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Cursed by Death (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 15

by Basia Pike

  “Yes, I can’t believe they’re here because of Dakota. How did I not know?” His voice trembled as he pulled himself up onto his horse.

  “How could you? It seems Bleddyn has done some extensive research to uncover the truth. I’m sure she isn’t even aware.”

  Jamie looked uncertain as he kicked his horse into a light trot back towards the road. “I’ll come with you to Canterbury,” Jamie said.

  “No, you heard Bleddyn. The reason he kept this from you is because she won’t listen to you.”

  “It’s not up for discussion. I am coming.”

  I sighed and decided it wasn’t the time to argue with him. We rode back to Wolfrik Castle in silence.

  I gathered my team in the drawing room as soon as I got back. Jamie followed me, ensuring he wasn’t left out. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves, and I cleared my throat to get their attention.

  “We’re going to Canterbury today to find a woman who could hold the key to finding the Creaturae.”

  “Who will go?” Deon asked.

  “All of us, other than either Josh or Casey, who will remain to run the computers.” I looked at them. “Which one of you wants to stay?”

  “Casey can stay here. I’ll go into the field,” Josh said.

  Casey gave him a look of protest. “Josh, that’s not a good idea, especially if something goes wrong. I’ve a military background, and you’re the best at operating the computers.”

  “So who’s it going to be?” I asked.

  “I’ll go with you,” Casey said.

  “Okay, we’ll leave at midday. It’s at least a four-hour ride to Canterbury. We will stop at an inn owned by an informant.”

  “Who’s that?” Jamie asked, eyes wide.

  “Helen told me that if we need to visit Canterbury, we would be able to use The Seven Stars Inn.” Jamie’s brow furrowed. “Everyone get ready to leave at midday. We will meet in the hallway.” I walked toward Tom, who was standing with his arms crossed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going with Jamie this morning?”

  “Sorry, Tom. Bleddyn only wanted Jamie and I to go this morning. It was so early.”

  Tom’s arms were still crossed. “We’re a team. Ya should tell me where ya going, even if I can’t come with ya.” His stare was a unnerving, but he was right. I’d mucked up. He was my second-in-command.

  “You’re right. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  “Good,” Tom said, still serious, before breaking into a smile. “Because if ya do, I’ll kill ya.” He had a playful twinkle in his eyes, and I held my hands up defensively.

  “Elijah,” a timid voice said, making me turn. Mary was standing with her hands behind her back, rocking gently back and forth on her heels.

  “Mary, are you okay?”

  “Yes, may I speak with you?” She glanced at Tom nervously and blushed as their eyes met.

  “Of course.” I lead her over to the other side of the room.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I am not entirely sure I am ready for this.” She was speaking my mind, but I knew I had to build her up, not reaffirm her doubts. It wouldn’t help anyone to tell her I thought she was right.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I was awful in training. I do not think I am ready.”

  “Andre believed in you, but you have to believe in yourself. You’ll be fine.” I gave her a small smile and placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. She looked uncertain. “Besides, you’ve got all of us to look after you.”

  She nodded and smiled slightly. “Thank you, Elijah.” She turned and walked away. I swallowed hard as I watched her. I wasn’t certain she was ready either, but we needed the numbers if we were to storm the castle and kidnap Dakota.


  We reached Canterbury at dusk on horseback. The Seven Stars Inn was on the edge of town. Josh had sent Helen a message and asked her to inform the owner of our arrival that evening.

  A lady came out of the inn as we arrived. I couldn’t make out her face as she spoke to Jamie and a stable boy.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take our own horses to the stables,” Jamie said. I saw the woman nod and return to the inn. We led the horse around the back into a makeshift stable.

  We tied our horses up, leaving the stable boy to feed and water them. We headed into the inn, the rest of the group following. The lady who had met us was an elderly woman. She looked about seventy years old with long gray hair.

  “Thank you for making the inn available for us on such short notice,” I said.

  She nodded “You can use the tables, and if you need rooms we have the whole inn empty,” she said, pointing at the stairs.

  I was sure we wouldn’t need them. We just had to get into the castle, get Dakota and head back to Wolfrik castle. But everyone headed upstairs to freshen up after the long ride. I threw my belongings down, taking my heavy sword off my belt.

  “I’m starving, let’s go get some food,” Tom said. I laughed. Tom was always hungry. We headed down into the inn for dinner and to talk about our plans.

  Helen had ensured we were the only people in the inn that evening, so no one could listen in on our conversations. Everyone was sat eating and drinking together until Jamie, who had been quiet, spoke up.

  “Elijah, what’s the plan?” he asked, forcing everyone stop chatting and turn their attention to me.

  “We have to get into Canterbury castle tonight, where the witches are holding Dakota. It’ll be dangerous, and we can’t walk in the front door.”

  Jamie nodded. “I’ve been in the castle. I know the best way in,” he said.

  “Jamie, I agreed to you coming with us. However, we can’t compromise the whole mission with you coming along. The target knows you, and may not trust you.”

  He banged his fist on the table. “But she’ll trust people she’s never met?” he asked. “That’s ridiculous. Have you thought perhaps the witches are holding her there against her will, and that seeing someone she knows is what she needs?”

  Everyone looked a little stunned at how angry Jamie was. I knew there was no use trying to stop him from coming.

  “Fine. Tell us more about the castle.”

  Jamie nodded and grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment. He drew a rough sketch of the castle. “We can’t walk up to the front door and get in. I know of two passages that lead into two different parts of the castle.” He pointed towards two entrances he’d drawn on the sketch.

  “We will need to split into three groups. Two people will need to keep watch on the castle as backup in case anything goes wrong.”

  “Who will keep watch?” Casey asked.

  I ran a hand through my hair. “I think you and Mary should keep watch.”

  Mary smiled and gave me a grateful nod with me.

  “Julius, Luciana, and Deon will take this entrance, and Tom, Jamie and I will take the other entrance.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Deon said.

  “When do we go?” Luciana asked.

  “We can head out on foot as soon as possible,” I said.

  “Why on foot?” Tom asked.

  “It’s too much of a risk to take the horses. There will be nowhere to put them, and they’re noisy. Stealth is the key to this assignment.”

  “Let’s get going,” Jamie said, standing. “It’s half an hour on foot to the castle.”

  I was the last to get up, and Mary lingered behind. “Thank you for putting me on watch,” she said, smiling.

  “I thought it would be perfect for your first proper assignment. Let’s get going,” I said, allowing her to walk in front of me.

  We walked together in silence towards the castle. It was pitch black, so the night vision contacts were perfect. Jamie was the only one who didn’t have them, but being a descendant of wolves he had no trouble seeing in the dark.

  The streets of Canterbury were silent; it was eerie. We approached the castle taking a route across the fields and into the forest s
urrounding it.

  “This is it, time to split up. Casey and Mary, you keep watch from the forest over there.” I pointed towards a slight raised part of forest directly behind the castle. They gave me a nod, and I watched as the two of them walked to their post.

  “We are heading over to the other side of the castle to take the other entrance. You guys make your way to the entrance on this side. Remember, be careful. We’ve no idea what’s waiting for us in there.”

  Smoke was rising into the air from the chimney stack. We were heading towards the door at the far end of the castle where there was a small hatch we could get through.

  “Damn, we have to fit in there?” Tom asked, looking at the wooden hatch Jamie was trying to pry off. I placed a finger against my lips in response. Jamie pried the hatch off the entrance and went through headfirst.

  “You next,” I whispered to Tom, who looked reluctant. He pulled himself through clumsily, and I followed. We were in the castle’s pantry. There was a door left ajar leading out into a stairwell.

  “This way,” Jamie mouthed, and we followed him up the stairwell. As we advanced, we heard voices ahead of us coming from a room to the front of the castle.

  “Jamie, can you hear her?” I whispered as he concentrated on the voices.

  He shook his head. “Let’s try upstairs.” We went up another set of stone steps to the first floor. We froze at the sound of a door opening down the hallway.

  Thinking quickly I opened a door to our right, and we slipped in as footsteps came down the hall. We waited for the footsteps to disappear. I was thankful that the room we’d hidden in was empty. Jamie opened the door and pointed towards the direction the person had come from. He stopped outside a door on the left, nodded, then opened it.

  We crept inside the dark room and looked around. There was a large four-poster bed that had someone sleeping in it. Jamie gave me a nod and approached the bed.

  “Dakota?” he whispered.

  She turned over and held a knife against Jamie’s throat. “What the hell are you doing here, Jamie?” she asked. I could see she had long dark hair. “I didn’t think I would ever see you again. Who’ve you brought with you?” she asked.

  I stepped forward holding my hands up. “Look, we’re not here to harm you, but you’re in danger.”

  “Yeah, danger from three men breaking into my home at night!”

  “No, from the Kugar—” I said.

  “Wait, are you saying you’re here by choice?” Jamie asked.

  “Why else would I be here?” Dakota asked, rolling her eyes.

  “We were worried that the witches were holding you against your will,” Tom said, “as they aren’t your natural ally, are they?”

  Jamie gulped. “Dakota, after all we went through together, I think you owe me an explanation, or at least let us explain why we’re here.”

  She kept the knife tight against Jamie’s throat, and her eyes narrowed. She let him go but kept the knife up in front of her.

  Tom and I took a seat on a sofa a short way from her bed.

  She sat up. ”Tell me what you are doing here,” she said, looking at Jamie.

  “We’re here to warn you that people are searching for you because of your ancestors,” he said.

  Her eyes widened. “How do you know about my ancestors?”

  “Bleddyn did his research. You know what he’s like.”

  “Yeah, a bloody know-it-all!”

  “Your ancestors put you in danger. A group of people believe you’re the key to finding the Creaturae,” I said.

  “How do you know…?” She stopped glaring at me.

  “Who are you?”

  I ran a hand through my hair. “I’m part of a group trying to stop people who wish to destroy humankind and its entire history. We have to beat them to the Creaturae to ensure it’s protected. We were worried you were being manipulated by the witches to give away where it is.”

  Dakota sat with a blank look on her face. “The witches wouldn’t do that … would they?” she asked, looking uneasy.

  “It’s hard to say. Have they asked you about family heirlooms?” She nodded. “What have you told them?” Jamie asked, placing a hand on her arm.

  “Nothing. The truth is … I don’t know where the Creaturae is.”

  My heart sank. “Even so the Kugarar don’t know that. You’re in danger here.”

  Jamie grabbed her hand in his. “We need to get you out of here.”

  “Where did Julius, Luciana, and Deon get to?” Tom asked.

  I shrugged. “I’ll ask them.” I placed a finger against my ear. “Julius, can you hear me?” There was a long stretch of silence. “Luciana?” Again … a long stretch of silence. “Deon, what’s happening?” I asked.

  “Something’s wrong. They’re not replying,” I said to Tom.

  “I’ll get dressed. We’ll find them,” Dakota said, jumping out of the bed and rushing toward her wardrobe.

  I noticed Jamie staring at her longingly. It was clear he had some unresolved feelings to deal with. I hoped he wouldn’t be distracted by them. I wasn’t sure we could trust Dakota.

  “Let’s go. Follow me,” she said, a small satchel bursting at the seams over her shoulder as she crept out into the corridor. I let the rest of them go in front of me. Voices drifted up the stairs from the hallway below.

  I kept my eyes on Dakota like a hawk. She began the descent down the stairs and headed towards the room the voices were coming from. Tom glanced at me as she looked through the crack in the door.

  She signaled for me to come forward. I looked through the crack to see Julius tied to a chair, a gag in his mouth. He was unconscious.

  She grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner. “Did you say you have backup?” she asked.

  “Only two more posted in the forest.”

  “We will need all the help we can get if we’re getting out of here with your friends.”

  I placed my finger to my ear. “Mary, Casey, we need your help.”

  “What’s wrong, Elijah?” Casey asked.

  “They’ve caught Julius, Luciana, and Deon.”

  “We’re on our way,” Casey said.

  “Take the entrance we took.”

  “Roger that.”

  I turned to the rest of them. “They’re on the way. What’s the plan?” I asked, looking at Dakota. I didn’t trust her, but she seemed to be set on helping us.

  “In total today, only four witches are here. We will have numbers on our side, but they’re powerful.”

  “I’d best go to the hatch and wait for Mary and Casey.” I headed down the staircase back towards the pantry. I could hear faint voices approaching the hole.

  “Mary … Casey…?”

  Casey knelt down and spoke to me through the hole. “How are we supposed to get through there?” she asked.

  “Feet first,” I said, stepping back to let her through. She took a deep breath and then pulled herself through into the room. Mary followed, a fearful look on her face.

  “Follow me.” We met the rest of the group hiding in the dark crevice of the hallway.

  “It’s now or never. We’ve to got the element of surprise,” Dakota said.

  I tightened my grip on my gun. “You lead the way.”

  She approached the door and held up three fingers, counting down. Then she pushed the door open and rushed inside. We all poured into the room, stun guns, and knives at the ready.

  The witches didn’t look shocked.

  “We’ve been waiting for you,” one said, turning. Her brow furrowed when she saw Dakota. “Dakota, what do you think you’re doing?” Dakota glared at the woman who had spoken. She was old and had gray hair, and dark brown eyes.

  “Regina, I know you only allowed me to stay here because you want something,” she said, her hand on her hips.

  Regina smiled callously. “Took you a long while to figure it out!” she said.

  Dakota’s eyes narrowed. “You bitch!” Dakota bared her fangs an
d morphed into a wolf.

  Mary jumped in shock as Jamie did the same. The witches looked undeterred and cackled amongst themselves.

  Julius, Luciana and Deon were all unconscious and bound to chairs. Luciana’s lip was bloodied and there were bloodstains on her shirt.

  “Let our friends go, and we’ll leave you in one piece,” I demanded. This made them laugh harder.

  “Elijah, I don’t think you are in a position to make demands, do you?” another witch spoke, she was younger with golden blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

  What the hell?

  “How do you know…?”

  “Your name? I know a lot of things. I am a witch,” she said, There was an evil twinkle in her eyes.

  “Isobel, that’s enough,” Regina said.

  The young witch glared at me. I charged towards here. Isobel swiped her hand but it didn’t affect me. Her brow furrowed as she tried again. Don’t know everything though, do you?

  “An Immunis?” Isobel muttered loud enough for me to hear. Before she could do anything, I had my sword against her throat.

  “Who are you?” she asked, shocked her magic hadn’t worked on me.

  I used the end of my sword to knock her unconscious. While everyone else focused on the other witches, they weren’t able to resist their powers like I had. But, their training had afforded them enough skill to be able to dodge the witches assaults.

  “Elijah, quick, help them!” Tom shouted, nodding toward our teammates. Luciana was waking, but the other two were unconscious. I rushed towards them and cut the ropes holding them to the chairs.

  “Luciana, Can you stand?” She nodded, pulled herself up from the chair, and turned her attention to waking her husband.

  “Deon! Wake up,” I said, shaking him. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned. There was no time to check he was alright, as I pulled him up. He stood by himself wobbling a little.

  “All of you! We need to get out of here.”

  Jamie and Dakota were still in wolf form, trying to fight Regina and another witch. The rest of the team were attempting and failing to get close to the other. Each time, one of them would shoot at her she would block it with her magic.


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