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An Extraordinary Few

Page 14

by Pam Eaton

  Her glances are still challenges, though. Luckily, there haven’t been any more encounters during mealtimes or otherwise. I can still tell that she talks about me from the way conversations stop when I walk by, and by the looks from across the dining room.

  Today, though, feels different. After breakfast, Gregory and I are summoned to see Mr. Smith. I’m afraid he’s going to pull some ridiculous stunt to see how well I’ve been doing.

  As we enter, an eerie smile spreads across his face. I hesitantly sit down. Gregory seems unfazed by the smile. “I must say, Becca, that I’m impressed by the effort you’ve put in these past few days.”

  A puzzled look settles on my face and he continues, “I’ve been watching you since we had our last little chat. There are cameras everywhere. Anyway, that’s beside the point. You two are going back to the cabin.”

  This news makes both Gregory and me sit up a little taller in our seats. Ever since that first night in Mr. Smith’s office, I’ve been praying for the day when we could leave. I miss the outdoors, the small sense of freedom we had there, and Ania and Tony. We begin to stand.

  “I’ll come visit you at the cabin soon and see how much further you’ve come.”

  I follow Gregory to the door, but I’m stopped again by Mr. Smith. “Oh, and Becca, your grandfather is doing fine and is on the mend.”

  This information at first makes me so happy, but something doesn’t make sense. He made grandpa’s sickness sound so bad. How could he have recovered that fast? I turn back and look at him. “He recovered that quickly?”

  He shuffles some papers on his desk, avoiding eye contact. “Yes, it seems it was a case of the flu.”

  I can tell that he’s lying to me. I walk back to his desk and Gregory starts fidgeting in the doorway. “Was he actually sick or did you lie to me?”

  When he looks up from his desk, I can see the deceit and manipulation written all over his face. His mouth begins to lift into a slight grin. “You’re too smart for your own good. Yes, I did lie to you. It got you to work harder, didn’t it?”

  I slam my fist down on his desk, but it doesn’t rattle him. “Is this what your covert operation is built on—lies? You manipulate the feelings of a seventeen-year-old girl to get the results you want?” I yell at him.

  He pushes to his feet so he can tower over me. “I could care less what you think or feel about me, because if I didn’t care about your success I wouldn’t push you. I would just let you die in the field. I needed you to work harder, and I found a way to get it.”

  My breath rushes out of me. Rarely do you get such honesty from anyone.

  I storm out of the office, not even bothering to acknowledge Gregory’s attempt to talk to me. What the heck have I gotten myself into? Grandpa seems to think this is where I should be, but seriously? If it wasn’t for the fear of people finding me and hurting my grandparents, I’d totally be out of here.

  On the way to my room, I pass some other trainees and they stare at me like I have smoke coming out of my ears. As I’m about to reach my door, Sariah is leaning against the wall with a smug look on her face. I can feel my heart pounding even harder and I begin breathing deeper. “Look, if you’re here for some ridiculous verbal sparring match, I am not in the mood,” I say.

  She saunters over to me with the same stupid grin on her face. I would give anything to slap that off her. It’s taking everything in me not to go at her. I’m already on edge because of Mr. Smith; one small thing is going to make me explode.

  “Poor Becca, did you get into trouble? Are you going to be stuck here with us for a little longer? Did Gregory reject you?” she asks in a patronizing voice.

  My fists ball tightly and they start to shake with the rage that is rising up in me. All I want to do is knock her on her butt, but I know that won’t accomplish anything. I take a deep breath. “You know what, Sariah? I actually get to leave this place.”

  I step right up to her, forcing her to take a step back. “I get to go back into the real world and work on a mission, because I show promise, talent, and obviously a lot more skill than you do. And you get to stay here because you offer nothing to Mr. Smith, or anyone else for that matter.”

  She’s pinned up against the wall now. “So go run along and tell your little minions about how much of a loser I am. Just remember that we both know who has what it takes to succeed and who is more valuable to Project Lightning,” I say.

  I don’t give her a chance to respond. I really don’t want to hear it. I rip my door open, enter my room, and sit down heavily on my bed. I swear this place is making me into someone else. Having this anger is exhausting. But she just pushes the right buttons, making me snap. I don’t want to apologize. It’d be wasted on her.

  My door slowly creaks open and I’m ready for it to be her, but it’s Gregory. “What just happened with Sariah? She seems pretty mad.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I stare at him, wondering why he came to my room. “Look, if you came in here to talk about what happened in Mr. Smith’s office, I’m really not in the mood right now.”

  “Oh…I was just coming to tell you to hurry and get packed so we can get out of here,” he responds.

  I smile and start grabbing my clothes, throwing everything into my bags.

  “I’ll meet you in about ten minutes by the elevator,” he says.

  I don’t even bother to respond. Forget folding. I want to get the heck out of here.

  As I walk to the elevator, I notice some of the other trainees staring at me from their own rooms. I hold my head up high. Last time we left like thieves in the night, but now I’ll leave with dignity. They can stay here in this awful place, and I can see Tony and Ania again. Gregory’s waiting for me at the elevators. He gives me a disapproving look. “Why don’t you smile a little bigger? You know, just pour a little bit more salt into their wounded egos.”

  “Sorry. I can’t help smiling,” I shoot back at him. “Because we get to leave.”

  Our drive back seems to take forever. I try to pass the time by finding music on the radio, but I’m so anxious to get back to cabin. “All right, I can’t take the radio anymore. Entertain me, Gregory.”

  His brows quirk in amusement. “Excuse me? Since when did it become my responsibility to entertain you? What about me?”

  “You know, let’s play twenty questions….Wait. I have a great idea!”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to hear what this brilliant idea is. Just keep in mind that I would like to get back to the cabin in one piece.”

  I flash him a devilish smile. “Have a little faith. We’re going to play truth or dare.”

  Silence fills the car and his mouth dips down into a frown.

  “Come on, Gregory. It’ll be fun, I promise. I’ll even let you ask me first.”

  He sighs deeply. “Can’t we play like ‘I Spy’ or something like that?” he asks.

  I stare blankly at him for a minute. “Really? What are we, six? Don’t worry, I won’t do or say anything that will make you blush…that much.” I start laughing because his face is already turning red.

  He heaves a huge sigh and I know I’ve succeeded.

  “Fine, I’ll play. Okay, Becca, truth or dare?”

  “Truth. And nothing is off limits to ask me.”

  I know that he’s going to be a complete gentleman, but I get a thrill out of making him uncomfortable. It’s not like I’m some crazy vixen or anything, but he seems a little prudish. “All right, I can do this,” he takes a deep breath. “What do you really think about me?”

  I pause for a minute. How much do I really want to tell him? I told him that I wouldn’t hold back, though, and we’re just playing a game. I can just rush out the answer and we’ll move on. “Well, I think that you’re really cute, intelligent, and somewhat of a mystery, and I enjoy being around you.”

  A huge smile appears on his face. “So, you think I’m cute, huh?”

  I start to blush. “Yes, but let’s try to keep our egos in check. It’s my
turn. Truth or dare?”

  He hesitates before answering. “Truth seems safe enough.”

  I can’t resist. “What do you really think of me?”

  His face goes stone cold. You wouldn’t be able to tell that only a few short moments ago he was smiling from ear to ear. I don’t know what the big deal is. He just asked me the same exact question. “I think…I think you’re amazing,” he says in a subdued tone.

  Mr. Smith’s words echo in my mind. Keep it professional and friendly. Maybe it’s because it’s forbidden or maybe its destiny, but I can’t help myself. Here, sitting right next to me, is a guy who must be fighting the same feelings that I am. “Well, thank you. At least someone notices,” I say, trying to put a little levity into the sudden seriousness.

  He tugs at his hair, and then takes a deep breath. “I think it’s amazing how hard you’re working, and you’re really coming into your own.” He hesitates, and nods to some unknown conclusion he’s come to in his mind. “One day, you’ll make some man very happy. Luckily, he won’t have powers so you won’t have to worry about him being on missions.”

  Knife to the gut. It feels like he’s ripped my heart out, thrown it out the window, and left it for the birds. We keep driving, but my mind is racing miles ahead. Maybe I’m wrong about everything. I thought he looked at me differently. He always compliments me, and it seems like he feels like I do, but apparently I’m wrong.

  Too embarrassed to look at him, I lean my head against the window. For the rest of the trip I pretend to be asleep when he tries to talk to me. I doubt he believes it, but as we turn down the dirt road to the cabin, he starts talking freely. “If I could, I’d take you to your prom. I’m sorry I can’t.”

  My throat seizes up and I can’t respond. No normal guy could ever understand the life we live. How could I be with a normal guy and face lying to him about where I was going and who I was going with, or face the fact that I might not come home alive? No normal guy would want that in a girlfriend, never mind a wife, and I wouldn’t blame him.

  I feel his hand touch my knee. “Becca, wake up, we’re here.”

  His hand lingers for a minute. I let it, but it breaks my heart. I turn and look him straight in the eye. “Gregory?” I ask.


  I push his hand off my knee. “Don’t touch me anymore.” Because it hurts too much to want something I’m not going to have.


  The tension at the kitchen table is thick. “Something you want to fill us in on?” Tony asks.

  I stand up from the table. “I’m exhausted; it was a long trip. I need to lie down. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  Ania follows me up to my bedroom. I drop face-down onto my bed and she sits beside me. “Long trip?” she asks.

  I roll my head to the side. The concern is plain on her face. “You have no idea. It might have been only for a week, but it was the week from hell.”

  “Well, why don’t you fill me in?” she asks gently.

  Really, I just want to explode all over her with what’s been going on. Between Gregory, Mr. Smith, this ridiculous operation, and life in general, I’ve just about had enough. “Where would you like me to start, with Mr. Smith pulling a gun on me, getting into fights with the other trainees, my terrifying nightmares, or the absurd relationship between Gregory and me?”

  Her eyes widen in response. I just threw the gauntlet at her feet with that loaded question. “What do you want to talk about first?” she asks tentatively.

  I bury my face between my pillows. “Let’s talk about Gregory first because that’s why I’m in such a pleasant mood right now,” I say.

  She sits waiting patiently beside me and I peek out at her from my cover and spill all that happened between us. “I don’t know, Ania. I realize that I can’t be with him, but this it too hard. He lets his guard down with me, tells me I’m beautiful and amazing. He does all these great things for me, but then he puts up the road blocks.”

  Her eyes stare off into nothing. She opens her mouth a few times, but no words actually form. It’s like she’s afraid to speak. “There’s no easy answer, Becca. I wish I could say screw the rules and just be with him, but I can’t. You have to try not to let your heart rule you. This business we’re in, it can bring a lot of heartache. Don’t you think Gregory is having a hard time too?”

  Well, that wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear.

  “Now, what about this business with Mr. Smith?” she asks.

  I tell her all about the visits with him, how he pointed a gun at me demanding I transport, and the lie regarding my grandfather. All the while Ania has a severe look on her face. “You must be really important to him.”

  That makes me sit straight up. “Are you crazy? He has no regard for me or my feelings. I’m just a meal ticket.”

  She sighs in exasperation. “Becca, he wouldn’t put so much emphasis on your success if he didn’t care. I know his approach seems wrong, but I trust him.”

  I can’t decide whether this is a comfort to me or not. I trust her, so I should probably trust him as well, but I can’t help that feeling in the pit of my stomach. His methods are ridiculous.

  She tries to lighten the mood. “So you weren’t welcomed with open arms upon your return?”

  I bark a harsh laugh. “You have no idea. It was like I was back in high school and I had just stolen the head cheerleader’s boyfriend.”

  She lies back on my bed, laughing.

  “No, I’m serious! I got bombarded with demands about where Tony was, and this little snot Sariah was like the ring leader.”

  “Make any new friends?” she asks, half laughing.

  “Quite the opposite. I managed to single myself out and make enemies with the queen bee. Not to mention that I humiliated myself when I wouldn’t wake up from a bad dream and they had to douse me with water while everyone watched.”

  She starts laughing even harder, holding her stomach.

  “I’m glad that you find humor in my pain,” I say, shoving her off my bed, trying to hide my own smile.

  “I’m sorry….I’m sorry I didn’t get to witness all of this,” she says from her place now on the floor.

  “I really don’t think I’ll take for granted being out here in the cabin anymore. I hated it there,” I tell her in all seriousness.

  She stands and places her hand on my shoulder. “I’m really glad that you’re here. Being alone with Tony for this long has just about killed me. Not to mention his constant nagging about when you’d be back.”

  “Come on, he can’t be that bad.”

  She places her hands over her face and shakes her head. “Well, if you don’t think he’s that bad, you two can work out tomorrow while Gregory catches me up on the trip.”

  Tony’s waiting for me at the kitchen table the following morning. “Eat or run, which one do you want to do first?” he asks.

  My stomach rumbles at the sound of his question, but I realize if I eat now I’ll just be inviting my breakfast to join us all over the path in the woods. “Let’s run first. I’d rather not eat breakfast twice.”

  We head down the trail. Our feet are a chorus hitting the hard dirt. Rays of sun stream through the trees, hitting my face. The warmth from it caresses me, making a smile tug at my lips. I’m so glad to be back. Headquarters was just a sea of white, but now color and sound fill my senses. The air is still heavy with the scent of the morning dew lingering on the leaves. I take a deep breath, savoring the moment.

  Tony leads the way deeper into the woods. The sun hits the side of his face. Man, he’s cute. He knows he looks good, but being away for a while has given me a chance for a second look. His features are well defined with his distinct jaw line, full lips, and perfect teeth.

  He wets his lips ever so slightly with the tip of his tongue. “Like what you see?”

  Apparently my gawking hasn’t gone unnoticed. I try to brush it off. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  He smiles and his eyes seem t
o become even brighter. “Oh come on, Becca, you know you missed me and my devilishly handsome face.”

  He has such a way with words. He must have been quite the ladies’ man at school. “Yup, you’ve figured me out. I could barely be away from you as long as I was. Only the hope of seeing your beautiful face again kept me going,” I tell him.

  “I kind of figured you felt that way about me. I can hear you say my name at night when you dream.”

  I wrinkle my nose at the suggestion. “And I suppose you just imagined my face on Ania’s body. I mean, how else could you pass the time without me?”

  A huge grin spreads across his face. “No, Ania is perfect just the way she is. I think I drove her crazy while you were gone, though.” I laugh at the thought of Ania and Tony stuck in the cabin alone.

  We swerve to the left and a clearing opens ahead of us. He stops without warning and I follow suit. We plop on the ground, and stretch in silence. Ever since he caught me staring I can’t seem to stop myself. He finally breaks the awkward silence. “Anything interesting happen while you guys were back at HQ?”

  Instantly Sariah’s face comes to mind. “Funny you should ask, because everyone wanted to know where you were.”

  The comment piques his interest. He scoots closer to me and leans in with anticipation. “Really? Anyone in particular asking for me?”

  I can see the smug expression on his face growing by the second. “Apparently, Sariah is very concerned about your whereabouts. I told her I had you chained in the basement, begging Ania to have me return.”

  He slaps me on the back and shakes his hair out of his eyes. “Very cute. Have me as your slave now?”

  I playfully punch him in the shoulder. “Well of course, what else would you be good for?”

  We both smile and his reaches his eyes. “So, I was being honest when I asked if anything happened while you were there.”

  I leave out the parts with Mr. Smith. I like Tony and all, but I don’t know him well enough to unload all that baggage on him. Instead, I tell him all about Sariah and the interaction, or lack thereof, with the other trainees. I let him know that it seems she has become the one in charge with everyone following her. “It’s really weird how without hesitation they follow her. Makes me wonder what kind of dirt she has on everyone else.”


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