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Whiplash: A Sports Romance

Page 16

by Tabatha Kiss

  He guides me to his desk chair and sits me down. “I need to tell you something,” he says, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He grabs the chair beneath me and rolls me a little closer to him.


  “But I know you had something you had to say, too, so you can go first.”

  “Oh, no… you go on ahead. I feel like you’re a little more…” I glance around the room, “prepared.”

  “I am,” he smiles.

  “Then you should go first.”

  “Okay…” He inhales a deep breath and makes total eye contact with me. “Eliza…”


  “Wait…” I hold up a hand. “I—”

  He grabs my hand and holds it on my lap. “Let me finish… please.”

  I fall silent, locked in place beneath his firm grip and handsome eyes. “Okay.”

  Junior smiles at me again. “Ellie, I like you.” He shakes his head. “I feel like a damn second grader saying it like that, but… it’s true. I’m… absolutely crazy about you.”

  Oh, my god…


  “Why?” he laughs. “What do you mean, why? You’re perfect.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Ellie, I could have anybody. I’m not going to sugar-coat it. We both know that. I have a reputation, as you mentioned the second time we spoke to each other, but I only want you now. Since the moment I saw you, you’ve completely wrecked me.”

  “I’ve wrecked you?”

  “I want you in my life,” he continues. “Not just in my bed anymore.”

  “Junior…” I whisper, but only because my throat is clenched closed so tightly, I can barely speak louder than that. “We can’t.”

  “We keep saying that, but…” He leans over and squeezes my hands a little harder. “We are. We have been and we can.”

  “No, we can’t…” I pull my hands out from under his.


  “Junior, this doesn’t change anything,” I argue. “You’re still you and I’m still me and my father—”

  “Forget about him. Just for a minute. Forget about your dad and his rules and just think about this.” He pulls my chair closer to him. “Look at me and tell me that you don’t want this as much as I do.”

  “Junior, come on. Don’t…”

  “You do.” He stares me down. “I can tell.”

  I sigh a soft laugh. “You can tell?”

  He smiles. “Yeah. I’ve always been able to tell, Ellie. Just by looking at you.”

  “What do you see now?”

  “I can see you’re scared,” he says. “I know because so am I. I’m terrified of getting hurt — or hurting you. I’m scared that just by admitting this to you that I’ve completely destroyed any chance of you ever talking to me again but I decided the possible reward was worth the risk.” He lays his hands on mine again. “I want you, Eliza Pierce. If that means breaking all the rules, then I’m in. If that risk is too great for you, then I understand, but I won’t give up. I’ll wait for you. I’ll be here when you’re ready. I don’t care how long it takes.”

  Holy shit.

  My lungs jerk in my chest, reminding me to breathe. I fill them to the top and stare at Junior’s expectant eyes.

  This is crazy but he’s right. Everything we’ve ever said we can’t do, we’ve done since the very beginning — no matter the consequences. Every time I was sure he’d give up and forget about me, he came back to prove me wrong. I gave him the right incentive to succeed. Now, he’s giving the same to me.

  It won’t be easy. It might even feel impossible at times but being with Junior Morgan is worth more risk than—


  “Can you just kiss me already?”

  He pulls me onto his lap. I straddle him and he wraps his big arms around me, holding me against him as we kiss.

  It’s soft and true, different than any other kiss we’ve had before. Happy quivers shake my body as I settle even closer to him and I can’t stop the laughter from invading my gut.

  He cups my face to kiss me again and I sense the desire on his lips. My hands roam his body, reaching down to grip his sweater and pull it over his head. Doing so messes up his hair and I grin at the familiar, disheveled look before tugging at his belt.

  His hands push beneath my skirt and he grips my ass, squeezing tight as passion fills him. I taste his tongue on mine and I nearly moan just thinking about what he can do with it.

  “Ellie…” he whispers. “Are you sure?”

  I pause, trembling softly against his body.

  Am I sure? Am I sure how he makes me feel every day? Am I sure I want to spend the night with him over and over again until I die? Am I sure I want to listen to him talk dirty to me every night for the rest of our lives?

  I answer him with a kiss and he reaches for a condom.

  Junior rolls it on and I wrap my legs around his waist as he slides inside of me. I hold onto him, throwing my arms around his neck as I bounce softly on him, grinding his cock deep into me until I start moaning his name.


  He holds me tighter, clinging to me with bucking hips. I throw my head back and his lips find my neck, sucking and tasting me as he groans for more.

  “I’m going to make you come like this every night,” he grunts in my ear. I bite my lip, shaking hard as his cock tears me apart inside. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” I moan.

  “You want to give me this body?”


  Junior lifts me up and lays me down on the bed. “Strip,” he says. “I want to see every inch of you.”

  I unbutton my blouse and toss it at him. He catches it with a wide grin on his face and lets it fall to the floor, along with his pants and my skirt. I stare hungrily at his stiff cock and he shakes his head at me.

  “That’s not for this…” he says, tracing his thumb over my lips. “Not tonight.” He leans down to kiss me, drawing my bottom lip between his sharp teeth. “Turn around.”

  I do as he says and he unhooks my bra as I move onto my hands and knees for him. He leans over to kiss the back of my neck and I squirm as his lips tickle my spine as he moves down.

  His fingers hook into my panties and I crane my neck to look at him.

  “Turn around,” he says again with teasing eyes.

  I look forward at the headboard and he gives my rear a soft spank to keep me there. His hand stays in place and I stiffen as he slides a finger between my crack. I sigh with devious pleasure as he rubs that tight entrance and leans down to kiss my cheeks.

  “Ellie…” he says, his hot breath tingling my skin. “I want this ass.”

  I gasp at the feel of his tongue on me, gently lapping at my forbidden nerve endings. My fingers flex with electricity and I grip the bedspread beneath me but I can hardly keep myself still.

  He pushes his tongue against it, tempting my body to submit to him and I moan for more of it. “Ellie… has anybody had this ass before me?”

  “No,” I moan.

  I hear him chuckle and he bites my flesh, firing sharp bolts of pleasure up my spine. He stands up and I peek behind me to see him pull a bottle of lubricant from his desk drawer.

  He returns to me and leans over my back again, laying soft kisses up my spine towards my neck. His hardness presses against my ass, teasing and tempting me to give in.

  “I want to come inside of you,” he says, his voice begging but firm.

  I grow tense, locked between taboo and desire, but he keeps a comforting touch on me. My heavy tongue stays silent as he slides the condom off his cock and pops the lid off his lube.

  I inhale, feeling the sudden chill drip between my crack. He rubs it in, sliding his fingers over me and I quiver with anticipation.


  He squeezes more of it into his palm and strokes himself, covering every desirable inch of him. “Don’t worry, Ellie,” he says. “I’m going to make you come first.”r />
  He takes his slippery fingers and slides two inside of my dripping slit. I moan against them, letting him grind pleasure into me while he teases my anus with his thumb.

  “Do you want to feel it?” he asks.

  I nod, unable to speak.

  His thumb pushes in and I nearly scream. Ecstasy overwhelms any pain and I feel myself racing to the edge.

  “More,” I beg.

  He leans over me again and I feel his tongue slide along my back, tasting and tickling me as he fingerfucks me.

  “That’s right,” he says. “Keep begging.”

  I moan louder, pleasure dissolving my senses until I can barely feel anything but the urge to climax.


  “Come for me and I’ll give it to you, Ellie,” he groans. “I’ll give you everything.”

  My elbows jitter, nearly capsizing me as I come. I clamp around his hand, holding him inside but that doesn’t stop his fingers from massaging a second climax out of me. I moan his name, repeating it until my tongue falls apart in my mouth.

  Junior’s hand falls away and I feel his huge cock press against my entrance.

  He works me slowly, stretching me out with steady, rhythmic thrusts before giving me another inch of him.

  “Oh, fuck…” he breathes, his fingertips digging into my hips as he takes me.

  My senses soar, relishing in the feeling of his bare glide inside of me. Primal urges overtake me and I open myself to him, taking his manhood until it won’t go any further. It’s so tight and wild, I lose myself in overwhelming passion for him.

  He bends over and hugs my body to his chest as he fucks my ass, grunting and groaning with each deep thrust he gives. His breath warms my body, his teeth scrape my skin; everything calls for me to come again. He feels my climax and lets out one final growl before taking his own.

  Junior holds me even tighter, embracing my body. “Ellie…” he whispers my name through baited breaths, his hips gently pulsing as he finishes inside.

  His grip loosens and he lets me tumble to the pillows for a much-desired reprieve. He leans in, kissing my shoulder softly with concern in his eyes.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  I laugh, gently quivering as residual blooms of pleasure course through me. “No…”

  He climbs off the bed and disappears into his bathroom for a towel. When he returns, he lies beside me, his fingers tracing random patterns on my skin to comfort me. “You’re amazing, Ellie,” he whispers.

  I smile, gazing over at him. “You’re not too bad either.”

  He laughs and kisses my nose. “So… what was it you wanted to talk about?”

  My smile fades. “Oh…”

  I swallow the panic down and search his eyes. He’s so happy right now, so tender and perfect. There’s a moment for something like this but this isn’t it. I can’t stand to ruin this one.

  “You beat me to it,” I lie, bringing my smile back. “And said it better than I ever could.”

  Junior smiles, believing me, and leans in for a kiss.

  Chapter 23


  I wake up and I smile. Or I’m smiling before then. Honestly, I can’t tell which came first but I can easily say that holding Eliza Pierce in my arms first thing in the morning is exactly what caused this grin on my face.

  Especially a fully naked Eliza Pierce.

  Her skin is like melted ice cream; silky smooth and just as sweet. I taste her shoulder, kissing softly and silently so I don’t wake her but she stirs at my touch anyway despite my best efforts.

  I kiss her before she opens her eyes and her lips twitch against mine. She moans softly and grins.

  “Hey…” Her voice comes out a whisper, as if we were in her room instead of mine, tiptoeing around to avoid her dad.

  But Cary Pierce isn’t here.

  And morning sex sounds just perfect right now.

  I shift on top of her and she spreads her legs for me without hesitation. There’s as much desire on her breath as mine and I instantly grow hard against her. She reaches below and grips my cock, stroking me softly while I groan on her lips.

  “Good morning,” she says, squeezing my shaft a little tighter.

  I laugh. “Good morning.”

  Eliza turns and guides me onto my back. Fuck, I love it when she takes control. She’s so petite and easily one-hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet but I can safely say I’d let her dominate me whenever she wanted to.

  She glides down my chest, leaving wet kisses on my chest and abs, traveling below the covers towards her prize. I lay back against my hands, enjoying every second of her lips on my body and her soft kisses traveling up my shaft. Her wet mouth opens to me and embraces my tip.

  I inhale sharply, feeling that quick suction of her lips on me and every drop of my blood invades my glands.

  “Oh, yeah…” I say, gently bucking my hips, matching the glide of her bobbing head.

  She moans for me to keep going as her tongue flicks fast against me. I groan, feeling her hot breath take me over and my vision blurs.

  “Ellie, you’re gonna make me—”


  Oh, shit.

  I look at the door as a closed fist pounds against it.

  My cock slips from Eliza’s mouth and she peeks out from under the covers. “Who is that?” she asks.

  I wince. “That’s my sister.”

  “Junior, come on! We gotta go!” Maggie shouts, knocking even louder on the door. “You better not be in there with some bimbo!”

  Eliza raises her brow at me. “Bimbo?”

  “Just…” I slide off the bed and grab my pants from the floor. “Let me get rid of her. Hang on. Don’t—” I gesture at her perfect, naked body. “Don’t get rid of this.”


  I pull my pants on, rushed by the urgency in Maggie’s tone.

  Eliza hides under the covers as I pull the door open and push outside into the hall, guiding Maggie to take a step back.

  “Hey, Mag,” I say, closing the door behind me. “How did you get in here?”

  “Ty let me in.”


  “Why aren’t you dressed?” she asks. “Did you forget about Mom’s birthday?”

  I cringe. “Kind of…?”

  She tilts her head with annoyance. “Well, hurry up and shower first. You smell like sex.”

  “Shh!” I lay a finger against my mouth and lower my voice to a whisper. “I need a few minutes here—”

  “Wait…” She takes a step back and glances over my shoulder with an upturned nose. “You really do have a girl in there.”

  I nod. “Give me like twenty minutes—”

  “What happened with Eliza?” she accuses.

  “It is Eliza.”

  “Seriously?” She bites her lip, cringing. “Did she hear the bimbo thing?”

  “Yes, she heard the bimbo thing.”

  “Sorry,” she hisses. “I want to meet her.”

  My chest jolts. “No.”

  “Why not?”


  Maggie pushes forward and throws the door open before I even know what’s happening.


  Luckily, Eliza was blessed with the glorious gift of foresight and she’s already dressed in her blouse and skirt by the time I follow Maggie inside.

  “Hi! You must be Eliza.”

  “Hi,” Eliza says, forcing her tangled hair to one side of her neck.

  “Ellie…” I sigh. “This is my sister, Maggie.”

  Maggie takes several steps forward. “It’s so great to finally meet you. I’ve heard all about you.”

  Eliza’s eyes flick up at me. “Really?”

  “Well—” Maggie waves a hand. “Nothing too personal or anything.”

  “Mag—” I tug her back towards the door. “Can you excuse us, please?”

  “Oh, sure. I’ll just wait in the living room— Oh, hey!” She pulls her arm from my grasp. “Eliza, you
should come with us to the party.”

  “Party?” Eliza mutters.

  I grab her again. “No, Mag, bad idea—”

  “It’s a great idea!” she argues. “Today is our mother’s birthday and we’re going to see her. You should come along. It’ll be fun.”

  Eliza tries her very best not to panic. “Uhh…”


  “It’s just a casual get-together with our parents,” Maggie continues, ignoring all of my attempts to shut her up. “My boyfriend will be there, too, and our dad is a huge fan of your dad. He’d love to meet you. Mom, too!”

  “Mag, for God’s sake—” I yank her through the doorway but she digs her heels into the floor.

  “Come on, Eliza. Please? It’ll be fun, I promise.”

  Eliza’s little, blue eyes shift with nervous glitches. “Um… okay.”

  “Awesome! I’ll just be in the living room—”

  I push her out into the hall. “Okay, thanks, Mag—”

  She pokes her head back in. “Sorry about the bimbo thing!”

  “Get out.” I slam the door and turn back to Eliza’s petrified face. “I am so sorry. She can be a real…”


  “Yeah… Look, you do not have to come with us today.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll go. Unless you really don’t want me there…”

  “No — I do,” I say, panic gripping my throat. “I mean, I don’t not want you there, I just… Don’t feel like you have to go, I mean. She really shouldn’t have invited you out of the blue like that.”

  “I don’t want to be rude,” she says. “I said I’d go, so… I’ll go and…” she swallows, “meet your parents.”

  I cringe. “Yeah.”

  She raises her fists in mock celebration. “Yay…”

  “I guess it’s only fair…” I chuckle. “I’ve already met your dad, right?”


  “And you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us. They live an hour away. No one will know.”

  “Good,” she nods. “Well… we might as well get cleaned up. Wouldn’t want to meet your mother smelling like sex.”

  I laugh. Even in the trenches, Eliza Pierce cracks a joke.

  They’re going to love her.

  This is not good.


  I cast one more apologetic glance at Eliza but she just keeps smiling next to me in the backseat of Maggie’s little car.


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