Book Read Free

Sharing Freedom

Page 4

by Harley McRide

  “Go ahead, they’ll never find me,” Freedom yelled and hung up the phone.

  She was on her own, because there was no way she was going to go back. Her father had lost all his humanity, well, if he even had any to begin with. Freedom wondered briefly about the MC club that she now worked for—the Warriors. Would they know the other club? Would they and the Diablos look for her? She had no idea what to do, and who to turn to. Her only hope was to keep her head down and pray.


  “You need to learn how the hell to shake your ass without scaring the shit out of the men,” Trick snorted and Freedom put her head down.

  They were in the club before hours, and all of the Bitches had come to help her learn to dance. Although, she suspected Shady had ordered them to come because Trick wasn’t happy about being there.

  “Shut up, Trick,” Treat said to her best friend with a frown. “I remember when we started. Creed thought I was a cheerleader because I bounced instead of moved. Not that he minded, said my tits were hot when they bounced, but it was not as sexy.”

  The women laughed. Freedom looked up at the woman who was staring intently at her and frowned. What had she done? she wondered, and then as if a wave flowed over her, Trick’s face changed to smiling and laughing so the other Bitches backed off. There was something about her Freedom didn’t trust.

  “Okay, let’s start with lap dances since you aren’t working the pole again for a while,” Shady said and grabbed a chair and sat down. “Come here,” she ordered. Freedom looked around as if to see who she was talking to. The women were watching her closely as she walked over.

  “Stop,” Nike said and stepped up and smiled at her gently. “You need to walk over like you want to be here. The guys will never ask you to dance if you look like you are headed in front of firing squad.”

  “Okay,” Freedom said. “So how do you walk?”

  Nike grinned and looked at Rain and said, “Grab a chair.” The girl laughed and grabbed a chair and put it next to Shady. She leaned back and put her arm over the chair like a man would and scratched her crotch.

  “Yo, bitch, get me a beer,” she said in a deep gruff voice and the girls laughed.

  “Right,” Nike said giggling. “When they come in and ask for a beer, the guys are usually being an asshole. You need to get them to loosen up, especially if they were on a run, it means they are thirsty and horny. They take care of the thirst first, and then want their dicks happy. There are plenty to share, so if they are in your section, you don’t want them calling someone else over for a lap dance. First off, because we are all busy, especially on the weekends. If you slack, not only do you lose money, but you will also piss us off.”

  Freedom nodded and listened closely. Shady said, “Right, so you need to get their little willies right away. Lap dances are done out on the floor, if they want a private one, Shark and Magnum will schedule it and call you over. Now, in private sessions they are longer, and of course, the guys cannot touch. They have the Prospects that watch out for us. Body shots are done on the floor, with a Prospect standing by for protection.”

  “What about Candy and the others?” Freedom finally asked.

  The girls looked at each other and then Shady said, “Listen, you know the guys are Warriors. I explained how this works, but if you want to know more, you are gonna have to decide which way you are gonna go, Freedom. ‘Cause you can be a club rat, women who come on the weekends and fuck anyone, a club whore, who strips here and lives at the apartments, but still fucks some of the customers because the guys don’t want them for anything more. Or the Bitches, the members have voted us in; we live at the clubhouse or the apartments. Only fuck the members of the club. We go on runs with them if they ask, we help them out doing whatever they ask, and they protect us, we are their Bitches. Some of the guys have old ladies; they have their own houses and pretty much hang out. The women don’t get involved unless it is a club special event, they more or less stick with each other. I don’t know what your plans are, and I am not trying to be bossy or anything, but you really don’t want to be a whore or a rat. So if you plan on sticking around for a while you are going to have to think like a Bitch.”

  Freedom nodded and looked at the girls who were staring at her closely. “How do you become a Bitch?” she asked.

  “The guys have to vote you in,” Shady said slowly.

  “Shady, quit beating around the bush,” Nike said. “Basically, you need to get someone to put in your name to be voted in, you gotta fuck one of them for sponsorship.”

  Freedom looked at the women who were smiling at her. How the hell was she going to tell them that she wouldn’t do that because she was a virgin? “So what do you mean by protection?”

  Shady laughed. “No one fucks with us, or they have to deal with the Warriors.”

  “What about…” Freedom started and Rain stepped up.

  “No one, we all have pasts, and so do they. We are a family, and if you want to have their protection, then you join. Just remember, this isn’t a fucking game though, you need to be serious about this, once you are in, it's for life. You don’t fucking join and then let them handle your shit and you leave when everything in your world is good. We deal with the good and the bad. This life is something we have all one way or another wanted because our lives were fucked up before, or we were missing something,” Rain said honestly.

  Shady laughed. “Yeah, before you decide, watch and see. But if you were in a strip club looking for a job then you have a problem; they know that, they aren’t stupid.”

  Freedom nodded slowly and then looked at the girls and said, “Teach me how to dance, and I will think about it.”

  “Walking,” Nike said and she nodded and watched as Nike walked sexily toward Rain who was back in the chair laughing.

  They spent the next half an hour showing her how to swing her hips and move seductively to the men without looking like a whore. They giggled and laughed, something Freedom hadn’t done in what seemed like forever. It was too scary for her to think about the fact she felt more comfortable with these strangers than she did with her friends and family. She would worry about it later.

  “Okay, lap dancing,” Shady announced and then sat back down in the chair and motioned for Freedom to walk over.

  When she did, she brushed against her like they showed her and Shady grinned and pulled out a dollar. “Dance for me, bitch,” she laughed, waving the bill in front of her.

  Freedom rolled her eyes and then put the tray down she had been using. She stepped over to Shady and began to move to the music.

  “Damn, girl,” Rain laughed, “you are way too stiff.”

  Freedom growled. “It’s because I have no clue how to lap dance.”

  Nike shook her head and then began to show her how to move her hips. “Sway them like this at first.”

  All of the women stood and did the same move to show her. She laughed and followed.

  “In a circle,” Nike said. “Then throw in a figure eight,” she explained. “Don’t jerk, make it smooth.”

  Freedom tried and groaned when she couldn’t seem to get it. “Hey,” Shady said. “This isn’t like dirty dancing, Free, you got to move as if you are fucking them.”

  She sighed and then tried again. She vowed she was going to rent a freaking porno—maybe that would help.

  “Chick, you are sexually repressed,” Treat said. “You want them to drool over your moves. Like twerking only slowly.”

  “What the hell is twerking?” Freedom said.

  “What, do you not watch YouTube?” Shady laughed and held out her arms and moved her hips quickly backing toward Nike, making her ass bounce up and down. Freedom laughed as she watched them.

  "Get that ass away from me, you could seriously hurt someone with that thing," Nike laughed when Shady smacked at her.

  “Oh yeah, kids got kicked out of school for doing that,” Treat said.

  Someone turned the music to something different. Suddenly, the g
irls were moving fast and dry humping each other. Shady came to her side and grabbed her hips and she was moving. They laughed and danced until the music stopped quickly.

  “Fuck, Easy, what the hell?” Treat called to the large man who was standing at the bar with a scowl on his face.

  “What’s going on?” he asked gruffly.

  “Helping Free out with some moves. Have you been introduced?” Shady laughed. “I mean besides seeing you and Poke fucking Trick?”

  “No,” Easy said and walked forward, running his eyes over her. “If you had wanted to watch, you should have come on in, we wouldn’t have minded."

  “You mean join in, right,” Nike laughed and Easy glared at her. Freedom shifted from one foot to the other. He was sexy, she thought, even with his clothes on. She stared at him while he talked to the girls, she noticed Trick stepping up to him and wrapping one arm around his waist while taking her other hand, rubbing side to side just above the waist of his pants. He kept talking and ignored her but didn’t move her hands.

  Freedom smiled and listened, the whole while wondering about Easy and Poke. What it would feel like to touch them with familiarity as Trick was or to have their hands touching her.


  “I am serious, I almost came in my fucking pants when I saw what they were doing,” Easy said to the group of men who were sitting at the table drinking beer with him before opening. It was the leaders of the group, and some of the Prospects had arrived and were setting up the tables.

  “Shady was twerking?” Raven grinned. “I would have loved to have seen that. Damn, her hips were made for fucking.”

  The men agreed and Creed leaned forward. “Shady said that Freedom was asking about the MC. About protection.”

  Poke shook his head. “Told ya, her asshole father took all her money. I checked around a little more, he owes some people.”

  “That gonna come back and bite us in the ass?” Fork asked.

  “Thinking the Diablos are involved, and also the Devils,” Poke said slowly.

  Everyone stopped talking to look at him and waited for him to say something else. When he didn’t, Creed finally asked.

  “Why you looking?” Easy looked at Poke and shrugged.

  Poke sighed and said, “Didn’t sit well how the old man emptied her account. Figured there was something else going on. He borrowed money, a lot of it and can’t pay it back. Word out was he struck a deal with the Diablos and the Devils for Freedom. They get her in exchange for wiping the slate clean.”

  “When were you gonna tell us?” Creed growled.

  “Just found out.” Poke shrugged. “We need to make up our minds on what the fuck to do.”

  “We help her or cut her loose,” Raven said and shrugged. “Don’t matter to me.”

  Fork frowned and then said, “Fuckers, Diablos have been a pain in the ass for weeks. I know they are dealing on our land. Also been hearing some shit about them taking over our operations. They have their sights set apparently.”

  “Not happening,” Creed growled and the others at the table nodded. “We can talk about it in church. But we need to figure out about Freedom.”

  “We can't go giving her to those bastards,” Easy said slowly and the others at the table looked at him closely. Easy never really said much about stuff unless he felt strongly about it, so the guys listened. "She minds her own, does whatever they tell her. She gets along with the Bitches, and Shady seems to have taken to her. You guys know she just does take to everyone. When I walked in on them, before they noticed me, I watched, they all get along with her. I wouldn't doubt if they don't talk her in to becoming one of them," he stopped long enough to see the shocked look on the other faces. "What? I may be quiet, but I notice shit, you assholes. She may not be my taste but… Some people just fit, she does.”

  They were silent as Creed thought it over and then he stood. “Sounds like we are gonna be talking about adding someone to the family. Better have Shady and the girls give her the lowdown beforehand, make sure she knows it's what she wants.”

  Poke looked at Easy who nodded and then sat back. Poke and Easy didn’t have to talk anymore. They knew what each other felt and were thinking on any given subject. It had been like that since they met, like two brothers raised apart never knowing of the other, but when they met, they felt the instant bond of brotherhood..

  The guys moved from the table to get themselves ready for the day and Poke was leaning back. Each knew they would never have an old lady, how could they, it would break their bond, something they vowed they would never do since the day they were almost killed in a foxhole. If a woman wanted one, she would have to want both. It had been easy over the years to find women to share, but none of them ever felt right to the two men.

  “You felt it?” Poke asked with a low voice.

  Easy leaned back and then looked at his best friend and brother and nodded slowly. “Yeah. Ain't going to happen though. We come as a pair and with that one; she won't ever accept us. Nor could she handle one of our appetites, definitely not two. Not giving up free reign of all the snatch we want to be in a relationship and unfulfilled. So best we stay away from that particular piece.”

  "With you on that one brother, you get no argument from me," Poke nodded his head to everything Easy said.

  "Well, there is a first for everything," Easy chuckled when Poke flipped him off.

  Chapter Four

  Freedom threw her towel on the bar and sighed. It had been a long day. Shady and the Bitches had really helped her over the last week get her feet under her. Her life was a fucking mess, and she had found people who actually made her feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, she still had to ask the guys if they would consider helping her. She knew she was going to need it. After speaking to her father, she had made a few phone calls to see if anyone had heard anything.

  Her father’s friends had known nothing; however, the guys who cooked in the restaurant said the gang had taken up residence in the dining room most nights. They said her father had been acting strangely and giving them free meals. Freedom knew she had no choice if she wanted to remain safe; she was going to ask them for help, she just wasn’t sure who to go to.

  Shady walked up to her side and laughed. “Busy night, you seem to be popular with the preppies though.”

  Freedom snorted and looked at the table of young college students. They had paid for five body shots already. She had been leery of that chore when she started since it allowed the customers actually to touch her. But the Prospects had made sure she was safe, plus Shark and Magnum scared the shit out of the college boys before she had even known they requested it, they were the only ones who had asked that of her since she had started. But it was a fast hundred, and the girls got to keep it all.

  Easy and Poke walked in from the back and she shifted from foot to foot. She was uneasy around the two men, not understanding how both of them attracted her so much. It was an unsettling feeling and made her think she was a slut. It didn't help they still were starring in her dreams and she wouldn't be shocked if she didn't have a rash from staying wet when they were around. Not that she would share that information with her new friend. Her friend had guessed over the last week her feelings when the two men walked into the room and Freedom immediately stiffened and became tense until she saw where they sat.

  “Look who is here,” Shady laughed and looked at her new friend.

  “Oh…uh…” Freedom stuttered, a blush went across her cheeks, and she picked up her towel again and began to clean the bar absently.

  “Come on, girl. They sat in your section again, so get your grove on and go and get their order.” Shady laughed.

  “Rock,” Freedom called and when the large man came to her she said with a bright red face, “Two All-Irish Black and Tans.”

  Rock grunted and got the drinks while she waited. Shady only lifted an eyebrow at her and grinned. She knew their drinks, she knew what they liked to eat, hell, she even could tell
what kind of mood they were in when she walked up to them. That was how much she had been studying the two overly muscled men. They were the SGTs of Arms for the Warriors, and after her first week, she knew the two men led the security of the club. They kept everyone safe, and they took their jobs seriously, which is why she felt safe around them. It was also why she was thinking of becoming a Bitch, these men would help her, she knew it. The only thing holding her back was what Shady had told her about sleeping with someone to get nominated. Could she do it?

  When Rock placed the drinks in front of her, she smiled and took a deep breath, then grabbed them and carried them to the two men who had become stars in her erotic dreams the last few nights.

  “Hey, Free,” Poke said with a grin when she approached them with their drinks.

  “Poke,” she said shyly and looked at Easy. Poke was the smoother of the two men. He had a sense of humor and she was drawn to his smile. Easy was more mysterious, dangerous, and downright huge, but she felt as much attraction to him as she did Poke. She really was beginning to wonder just where this Freedom had been hiding because she'd never felt like this before.

  “Thanks, babe,” Poke said and waited while she leaned across to put Easy’s drink in front of him.

  “Easy,” Freedom said breathlessly. She hated it when her voice sounded like that whenever she was around him.

  Easy looked up at her with his sunglasses still on and stared. She knew he did because she could feel his eyes move from her face to her chest and she felt her nipples tighten. Shit, she thought with the tight top she wore she knew they would notice. So when she heard Poke chuckle, it was confirmed.

  Tonight she wore the black leather halter-top and black leather skirt, with mesh stockings and high heels. Her feet were already hurting but she didn’t care.


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