, intimate gesture that Thamsine had never seen before. ‘I’ll leave you with her.’

  Thamsine stood by the bed and looked down at her sister.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me how sick you were?’

  Jane managed a wan smile. ‘What concern was it of yours, dearest? I have known for a long time that it was the lung disease and it would kill me.’

  ‘Do you cough blood?’

  Jane nodded. ‘I have for some months. Now, tell me, how is your Captain Lovell?’

  Thamsine’s face crumpled. ‘He’s in the Tower, Jane. They took him away a week ago and won’t let me see him.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Jane said.

  Thamsine laid her head on her sister’s bed and wept.


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