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Royal's Wedding Secret

Page 12

by Lynn, Sophia

  For a moment, she wondered if she saw some kind of sympathy on Dario’s face, but then it was replaced with something colder.

  “The press corp in Jabal is evenly split on whether you should be delivered to the embassy or whether you should be put on trial. The more vicious members of the press are whipping up the populace. If you are free to go, some of those people will be incensed, endangering you, and even endangering my position.”

  “So because you don’t want to deal with a scandal, I’m being held prisoner in the desert,” she spat.

  “You are being protected against the dangers of a populace that wants you punished,” he snapped.

  “I would be safe enough in the United States,” Bailey snarled, and apparently, that was where Dario had had enough.

  Suddenly, she found herself pressed back against the wall, one large hand on her shoulder holding her still. He loomed above her, blocking the light from the window behind him and shrouding her in his shadow. For one delirious moment, she thought that she had pushed too far and that he was going to kill her then and there. It took her a few moments to realize he was talking very quietly.

  “You are an American, so I will give this to you,” he said, almost conversationally. “Things are different here. Jabal is a progressive land. We cherish justice and compassion. However, we are a land that has been hard done by in the last century. Before we found our own strength and our own wealth in the oil underneath the sands, we were easy pickings for the world—for Britain, France, even your own beloved United States.

  “These days, we trade and we smile and we give, but we are very, very careful about what is ours. It would have been better if you had fallen in with bank robbers, little American. It might even be better if you had fallen in with murderers. What Christensen did, and what you were a part of… there is no forgiveness for that. Not really.”

  Bailey started to speak, but Dario made a cutting motion with his hand, forbidding it.

  “Here it is. You will stay here. You will do the work that is assigned to you, and you will do it gratefully and competently. That is what is going to happen.”

  He smiled a little, and that smile was a cruel thing.

  “You are welcome to leave, if you can get across the desert yourself and to an airport. Feel free.”

  She stared at him, appalled. “I would die in the desert—there’s no way that I can cross that myself. That’s blackmail!”

  He shrugged easily. “If that is what you want to call it, of course. I consider it getting my country what it is due after collaborating with bandits.”

  Bailey ran over her options, frantically searching for an answer. After a moment, she knew that there was nothing else to be done. He had trapped her as effectively as Christensen had.

  “You can’t do this to me!” she cried, while being very aware that he could.

  “As you say. Defy me if you like. You will see that it has consequences that you couldn’t have dreamed of in the United States.”

  She acted without thinking. She reached her hand back and brought it crashing down against his face in a thunderous slap. The sound echoed throughout the trailer, and they both froze.

  Bailey’s heart was beating faster. She thought for a moment that he would strike her, or that she would explode from fury and fear.

  The air between them was charged with the electricity that occurs before a storm hits. She couldn’t breathe, but in that moment, she suddenly understood what this was between them, why she was angry, but why she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  I want him…

  The thought was as brilliant and as unexpected as lightning from a clear sky. She had only a single moment to try to grasp and understand it, and then his mouth came down to cover hers, striking as swiftly and as brutally as an eagle would its prey.

  The kiss was overwhelming, more passionate and more savage than anything she had ever experienced before in her life. Her rage and her fear didn’t turn into something else; instead, it transmuted, twisting until it became a red-hot desire.

  Without thinking about what she was doing or what it meant, she wrapped her arms around his neck, dragging him closer. When his tongue parted her lips, she opened for him, drawing on it fiercely. This close, Bailey could smell him, no cologne, nothing artificial, only the clean scent of his skin, the wind of the desert, and something indefinably but absolutely male.

  It was only a kiss, but it sent her whole body clamoring for him. She was needy in a way that she hadn’t thought she could be. It woke her up, made her need so fierce and powerful that she could barely understand it.

  Dario groaned into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her and pushing her hard against the wall. One hand caressed her face, while the other one reached for her robes.

  She realized that he was going to pull them off, and suddenly her rage was back.


  She jerked her head away and shoved him hard. If he had been prepared, she didn’t think that she would have been able to move him at all. However, dazed by desire, he fell back a step, watching with eyes that were still lit with need.

  “No,” she repeated, wrapping her arms around herself defensively. Without his hands on her, without the delicious comfort of his arms, she felt as naked as if he had stripped her.

  “We’re not doing that,” she said, her voice low and vicious. “Unless there’s another price for my freedom that you have not made me aware of?”

  He rocked back at what she was implying, stepping away from her quickly.

  “You are an ungrateful brat who should be aware of the mercy she has been given,” he snarled.

  “And you are an autocratic savage who wants to lord his power over people who are helpless to defend themselves,” she spat. “Are we done stating the obvious?”

  Dario’s eyes went cold, and he nodded briskly. It was hard to tell that just a few moments before, they had been ravaging each other.

  “If that is what you wish, we are done,” he said.

  He nodded stiffly at her, heading for the door. She had just started to relax when he turned before he left.

  “Lording my power over you… is that what you call it when you reach for me and when you seem as hungry as a woman who has not eaten in a year?”

  She felt a red heat creep up her cheeks, because she knew he was right. Thankfully, before she had the chance to come up with a rejoinder for his comment, he was gone, slamming the door behind him so hard she could feel the trailer shake.

  For a long moment, Bailey was simply frozen in place, staring at the place where he had been.

  All right, she thought. Here I am. What am I going to do now?

  Though she turned the thought over in her head, she couldn’t come up with an answer any more than she could when she had been here with Christensen’s men. The threat of blackmail hung heavy over her head. She couldn’t walk through the desert on her own. Once she got to Jabal, there was every chance the sheikh’s agents would meet her and bring her right back.

  The only difference between her situation now and the one she had been in before was that now her captor seemed a great deal more dangerous.

  Despite herself, Bailey reached up to touch her lips gently. They still tingled, as if they remembered the memory of Dario’s kisses, and they still ached for more.

  She didn’t understand it. She had had known men before, though her affairs were often quick and hurried. There had never been much time in her life for romance, and for the most part, she thought that she could do just as well without. Dario was something different. She had never met a man as handsome as he was, but she wasn’t sure that that was all there was to it. Whenever they came close enough to touch, there was something in the air, something that could only be ignored for so long.

  I must be careful, she told herself, but then again, if she had been truly careful, she wouldn’t be in this part of the world in the first place.


p; Dario stormed straight from the American’s trailer to the makeshift corral where the horses were stabled. A distinct whistle, two high and two low, brought a magnificent black mare out of the herd, tossing her head and eager to see what her master needed from her.

  Without bothering with tack or a mounting block, Dario swung up on Fatima’s back, pushing her into a trot with a sharp command.

  Everything made more sense when he was on horseback, especially when he was on Fatima, who he had raised from a foal. Her mother, Saraquel, was one of his father’s favorite mounts right up until the day she died.

  He pushed Fatima along the line of the mountains, riding that line between shadow and light. He could feel her perfect gait, the wind in his hair, the world behind him, and still it did not bring him the peace it always had before.

  Finally, when she was lathered and spent, he turned her with a motion of his knees back toward the dig.

  With a slightly clearer head, he could think about what had passed between him and Bailey, and seen in a clearer light, he was disgusted with his actions.

  He did not regret that she was here. He had spoken nothing but the truth when he said that there were some factions who were furious that she was not being tried along with Christensen’s men. He knew she was innocent of any wrongdoing, as did any of his men who had seen her panicked face before the attack, but that was hardly something they could convey to the people. If it took blackmail to keep her safe her, then so be it.

  No, she was safe here, and hopefully, she would even do some good on this dig that had been uncovered.

  Dario couldn’t forget the taste of her mouth on his, or the desperation by which she had pulled him close. He was not sure that he had ever had a kiss so sweet or a woman so lovely. Even though they had spent little time in each other’s acquaintance, he could imagine her face with crystal clarity. He had seen her terrified, he had seen her enraged, and right now, he might give half of his kingdom to see that face soften with desire and love.

  It was foolishness, and above all, it was dangerous. He was a man who took his responsibilities to Jabal very seriously. He was the most powerful man in the country, and that came with responsibilities he could never put down. To have his judgment affected by a slip of a girl from the United States felt almost like a betrayal of his sacred trust.

  Dario knew at the core of his being that the safest thing, the smartest thing to do in this situation, was to walk away. There was nothing keeping him here in the Sinn mountains, and everything to draw him back to Jabal. If he was truly invested in keeping the bewitching Bailey out of his mind, he would have given her a keeper who was handpicked to be compassionate and perhaps more than a little watchful. He would have returned to Jabal, and he would forget all about her.

  He couldn’t.

  He wasn’t sure he could have when she was lying so frail and unconscious at the hospital, and now that he could remember her kiss on his lips, he knew he couldn’t.

  This is dangerous, he thought, coming down off his mare. Rubbing her down after their run soothed him, but it didn’t answer any of the questions that he needed answered.

  All he knew for certain was that he could not, would not leave.





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