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The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 26

by Raymond L. Weil

Fleet Commander Parnon watched the viewscreen, which was showing a greatly magnified view of the large hatch that led inside the Shrieel. The first two squadrons of Eternal battlecruisers had successfully exited hyperspace near the hatch and launched their attack shuttles before vanishing inside. The attack shuttles were already landing and depositing their loads of warrior robots and Eternal shock troops on the surface.

  “Our ground forces are meeting heavy resistance,” reported Second Commander Bernon. “The Simulins have some form of robotic drone which is extremely strong and difficult to destroy. There are thousands of them on the surface of the Shrieel.”

  “Have the next squadron of our battlecruisers target those drones with their energy weapons,” ordered Fleet Commander Parnon. “We will thin out their ranks so our warrior robots and shock troops can gain full control. We must find entrances to allow them to enter the Shrieel and take control of the vortex Control Center.”

  Parnon turned to examine one of the tactical displays. So far, the Shrieel had not been able to bring any of its powerful weapons to bear on his ships. It was only a matter of time before the Shrieel fell to his warrior robots and shock troops. When he reported this victory back to the Council of Eternals, his future as Commander of all Eternal fleets would be assured.


  General Wesley was growing deeply concerned. Not only did he have the Simulins and their Conqueror Drones to worry about now the Eternals had arrived also. Reports from one of the military AIs in charge of the Dyson Sphere’s defenses indicated heavy fighting was already occurring on the outer hull.

  “We may need more troops and combat robots,” said General Wesley, turning toward Major Caulder. “We did not plan on facing the Eternals in this battle.” They had 2,600 Marines and 30,000 combat robots assigned to this mission. Rear Admiral Barnes had nearly the same assigned to hers.

  Brace shook his head. “We’re out of luck on the Marines. They would have to come from the Hub and it would take them five days to get here. There are several thousand combat robots in this Dyson Sphere. Should I request they be made available to us?”

  General Wesley slowly shook his head. “No, I want two additional squads of Marines and the same number of combat robots assigned to protect all of the six main Dyson Sphere Control Centers as well as the computer core. On the computer core, I want a full platoon plus double that in combat robots. With the Eternals involved, we can’t allow them to reach any of those. Deploy heavy weapons with the Marines. Go ahead and contact the Hub and request an additional five thousand Marines and twenty thousand more combat robots. This battle may go on for far longer than we expect.”

  A concerned look crossed Brace’s face. “That will mean pulling the last of our experienced forces from the Hub. Our Marines from the Federation still like a few more weeks before they will be ready to deploy. That’s also going to strip most of the available combat robots from the Hub.”

  “I know,” Wesley replied. “This fight is not going to be over in a day or two. From the size of the Eternal fleet that’s outside the Dyson Sphere, in all likelihood they’re going to be successful in taking the vortex Control Center. We will have to take it back regardless of the casualties. Also, contact General McKinley. Inform him once they have successfully captured the vortex Control Center that Rear Admiral Barnes is assaulting we will need all of his Marines as well as combat robots.”

  Brace nodded. If General Wesley was calling in so many reinforcements, he must expect this battle to be extremely violent and costly. Brace made his way over to the communications console to begin sending the orders.


  Captain Werner frowned at hearing his latest orders from General Wesley. It seemed the Eternals were soon going to be involved in this battle. Looking upward, he saw the orbiting fleet was now firing antimatter beams into the masses of Conqueror Drones on the flat metal surface near the vortex crater. This had not been in the plan originally as they had hoped to limit the damage to the massive structure. The fighters and bombers were now concentrating their fire on the Conqueror Drones outside of that area.

  “We’ve secured a number of entrances to the inside corridors,” reported Sergeant Hitch. “Should we begin moving inside?”

  Captain Werner nodded. “I don’t think we dare wait. We can’t let the Eternals get too big of a foothold or we will never be able to drive them out. Begin sending the first combat robots and Marine squads in. Also, begin pulling everyone back. We may have Eternal warships coming in through the open hatch any minute.” Captain Werner knew with the Eternals involved his casualty estimates had just skyrocketed.


  High Commander Vetrex stood gazing coldly around him. Their communication attempts to reach other nearby Simulin forces had failed. Communications outside the Great Sphere were being jammed. The unknown aliens were landing some type of combat robot and highly trained soldiers on the surface. It was also obvious the attacking Humans knew of the other aliens as they were now using ship weapons to clear the area around the vortex crater risking damage to the structure.

  “Order all of our Conqueror Drones around the vortex crater to withdraw. They are to defend the corridors and compartments leading to this Control Center. Also send reinforcements to block the new aliens from gaining access to any hatches leading inside.” Vetrex was not pleased with the steadily worsening situation. He was being forced to defend against two invaders attacking from separate directions. Fortunately he had large numbers of Conqueror Drones as well as Simulin soldiers at his disposal.

  “We have erected numerous barricades between this Control Center and all access points. Neither the Humans nor these new aliens will be able to threaten this facility.”

  High Commander Vetrex did not reply. They were cut off from the empire. The defending Simulin fleets had been destroyed. There was no longer an energy shield over the region. He strongly suspected all that was left was for them was to decide how best to die.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Detecting Eternal battlecruisers exiting the hatch,” reported Kevin, his eyes showing grave concern.

  Jeremy took a deep breath. This was it! “All dreadnaughts and battlecruisers target the Eternals as they emerge. Use of all weapons except missiles is approved.” They dared not risk detonating dark matter missiles inside the Dyson Sphere. Even Devastator Three missiles could be dangerous.

  Looking at one of the large viewscreens, half a dozen of the four-kilometer battlecruisers of the Eternals appeared. Behind them were even more. They quickly moved upward toward the waiting Originator fleet.

  “Locked on target,” reported Major Preston. “Firing dark energy cannons.”

  On the screen, numerous energy beams began impacting the screens of the advancing Eternal vessels.


  Dark energy beam fire from the dreadnaughts pierced an Eternal ship’s energy screen and slammed into the stern of the warship setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space, which fell back toward the Dyson Sphere. Additional fire from particle beams and antimatter projectors riddled the ship turning it into flaming wreckage. Other Eternal ships were quickly suffering the same fate as they moved upward to engage the Originator fleet.


  “Fleet has opened fire, and the Eternals are responding,” reported Ariel. A moment later Ariel spoke again. “Initial Eternal battlecruisers have been destroyed. More are exiting the hatch. No damage to our fleet as of yet.”

  “We have reports of intense combat on the outer surface of the Shrieel,” added Aaliss. “The Eternals are landing large numbers of their warrior robots as well as shock troops. It’s only a matter of time before they gain access.”

  The Avenger’s energy screen suddenly erupted with energy.

  “Antimatter missiles,” reported Kevin, his face turning pale. “Big ones in the one hundred-megaton range.”

  “Damn, where did they get those,” muttered Commander Malen, her eyes wide in shock.

  “Ariel, how m
any defense globes do we have?” Jeremy knew that many of the globes had been taken from the dreadnaughts and sent to the fleet bases to help protect them.

  “Not many in our fleet,” replied Ariel as she quickly checked. “Fewer than ten thousand. However, the dreadnaughts in Rear Admiral Tolsen’s fleet have full complements of the globes. There are over thirty thousand.”

  “Great!” exclaimed Jeremy. “Have her deploy them. They’re to shoot down any Eternal antimatter missile that gets by our fleet. Commander Malen, deploy all of our fleet’s defense globes around the vortex crater but out of range of the weapons on the Eternal ships. Their mission is the same, shoot down any Eternal antimatter missiles they detect that comes into range.” Jeremy didn’t want any stray missiles to strike the Dyson Sphere.

  On the viewscreen, several Eternal battlecruisers exploded as they were ripped apart by the massed weapons fire from the dreadnaughts. The stern of another battlecruiser vanished as hundreds of gravitonic beams annihilated it. The rest of the ship soon followed. The space directly in front of the massive tunnel hatch was becoming filled with wreckage as even more Eternal battlecruisers appeared and rose up to join the battle.

  The Avenger shuddered as two antimatter missiles detonated against her energy screen. The lights in the Command Center flickered and then brightened.

  “Those missiles are going to be a problem,” said Commander Malen as she began shouting orders for all point defense weapons to target the inbound missiles. All the dreadnaughts had dual power beam turrets for just that purpose.

  “Where did they get them?” asked Kevin. “The missiles we encountered before were only ten megatons.”

  “They built them to counter our dark matter missiles,” replied Jeremy as he gripped the armrests of his command chair even tighter. “It’s similar to what we did when we developed our Devastator Three missiles.”

  “More Eternal ships are exiting the tunnel,” reported Aaliss. “The fleet inside the Shrieel is growing steadily larger every minute.”

  Commander Malen turned toward Jeremy. “All ships are launching their defense globes. Power beam turrets have been set to knock down inbound missiles but at the speed they travel I can’t guarantee how affective they’ll be.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Every one we knock down is one less that’s going to hit our shields or potentially hit the Dyson Sphere.”

  “We have reports the Eternals are now bombarding the surface of the Shrieel next to the entry hatch,” reported Aaliss.

  “They’re trying to eliminate the Conqueror Drones so their warrior robots and shock troops can gain entry,” said Ariel with a deep frown. “This is going to get messy. General Wesley should warn his Marines they may encounter Eternal warrior robots and shock troops near the vortex Control Center.”

  “How are we going to stop twenty thousand Eternal battlecruisers?” asked Kevin worriedly. “Every minute they’re getting more inside the Dyson Sphere. The ones in front are now protecting the ones that are emerging from the hatch. If this keeps up we’re going to be outnumbered.”

  Jeremy didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure how he was going to destroy or stop this Eternal fleet. This had all the makings of a major disaster.


  Rear Admiral Massie Tolsen entered the Command Center of the dreadnaught Dawnstar. It was a command dreadnaught of 3,600 meters. Being such, it had a large Human and Alton crew. “Report,” she ordered as she sat down in the command chair. She took a deep fortifying breath. She wished Race were here to tell her what to do.

  “We’ve launched all of our defense globes to interdict stray Eternal missiles,” replied Commander Donovan who was the ship’s commanding officer. “Fleet Admiral Strong is requesting we act in a supporting role for now until we’re needed. We have three hundred and twelve dreadnaughts and six thousand and forty updated battlecruisers of the old 2,000-meter class.”

  Massie nodded. Form us up into a disk formation directly behind Fleet Admiral Strong’s fleet. Place two thousand of our defense globes between us. They can stop any stray missiles that might get through. How many of the newer defense globes do we have?” Massie was glad she had paid attention to the tactics her brother often used.

  “A little over six thousand,” reported Captain Stewart Evans from Tactical.

  “Place them directly behind our fleet. We will call them forward if the Eternals break through Fleet Admiral Strong’s forces. The rest of the globes are to be used to interdict stray Eternal missiles.”

  Commander Donovan nodded. “Captain Evans, make the necessary adjustments to the globe deployment.”

  “Fleet is at Condition One and ready for combat,” added Tannor. Tannor was an Originator military AI assigned to the Dawnstar.

  “Communications, contact the battlecarrier Liberty and order them to withdraw all fighters and bombers from the surface. They’ll be easy targets for the Eternals. Once all the squadrons have landed, the battlecarriers are to retreat behind our fleet formation.”

  “Message sent,” replied Lieutenant Neilson.

  Massie took a deep breath. Now all she could do was watch the battle and see where her ships were needed. This was by far the largest fleet she had ever commanded. She just hoped she didn’t screw up.


  Captain Werner was about to enter a hatch leading to the interior of the Dyson Sphere.

  “We are a long ways from the vortex Control Center,” commented Rakell. He had one of the gold command keys, which should allow them access to all sections of the Dyson Sphere controlled by the Simulins.

  A massive explosion seemed to shake the ground around them.

  “We need to get inside,” said Sergeant Hitch urgently. “The Eternals are starting to target us. If they drop just one of those missiles they’re using against our fleet we’re all toast.”

  Werner nodded in agreement. He had already noticed the attacking squadrons of bombers and fighters were gone. “Get everyone inside as soon as possible.” General Wesley had already ordered all the shuttles to take off and head to a safer part of the Dyson Sphere effectively stranding the Marines and combat robots. “It’s going to be a hell of a lot safer inside than out here.” Looking around, he could see pillars of smoke and fire rising into the air. Massive explosions were going off everywhere and the battle above the Dyson Sphere was becoming more intense.

  Listening to the command frequency in his combat suit, he could hear of other units meeting heavy resistance inside. Casualties were mounting as the Marines tried to evacuate the surface and move inside the Dyson Sphere. Werner wished Major Wilde were here. She was more experienced in attacking these vortex Control Centers. With a deep sigh, Werner knew this time he was going to be without her suggestions. She was millions of light years away. Once again, he was completely on his own. Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the hatch.


  General Wesley was in his command shuttle, which had withdrawn to the safety of the orbiting fleet. His shuttle was immediately behind Fleet Admiral Strong’s dreadnaughts and battlecruisers.

  “We’re getting hammered,” said Major Caulder as he watched several viewscreens. Eternal energy beams were sweeping across the surface of the Dyson Sphere in the vicinity of the vortex crater indiscriminately wiping our Marines, combat robots, and Conqueror Drones. “We may lose 30 percent of our forces before we can get them safely inside the Dyson Sphere.”

  “It’s only going to get worse,” replied General Wesley, his eyes showing the pain of losing such a large part of his attacking force. “Until we clear out the Eternal fleet we can’t reinforce our Marines. They’re going to be on their own.”

  Brace stared hard at one of the viewscreens as the ruins of a destroyed Eternal battlecruiser crashed into the surface in a huge ball of fire. He shuddered thinking of how many Marines were probably killed in the blast. A number were still on the surface attempting to make it to one of the hatches that had been opened.

  “A number of defense globes have surrounded u
s,” reported the lieutenant, sitting in front of the shuttle’s sensor console. The command shuttle was two hundred meters long with an energy shield and light armaments. It had a gravity drive but no hyperspace system. “They’re forming into a defensive formation around us.”

  “We have Marines entering the inside of the Dyson Sphere through fourteen entry hatches,” added Captain Turner from Communications.

  Brace let out a deep breath. “It’s going to take a while still to get all of our Marines and combat robots inside.” He didn’t add during that time the orbiting Eternal battlecruisers would probably continue targeting them with their energy beams.

  General Wesley gazed at a viewscreen showing the ruins of an Eternal warship crashing into the surface where a number of Marines and combat robots were attempting to enter the Dyson Sphere through one of the small entry hatches. A massive explosion covered the area obliterating everything around it. “We’re losing too many of our Marines and combat robots.”

  “Damn, our Marines are going to be cut off from one another,” said Brace as he studied a hologram indicating the entry points. None were close to one another. “It’s going to take a lot of fighting for any of our units to link up.”

  General Wesley was silent for a long moment. He knew a lot of the Marines down there fighting. “They’re Marines and they’re wearing Originator designed combat armor. They’ll find a way to survive.”

  Brace hoped the general was right. This battle had a long ways to go.


  Jeremy winced as one of his dreadnaughts blew apart. “How many Eternal ships are currently inside the Dyson Sphere?”

  “Nearly four hundred,” replied Kevin. “We’ve destroyed seven hundred and thirty but they keep coming. They’re coming through the hatch faster than we can destroy them.”

  “If we could use our dark matter missiles we could stop them,” said Major Preston as he directed the firing of the ship’s weapons. “The Eternals are firing off a hell of a lot of their antimatter missiles. So far none have hit the surface.”


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