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Trained to Submit

Page 13

by Powerone

  Michael watched her leave, her short skirt moving from side to side. He was sure that she was naked beneath it, a tanned ass cheek clearly visible as it swayed from side to side. What did she give up? And to whom?

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  CHAPTER 8—Rebel Capture

  Monika stayed with Michael, Sandra and Joanna for the rest of the week, working hard on the project. It was going well, exceedingly well, beyond Michael's expectations. Michael was still his charming self, suggesting they go out Saturday night, Monika graciously accepting. She masturbated almost every night that week, Miguel in her head and always wondering whose cock was in her mouth. She had hoped that he would magically appear and spirit her away, but the week went by without Monika seeing him. Miguel had unlocked something in Monika that Michael didn't even know existed. Being bound had excited her beyond belief, and the added excitement of others watching her, from the soldiers to El Presidente had unleashed a dark side of her sexuality. And she wanted to experience more of it.

  At the same time she felt uneasiness. It was as though the men in her life, Michael, Miguel and El Presidente, all had an agenda that Monika wasn't a part of. At least not yet. Tonight she saw it in Michael, taking her to dinner at the Baracoa Café, an out-of-the-way bistro. It wasn't so much the place, but Michael seemed to be on edge, looking around as if someone might be following them. During dinner he was his charming self, but he was getting jealous, though he didn't know what or who he was jealous of. It was Monika's unexplained absences, Michael continually trying to dig deeper into the mystery, Monika more determined to keep it from him. She liked the degree of control it gave her over him. She might be submissive sexually, but she still had a strong individual personality.

  It happened so fast that Monika didn't get a good look at anything. They were just getting ready to cross the street when a truck came out of nowhere, both of them having to step back up on the curb to get out of its way. All she could remember was the color, army green, though she didn't remember seeing any insignias on it. It screeched to a halt right in front of them, the sidewalk around them filled with men, Monika's last glimpse was of Michael being hit before something was thrown over her head and the blackness engulfed her. She was manhandled, her arms forced behind her back, a hand making her bend at the waist, Monika finding her wrists bound before she even realized it. She could already feel the numbness in her fingers, the ropes cutting off the circulation. She could hardly breathe, let alone scream, the air beneath the hood suffocating. Were these government soldiers? Or were they the rebels I've heard of? She couldn't make out what they were saying, speaking Spanish. She was tossed into the back of the truck like a bag of potatoes, her knees scraping on the hard, rough floor, sure that they were bleeding. She heard more shuffling and then the truck sped away, the trucking bouncing on the potholed streets of Havana.

  "Bonito culo,” the rebel said. He grabbed Monika around the waist, pulling her up to her knees. “Head down,” pushing down on her shoulders, her ass forced to rise up. “Si.” His hands slid over her ass cheeks. “Bonito ass,” his English not very good except for some swear words. He saw her trying to move away, his hand swinging and catching her full on one of her ripe cheeks with a loud slap.

  One of them yanked her up, Monika forced to her knees, her arms tied tightly behind her. His hands began to wander over her ass, but she couldn't do anything to stop him, wagging her hips from side to side to try to avoid the molesting hand. She felt the sting on her ass, he had spanked her cheek, the skin burning even after his hand left. Another slap to the other side, the sound of men laughing filling the truck. Fingers crept under her short skirt, touching her smooth inner thighs, another hand holding her still. When she tried to move away, a hand would slap her, Monika never knowing where, this time her inner thigh slapped. The hand returned, this time Monika not moving away as the hand became bolder, sliding up between her legs. His strong fingers gripped her soft skin, pinching it until Monika shrieked in pain.

  "Pussy,” the rebel knowing what interested him. “Difundir sus piernas,” growing impatient.

  Monika didn't know what he wanted. Well, she did know what he wanted, but she didn't know exactly what he wanted her to do. The fingers pressed painfully between her thighs, feeling like pinchers as they squeezed her flesh. The hand slapped her soft, inner thighs, Monika realizing what he wanted. Her knees scraped along the rough truck bed as she spread her legs.

  "Si,” his hands now free to explore more of the American's thighs. He flipped up her skirt over her back, a black thong doing little to cover anything, especially the lovely tanned cheeks. He saw where he had slapped her, the skin already turning red. He gazed down lower, the thong disappearing between a lovely crack, the black thong reappearing at her crotch, pulled tightly over her pussy. But nothing could hide the twin lips. He couldn't resist, slapping her inner thigh, but this time high up, his fingers touching so close to her pussy that he could almost feel her heat. She bucked when he hit, her, moving to the other side and repeating himself.

  She never felt so vulnerable, her ass raised up, the man behind her slapping her ass. And not her cheeks, but her thighs, hitting so close to her pussy she could almost feel the wind blowing by.

  "Leave her be, there'll be time soon enough."

  She heard his voice, authoritative, sure that he was the leader. Monika was relived, but she knew it was only a brief reprieve. It didn't take long for them to get where they were going, the truck slowing down, the rattle of the tires on the brick pavers of old Havana. The truck made several sharp turns, Monika almost losing her balance before she felt it stop abruptly. She heard the sound of more men jabbering in Spanish, Monika wishing she knew more than a few words.

  She was pulled up by her wrists, forced to bend over as they almost dragged her from the truck. She was thrown over the shoulder of a man, her body tossed as though she weighed nothing.

  "You know what to do with him. Take this one to a cell. Strip her and hang her from the cell bars. You know the way I like them. Put a blindfold on her, we don't want her identifying any of us if she makes it out of here. Then we'll see if she will talk."

  She bounced on the wide shoulder of the man, his hand on her ass holding her tight. She could smell the damp rank of a cellar, the air getting cooler as they moved down a hallway. It became quieter, the men talking in the distant growing faint until she could hear them no more. She was alone with this one, to be stripped and strung up like a piece of meat and she couldn't do anything about it. What did they want from me and Michael? Did I have some secret that I didn't even know about? Of course, they must be rebels, somehow knowing about her strange relationship with Miguel and El Presidente.

  "I'm going to untie you. Don't move a muscle or even try to take the hood off.” His English was much better, having learned at a young age by his mother. He pricked the skin of her back with his knife. “That's what will happen to you if you disobey."

  "Eeehhh,” the sharp prick in her back feeling like a dagger stabbing her. She froze as her hands were untied. She could only stand there as the man began to make short work of her clothes. First was her blouse, his hands large as they pressed against her breasts as he fumbled with her buttons before she heard two of them flying off in his frustration. He yanked it over her shoulders and down her arms, yanking it from her hands. She felt the chill of the air on her half-naked skin. His calloused hands touched her naked back, spinning her around, Monika knowing her bra would be the next garment stripped from her body. His hands were cold as they managed to unsnap the bra, his hands slowly sliding the straps down her shoulders. She could feel him behind her, a thick cock pushed against her ass as the bra slipped down off of her breasts. A shiver ran through her body as the bra cups rubbed over her nipples, the buds hardening in the cold and anticipation of the cellar. It fluttered over her legs and landed on one of her feet. Even though she knew what he would do, it was still unexpected, two large hands cradled her breasts, hefting them up as
though he was weighing them. Her nipples sprang to life as the calloused fingers rubbed over them, the fear overcome by the arousal of his gentle touch. His fingers snapped back and forth over the tips, Monika arching her back as if she were offering them up to him, ashamed that he was arousing her.

  "América zorra,” feeling her begin to respond. He squeezed her breasts harder, his powerful fingers compressing the firm flesh until her nipples popped through his fingertips.

  Her skirt was next, falling to the ground, Monika wishing she hadn't worn a thong tonight, her ass cheeks rubbing against the rough pants of the man behind her, feeling more vulnerable with little to protect her from his cock. He didn't even bother to pull her thong down, the sound of the fragile fabric ripping filling the room. She had to spread her legs to release the thong, the man caring little for her discomfort as he pulled the dry fabric up between her pussy lips. She stood shivering, naked in the cold, damp air.

  He turned her body around until she was facing the tall, black metal bars that ran from the floor to the ceiling. The leather cuffs were conveniently located, worn from years of use. “Hands up,” his hands grabbing her wrists and putting them up into the air until each was conveniently placed near the cuffs. He didn't have to tell her, making short work of securing each of her arms in the cuffs, both of them forcing her almost up onto her toes, each one spread wide to the opposite sides. He slid his hands down her side, taking a detour to run his hands over her full, naked breasts. He kneeled down at her feet, gripping one ankle and yanking her leg wide to one side, another cuff, this one cold, hard steel snapped around her slim ankle and shut with a loud clank as the lock snapped into place. He moved to the other side, staring up at her naked crotch as he pulled her open like the wishbone of a chicken, her cheeks parting, her pussy lips pulling back. He heard her grunt but cared little for her discomfort. She was just another slut to interrogate. He had to hold her leg tight, slipping the steel cuff shut.

  Her nipples pressed against the cold steel of the bars, Monika moving to the side, her breasts pushing between the bars. Her toes already ached as she stood on them, her feet straining to keep her shoulders from pulling out of place. She already ached and she was only bound for a second. She felt his hot breath blowing on her ass cheeks, his hands grabbing her ankle and pulling her open as if she were a toy to play with. The cuffs on her ankles hurt, not like the ones on her wrists. It was hard and cold, probably steel or iron. She felt her skin pinched between the metal before she heard the sound of the lock clicking in place. The finality of being bound. Her other leg was quickly secured, her crotch spread wide, just as Miguel had done to her on the rack. Hands left her and then there was silence, only the sound of her breathing in the room.

  * * * *

  Michael took off his clothes outside the cell. “Punch me. Make it look good, a little blood goes a long way.” He hit Michael, his head rocked to the side, his lip split, a trickle of blood running down his chin.

  They shoved him in the cell, the lovely Romanian girl just as they promised.

  "Tie him to the bed with the slut. We'll get to them later. Let them enjoy each other's misery for the night."

  Michael looked at the girl. She was barely twenty. They suspected she was a spy for Castro at the American base, getting a job with her girlish good looks and charm. And he could see why, the girl naked, bound face down on the bed, her arms tied to the head of the bed, one in each corner, her legs similarly secured, spread wide. Her cheeks were parted, a tiny anus barely visible, a pink slit revealed from behind. Her ass glistened, the guard pouring olive oil all over her cheeks, the girl panting indignantly when his fingers rubbed the slippery oil up and down her defenseless crack and over her tiny anus. She had panicked at the time, but since they left her alone since then she felt more secure. A fatal flaw. She looked up at him, her eyes going down to his cock, his organ rigid, jutting out in front of him. Her eyes moved away in feigned shame.

  "Lay on top of her,” the guard threatening Michael with the butt of his rifle.

  "I'm sorry,” he pleaded with her as he lay down on top of her, his large body easily covering her.

  "Put your cock between her cheeks. Let her feel your manhood all night long."

  Again he apologized to her, his cock jerking in pleasure as he placed it between her cheeks, sliding easily along her oiled ass crack. They tied his arms and legs just like hers. They turned off the lights, plunging them into darkness, but not before one of them put something beneath her, the girl protesting indignantly, her ass pushing up and staying up high, pushing sensuously against his hard cock.

  "I'm Michael."

  "Alina.” She felt his cock move, pushing between her cheeks, feeling the hot hard flesh of his organ in such a perverse place. “Don't move. Please!” She begged as she felt his cock shudder.

  "I can't help it, Alina. You are a very sexy girl. And we are both naked. If you don't move I think my cock will go down."

  "Yes, I will be very still.” She could almost feel it growing, not shrinking. Her body froze. After a few minutes it seemed to be working. While his cock was not soft, it wasn't as hard and demanding as before.

  Michael used all his willpower to concentrate on something else, though it was difficult since he knew what would happen tonight with the lovely girl beneath him.

  "That's better,” Alina feeling better. He was heavy on top of her, but she was more concerned about having a naked cock between her naked ass cheeks. He had to only slip down a couple of inches and he could put that monster in her pussy. While not a virgin, she had never taken anything as big as that. Not even half the size of it.

  "AAAAGGGG!” Alina screamed, something biting between her legs, her ass shoved up as she tried to escape the terrible feeling.

  Michael's cock hardened instantly when she rubbed up against him, the oil making her slick cheeks of her ass clench around his cock. “What happened? I thought you were going to stay still. I can't will my cock to go soft when you rub so provocatively against me."

  It felt like electricity shooting up her pussy. They had put something underneath her, Alina trying to stay away from it by raising her ass up, but she grew tired, finally pushing her pussy down onto something hard, feeling it slide between her pussy lips. She was finally getting used to it when it sprang to life, feeling like her pussy was being electrocuted. “They put something between my legs. I don't know what it is. It feels like the fire of lightening.” She felt his cock grow again, this time it feeling bigger. “You said it would get soft."

  "It's not my fault, Alina. It's yours. You shoved that lovely oiled ass against my cock, rubbing it to life. I am just a man, Alina. You rob me of my willpower with your lovely body. Do not blame me.” Michael pleaded with her almost sincerely. He made his cock jerk in the tight confines of her ass cheeks.

  "I'm sorry. I will stay still.” She wasn't sure why the device they put between her legs sprung to life, her body tense as she waited, not moving. He was trying, feeling his cock growing soft again, Alina praying that she wouldn't move. It was going to be a long night.

  Michel willed his cock to get soft again, harder this time because he felt how pleasurable her clenching ass cheeks could be. He held the button in his hand for a few more minutes, lulling her into a false sense of security. Her little body was so still beneath him in spite of his heavy weight on top of her. He pushed the button, sending the signal to the device. The result was almost instantaneous, her ass shooting up. The guards had bound her well, giving her enough room to bounce up and down, but unable to shake his cock from between her cheeks.

  "EEEEWWWWW!” The pain was worse this time, feeling like it was attacking her clit. And it stopped only for a second before a second surge of pain shot through her loins, Alina almost able to hear the crackle of electricity between her legs. “EEEEGGGGG!” She humped up again, this time her ass cheeks clenching tightly on a hard cock, the first jolt bringing him back to life again.

  She rubbed him so nicely, as though she
was deliberately arousing him. “Stop it, Alina,” Michael feigning indignant to what was being done to him. Her ass pushed back down, but her hips rolled to the side, her cheeks still clenched tightly around his slick cock, braced for pain, but only bringing Michael pleasure.

  "I'm so sorry, Michael,” Alina pleaded with him. She couldn't help it, her pussy still tingling from the evil device they placed between her legs. She tried to figure out when it would happen again. Maybe it was something she was doing that triggered it.

  Michael made his cock twitch against her ass, feeling her reciprocate involuntarily, her body thinking it was the evil device ready to bite again. His cock grew harder and thicker. “I can't control myself if you keep doing these things to me. I am just a man."

  "Please forgive me.” She trembled, waiting for the next time, his cock not shrinking this time. It was all her fault, her body making him betray himself.

  Michael pushed the button, released it, then pushed it again, holding it down for long seconds while her body jerked in pain.

  "EEEG,” her pussy fried by the device. It stopped as abruptly as it started, but then lit up again, this time her ass shooting up higher as the evil device continued to send its powerful jolts through her pussy. “AAAAAAAGGHHH! Her ass humped up and down in pain, Alina unable to do anything as she tried to escape from the crackling fire between her legs. And through all of this she could feel his cock jerking and twitching between her cheeks, rubbing back and forth through her crack. She felt the twitching head of his cock rub over her anus, the thick helmet had to be as big around as a baby's arm. Her body finally slumped back down, feeling his cock still twitching between her cheeks. But the slick oil had pushed it down, the hot flesh sitting on her anus. If this kept up his cock would soon be between her pussy lips and then she would never be able to force it out. And he was too big to be inside her.


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