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The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 12

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Not as long as you think using Originator instructional techniques,” Bartoll replied. “We have a sleep teaching aid which can place the knowledge directly into the brain. When the subject awakens the knowledge will be there, he just won’t know how to use it. The Originator teams will then take them to the ships and as they go through the hands on training the knowledge will change from confusion to an understanding of how the ships function.”

  “Why weren’t we told about this before?” asked Jeremy, thinking about how much quicker the training for the ships would have been.

  “With the numbers involved we did not think it was necessary,” confessed Bartoll. “It was an error on our part. We take our technology for granted; it is difficult sometimes to remember there is much of it you are not familiar with.”

  Jeremy looked around the group. “I thought Cynthia and Faboll were going to be here for this meeting.”

  “They’re in one of the other Dyson Spheres,” General Wesley explained. “Major Wilde has drilled a tunnel down to what appears to be a hidden stasis facility. They’re going to attempt to open it tomorrow. Cynthia thought she should be there in case there were any complications. Faboll is on site so he can access the facility’s computers and possibly learn of more hidden stasis facilities.”

  General Wesley looked over at Bartoll. “Is there any chance some of the Originators in this facility might be involved with the Defenders of Zorn?”

  “No, not in this one,” Bartoll answered. “Commander Belson said this stasis chamber was built by a close friend of his who had no interest in Zorn and his wild ideas.”

  “How are we progressing on assigning Marines to the Control Centers on the Shrieels and the computer cores?” asked Jeremy. He was greatly concerned that with the escape of Commander Alvord and his four followers there might be more Defenders of Zorn in another hidden stasis facility. If Alvord awakened them, they could pose a serious danger to one of the Dyson Spheres. By securing the Control Centers and the main computer cores, it reduced that threat substantially.

  “The computer cores on all Shrieels are protected by a squad of Marines and two squads of combat robots,” replied General Wesley. “We’re in the early stages of doing the same with the Control Centers. It should be finished in another two to three weeks. It’s going to stretch our available Marines to the limit.”

  “We’ll have more coming from the Federation,” replied Admiral Kalen. “Once they arrive we can rotate them with the others. I put in a request for 120,000.”

  “So many?” said Councilor Bartoll uneasily. “Do you really believe they are needed?”

  General Wesley nodded. “What would happen if the Eternals managed to land a large number of their troops and warrior robots on one of the Dyson Spheres and blast their way inside? We would need those troops to force them out, even using the combat robots. We’re also going to need them to take out the Simulins on the two Dyson Spheres where they have vortex Control Centers under their control.”

  “Where will these new troops be based?”

  “Most of them here at several bases outside the new cities,” General Wesley replied. “If you wish I have no problem with assigning several of your military AIs to the different battalions.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” replied Councilor Bartoll. “I just was not prepared for this. So many things are changing here at the Hub that go against what our policies have been for millions of years. It is going to take some getting used to.”

  Jeremy looked over at General Wesley. “How soon before you can move on those two Control Centers the Simulins have under their control?” Jeremy wanted that done as soon as possible because it was a glaring weakness in defending the Dyson Spheres from the Eternals.

  “Another few weeks until we have everything in position,” Wesley answered. “We’re moving thousands of combat robots as well as a few thousand Marines. It will be a concentrated attack by fleet forces as well as using a computer program to take back control of the vortex Control Centers. I talked to several Originator computer specialists, and they feel a special program they want to design is the best solution. It can be put in through a subroutine in the vortex Control Centers computers. It will shut down the energy shield as well as prevent the activation of the vortex. The main computer in the vortex Control Center will be tricked into running diagnostics and initiating preventive maintenance using the repair robots. Once that’s been accomplished we’ll use the warships to take out all Simulin vessels and any surface defenses they’ve erected. We’ll then begin sending combat robots in along with our Marines.”

  “This isn’t going to be easy,” said Admiral Kalen. “We’re going to lose a lot of combat robots and some of our Marines in the fighting.”

  “It’s necessary,” Jeremy replied. He blamed himself for waiting so long to do something about this. It should have been taken care of months ago.

  “Jeremy,” said Ariel as she suddenly appeared at his side. “I’m sorry to interrupt but Kelsey will shortly need you at the medical center.”

  Jeremy felt his heart skip a beat. Suddenly he was oblivious to the others in the room. “Is it time?”

  Ariel nodded excitedly. “Yes, the next special child is about to be born!”

  Jeremy looked at the others and saw Admiral Kalen grinning.

  “You’d better go. I can handle the rest of the meeting.”

  “The birth of a child is very special,” said Bartoll solemnly, “even among my people. Go be with your wife and celebrate this occasion.”


  Jeremy arrived at the medical center and hurried to the waiting room where the others were, even Katie. “Where are the twins?”

  “A sitter,” replied Katie. “They’ll be fine for a few hours. They just took Kelsey to the delivery room so you had better hurry. I spoke to her a few minutes ago, and she was worried you weren’t going to make it in time.”

  Jeremy headed to the delivery room where a nurse helped him put on a mask and a few other articles. Going inside, he stepped over to Kelsey’s side.

  “You just about didn’t make it. Your son’s in a hurry to be born.”

  Jeremy grinned. Unlike Katie and Kevin, he and Kelsey had elected to know the sex of their baby.

  “Hold her hand and help with her breathing,” ordered the doctor. “Your son is on his way and he’s not going to wait.”

  “Impatient, just like his father,” said Kelsey, trying to grin.


  Angela was holding Clair on her lap explaining that Kelsey was having a baby and soon Clair would have another little playmate. Clair was full of a thousand questions, most of which Angela ignored since answering them would only bring about more questions.

  Katie was watching Clair bounce up and down on Angela’s lap. “We’re going to have to build a pretty big nursery on the super exploration dreadnaught for all the kids.”

  Brace grinned, taking Clair off Angela’s lap and putting her on his. “I have a few ideas about that. I talked to several AIs who are trained to raise Originator children. They would like to help with ours, particularly in the nursery.”

  Ariel turned around to stare at Brace.

  “Don’t worry, Ariel. You and Clarissa would still be in charge. The Originator AIs would be working under your supervision, and they could also help protect the children if necessary.”

  Ariel put her hands on her hips. Her dark eyes narrowed slightly. “That’s something I’ll have to discuss with Clarissa.” Ariel was about to say something else when Jeremy came out of the hallway.

  “Baby’s fine and Kelsey’s resting. She did great!”

  The others were all thrilled.


  Ariel immediately left, heading toward the nursery. She wanted to be there when the baby was brought in. She was recording everything for Clarissa and would shortly be sending her an update on the new special baby. Now that the baby was here the two AIs could begin implementing the training schedule they had worked out. Part
of it was based on what Clarissa had already done with Clair. A few modifications had been made to accommodate Katie’s two babies as well as Kelsey’s.


  “When Angela has her next baby that will make five,” said Katie, looking over at Kevin. “Maybe we should get started on the sixth?” Katie knew the two AIs would approve. She also wanted a big family.

  Kevin’s eyes turned threatening. “Not yet; I haven’t quite gotten used to the twins yet. Let them get a little older and we’ll talk about it.”

  Jeremy looked around, noticing Ariel was missing.

  “She’s already gone to the nursery,” Angela said grinning. “No doubt she’s already planning the baby’s training schedule.”

  Jeremy groaned. He could well imagine what the overly protective AI had planned. He suspected his life was going to get even more complicated.


  At New Tellus Rear Admiral Barnes watched as the Accelerator Ring activated and a swirling blue vortex over one hundred kilometers across formed. From the center of the vortex four large Originator transport ships appeared, followed by their escorting fleet of warships. The ships could have exited hyperspace without the ring but it made for a smoother transition to normal space from the high speeds the vessels had been traveling.

  Around the ring were one hundred Originator battlecruisers from the Dyson Sphere in Shari space. They were all the new enhanced type with the most modern weapons known to the Originators.

  “Will you be returning home now?” asked Admiral Tolsen on the Distant Horizon watching the arrival of the large transports and their escort fleet. It had been impressive watching the huge Accelerator Ring activate.

  “Yes, what have you decided?” Fleet Admiral Nagumo had suggested both Race and his sister Massie journey to the Communications and Transport Hub with the first group of Federation fleet personnel. Kathryn hoped Race and Massie accepted. Both would make great admirals in the war against the Eternals. Kathryn knew Jeremy would be thrilled to see Race.

  Race turned to face Kathryn. “We’re going. I spoke to former Fleet Admiral Streth the other day. He said I was always destined to leave this galaxy and join Fleet Admiral Strong.”

  Kathryn nodded. She had heard rumors the former fleet admiral could sometimes see the future.

  “What about your parents?”

  Race gestured toward the now quiescent Accelerator Ring. “We can always return for visits. I can’t stay here knowing the danger the Eternals represent.”

  Kathryn nodded. Her father had also told her there would be several Alton admirals returning with her as well. “What about your crew?”

  “Most of the command crew will be coming. I’ve already spoken to them. I hate giving up the WarHawk since it’s an Alton-built dreadnaught. She’s a wonderful ship and highly advanced.”

  Kathryn grinned. “The new heavy dreadnaught you will get will be much more powerful than your old one. Not only that, you can custom design your crew’s living quarters and even the Command Center to a point.”

  Race looked at the massive viewscreen in front of him. It covered the entire front wall of the ship. Currently, it was divided into multiple screens showing different views of space. “I spoke to Fleet Admiral Nagumo yesterday. He would like me to spend some time fighting the Eternals with the new warships of the Originators and then return and lead a fleet of Originator battlecruisers against the Borzon and the Ralift, freeing all of the worlds they hold in slavery.”

  “I’m sure Fleet Admiral Strong will agree to that,” replied Kathryn. It would be nice for the home galaxy to be free of threats.”

  “How much longer is your father staying?” asked Race.

  “A few more months,” Kathryn replied. She watched as one of the Originator construction ships moved closer to the Accelerator Ring to check it after its recent activation. “Once he’s satisfied everything’s set up correctly and the Federation is in full agreement on what needs to be done about the Eternals he will return.” Her father was doing a great job at the Hub and soon there would be many more people there from all three races. He would be sorely needed to keep everything from dissolving into chaos with all the new arrivals. Currently, Admiral Kalen was filling in for him.

  “Massie is visiting our parents and will be here the day after tomorrow.”

  “I’ll have quarters set up for her on board the Distant Horizon. I think both of you will be impressed by what the Originators have done to this ship. It will give you an idea of what to expect in your own dreadnaughts.”


  Race nodded as he gazed at the viewscreens. New Tellus was plainly visible as well as the asteroid command fortress. As Massie and he had previously discussed, it seemed as if Race was destined always to be drawn to war. This time he wondered if it would be too much. He was going to fight a race who called themselves the Eternals due to their long lifespans. Someday he greatly feared he would not be returning home from battle and was destined to die in the void between the stars.


  Several days later Kathryn watched as the Accelerator Ring activated. It was time for her to return to the Communications and Transport Hub. Alton Admirals Lankell and Baasil were on the Distant Horizon as well. That made four well qualified admirals she was bringing back to Fleet Admiral Strong.

  Her fleet was returning with her except for the dreadnaught Titania. It was remaining behind for her father to use. Two of the enhanced battlecruisers were staying as escorts. The rest of her fleet, the four transports and their escorts would be returning with the Distant Horizon to the Communications and Transport Hub. On the transports were forty thousand trained fleet personnel. All were volunteers and carefully chosen for their command ability and being able to make decisions under pressure. Kathryn was ready to return to the Hub and get back into the war.


  “Fleet is ready to enter the ring,” reported Clarissa. Clarissa was anxious to return to the Communications and Transport Hub. Ariel had informed her of the birth of Kelsey’s baby and sent along videos of the occasion. Clarissa was also missing Clair who she had become extremely attached to.

  Clarissa checked the ship’s sensors confirming all the ships were in their assigned positions. All systems on the Distant Horizon were operating at peak efficiency. She sent out a quick sensor scan of the entire system to confirm one last time there were no threats. The New Tellus System with its huge asteroid fortresses, shipyards and fleet bases reminded her of the Communications and Transport Hub only on a much smaller scale.


  “Sible, take the fleet in,” ordered Kathryn, leaning back in her command chair and relaxing.

  Sible nodded and touched several icons on her navigation and helm console. Instantly the Distant Horizon and the rest of the fleet surged forward into the swirling vortex.

  Kathryn felt only the slightest twinge in her stomach as the ship made the transition into hyperspace. The Originators had installed a hyperspace compensator on the Distant Horizon, which greatly reduced the effects of making the transition into hyperspace.

  “Ready to get back into the war?” asked Commander Grissim.

  Looking over at Anne, Kathryn nodded. “This mission has been too quiet. I’m sure Fleet Admiral Strong will be pleased we’re back.” Kathryn looked over at Admiral Tolsen who was standing next to her watching with interest the workings in the Command Center. “What do you think, Admiral?”


  “Your ship is amazing,” Race replied. He had stood transfixed as the fleet entered the swirling blue vortex of the Accelerator Ring. It evoked memories of some of the events at the galactic core and the massive dark hole there.

  “Yours will be too,” said Camlin, close by. “I am pleased you have chosen to come with us. There are many wonders to see at the Communications and Transport Hub.”

  Race nodded. “I am looking forward to it.” Race was impressed by the Originator AIs. They acted so much like living beings. Clarissa had explained to him the Originators co
nsidered their AIs to be a form of life. It was something he would have to get used to as there would be AIs assigned to his new flagship.

  Race stayed in the Command Center for a few more minutes and then decided to go see his sister Massie who was watching everything from an observation lounge.

  Taking several turbo shafts he soon reached the deck where his sister and the two Alton admirals were. Stepping inside the large observation lounge, he was reminded the Distant Horizon was not only a dreadnaught but an exploration ship as well. A number of the ship’s crew were in the lounge relaxing and talking to one another about current projects they were working on. Race recognized several of them as scientists he had been introduced to earlier.

  “Race,” said Massie, gesturing for him to come over where Admiral Baasil and Lankell were sitting. “Wasn’t that entrance into hyperspace thrilling?”

  “The technology behind the Accelerator Ring is amazing,” said Admiral Baasil in his normally soft voice. “It is far in advance of anything we have on our worlds.”

  Race sat down joining the small group. “The Command Center is impressive. The helm officer on the ship is an Originator AI. She can control the ship with just her thoughts if she wants. Evidently all the AIs have a neural implant which allows them to link directly with any computer.”

  “Interesting,” said Admiral Lankell. “We have explored such technology but have not found the need to implement it.”

  Massie looked over at Race with concern in her eyes. “Are we doing the right thing leaving the Federation and going to join Fleet Admiral Strong?”

  “Yes,” replied Race, looking at the other three. “I spoke to former Fleet Admiral Streth and he said it was necessary.”

  Massie could see Race was not telling them everything. “What else did the Fleet Admiral say?”

  Race hesitated. “He said this is a war we cannot win.”

  Massie turned pale upon hearing this. “Then why are we fighting this war?”

  “Fleet Admiral Streth also said this is a war we must fight if we want the Federation and other galaxies to survive.”


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