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Beauty and the Billionaire

Page 55

by Claire Adams

  He moved into the light and I had to take a minute to keep a picture of him in my mind. He didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who owned a tailored suit. But damn, it fit him so well.

  “How long was I asleep? What time is it?”

  “Well I don’t know when you fell asleep, but I’ve been out here for twenty minutes and found you looking like sleeping beauty in that chair.”

  “It is just crazy in there. I can’t even breathe.”

  I didn’t want to be the person who complained at their gallery opening. I certainly was very grateful for the opportunity. But I was genuinely about to have a panic attack and the only thing that made me feel better was being out on the balcony with Chris. He sat down in the lounge chair and motioned for me to sit with him.

  “There’s no room,” I laughed.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap. His lips quickly moved to mine and met me with a desire that I wasn’t ready for. I could feel his hand moving up my skirt and within moments he had pulled my panties off. I wanted to stop him, but I wanted to keep feeling his touch on my body also. It was an internal struggle between my mind and my body. Eventually, my body won out.

  Chris unzipped his suit pants and pulled himself out. I could see his cock throbbing in the dull light of the balcony. It pulsed with a desire to be inside me. He grabbed me and set me on top of his cock. I slid down hard and started moving diligently against his thrusts. I had so much pent up energy, I just wanted a release. I needed a release so badly. My body reacted quickly to the pleasure of Chris thrusting inside of me. I could feel my clit sliding up and down against his body and there was a buildup of desire that I couldn’t hold back. Just as I was about to cum, Chris stopped thrusting.

  He held my body tightly and prevented me from moving against him. Chris pulled me off of him and I stood up near the edge of the balcony as Chris got up from the lounge chair. With a defining force, he turned me around and bent me over the edge of the balcony. As I looked down I could see, people walking on the streets. I looked around to see if there was anyone watching us but I couldn’t see anyone.

  He slid into me rough and hard. I let out a moan and he reached around to muffle me with his hand. He used his grip on my mouth as leverage as he thrust harder and harder inside of me. He was enjoying making me scream and hearing my muffled voice. It felt so exhilarating to be outside on that balcony and fucking Chris. It was nothing I would have ever imagined doing and I probably would never do it again, but on that night, it seemed like the right thing to do.

  I held onto the balcony as his thrusts got even deeper and harder. I couldn’t help the screams of pleasure that came out of my mouth and was happy Chris kept his hand covering me. As he delivered his final few thrusts, I felt a release of explosion and my screaming finally stopped. My whole body stopped. I could hardly move.

  In my daze, I was able to find my shoes but I couldn’t find my panties. I looked all around, but it was just dark enough that I couldn’t find them. Chris went over toward the door and waited for me so we could go inside.

  Chapter 25

  “Shit, I should get back to the party. But I just can’t. It is so overwhelming in there. People keep asking me a million questions. I thought the worse that could happen was they wouldn’t like my work. But apparently liking my work can also be very bad.”

  Chris didn’t say a thing, but just opened the door and waved me back into the gallery. He grabbed my arm and placed it on the corner of his and I held onto him as we made our way around to look at the pictures. When he got to about the fourth picture, Chris laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “I have your panties in my pocket,” he said with a sly grin.

  It was too late to worry about that now. I just laughed and we moved on to look at some other pictures. It was nice having him with me because people didn’t feel as obligated to come and ask me questions. He seemed mesmerized by my work and stopped to look at every single one of my photos. He didn’t ask me a bunch of questions and didn’t seem to care where I took them or with what camera. He just enjoyed them. I liked that.

  Soon people did decide to come talk to me and I introduced Chris as my friend. Although I felt like we were more than friends. He did not like having to talk to people and looked just about as comfortable as I did, at least at first. But it only took him a few groups of people and he was socializing like a pro. I felt like he took on a new personality though, like he was pretending to be an outgoing guy just to make it through the evening. He certainly wasn’t outgoing when it was just the two of us; his personality seemed much more like a reserved, confident type.

  I enjoyed watching him interact with people, even if it was a fake persona. He was funny and witty. There was something special about the way he interacted with people that made everyone feel at ease almost instantly. It was freaky how he turned so quickly into this person though. He was happy and joking, he sipped on wine and talked about politics, he was way different than the Chris I knew. I remember he said he did something with police or security when we talked about his job before. It made me think that his job might be why he was so easily able to adapt to meeting all these people.

  He could read them, he knew how they would like to interact and Chris changed his persona to fit in. I didn’t know what he did for his job, but some sort of undercover work would be great for him. He certainly seemed able to move seamlessly into almost any environment.

  Chris had his arm around my waist like he owned me and it felt great. His confidence in dealing with the crowd of people made me finally able to relax and enjoy the big night. I was so happy he had been able to come.

  “Katelyn, I’m not going to have final numbers for you tonight. Are you staying in town?” Sarah said as the night started to slow down.

  “Yes I will be in town.”

  “Alright, how about you enjoy a day on the town tomorrow and I’ll call you with the final sales. I will need you to come in and sign some documents before you leave town though.”

  “That sounds fine. I am actually booked at the Marriott for two more nights. I wanted to enjoy the city a bit before returning home.”

  “Even better. Have a good night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Sarah took off to talk to another group of people.

  “Will we need to bring your pictures home tomorrow?” Chris said.

  I was excited that he said we; perhaps that meant he was planning on staying the night with me. It would be fun to have a night in a fancy hotel room with him by my side.

  “Oh, I’ll go ask her how many.” I was just about to take off to ask her when Chris grabbed my arm.

  “No, I got it, you sit down and rest your feet.”

  It was like he was reading my mind. I really couldn’t even argue with him, I quickly sat down and put my feet up on a small table. I wasn’t use to wearing heels so my feet felt like they were literally going to fall right off.

  Chapter 26

  “So will you be staying the night in Kansas City?” I asked Chris as we walked out of the gallery.

  “Hmm, I’m not sure. I would need a hotel room and a hot shower. Do you happen to know anywhere I could find those two things?”

  “I happen to have a very nice hotel room; I guess you could take a shower and sleep on the couch.” I winked at him.

  I grabbed a hold of his arm and held onto him as we walked toward the Marriott hotel. It was a beautiful evening with the stars shining throughout the sky. I couldn’t have asked for a better night or a better first gallery show.

  We walked into the hotel like a young couple in love. Chris was telling me something funny about a man at the party and I was giggling and laid my head on his shoulder. The moment felt so naturally and comfortable, I filed it away in my memories. My heart felt big and I really was excited to be getting to know Chris in this new environment.

  As we entered the elevator, a young teenage couple also entered. The boy reached out and grabbed the hand
of the girl and they both laughed. It was sweet and both Chris and I looked at each other. To be that young and innocent again would be something special for sure. I could still remember how quickly I had fallen in love back then and how hard it was all at the same time. When you are that young, you just don’t understand what true love really is.

  The young couple got out of the elevator and Chris quickly pulled me up against him and started to kiss me. I loved the taste of his tongue. It was a combination of red wine and chocolate from the hors d’oeuvres at the party. My tongue moved gently with his as his hands slid up and down my back in a slow and deliberate motion.

  When the elevator stopped on our floor, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway where he continued to hold me close to him and kiss me. I felt like a teenager standing in the hallway of the hotel making out. It was such a spontaneous and fun moment.

  Our lips continued to explore one another and my body urged him to come closer and closer. I fumbled to find my room key while trying to keep my lips locked with his but finally had to look through my purse.

  “What room?” Chris asked.

  “1205,” I said as Chris grabbed the key card with one hand and me with the other.

  He ran down the hallway pulling me behind him and made quick work of the lock for the door. With one fast motion, he had the door open and both of us inside the room. He started to unzip my dress and it fell to the ground. I stood there totally naked as he looked at me.

  The desire in his eyes was intense and I couldn’t look away, although I felt embarrassed to be standing in front of him totally exposed.

  “Do you even know how beautiful you are?”

  Chris moved toward me and held my face as he kissed me gently. His burst of energy seemed to have died off and he was back to being extremely gentle and sweet. I enjoyed this sweet side of him very much. It was such a contrast to his large muscular body and tough exterior.

  I reached up and took his suit jacket off and then started working on the buttons on his dress shirt. The material seemed very expensive and not like anything I could remember feeling before. The suit was definitely tailored and possibly the dress shirt as well, they all fit him perfectly.

  Slowly I moved my hands down to his belt and pulled it off. I could feel his hips thrust toward me in desire. He wanted me to go farther; he wanted me to unzip his pants. Instead, I let my hand rub up against his cock through the outside of his pants. His hips moved in motion with my hand and he wanted my hand on him. I could feel him urging me to pull his cock out.

  I pulled him out and quickly slid down to my knees and took him into my mouth. His moan of pleasure urged me to take him deeper inside of me. My mouth moved in rhythm with his hip motion as I reached up and let my hand help with the stroking of his cock. My lips and hand moved deep down his shaft and then all the way back up to the tip. Slowly and deliberately I used pressure and motion to bring him close to climax. So close that I could feel the tiny bit of pre-excitement on my tongue. It gave me the warning to stop stroking him and let his body calm down.

  He didn’t like that at all. Chris grabbed me and pulled me up so I was standing. His lips met mine in a harsh thrust of desire and I knew he wanted to fuck me. I could feel his urge to turn me over the bed and just slide inside. But he didn’t. His kissing slowed down to a more intimate speed and he sat down on the bed, pulling me down with him.

  Chris let his hands move and explore the touch of my body while his lips continued to play with mine. One of his hands came up and slid my nipple between his fingers. I let out a moan of agreement with his move; I loved the feeling of his hands on my body. He didn’t muffle my moans this time and seemed to press me to moan more as his fingers rolled and twisted my nipple between the tips.

  I lay back on the bed and I tried to pull him on top of me. I wanted to feel him thrusting inside of me. I wanted to feel the explosion of ecstasy, but he would not give it to me. Instead, he relished the ability to build up my excitement. His hands were gentle and moved with a light touch over my skin. I could feel goosebumps form as he was intent on making my pleasure last as long as possible.

  We spent over an hour kissing and fondling each other before Chris mounted me and slid inside. Our bodies were sweaty from our make out session and it brought another level excitement to the evening, at least for me it did. I loved feeling his muscles under a layer of sweat. It felt good to know even a man in such great shape could be made to sweat from touching my body. As our bodies moved in motion with each other, I felt a closer connection to Chris than I had even a few days before. I was starting to have feelings for him and that wasn’t a good thing. I really knew nothing about him.

  We both collapsed from orgasmic pleasure, I felt the exhaustion of the night overwhelm me. It only took a moment and I had fallen asleep, tucked close up against Chris and feeling happier than I had in months.

  Chapter 27

  The next morning I was awoken by the hotel phone ringing. It startled me and took me a few seconds to figure out where I was. I let my hand slide across the bed and felt Chris and that helped me figure out where I was.

  “Katelyn, you sold all of your photos!” Sarah said as loud as I think she could have possibly said it.

  “What? All of them? There is no way!” I said as I sat up in the bed.

  “Yep, you did. And there was a bidding war over the picture from the woods. It sold for over twenty thousand dollars.”

  “Holy fucking shit!” I stood up and went to the hotel window.

  “Yeah, everyone was asking when you will have another show and if you have any other work. Do you have other photos ready?”

  “Hell no! I don’t have anything else ready. I mean I have millions of photos, but it took me months just to find those pictures. I can go through my stuff and see if there is anything else I like.”

  “That would be great. I’d love to do another show with you whenever you are ready.”

  We hung up and I stood at the window looking over Kansas City. It was amazing. I couldn’t believe I had sold all my photos. I couldn’t believe how much money they had sold for. It was a dream come true. A dream that I had not dared to actually let myself dream of before that very moment. My life had never been a fairy tale and that was alright with me.

  “You do know you’re naked standing in front of a window right?” Chris said as he started to stir in the bed.

  “Well, Kansas City will just have to deal with my nakedness.”

  “I don’t think anyone will mind. So that was good news about your show?”

  “Yes, great news. I sold everything. Can you believe that?”


  He said it so quickly and so confidently that I couldn’t help but hug him. It felt so great to have someone to share that moment with. It also felt really good to be around someone who had such an intense ability to calm me.

  “I just can’t believe it. One of the pictures went for over twenty thousand dollars. That is so insane to me.”

  “Which one?”

  “The one of the moon through the woods. It was the one I took the night you had to carry me home.” I laughed just thinking about it. I didn’t add that it was also the night that he carried me up the stairs to my bedroom. I didn’t add that it was the first night I had been with a man since losing Michael. I also didn’t add that the night was a memory that was still firmly embedded in my mind.

  “Hmmm I remember that night very well,” Chris said as he kissed me.

  He headed over to the phone and stood there naked while he dialed a number. It was impossible not to enjoy watching his body. Especially while he was standing there naked in front of me. I knew he had a lot of muscles, but seeing him in all of his glory it just made me want to try something new.

  “Yes, we are in room 1205. We need strawberries and champagne, please.”

  “What? It’s eight o’clock in the morning. Are you crazy?” I said as I grabbed a t-shirt from my suitcase and a pair of shorts and put t
hem on.

  “It’s never too early to have a celebration. But yes I could possibly be crazy.”

  His smile hid something very interesting and I loved how he winked right after saying the word crazy. I certainly didn’t think he was crazy, but I did really want to know more about him. There had to be more to him than a ripped muscular body that always rescued me from situations.

  “Well I’m only going to have one glass, I want to get home and get to my own bed this afternoon. I’m exhausted. Someone kept me up most of the night.” I jokingly pushed Chris toward the wall.

  “Who would do that? It must have been a crazy man.” Chris winked at me again. He pulled me close to him and I let my head rest on his chest. Feeling his arms wrapped around me made me feel so safe. Like no one and nothing in the entire world could ever harm me. I liked that feeling and I liked Chris’ arms wrapped around me.

  When the champagne came, Chris popped the cork and poured us a couple of glasses. It was the first time I had actually tasted champagne and it was delicious. I didn’t stop at one glass and was soon lying in bed drinking my third or fourth glass and eating a giant strawberry, with Chris sitting right next to me. It was by far one of the best celebrations I had ever had. The simplicity of it made it perfect.

  Luckily Chris had only one glass of champagne and was able to drive us around Kansas City on a little sightseeing tour while I relaxed. We went downtown and even drove past the Royals baseball stadium. I wasn’t a particularly big fan of baseball, but it was neat to see the big stadium.

  Around five in the evening, we went back to the hotel to gather our things and head home for the night. I felt comfortable with driving by then and I really did want to sleep in my own bed. I wanted Chris to sleep with me in that bed too, but I would have to work on that idea when we got back to Bain.


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