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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

Page 7

by A. D. Ellis

  Zoey was five years younger than him, but she was more mature than most girls her age. He grasped her hand.

  “So, if you’re okay with it, we’re going to head out. We’ve got destination numero uno to reach tonight. If we time it right we’ll get there with about two hours left before closing time.” Zach looked askance at the couple he’d considered family his entire life.

  “One last question. The sleeping arrangements...” Kyle trailed off when Josie clasped his hand in hers. “You know what, on second thought, I don’t want to know. I trust my daughter and I trust you. I don’t want to ask something that makes either of you lie, so I’ll pretend like I know nothing. Josie here will keep me busy doing all kinds of kinky things tonight so I don’t have to think about what the two of you are doing.”

  He wagged his eyebrows and smiled as Zach laughed, Zoey groaned, and Josie playfully smacked his arm.

  The big truck backed slowly out of the driveway and headed toward the next town over.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Zoey asked.

  “Now, what would be the fun in that?” Zach smiled at her pout. “We’ll be there in about thirty minutes. I think you can wait until then.”

  The entire half-hour drive was filled with laughter and chit-chat. Zach realized that nothing had changed between them. It was like they were four years prior, she had always been his best friend, and she still was. The only difference was he’d gone from someday wanting to kiss her, when the time was right, to being able to hold her and kiss her anytime he wanted. But, other than that small tidbit, she was still his favorite forever girl. His heart warmed.

  “So, speaking of sleeping arrangements. I planned on doing whatever you thought would be best. We can get completely separate rooms, one room with two beds, or just one bed. It’s your decision, but either way I don’t want anything going too far tonight. Your birthday is so close, then after that we can start talking about the next steps.” Zach knew she was disappointed, so he reached over and lifted her chin so she was looking in his eyes.

  “Zoey Belle, the first time I make love to you isn’t going to be in a hotel room. It isn’t going to be an afterthought or mistake. I’m not going to back down on that. I love you, I’ve always loved you, I will always love you. But, I’m determined that if we’ve waited this long, we can wait until you’re 100% legal and do it right.” He leaned in and kissed her before entwining his fingers with hers. “But that doesn’t mean that I’d be against holding you close while we sleep tonight.”

  “Okay, Zach. I know where you’re coming from, and I know you’re right. It doesn’t diminish how much I want you, how badly I want to feel what it’s like to be with you that way, but I’ll settle for whatever we can get. Let’s get one room, one bed. You can hold me all night long.” She leaned into his body and breathed deeply.

  “Pretty girl, I’ll hold you all night long, and for the rest of our lives. That’s a promise.”

  They arrived at the zoo.

  Zoey looked at him confused. “Zach, I think the zoo is only open at night on certain dates. It doesn’t look like it’s open this evening.” She looked like she felt bad for him.

  “You’re right, the zoo isn’t open tonight, but the butterfly garden is. And, if the lady I talked to on the phone is right, we should see some butterflies hatching this evening.”

  “Zach, this is so neat. I’ve lived close to this exhibit since it opened five years ago, but I’ve never taken the time to come over to see it. Thank you. You know what a sucker I am for butterflies and flowers.” She smiled sweetly at him and kissed him lightly.

  They walked the short distance to the entrance. Once Zach had paid their entry fee and the price for both of them to feed the butterflies, they walked into a tropical oasis filled with lush plants and flowers and over 100 species of butterflies.

  For the next two hours, Zoey was in heaven. Zach couldn’t have cared less for the plants and insects, but watching his girl enjoy the evening was his own little spot in paradise.

  “We have to come back here sometime. I think the grandmas and moms would enjoy this too. I can’t believe there are so many different types of butterflies. I wish I could grow some of these plants, but I am definitely planting a butterfly bush so the backyard will be full of them this summer.” Zoey babbled on as she gazed at the beautiful vegetation, and giggled when the light tickle of butterfly wings danced along her skin.

  All too soon, the clock struck closing time.

  “Come on, pretty girl, we need to let the butterflies get their sleep.” He had let her wander the gardens freely, but grasped her hand in his and pulled her close to his side as they walked out the door.

  Stopping in the protected area between the inner and outer doors, they let an employee check them over to be sure they weren’t carrying any stowaways with them.

  “Oops, you’ve got one trying to make an escape here on your shoulder. If you’ll just hold still a moment, I’ll get him off and back into his home.” The employee made a move to gently remove the butterfly.

  The insect fluttered from Zoey’s shoulder to her hand.

  “Oh, Zach, look how pretty it is. It’s the biggest one I’ve seen. He’s gorgeous.” The awe in her voice filled the small area.

  As if pushed by a whisper of breeze, the butterfly zigged and zagged around Zoey’s strawberry-blonde hair before lighting on her nose.

  Trying her best to stay still so as not to startle the gentle creature, a breathy giggle escaped her.

  Zach’s heart filled, his breath caught in his chest. He would keep the image of her giggling with a butterfly on her nose in his heart for the rest of his life. Never once had he doubted the girl standing in front of him was his soulmate, and watching her smile as if the winged insect was the most precious thing in the world cemented her place in his heart and soul.

  Once the tagalong had been safely returned to his garden home, they walked out into the evening. Arriving at his truck, Zach quickly gathered her in his arms and pressed her back against the shadowed driver’s side away from onlookers. Running a gentle hand across her cheek, he swallowed audibly when her sparkling emerald eyes lifted to meet his own.

  “Zach?” She whispered, her chest rising and falling quickly.

  “You are the most beautiful, special, amazing woman I’ve ever known. I don’t know how or why watching you in there affected me so strongly, but it did.” He stopped speaking and slowly lowered his mouth to hers.

  This kiss was different. This kiss was a promise of something more to come, and Zoey felt the heat sear through her body. When she thought her heart would explode, he stumbled backwards breathing heavily.

  “Zoey…” With fire in his eyes, he reached for her again, but simply pulled her into his chest. Allowing their breathing to return to normal, they stood in the shadows of the evening.

  “We need to go somewhere, anywhere, but not to the hotel just yet. Let’s get some supper or dessert at least. I can’t be in a hotel with you right now.” He adjusted himself as he spoke and his eyes twinkled at his girl’s flushed cheeks and swollen lips.

  “I think there’s nothing I want more than to find a hotel right this moment.” She quipped.

  “Hey, sassy pants, don’t tempt me. There’s nothing more I want right now either, but that’s not what this weekend is about. We both need to cool down before we climb in bed.” He tapped her nose and kissed her gently. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  As they drove away, Zoey sighed and watched the butterfly garden fade in the distance.

  “Well, tonight was special from the moment we arrived, but that kiss just put the evening into my Top Five best dates ever.” She looked at him and smiled.

  “Only in the top five? Which dates were better? And since I’ve not taken you on many dates, you better not tell me about dates with other guys.” Zach teased her.

  “Well, for now, it fills the number one spot. But we’ve got a whole weekend ahead of us, so we’ll s
ee if it can hold onto its ranking.” She teased him back.

  “Wow, the pressure is on.” He chuckled as he opened her door and slowly let her body slide down his as he huskily whispered, “I look forward to the challenge of filling all of your slots.” He threw his head back and laughed at the look on her face.

  “Oh my gosh, you just sounded so much like Kendrick!” She laughed and threw her arms around his neck.

  Her voice whispered in his ear and the heat instantly returned, “You can fill any and every slot you’d like.”

  He growled into her mouth as he kissed her.

  “Pretty girl, you’re making things very hard with your teasing.” He let his heat press against her belly.

  “Hard is just the way I like it.” She tried to say it seriously, but dropping sexual innuendos was so foreign to her she couldn’t help but to crack up laughing.

  Walking into the little coffee shop, they worked hard to control their laughter.

  Had either of them seen the lone figure who watched them from a corner booth, their laughter would have died instantly. His angry heated eyes watched silently. Hatred and lust filled him. He had plans for the girl, and her dickhead boyfriend wasn’t in those plans.

  Chapter 9

  Zach laid on the hotel bed, face down, and groaned into the pillow. He tried to clear his head and get rid of the hard-on he’d had since Zoey disappeared into the bathroom. But he could smell the scent of her body wash wafting on the steamy air under the closed door. He could hear her humming a random song. He could picture her naked body under the hot spray of water. None of those things were helping him to get himself under control.

  What the hell was I thinking? I just paid $100 for a night of pure torture. He knew the thought running through his mind was complete truth, but he also knew there would never be a sweeter more satisfying torture. You’re a glutton for punishment, man. He smiled. Yeah, he was. But if holding his favorite girl all night long was punishment, he never wanted it to end.

  The bathroom door opened.

  He heard her feet pad over to where he was on the bed.

  The bed sank with her weight and he felt the heat from her body.

  Zach bounded from the bed and raced the bathroom, “Um, I need to shower,” he mumbled as he closed the door.

  Shit. He knew he couldn’t lay on the bed with her right then, but walking into the steamy, fragrant bathroom where he knew she’d just been naked didn’t help matters either.

  “Zach? You okay?” She knocked lightly on the door.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to get a shower real quick. I’ll be out in a bit.” As he spoke he almost hoped she’d fall asleep before he finished.

  “Okay, well I’m going to watch some TV for a while.”

  He ran his hands over his face.

  His girl was lying in bed waiting for him. And he was behind the bathroom door deciding if he should jack off in the shower just to take the edge off. Double shit.

  Several minutes later, shivering from the cold shower he’d submitted himself to, he climbed from the shower feeling more confident about sharing a bed with Zoey and keeping her virtue safe.

  Until he walked from the bathroom into the darkened room and found his precious girl wide-eyed, slack-jawed, staring at two very naked bodies on the TV screen.

  “Zoey? Whatcha doin’, pretty girl?” His voice was soft and husky. Holy fuck, she’s watching porn. I’m going to die tonight. I’ll bleed out when my balls explode. She has no fucking idea what she does to me.

  Her incredulous face turned to him, eyes still wide. “Well, it looks like there’s a free weekend on this channel. I didn’t realize it was this type of channel, but I’ve never watched porn and I couldn’t help but want to see what happens.”

  She hid her face in her hands. “I mean, I know what happens, I just couldn’t stop watching.”

  He didn’t even attempt to hide the tent in his basketball shorts, it was pointless. Crawling up the bed, he met her at the pillows. He settled his back against the head board and positioned her between his legs so her back rested against his chest. His voice rumbled through his chest as he whispered in her ear, “We can watch anything you want.”

  She turned and grinned at him, “Can I make mental notes of things I want to try?”

  Fuck. Yep, she was trying to kill him.

  He chuckled. “Sure, make all the mental notes you’d like. I’ll do my best to accommodate your wish list.”

  They settled in to watch what turned out to be a very soft porn video. And for that he was extremely thankful. He didn’t want his girl watching anything too hardcore.

  His hands ached to roam her body, but he kept his arms wrapped around her midsection.

  When the credits rolled, she turned in his arms.

  “I know we can’t go too far, but can we mess around just a little?” Her sweet words were whispered desperately against his lips.

  And with that one simple request, he knew he was a goner.

  “What did you have in mind, pretty girl?” His mouth spoke huskily against her ear.

  With huge, innocent eyes she spoke softly, “I really have no idea. I mean, I know what sex is, and I know we’re not doing that tonight. But, I was hoping you could show me a little bit about all that leads up to the actual sex.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and ducked her head embarrassed.

  A finger lifted her chin and he spoke gruffly, “Two things, Zoey. First, don’t ever be embarrassed to talk to me like this. I need to know what’s going on in that sexy, smart head of yours. Two, you’re right, we aren’t going to have sex, but I’d be more than happy to show you some previews of what we can do once your birthday gets here.”

  His lips captured hers gently. When his tongue danced across her bottom lip, he took advantage of her gasp and found his way inside. Her hands fisted in his hair as she rolled and pulled his weight on top of her.

  “Show me.”

  The soft whisper floated on the air and his heart clawed its way into his throat.

  Bringing his hands up to cup her face, he kissed her deeply before whispering, “I love you, Zoey Belle, always have, always will. Don’t ever forget that. This has never been about just sex for me, please don’t let tonight change that.”

  His ragged voice and pleading eyes begged her.

  “Zach, if this was about just sex we would have never made it to where we are. Just sex doesn’t wait for the perfect forever. Just sex doesn’t hold another’s heart for almost eighteen years. We will never be just sex.”

  She leaned up to kiss him, “But, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see what the ‘almost sex’ side of us can get into.” She grinned and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  Their laughter subsided quickly as his hot mouth trailed kisses down her body.

  Goosebumps formed under his hands as he slowly traced his fingers along the soft skin of her abdomen. Allowing his hands to roam farther under her tank top, he stopped momentarily to rest his forehead on her ribcage. Shallow breaths escaped him, his mind racing a thousand miles a minute.

  “Zach?” She propped up on her elbows and watched him. “What’s wrong?”

  Tracing her soft skin with his tongue, kissing each rib, he lifted his head, and gazed at her with fiery eyes.

  “Nothing is wrong, Zo. I’m just a little overwhelmed. I feel like I’ve waited for this moment my entire life. I know that’s not really true, but I’ve wanted you to be mine in every imaginable way for so long, it’s enough to take my breath away to have you here with me like this.” Swallowing thickly, he continued, “I’m getting ready to touch you in ways we’ve never shared, in ways you’ve never been touched, and I’m feeling a little off-kilter to be honest with you.”

  “Show me. Please.” She pulled the hem of her tank over her head.

  With a shaky breath, he sat on his knees between her legs and pulled her close. Fire and water mixed in his heated eyes as he let his tear-glistened gaze roam over her bare sk

  “You are beyond beautiful, beyond breathtaking.” His voice caught in his throat as he spoke.

  Bringing a hand to her midsection, he let his fingers brush over her skin.

  “I’m scared, Zoey. Scared that once I touch you, this will all go away, like I’ll find out it’s all been one big dream.” He fought the tears through his whisper.

  “It’s not a dream, Zach. I’m here. I love you. And I want you to touch me. Please.” She reached for his hand and placed it on her chest.

  Closing his eyes, he groaned, and let both hands caress over her bare breasts.

  Leaning his body down, and pressing his weight into her, he took her mouth with his. Tongue and lips worked together to taste and tease. Nothing could have prepared him for what he felt when he held her in such an intimate way.

  Breathless whimpers, rolling hips, fists gripping sheets, he loved on her for a moment longer before his lips began to journey down her body.

  “Zach. Wait.”

  The words froze his movement and his blood at the same time.

  “Do we need to stop, Zo?” He never wanted to do anything that made her uncomfortable.

  “Is it weird? Too much? Not what you had hoped for?” He knew then and there, he would never be fit for another after having a taste of her, but he would let her go if she was uncomfortable.

  “No, no, not at all. That’s just it. I’ve been scared that once we started this next step, it would get awkward. Aly kept telling me that your kisses and touches would feel wrong, like a brother kissing his sister. And, even though I wanted her to be wrong more than anything, I worried it would all feel strange when we finally came to this. And I was scared to death of how we would deal with it.”

  She reached out and pulled his hands back to cover her breasts. “But nothing about what we’re doing feels wrong or strange. You light my body on fire, like it’s come alive for the first time in my life.”

  She gripped the base of his neck and pulled him close for a deep kiss.

  “Show me more.” With a final flick of her tongue she arched her back when his lips left hers and traveled down to the waistband of her shorts.


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