To Be A Maestro (The Maestro Chronicles)
Page 34
“I feel you should be made aware of some facts,” Terroll made a decision that could get him arrested. “Everyone healed by you is under suspicion and believed to be under your control, especially since you used the Serpent Guild spell to heal them, a conclusion made and reported by Vance Cummin, a Senior Soarer quoted by Talmon Reese in the last meeting of the Maestros.”
“Vance Cummin is high up in the Serpent Guild. I have recently restored a Soarer who can confirm the man admitted his ambition to be the next Maestro just before casting Condemnation on her,” Daniel spoke up. “Do not trust anything Vance Cummin says.”
“I will start by saying that I believe you. Be that as it is, no one will accept the word of a person restored by you over that of the Senior Soarer, I am sorry to say, especially with you making the accusation of him after I told you what he reported. Most everyone will believe you are simply besmirching his character in order to ruin the credibility of his words,” Terroll replied, believing it better to reveal the truth of how the news would be perceived rather than letting the young man be deluded into thinking anyone here would view his accusation as being credible.
“Some people believe Efferin is the Chosen Vessel rather than me. Their belief changes nothing other than to make my chores harder than necessary. I have told the truth about Vance Cummin and those who disbelieve will eventually discover for themselves what is true, hopefully before it is too late for them to act,” Daniel replied, showing no sign of surprise. This is a man who has learned to accept what is, rather than waste time wishing things could be different, much more mature than the young man Terroll discovered on the top of Mount Tannakonna not so long ago.
“I would consider it a great favor if you do not reveal the information I am about to impart. The Tomlin project has been cancelled because a great deal of Aakadon’s resources is being used to find you rather than continue exploration of the sunken city. A team from the Eagle Guild is ready to move against your estate if Efferin Tames decides it is the only way to bring you here. A special team has been dispatched to Kelgotha consisting of the Eagle, Sun, and Aqua Guilds, due to the harmonic emanations. They have sent one hundred Accomplisheds from each of the three guilds in addition to five Senior Soarers, five Coronas, five Oceanics, along with enough Foresters of the Willow Guild to transport them up the Gosian River in twenty boats designed by one of their Accomplisheds. The strike force will disembark and head into Ecoppia and try to bring an end to the harmonic pulses. People all over the world are frightened and demands from every nation are flowing in daily for we of Aakadon to do something about the problem,” Terroll revealed specifics that should only be discussed among his fellow Maestros.
Daniel nodded grimly. “I take back what I said; Aakadon is contributing something to the conflict. Be assured no one in Aakadon will hear any of what you just revealed to me. You are chief among the few Accomplisheds I trust in this city.”
Terroll took some comfort in being one of the trusted few. “Twenty Accomplisheds from each guild, led by Talmon Reese will soon be heading to Mount Shantear to strengthen the shield holding Tarin Conn,” he said and then smiled. “I have had two meeting with Accomplished Jenna, who is a fellow believer in your being the Chosen Vessel, and also one who claims to have been restored by you. At some point you gave her an opinion to pass on to me. I hope you do not mind that I proposed a Grand Symphony be performed to increase the potential powering the shield as if it was my own idea. Your opinion is highly suspect at the moment and mentioning Accomplished Jenna as the source of the communication would not only cause immediate rejection of the idea; it would place your young friend in a bad position.”
Daniel reached for the blue sack and said, “You did the right thing,” and then opened the silk. “The contents of this sack are one of the major reasons I came here today.”
Terroll watched as his former student removed a flute case and a trumpet case and wondered if his eyes were deceiving him. The Ducaunan did not leave him speculating for long, he came right out and said, “I am formally giving custody of the flute of Della Lain and this trumpet to you, the Maestro of the Zephyr Guild.”
Terroll accepted both instruments. “Are these real?”
“I will remove the shields so you can open the cases and authenticate them,” Daniel replied.
Terroll did as the young man suggested and after casting a few spells had no doubt these were two of the greatest and most sought after crescendos of all time. “Why are you giving them to me? I suppose you want me to keep this all a secret.”
Daniel shook his head. “On the contrary, I want the whole world to know that Daniel Benhannon came to Aakadon and presented these crescendos to you. Let it be known I came willingly as a show of good will on my part. You can also feel free to let people know I admit to modifying spells composed by Tarin Conn, I am not ashamed of being an Aakasear, and I am the Creator’s Champion. My enemies know this, why shouldn’t everybody else?”
Terroll closed both cases. “I accept the care of these crescendos on behalf of Aakadon as a show of good will on your part. I will make clear how this action demonstrates your cooperation in coming to this city as requested, and will publish the rest of what you want made known,” he stated formally and then added, “I must make this proclamation before the Grand Maestro finds out and orders the matter sealed to his office. Speaking of him, Daniel you must know there can be no victory for you over Tarin Conn and his illegitimate guild without the firm backing of Aakadon. I have been giving the matter serious consideration and feel you will never have that backing so long as Efferin Tames rules this city,” this is the part that could get him in serious trouble if it were not for the fact that the young man in front of him is the Creator’s champion, “I was serious when I invited you to join the Zephyr Guild. Don’t shake your head, hear me out. You can become a member of the guild today. Once you have been introduced to all of the other members, I will step down as Maestro in favor of you. At that point you will be a Maestro of Aakadon and can gain experience running a guild. I could be your Chief Aid and help you. You will also have the opportunity to meet and get to know the other Maestros. Daniel, you could then challenge Efferin, defeat him, and become the Grand Maestro. I can think of no other way.”
Daniel stood there staring at him while the hands on the chrono disc moved closer and closer to half past thirteen. “Terroll that is about the most unselfish proposal I have ever heard from anyone in this city. Most of the people I have met here are so arrogant and such graspers and clingers to power that I cannot trust them the way I trust you. I will keep your plan in mind because I think it is a good one, but I am sure, at this point in time, Efferin is likely to order both of us arrested, and then I would be forced to take hostile actions. I do not say this as a threat, it just that I am the Chosen Vessel, I must be free to face the other vessel, and letting Efferin imprison me or use a Grand Symphony to shield off my potential is something I cannot allow.”
Terroll had to admit the young man made a good point and for the time being it might be wise for Daniel to avoid spending over much time in Aakadon. However, if the former student wants the world to know he came here, then their must be witnesses. “Daniel, what you want me to do must be done quickly and in front of as many witnesses as we can get,” he made known and the young man began nodding approval half way through the plan. “Now, grab that blue sack, put the crescendos back inside, and follow me.” The young man did as instructed.
Terroll cast a spell, opening the door, startling Bernie, whose eyes widened when he saw who exited behind his Maestro. “I want you to find Accomplished Benhannon a cloak, gather as many of our associates as you can assemble, and have them meet us on level one. We are going to the coliseum,” he commanded and then withdrew a communication amulet from his inner pocket and pressed it against his forehead as he and Daniel walked toward the platform lift. “Maestro Barroon, there is going to be a presentation of historical significance taking place at the coliseum at half pas
t thirteen. I suggest you be there along with as many members of the Aloe Guild as are interested.”
“Maestro Barnes, what presentation will take place? This is extremely short notice.” She sent back through the mental link formed by the amulet.
“The event is going to happen quickly and without delay. The most sought after Accomplished in the world is the presenter,” Terroll replied, provocatively, and then placed the amulet back in his pocket.
Bernie met him as they were about to enter the shaft and step onto the platform. “You can use mine,” he said while handing the scarlet on black silk cloak to the Ducaunan.
“Thank you Accomplished,” Daniel replied while donning the cloak.
The Chief Aid lowered the platform and by they time they reached the first floor, thousands of Zephyrs were waiting. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Terroll spoke in a voice that carried across the vast room.
He led them out into the street with Daniel well hidden within the hooded cloak. No one could identify him in the middle of so many people similarly dressed. They passed the turquoise building of the Aqua Guild, hundreds of cubits high and touching the clouds. Many of the Aakacarns on the street glanced at the thousands of Zephyrs moving up the street and most of those onlookers joined the procession out of sheer curiosity. By the time Terroll walked briskly by the topaz building of the Aloe Guild, thousands of its members were filing out to join the Zephyrs. He led them to the coliseum, where even this large group of Aakacarns could easily fit beneath the vast dome that filtered in sunlight, yet kept out the harsh glare and heat. The rows upon rows of seats were currently unoccupied yet could accommodate more than one hundred thousand Aakacarns.
The Zephyrs were by far the best represented with over five thousand members in attendance, followed by the Aloe with three thousand or so. Members of the Eagle, Sun, Aqua, and Stone guilds were also in the crowd, yet they all together amounted to a thousand, and they were scattered and mixed with the two greater groups. Standing in the forefront of the Aloes was a young woman of Lobenian descent with yellow-gold hair and whose green eyes were locked onto Daniel as if she knew for certain who was within that cloak. Terroll did not find it surprising to see Sherree Jenna in the crowd.
On the center grounds of the coliseum stood a platform, about a cubit in height and ten in diameter, upon which thirty-seven Talenteds graduated yesterday to the level of Accomplished. Terroll led Daniel up on it just as Maestro Barroon arrived. “I have to admit your invitation was intriguing and hope the reality meets the expectation,” she stated to Terroll while eyeing the tall figure whose face remained hidden within the hood.
Daniel shrugged out of the cloak and tossed it to Bernie. A gasp tends to be soft, barely audible, yet coming from more than nine thousands throats, the collective gasp that erupt when everyone recognized the man standing next to Terroll sounded forth like a mighty wind.
“Maestro Barroon, would you do the honor of making this presentation audible to the city at large?” Daniel requested as his attention flicked briefly to her and then in the direction of the Lobenian in the audience.
“I will,” she replied and then cast the spell.
“I, Daniel Benhannon, a seven-bolt Accomplished, have come of my own free will to present these crescendos to the city of Aakadon and in particular Terroll Barnes the Maestro of the Zephyr Guild,” he announced in a strong voice that boomed in the coliseum, rang through every street, and sounded within every building. He then removed the objects from the sack and handed them to Terroll.
“I, Terroll Barnes, Maestro of the Zephyr Guild, on behalf of Aakadon, as a token of your good will, do accept from your hand the trumpet of Tarin Conn and the flute of Della Lain.”
The shouts of joy from the crowd thundered across the city and surely out into the surrounding country side, being amplified by the spell cast by Maestro Barroon. Terroll knew the other Maestros were even now hastily making their way to the coliseum, Talmon Reese foremost among them, and no doubt accompanied by many flocks of Soarers. Their arrival in the coliseum was currently hindered by the many thousands of Zephyrs who happened to be congregated near the entrances.
“I bid you all farewell,” Daniel called out, touched the handle of his hunting knife, and then vanished in a bright flash of blue light just as Talmon and a flock of Soarers managed to gain entrance into the coliseum.
The flash stunned the crowd to silence and they stood blinking and unmoving as if they could not believe what they just witnessed. Talmon hurried to the platform. “Maestro Barnes, why did you not detain him?”
Janna stepped up and all three Maestros were now sharing the platform. “On what grounds should either of us have detained Accomplished Benhannon?” She politely inquired in a show of unity with Terroll.
“You know the Grand Maestro wants him for questioning.” Talmon eyed both of them.
“The Grand Maestro’s will has been done. Daniel presented himself here in Aakadon, he submitted to questioning, and has of his own free will given us two of the most sought after crescendos of the millennium,” Terroll replied calmly.
“What questions, what answers, and who made the inquiries?” Talmon demanded, even though, speaking to an equal, he had no authority to demand anything.
“I asked him specific questions and he gave straight forward and honest answers,” Terroll saw fit to reply.
“Maestro, what did you ask and how did he answer?” Talmon requested in a more respectful tone.
“To keep it short for this venue, he admitted to restoring our Accomplisheds by using a series of spells, one of which was a modified version of the spell Condemnation, composed by Tarin Conn. Daniel Benhannon declared himself to be a seven-bolt Accomplished and the Creator’s Champion. His entire repertoire has been restored and he freely admits to being an Aakasear. Are these not the questions we wanted answered and has he not come here and given his reply?” Terroll asked after making known the things Daniel wanted the world to hear.
“Then he admits to re-condemning the poor souls, conforming them to a similitude of what they were, and being in control of their minds,” Talmon replied as if pronouncing judgment.
“From what I have seen of those Accomplisheds Daniel has restored, he did an excellent job of giving them the bodies they once had. He told me the only way he could think of to give them free will was to command them to have one. Maestro Barroon, can anyone in your guild restore a person who has been condemned? Can you think of a better way to restore their free will?” Terroll replied while turning to the leader of the Aloe Guild.
“Members of my guild have examined all those who were formerly Condemneds and determined them to be in perfect physical condition. No spells in our library can achieve the level of healing performed on these people and I do not have the expertise to comment on the best way to restore the free will of a person under the influence of Condemnation, seeing as it is a spell of the Serpent Guild and only someone who knows it well could even say if such is possible,” Janna replied.
“I would like to know how he managed to get into this city,” Talmon said while staring out at the crowd.
“I told you his entire repertoire has been restored. He transported himself directly into my office. It seems he can appear in any place he has visited at least once and I suspect distance has no meaning. He might well be somewhere in Ducaun even as we speak,” Terroll replied and smiled inwardly, hiding his true feelings. Let them all think about the places his former pupil visited while living among them and wonder where Daniel might choose to make a future appearance.
Daniel appeared in the center of the maze in the rear gardens behind the immense Jade building known as Caster Hall, a location provided by Fletcher the snowy owl whose keen eyes made the trip possible, seeing as Daniel had never been in this part of the city. Terroll’s amplified voice, along with those of Talmon Reese and Maestro Barroon boomed throughout Aakadon. Daniel smiled as his former tutor explained what had occu
rred and wondered if the Maestro of the Eagle Guild realized the entire conversation was being broadcast.
In a white gazebo stood Marsha, Daria, Jerremy, Martin, Franklin, Joel, Michael, Salla, Sharon, and Jeremiah Lassiter. Daniel stepped in out of the sun and they welcomed him. “Did you really give them the flute?” the former Senior Soarer asked.
Daniel nodded. “They are questioning whether or not you have a mind of your own and here I ended up doing what you originally wanted rather than keeping the instrument with me.”
Lassiter gave a quick nod of the head. “It only matters that you came to agree, not how long it took you to change your mind. These fools really believe you have complete control of me,” he replied and shook his head in disgust. “What they think no longer matters. I am glad to see you and ready to be of service.”
“I admit to having been somewhat worried for you when your voice began to sound throughout the city,” Jerremy said, while shaking hands. “They might have arrested you.”
“I knew you would come for us just as planned,” Marsha stated with a satisfied nod of her head.
Franklin Togan leaned against the railing. “I knew you would come yet admit to being surprised you made the trip so public.”
A tall young Ecoppian-born Accomplished entered the center of the maze and came to a halt. Reginald had no lighting bolt on his silks because he lacked sufficient potential in his vat and was therefore a resident of Caster Hall. “Why are you all here when so much is going on at the coliseum?” he asked and then his eyes widened at seeing who stood with them. “You, why are you here?”