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Trained to Submit

Page 9

by Powerone

  She had such a delightful body, graceful as she glided with him along the floor, Miguel ignoring all around him as he enjoyed her. His hands took possession of her and she did little to stop him, moving exactly as he instructed, his body pressing against hers until his cock jerked against her pussy. She didn't move, seemingly un-offended by his bold move. Her hips moved from side to side, his hands guiding her, the soft shimmer of the satin dress rubbing up against the front of his dress uniform pants. He could almost hear her labored breathing. It was unfortunate that it would not be tonight, for he had more urgent business to attend to first.

  She could hardly breathe, the medals on his chest pushing into her breasts, making her nipples tingle with every movement. And his cock, moving back and forth, Monika sure it was rubbing against her clit, or maybe she just hoped it was. She never felt such passion from just dancing. It was as though he was making love to her on the dance floor for all to watch their erotic coupling. And the one hand slipped beneath the back of her dress, resting at the beginning of the crack of her ass, sent her body into a state of perpetual arousal, waiting, expecting, hoping for it to move. The music stopped, but he still had his hand around her waist. “You know my name, but I don't know yours. I hate to call you General."

  "Miguel at your service, Monika.” They walked off the dance floor.

  They went the opposite direction from the table, Monika confused, looking around. Was he like Michael, trying to find a dark place to ravish my body? They walked down a hallway, two guard snapping to attention when they approached. “Where are you taking me?” She had a hint of concern in her voice, though she would have followed him anywhere, as aroused as he made her.

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  CHAPTER 6—El Presidente

  "As much as I would like to spend more time with you, Monika, there is someone more important that would like to meet you. But soon, Monika, we will meet again I promise you.” The guards saluted and opened the door, Miguel ushering Monika into the room. “Don't worry, I will tell the others you are safe and will return to the hotel by your own means. Now enjoy."

  Monika walked into the room, a small parlor around a fireplace, a bar in one corner, one whole wall of windows opening up to the broad expanse of a garden, even at night it was lit up brightly. She sensed someone in the chair, but she couldn't see over the high back. Her heels clicked softy over the tiled floors, her heart pounding in expectations. “El Presidente!” She said it in her best Spanish accent when she saw him. It was actually Fidel Castro looking so much like his pictures but younger than the sixty-five years old that he was reported to be.

  "Have a seat, Monika. I've been dying to meet you ever since I heard you were coming to my Cuba.” She was almost the splitting image of her mother at the same age.

  Monika was flustered, not knowing what to say. It was as if he knew her, even his eyes looked as though he was seeing her again, not for the first time. She sat down, someone bringing her a glass of wine which she immediately took a sip of, her mouth dry. She finally could muster a few words, but they came out sounding funny. “It's an honor to meet you, Sir."

  "You make me sound old and pompous, Monika. Relax, sit back and take another sip of wine.” She was every bit as gorgeous as her mother, Fidel remembering that night so vividly.

  "I'm sorry but I'm flabbergasted.” She turned red at her choice of words, sounding more like a teenager, wanting to be a woman.

  "Now that's more like it."

  Monika was finally getting some of her demeanor back. “Why did you want to meet me? While I'm extremely flattered, you are a very important man. What makes you interested in me?” Again it sounded stupid, demeaning her own self worth.

  "I met your mother many years ago, I will not reveal how many years ago, but you were not born, or even conceived. It was only for a brief time, but her memory lingers in my head even to this day. Your Professor had been trying to do a research study in my country for many years and for many years we ignored him. Then this year your name popped up and I couldn't resist meeting you."

  Monika studied him, just like the pictures, the beard, looking more like a peasant than a President. Did I dare ask? Finally she had to know. “Will you tell me about your meeting with my mother?"

  "Are you sure you want to know all the details? Your mother was quite the woman.” And he was sure that Monika took after her mother in every aspect. That he would soon find out. Or Miguel, his trusted General would.

  "I'm a grown woman. And after what your guards tried to do to me."

  "Yes, Miguel told me about that incident. It was not suppose to happen, a Captain got too ambitious. Can I interest you in a cigar? Cuban, the best you can buy. It's a long story.” He handed her a cigar, Monika taking it.

  "I cut it for you already, but by the way you handle it, you have smoked cigars before, but none as fine as this.” He handed her a cedar match to light it, watching carefully as she took it between her lips, his cock hardening as her lips curled around the cigar as if it were a cock. She lit the match, holding it away from the cigar, turning it as she warmed it. She took a puff, the flame jumped up, Monika continuing to turn it until it began to glow. She exhaled the smoke.

  Monika had smoked cigars before, comfortable handling them, not sure if it were a male bonding thing or more of phallic instrument thing, her mouth sucking on a fine cigar just as good as sucking on a fine cock. Fidel watched her as she took the first puff. “The story now.” She took another puff, sitting back in the chair.

  "I only knew the ending, but your mother told me the whole story after we met. She was about your age when she came to Cuba. She had come here to visit one of our many fine casinos, but happened into the middle of a revolution. We had just taken over the government, and when I mean just, it was literally that day. To say that things were chaotic would have been kind, but we were trying hard, but some of my men were overly ambitious. Like the Captain you met at the airport. The United States was not supportive of our cause and my men took out their hatred on any Americans they found. Your mother was just passing through customs when some of my men seized upon her. I will give you her details, exactly as she told me first hand. The story will forever be etched in my brain.

  He started the story.

  * * * *

  She was taken into one of the private rooms by three men, all of them carrying guns. She was scared out of her wits, hearing gunfire in the streets and not really knowing exactly what was going on, but hearing many things. The rebels had taken over the government, throwing foreigners out of the country with only the clothes on their backs.

  "Let me get on the next plane,” she begged them, but they laughed as they went through her bags, throwing her clothes all over the floor.

  "American pig,” the one officer spat out at her. “You are to be searched and then we will see about your fate. It all depends on your cooperation. Do you understand, Senorita?” He snarled at her as his eyes raced up and down her lovely body.

  "PPPleasse,” she stammered, her head knocked to one side by a slap to her cheek that shook her teeth.

  "Shut up, bitch! Hands up into the air. Straight up, yes, like that.” He watched her raise her arms like she was being held up, noticing the pair of lovely tits that seemed to reach for the sky. “Spread your legs,” he ordered her next, his flat hand warning her of her disobedience.

  She did as she was ordered, shivering in fear, her arms straight up into the air in surrender, spreading her legs until he was satisfied, a grunt signifying his acceptance. Her short skirt was tugged tightly across her ass by the spread of her legs and her breasts looked as though she was sticking them out to tease the men with her body. She knew she was going to be raped.

  "Hold still,” standing behind her, his hands around her waist, drawing her against him. “Can you feel that Cuban cock sticking into you?” He made no attempt to hide his intentions, sliding from side to side, enjoying the feel of her ass against his cock. She would soon satisfy his pl

easure and that of his men. He had heard that all Americans were whores.

  She was afraid to say anything, her body tense as she suffered the humiliation of the soldier masturbating against her ass. His hands were not idle, sliding over her waist and cupping her breasts, his fingers squeezing them too hard. She smothered her cry of pain when his fingers sought out her nipples, pinching hard when he found them. He twisted and pinched them for long minutes, shooting pain lacing through her breasts, all while he casually masturbated against her ass. He grew impatient, fingers unbuttoning the blouse with haste, two buttons flying across the room as they tore off. He pulled her blouse out of her skirt.

  "Take it off.” He watched as she put her hands down and slipped off the blouse submissively. His fingers slid along her naked back, seeing the goose bumps as he fumbled with the bra strap. He opened it, slipping it off her shoulders. He warned her when the straps began to slide down her arms, her arms rising up in reflex. “Don't move.” The bra slipped to the floor, the other two soldiers moving around in front of her to see her naked breasts.

  Her nipples tingled as the bra slipped over them, but nothing could hide her shame as the other two soldiers raced to get in front of her to ogle her naked breasts. The one behind her cupped her naked breasts, jiggling them until they danced up and down.

  "Make them tits dance,” the soldier getting carried away with making them jiggle. His fingers found her nipples, yanking them out hard until she stood on her toes, the soldier pulling them up to the ceiling.

  "OOOWWW,” she cried out in pain, her nipples feeling like they were crushed in a vise, standing on her toes in hope of relieving some of the pain. But it only got worse. He released her nipples, but his hands slid down over her hips. She felt the button open and then the hiss of the zipper.

  "Take it off,” the soldier growing impatient when he couldn't get it over her hips, the spread of her legs making it pull too tight. He enjoyed the view as she shimmed it down over her hips, falling to her ankles. She now only had a pair of white panties that hid her secrets from them and that wouldn't last long. “Nice ass on this one.” He began to rub his cock on her ass again, holding her against him when she tried to pull away. “I didn't say to put your legs together.” He slapped one of her tits, making it bounce up and down, red from where his hand had slapped it.

  The two soldiers in front of her where openly rubbing their cocks through their pants as the one behind her continued to strip her naked to be ravished by them. Her breast stung where he had slapped her, the man evil to hit a woman in such a place. His hands crept around in front of her, feeling them slide over the front panel of her panties, her spread legs leaving her open and vulnerable. His hands attacked her pussy, pinching her pussy lips until she cried out in pain, finally doing the ultimate perverse act, slapping her pussy, rewarded with her ass pushing against his cock, only to slap her between her legs again. His finger shoved her panties between her pussy lips, sliding up and down as though he was trying to arouse her, but she was too scared to be aroused.

  Such a hot little pussy, slapping her pussy until she rubbed sensuously against his throbbing cock. His hand slipped into her panties, finding a dense bush, his fingers tearing out errant hairs as he sought out her puffy lips. His finger slid between them, finding her dry, but not caring one way or another. He'd fuck her wet or dry, he didn't care, just needing relief and needing it soon. He pulled his hand out as the other soldiers gathered around her.

  The other soldiers got into the act, standing in front of her, yanking down her panties in lust. They slapped her naked thighs until she spread her legs for them, a dry finger shoved inside her as she gasped in pain. She was rocked between the men, her pussy pierced by a fat finger.

  "Put her on the table so we can inspect her more intimately,” the soldier ordered the other two.

  She felt herself thrown over onto the table, the men lifting her as if she were a bag of potatoes. She was thrown on her back, two of the men bending her knees back and to the side until her crotch felt like it was being split up the middle. The other one came over, licking his fingers, getting it wet, knowing where he would shove it. They held her arms over her head while her legs were spread wide, the other one grinning evilly as he kneeled between her legs. She felt fingers peeling back her pussy lips until they felt like he would tear them off. Then she felt a sharp finger nail prick the sensitive skin inside her pussy, slicing up into her as her body bucked on the table in pain.

  "Hold her good, she's a tight one.” He cared little for her pain, his finger corkscrewing in and out of her pussy until it met no more resistance. Then one finger became two, her body jerking painfully as she was impaled once again. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy. “She's almost a virgin” he exclaimed with glee. He licked his finger again before sliding under her ass. “Hold her tight, she isn't going to like this much."

  And she didn't, the soldier rubbing his wet finger over her anus and then slipping it inside her with a brutal thrust that drove a scream from her lips. She had never felt such a thing, his finger hurting as it drove up into her bowels, twisting and turning, his nails rubbing hard against the soft passage.

  "Hot, tight hole. Never been fucked there. We'll have to teach her. Hold her down while we get ready.” He had never fucked a woman in the ass, his girlfriend indignant when he even suggested it. But this American whore would have no such choice. She would provide the perverse enjoyment he sought from fucking a tight asshole.

  One of them held her pinned to the table while the other two stripped off their clothes. When they were naked, two thick cocks jutting out, ready to rape her, the third stripped naked. They moved around her like a pack of wolves around a chicken.

  "We can have her all at once. One in her mouth, the other in her pussy and the last in her ass. She'll never forget her trip to Cuba,” the soldier proudly exclaimed as he stroked his cock.

  Not only were they going to rape her, but take her in her mouth and sodomize her. All at once. She prayed quietly as she waited for the inevitable.

  "You men look like you are out of uniform.” The loud commanding voice boomed in the room.

  "Get out of he...” his words falling off as he turned around and was confronted by the man that spoke the words. He looked foolish as he snapped to attention, still naked. “Yes, El Presidente."

  The other two men did the same, confronted by the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, the new head of Cuba.

  "Get dressed and get out of here. This is not how we act. We revolted to stop atrocities like this. Not to commit them in revenge. Report back to your Commander. I will deal with you in the morning.” Fidel strolled over to the girl on the table as the men scrambled to grab their clothes and get out of there. They finally slammed the door behind them, Fidel picking up the girl's clothes. He turned around so she could dress, though he couldn't stop himself from stealing a glimpse of her naked body before he did. And she saw him looking at her.

  She was saved by none other than the leader of the rebels, Fidel Castro. She had heard them shouting his name in the streets, expecting someone more dignified, not a bearded rebel. But she was relieved, saved from the inevitable rape by only seconds. She got into her clothes quickly even though he turned his back. She had seen the way he looked at her on the table, his eyes gazing lustily between her wide spread thighs. “I don't know how to thank you."

  "It is I that should be asking for your forgiveness. My men were acting like a bunch of rapists, and I am responsible for them. I am truly sorry.” He turned around as she finished dressing. She was a beautiful girl. Far too beautiful to be spoiled by the likes of his soldiers.

  "I would like to go home. Can you arrange that?” She had to get out of here, not a place for a young girl alone in the middle of a revolution.

  "Yes, but it will take a while before the next plane is ready to go. Can I interest you into something to eat while we are waiting?” It was the least thing he could do.

  * * * *

was a gentleman, making quick work of getting her on the next plane, though it would be four hours before it boarded. They went to the small restaurant in the terminal but they were served as if they were in a five-star restaurant. He was highly educated, surprised that he wasn't just a rebel. And interesting, her attempted rape becoming a distant memory as the new leader of Cuba began to fascinate her. And she could see it in his eyes, following her every movement, every word that came out of her month as if she was the most important person in the world. He was enamored with her.

  There was only a half an hour until the plane boarding, both of them walking around the terminal to kill time. She was surprised. Here was the leader of a revolution that was only one day old, and he was spending time with her as if they were on a date. He should be running his country. They were walking down the hallway when she noticed where she was. She opened the door to where they had held her captive, pulling him into the room.

  "What's the matter, did you forget something in here?” Fidel was puzzled, looking around the room, empty except for the furniture. The door closed behind them.

  "I want to thank you personally before I leave."

  He was about to say that it wasn't necessary when the words stuck in his throat. She had kneeled down in front of him and her hands were already working on his belt and zipper. He said nothing as her hands moved with skill, his pants around his ankles, his shorts quickly following. His hands lifted her head up, ready to ask her not to when he saw her mouth, her silky lips opened wide in an oval, her hands gripping his cock only inches from her face. He felt her hot breath on his cock and no words came out of his mouth. Only the sound of pleasure when her hot, tight mouth engulfed the head of his cock, her tongue instantly going to work on him.


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