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Page 15

by Unknown

  * * * *

  “Oh Laine, look at this one. It's gorgeous. See, it's a 4-in-1 crib and changer set. You can get it in a cherry finish or chocolate.”

  “Mel, you know me, I love chocolate. I'll definitely get it in chocolate. It is really beautiful, isn't it?” Laine ran her fingers the length of the railing, wishing her baby was already here. The next nine months were going to take forever. She placed her hand on her belly. “One day at a time little one.”

  “Can I help you find anything?” A sales clerk offered.

  “Yes, I think I'll take this crib in chocolate, please. And where can I find strollers?”

  “Strollers are located on aisle seven. My name is Jean, I'm going to get this written up, and just let me know what else I can help you ladies with.”

  “Thank you, Jean,” Laine said, and headed over to strollers.

  They passed through infant's clothing on the way. “Ohmigod, look at this. It has little teeny tiny bears on it. What theme are you going to go with?”

  “Mel, I just found out I'm pregnant. I just bought a crib for crying out loud. I have no idea what theme I'm going with.”

  “It's a good thing we're at the ”Baby Barn“ then. They have the largest selection of baby themes in Atlanta. I have to buy stuff all the time for ladies in the office. It seems like they have absolutely no trouble procreating. One lady seems to think it's a hobby. She has eight kids. I don't see how she does it and manages to have a full time job.” Melanie put the tiny bear jumper in the shopping basket. “Alright, now on to strollers. Do you want one of those jogging ones or just a regular one?”

  Laine stared at Melanie like she'd never seen her before. “Since when do I jog?”

  “I didn't know if you wanted to get your body back in shape after the baby is born.”

  “Oh great, Mel, thanks for the reminder that I'm going to be fat and fabulous. Maybe I should look at the jogging ones.”

  We can work out together if you want. I'm going to be an auntie to this baby, so I get to hang out with you two as much as I want. You'll see, it'll be fun."

  “Oh yes, running until we puke will be loads of fun.”

  “Stop complaining. You'll love it when you can wear anything you want at Victoria's Secret.”

  That comment didn't help. The last thing she needed was a reminder of her black teddy. The one she'd worn for Kyle. Just the thought of him made her depressed. Remembering his voice telling her to get out and that he didn't want her. She still couldn't believe it, or didn't want to. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She had finally changed her mind about love and marriage, and then he didn't want her. He was supposed to want to spend the rest of his life with her and their child. How could this be happening?

  Melanie pointed to a grey and black stroller. “What do you think of this one?”

  Laine snapped out of her negative thoughts and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. “I like that one. It looks so sporty. Maybe I should have two strollers, one for jogging and one for regular outings.”

  Melanie spun on her heel and headed for the end of the row. “Look at this one. It has the car seat and stroller together. ”Let's see,“ Melanie flipped the tag over in her hand. ”The pattern is The Windsor Edition. It's perfect for a boy or a girl."

  Overwhelmed and nauseated, Laine grabbed the shelving to steady herself. This is just perfect, morning sickness.

  Melanie helped her by holding her waist. “Do you need to go to the doctor?”

  “No, I'll be fine, I just need to sit.” A fine sheen of sweat formed on her brow.

  Melanie looked around for something, and found a small bench. She led Laine over and sat her down gently. “What can I get you? I saw some snacks by the register and soda machines by the front door. I can get you anything you want.”

  Laine dismissed it with a wave of her hand. “I'm fine. I just need to be still for a minute. Go and get the number off of both of the strollers, we'll pay, and get out of here. I have a feeling I'll be better if I go home and rest.”

  “Okay, I'll be right back.”

  Laine waited while Melanie and Jean finalized things. All she had to do was pay and tried to settle her stomach. She was obviously in for a rough pregnancy.



  For the first time, he could open his eyes and keep them open. He could talk, making complete sentences. Grams and Pops would be proud of him, once they saw him. He hated the fact they were working the farm so hard, they couldn't even come and see him. He needed to get them some help, but Jeff refused to leave him.

  They moved him from the ICU to a regular room, but this one didn't have a view. All he could see out the window was the other side of the hospital. He felt like he was going to go mad sitting here like a lump on a log. I'm fucking useless sitting here.

  “Jeff,” Kyle snapped at a sleeping Jeff. He jumped and almost fell out of the chair.

  “What? What is it, buddy? Do you need something for pain?”

  “No, I need to get out of here. We need to be helping out. You know Pops has a bad heart.”

  Jeff huffed out a breath and dropped his head in his hands. He scrubbed his hand through his hair and looked back at Kyle. “Buddy, I'm not sure how to tell you this, so I'll just come out and say it. Grams and Pops have been dead for almost a decade now.”

  He didn't move, he couldn't breathe, and there was no pain in the world like this. He heard a loud bellow, and realized it was him. No! They can't be gone. They just can't be.

  Jeff held his hand as he cried out his grief. “I'm so sorry, but I had to tell you, Kyle. I didn't want you to hurt, but you needed to know.”

  Kyle gathered himself together as best he could. He wanted to know what other news awaited him. He remembered it now, the funerals, Pops first, it was raining. Then, Grams funeral, it was a beautiful day for hers. He and Jeff were both there. That was the day they had become brothers. They swore if anything happened to the other, that they would be there to take care of everything.

  “What else do I need to know?”

  “You're a firefighter for the city of Atlanta. We share a house in Marietta.”

  “So, I sold the farm?”

  Jeff scrubbed his hand through his hair again. “Yep, you did, about seven years ago.”

  “What else? Am I married? Do I have a girlfriend?”

  “Nope and nope, it's just you and me, buddy.”

  Kyle slammed his hand down on the bed. “When the hell can I get out of here?”

  Jeff laughed.“ Buddy, you're lucky to be going home at all. We almost lost you, so chill out. I know you're frustrated, but just try to relax and let your body heal.”

  “What happened to me? I remember being on my bike and getting hit by a car, but I was thirteen then.”

  “You ... uh ... got hit by a car. You got out of your truck and got sideswiped.”

  “Oh, okay, I don't remember any of it.”

  Jeff scoffed. “It's probably for the best.”

  “You're right, I don't want to remember anything about it, I just want out of here.”

  “And you'll be getting out too,” David said as he entered the room.

  “He will?” Jeff asked moving back from the bed.

  David slapped on a pair of gloves and unwrapped Kyle's head. “Lovely, just lovely. Your scars from surgery are healing nicely.” He shifted around to Kyle's face and shined a light in each eye. “Yeah, you're doing fabulous.” He put two fingers in Kyle's hand. “Squeeze my fingers as hard as you can. Kyle gripped him with all his strength. ”O-okay, that's good.“ David pulled his fingers free and flexed them. ”Don't break them, I need them for surgery."

  “So how's he doin,' doc?” Jeff stood to the side with his hands in his jeans pockets.

  David held up his chart, scribbled something on it, and placed it back on the bed. He clicked his pen and put it back in his coat pocket. “He's doing fabulous. At this rate, he might be able to go home in a week or so. We'll
have to start you on physical therapy, mind you it won't be easy, but you're tough. You should do just fine. He pulled the gloves off, threw them in the trash, and used the wall hand sanitizer to wash up. ”Is there anything you need? How are you doing with pain management?"

  “I'm not in much pain, not physically anyway, I'm just really irritated and tense, you have anything for that?”

  “Yes, I can have the nurse bring something to relax you.” He wrote on the chart again and left.

  The nurse came in a moment later, squirted something into his I.V. bag, and he started to relax immediately.

  * * * *

  “Did you know that babies have heartbeats by three weeks? They're tiny though, about the size of a peanut or something like that. Then by six weeks they have lips and fingernails. This book is so cool. We have to buy this one Laine.” Melanie kept flipping through the book wide eyed and amazed.

  Laine was anything but amazed. More like nauseated, again. She'd already been sick eight times since breakfast, her breasts were seriously sore, and she had to eat healthy. What part of this was fun? “Mel, you buy all the books you want. I'm going to be sitting in that chair over there, trying not to puke.”

  “Alright, sour-puss, go over there and hold your cookies.”

  Laine turned with her hands on her hips. “Dammit, Mel, don't mention cookies. I'm not supposed to have them. Having gestational diabetes sucks. No cookies, no carbs, and worst of all, no chocolate. How in the hell do they expect me to make it without chocolate? If I can't have sex, I need chocolate as a substitute.”

  Melanie read more in the book. “Ohmigod, you need to be quiet, the baby can hear you now. You don't want him to come out cussing like a sailor do you?”

  Laine rolled her eyes and thought seriously about smacking Melanie upside her head with the book. “What the freak ever,” Is what she said.

  “You can still have chocolate, I brought you some. I think it tastes pretty close to the real thing.” Mel put her finger in the book to save her place.

  Laine's face contorted. “That crap is not chocolate. It doesn't even melt right. How am I going to survive on fake chocolate and fake sex?” She finally made it to the chair and plopped down.

  Melanie's eyes went wide. “Shh, you can't say sex in the bookstore.”

  “You just did, and I didn't say sex, I said fake sex. You know, battery operated and manual labor.”

  Melanie's face turned a deep red. “What has gotten in to you?”

  “About nine inches of pure pleasure and oh yeah, oops, a baby.”

  Melanie turned on her heel and stalked off. Laine quickly opened her purse and pulled out a square of real chocolate, took a bite, and put it away again. She thought Mel would never leave her. It was almost like having her hovering mother around again. But she knew Mel's trigger. She was one of those people that actually hushed other people in the library. You most certainly didn't discuss your sex life, or lack of, in the bookstore.

  “What are you eating?”

  Laine's head snapped up to see Mel, with a frown on her face and her hands on her hips, staring down at her. She reached in her purse, pulled out a baggie and shook it. “Your fake chocolates, see?” Thank heavens she had brought the bag-o-gag.

  “Alright. See, I told you it was good, didn't I.” She smiled.

  Laine closed her eyes and rubbed her tummy. “Mmm, it's so good.”

  “Don't be so dramatic. It's sugar-free and I know you don't like it that much. Unless ... ” She leaned down to whisper. “Are you wearing a vibrator again?”

  Laine just about choked. “God, no. That was a onetime deal, I think.” Now there was a sad subject. The baby was growing strong and he had no father. She couldn't help wondering about Kyle. David said he had gotten out of the hospital and was now at home going to physical therapy four days a week, but that was all the information she had. She should be there helping him heal, helping him get back and forth to therapy. But the last words he spoke to her were etched into her brain forever. “Get out, don't want you.”

  Melanie crouched down and stroked Laine's arm. “I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought him up. I see how hard this is on you. That's why I'm around you so much. I feel like you need my support or you'll collapse. I can't watch you go through another depression like with David.”

  “David, what a waste that was. I thought I was doing something wrong, but it turns out he prefers the hotdog over the bun.”

  Melanie scrunched her brows together. “What do you mean?”

  Laine scoffed. “I mean, he's gay.”

  Mel gasped and shook her head. “No freaking way!”

  Laine nodded. “He told me in his office. I was asking why he did it, and he finally told me. And it turns out, he didn't cheat with Candy, it was just a cover to get out of the marriage. I spent over a year, miserable, thinking it was somehow my fault that he didn't enjoy sex with me. But hey, not every woman can say she had sex with a gay man. So, I guess that's my consolation prize.”

  “Wow.” Was Melanie's opinion.


  “We need therapy.” Melanie paced in a small straight pattern, back and forth.

  “Mel, I'm over it. I don't need some shrink to melt my brain.”

  Melanie stopped and faced Laine. “I didn't mean a shrink. I meant either retail or spa therapy, pick your poison.”

  “I pick the spa. I need a good massage and a pedicure before I can't see my feet.” Laine looked down at her feet, noticing how swollen they were getting.

  “Wait here while I go buy these books.” She pointed to a stack of books in a plastic shopping basket.

  Laine didn't have any doubt for a second that she would know everything there was to know about pregnancy by the time she had the baby.

  Melanie hefted the small, overfilled basket and left. Laine did notice one book in the stack was a baby names book, but she had a feeling she wouldn't need it. If she was right, she would have a boy. He played through her recent dreams with dark hair and ice blue eyes. Her son, Kyle.

  She would find out in a few weeks what sex the baby was and she couldn't wait. The nursery was almost finished. She just needed the sex to determine the color of clothes and decorations. She sighed. Patience was something she was a bit short on. This wait and bake thing wasn't her style. Instant gratification was her preferred method.

  She thought about Kyle and how he might be now. Would he always hate her or would he come around. It didn't matter much, she decided. He made it perfectly clear he didn't want her. At least she still had something of him. She looked down to her slightly swollen belly with fondness. “We'll be alright, little one. I can love you enough for two.” She cradled her bump in her hands. It was still a bit surreal that there was a person growing inside her womb.

  Melanie came back with a large white bag in hand. “You ready?” She readjusted the bag in her hand. “Oh, I found the next book on our book club list. I bought three copies. That way Julie will have one. We should invite her to the spa with us. All three of us could get together and have a great time getting massages and pedicures and then have dinner together.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I'll give her a call.” She pulled her cell out of her bag and dialed.

  “Bliss, how may I help you?” Julie answered.

  “Hey, Jules, how about you help yourself to a massage and a pedicure with me and Mel.”

  “Ooh, that sounds really good. Where do you want to meet?”

  “Meet us at Posh, off of Lenox Street.”

  “I'm on my way.” She hung up the phone.

  “Alright, Mel, help me up. This chair is way too soft, it swallowed me whole.”

  “Here, let me help.” Both of them turned their heads at that voice.

  “Steve, what are you doing here?” Laine asked.

  He looked around, then back to Laine. “It's a public bookstore. I was just picking up a novel to read in the bunkroom. He looked down to the thick book he held. Then I happened to hear two of the sweetest
voices in the world and thought I'd check them out.”

  Laine smiled up at him. He had always been so nice to her. “Well, check away. We were just about to leave and go treat ourselves to a little pampering today.”

  “Speaking of pampering, I see your little bundle is growing.” He gestured to her belly with his chin, as he helped her up.

  She looked down. “Yes, I think he will be as big as his daddy.”

  Steve's face softened. “Speaking of his daddy, does Kyle know?”

  She shook her head. “No, I haven't told him. He made it clear he didn't want me.”

  “Laine, he had a brain injury, don't you think he might not have meant it, or even known he said it.”

  “He was pretty convincing for someone who didn't know what he was saying. I know he meant it. But I'm not going to dwell on it. I have to move on.” She knew she had been a fool to give in to her heart's desires. She had been foolish to trust another man. She had trusted Kyle to love her as she did him, not destroy every ounce of faith she had.

  He huffed out a breath. “I can't change your mind, but I'm telling you, he deserves to know. I would want to know if I had a child in the world.”

  She knew this might be her only opportunity to find out about Kyle. “How is he?”

  “He's chomping at the bit to get back to work, even though it will be a while yet. He's doing really well in physical therapy and Jeff says his memory is constantly improving.”

  “And how is Jeff doing?” Melanie asked.

  Steve smiled at her. “He's an ornery sonofabitch who misses his girlfriend. He's quite a pain in the ass since you slapped him silly.”

  Melanie blushed. “Well, he pushed my buttons and I couldn't help myself.”

  “You should call him.” He glanced between the two of them. “You both should.”

  “No.” they said in unison.

  Steve backed up hands in the air. “Alright, don't kill the messenger. You both asked how they were and I told you. What you do with the information is up to you.”

  “We should probably get going. We have to meet Julie,” Melanie said.


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