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Whiplash: A Sports Romance

Page 51

by Tabatha Kiss

  “Tobias!” I scream his name, praying that he can hear me, but his eyes never stray from his target.

  Pike falls to his knees. Tobias grabs his head and digs his nails into Pike’s shaggy hair to hold his limp body up and expose his neck. He readies the shiv and lays it against Pike’s throat.


  I reach the cage and grab it to pull myself up, screaming as loud as I can.

  “Tobias, stop!”

  He blinks and finally looks up at me. His eyes beg me to look away, to avert my gaze from what he has to do, but I shake my head.

  “Don’t…” I cry. A sob chokes in my throat, taking my voice away from me.

  If you kill him, I’ll lose you forever.

  Tobias closes his eyes. His fingers twitch, just an inch away from his revenge.

  I fill my lungs with burning air. “Tobias, I love you.”

  He opens his eyes and his grief shines through them. I see his pain. I see every bit of regret he’s carried on his shoulders since all of this first began. I grip the cage and let the rusted metal dig into my skin as I pull myself closer to him. I can’t imagine the torture he’s feeling, but there’s no way I’m going to let him carry it alone anymore.

  Finally, he looks back at me and nods.

  I sigh with relief as Tobias lets go of Pike and his body falls to his feet. He walks away from him, tossing the bloody shiv away as he goes. I jump off the cage and rush to be by his side as he limps off the stage. I throw my arms around him and I feel him wince with pain, but it doesn’t stop him from holding me even tighter.

  The crowd sits in awe and silence, their eyes wide with confusion over what just happened. A few of them climb into the ring to check on Pike and confirm that he’s still breathing.

  I reach for Tobias’ side and my hands immediately turn red with his blood. “Come on,” I say, sniffing through tears. I position myself beneath his arm. “We have to get you some help…”

  “I’ll be all right,” he grunts.

  “Don’t you dare say you’ve had worse—”

  I look up as Rick steps in front of us. Blood pours down his nose and his vengeful eyes show pink and bloodshot. “Claire…” he mutters through his teeth.

  “Rick, leave now and don’t come back,” I tell him.

  “I’m not—”

  “I won’t stop him next time.” I hold Tobias a little tighter and I stare back at Rick with anger.

  Rick’s eyes move back and forth between us. His expression shifts from amusement, to annoyance, and finally, defeat. He turns around and disappears into the crowd without saying another word.

  “Did you do that?” Tobias asks me, pointing at his face.

  “Yeah,” I answer.

  “Damn…” he chuckles, wincing in pain. “Not bad...”

  “Don’t talk. Save your strength.” I reach into my pocket for my phone as I pull him towards the exit.


  “No hospitals.”

  I sigh once more, my eyes falling to Tobias’ wound. “That’s not up to you.” I put more pressure on it with my rolled up jacket and he cringes from the pain.

  “I’m barely bleeding. It’s just a scratch, Claire.”

  “Stand up and say that,” I challenge him.

  He glares at me from his leaning position against his bike seat, but quickly shifts his weight to stand on his feet. He stumbles as he moves, but eventually rights himself and drops his hands to his sides. Pain fills his face, but he takes a deep breath and cracks a forced smile. “It’s just a scratch,” he wheezes quickly and then immediately sits back down.

  The parking lot is still packed with cars, but the excitement has dwindled since the minutes following the fight. Tobias wanted to leave immediately, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting him ride his bike in this condition and I don’t know the first thing about riding a motorbike myself. He’s also half-naked, clad in just his black shorts and a thick layer of blood and sweat — not the best attire for a late night ride down the highway.

  “Oh, good. You two are still here.”

  I turn around to find Amy walking towards us. She holds up a small bundle of clothing and passes it to me. “I acquired your clothes…” she says to Tobias.

  “Thanks, Amy,” I tell her. I unfold his jeans and turn to him to help him get dressed, but he quickly snatches them from me. “Tobias—”

  “I got it.” He moves slowly and bends down to start sliding into them one leg at a time, wincing from the pain the entire time.

  “Oh, yeah. It’s just a scratch. No worries,” I bite back with sarcasm.

  He stands himself upright and zips them up with a smug look on his face.

  “Also…” Amy continues, pulling her eyes away from Tobias’ sweaty body, “the Dames and I have voted — unanimously — that Pike the Punisher is banned for life from all future Alpha tournaments. We’ve made contact with other leagues as well. He’ll be blacklisted in twelve states by morning — another twenty by Monday.”

  “He should be in jail,” I argue.

  “I would report him myself for… you know, stabbing you, but that would draw some very unwanted attention to our operation,” she says to Tobias. “You understand.”

  “I do,” he says.

  “Lastly… I’ve come to deliver this.” She reaches into her jacket and withdraws a large stack of money, several inches thick, crudely wrapped together with a rubber band. “I’d say you earned it, Tobias.”

  He leans back against the bike. “I don’t want it,” he says, looking away.

  I hold out my hand and Amy drops the stack of bills into my palm. “He’ll take it. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she grins. “Anyway, I’ve got to get back inside. The Dames are brainstorming the details for next year’s fights.” She looks at Tobias. “You in, Toby?”

  “I think I’ll sit the next one out, actually,” he mutters.

  “Boo,” Amy says. “Maybe I can pencil in a surprise appearance from this year’s reigning Alpha…?” she teases. He glares back at her silently and she sighs. “Fine.”

  “Guess you’ll have to find another local to earn next year’s bonus,” I joke.

  “Shouldn’t be too hard,” she considers with a raised brow. “We should have lunch. You’re going back to Chicago soon, right?”

  “Umm…” I say. “There’s been a little change in plans.”

  A light shines behind her eyes. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I’m sticking around here for a little while longer.” She stares back at me and a devious smile crosses her red lips. “What?”

  “Well…” She crosses her arms about her chest. “Lillian was so impressed with the talent this year, she wants to expand our search, establish a few new branches in our area—”

  “Amy, what are you doing?” Tobias interrupts with a cautious tone.

  “I’m recruiting your kissing cousin, Toby,” she answers bluntly.

  “What?” I ask.

  “No, you’re not,” he argues.

  “Yes, I am.” Amy smiles at me. “What do you say, Claire?”

  “What do I say to what?” I ask, my eyes bouncing between them.

  Tobias pushes himself off the bike and grabs my hand. “Say no, Claire.”

  “Say no to what?” I ask again.

  “To becoming an Alpha Dame,” Amy says, “like me.”

  “Me?” I shake my head. “Why me?”

  “I saw the way you handled yourself with Rick,” she answers. “Lillian did, too.”

  “I was just protecting myself…”

  “And that kind of finesse is exactly what she looks for.”

  “Claire…” Tobias squeezes my fingers. “No.”

  “Alpha Dames are the most respected women in the sport, Tobias,” Amy says to him. “Why wouldn’t you want that for her?”

  He exhales, but says nothing to argue with her further.

  She reaches into her bra and pulls out a black business card. “Give me a cal
l if you want to talk it over, Claire,” she says, easily slipping the card between my fingers.

  “Okay…” I say.

  Amy presses her fingers to her red lips and blows us a quick kiss. “Goodnight, y’all.”

  “Goodnight…” I stare at the card as her heels tap away into the parking lot. A bright red font spells out Amy’s name in cursive writing, along with the Midwest Alphas logo shining next to it. I glide my fingers across it to feel the embossed lettering tickle my fingertips as a switch flicks on in my head.


  I look at Tobias and stuff the card into my back pocket as Charlie’s truck comes into view of the parking lot.

  Tobias drops my hand. “You called my dad?” he asks.

  “Yes, I did,” I say, crossing my arms.

  He leans back against the bike with shaking limbs. “I would have preferred a hospital.”

  The truck stops in front of us and Charlie steps out. To his credit, he says nothing as I move under Tobias’ arm and walk him slowly towards the truck. He opens the passenger side door and we both help Tobias step up into the seat.

  “What happened?” Charlie asks me after I close the door.

  We step over to the motorbike and start rolling it towards the back of the truck. “Factory equipment malfunction,” I answer. I notice his lips twitch as we bend down to raise the bike into the truck bed.

  “And this factory equipment…” Charlie says. “Is it still running?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  He sighs and closes the bed. “Good.”


  “Protect your face.”

  A smile teases my lips as I lower my fists and turn around. Tobias steps into the barn, limping softly on his right foot as he walks. “You should be resting,” I say, catching my breath. “And using the crutch Charlie got you.”

  “I don’t need a crutch,” he argues. I wipe the sweat off my brow and pull the velcro tabs free on my gloves. His eyes move down my body, taking in the sight of my tight and sweaty workout clothes. “Looks like you’re taking this pretty seriously.”

  I look back at the punching bag. “It helps me think,” I say. I peel the gloves off my hands and toss them into my gym duffel on the floor.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks me.

  I take a deep breath. “A lot.”

  “Like Amy’s offer?”

  It’s been a week since the tournament and the topic hasn’t come up yet. Between his fresh wounds and Mary’s funeral, the last few days have been rough on Tobias. He’s healing, in more ways than one, and we’ve taken comfort in each other whenever possible. It’s been a decent enough distraction, but eventually, we both knew we’d have to talk about Amy’s offer to join the Alpha Dames sooner or later.

  “Yes,” I finally answer.

  He sighs. “Claire, you don’t want to get involved with them.”

  “You did,” I point out.

  “That was different.”

  “Was it?” I ask.

  “Yes. It was a means to an end, not a long-term commitment.”

  “You told me I should start over, Tobias,” I say. “That I should be someone better. This is my chance.”

  “Binding yourself to an illegal fighting championship isn’t better, Claire.”

  “It’s not worse either. When Amy handed me that card, I felt something and — to be honest — it’s the same kind of something I felt when I met you. Like it was the start of something special.” I reach out to him. “I’m sorry, but… I have to see where this leads.”

  He flexes his jaw and lets out a long sigh. “Is there anything at all I can say that will change your mind?”

  “Well… you’re the Alpha, Tobias,” I tease. “Tell me not to go. Tell me that I’m your girl and no one else’s and that I have to do everything you say.”

  “I said change your mind,” he says with curling lips. “Not turn you on.”

  I smile, but I let it fade quickly. “Tobias, I won’t do this without you. If the choice is between this or you, I’m going to choose you.”

  “I’m not giving you an ultimatum, Claire,” he says. “But Amy’s right. Being a Dame, it commands respect. That kind of respect brings attention — attention from people like Pike and Rick.”

  “I’ll be protected.”

  “I know,” he says. “By me.”


  “I’ve already spoken with Amy,” he says. “She says it’s uncommon, but not against the rules for Alpha Dames to bring in their own escorts.”

  “You want to be my bodyguard?”

  “That’s the deal,” he nods. “I’m never going to be comfortable with you being involved with them, but I can’t stop you either. What I can do is have your back and if you’re going in, then I’m going with you.”

  I lean in closer. “What was that about turning me on again?”

  He lays a hand on my cheek and pulls me in. “I love you, Claire,” he says. “Doing so has brought me nothing but trouble, but… I can’t stop now.”

  “Tobias the Unstoppable,” I quip. He glares at me through narrow eyelids, but I give him a sweet smile. “I love you, too, Tobias. Doing so has brought me nothing but trouble, but…” I lay a smooth kiss on his lips. “What can I say? I live for a little trouble.”


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  Copyright © 2016 by Tabatha Kiss

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form

  without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All characters detailed within are eighteen years of age or older.

  No characters engaging in sexual acts are blood-related.

  WARNING: This novel contains explicit descriptions of

  erotic and sexual acts that some may find offensive,

  including perverse adult language.

  Reader discretion advised.

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