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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

Page 10

by A. D. Ellis

  “Let’s just see what happens. Just like you promised to stop at any time, I’ll do the same. But, there’s got to be something to it, or you wouldn’t see all these gay guys loving anal sex. If it was all terrible, they’d stop doing it. So the magical prostate has to be worth something.” She reached down to grab the box. “Besides, it’s not like I’m asking you to have actual anal sex, but Sawyer promises this will be awesome.”

  She stopped talking, holding the toy in her hand along with a small bottle of lube. Looking at him expectantly, he gave up and nodded his agreement.

  She popped open the lube and poured it in her hand.

  Grasping him in her fist, she moved slowly up and down.

  “Zoey, not that I’m complaining here. Not at all. But, you seem to have quite a bit of knowledge, if not hands-on practice, about some things. You been talking to people, pretty girl?”

  She blushed. Pouring more lube on the toy, her hand, and dribbling the cool liquid on his ass while he gasped in surprise, she hesitated.

  “Um, I may have talked a little to Luke about hand jobs and blow jobs. And I have read enough male/male romance books to know the basics of anal sex.”

  Fighting off the desire barreling through his body, Zach grabbed hold and clung to the feeling of surprise that last statement gave him, while he spread his legs for her with very little thought as to what he was doing.

  “You’re reading male/male romance books?”

  Shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly as she continued her left-handed assault on his erection, and began her right-handed exploration of his ass, she quipped, “Sure. It’s hot. I got interested in the genre when Sawyer left a book laying out on the coffee table. I was intrigued, and now I’m sort of hooked.”

  All talking ceased when she let her fingers brush against an area no one had ever been that close to, unless one counted the doctors making him turn his head and cough for sports physicals.

  “I’m going to do this really slowly. Don’t clench up. This is fairly small, and very slick, but it may burn a bit. It might help if you push out against it as it goes in.”

  As she ever-so-slowly advanced the toy into never-never land, he almost stopped breathing when she took his length back into her hands.

  Reaching up, he grasped his base. He didn’t want to end things just as they were starting to get interesting. He’d come this far, might as well see it through. Right?

  Wrong! Dear God, the burn as the head of the toy breached the ring of muscles he’d never thought would be breached in that way was breathtaking. And not in a good way.

  Zoey grimaced when his breath caught. “I know it burns. Well, I’d imagine it burns. Give it just a moment. If it’s still terrible, we’ll stop.”

  Zoey moved the stimulator fractionally, and turned on the vibrations.

  He thought he’d fly off the bed. Arching his back, he felt shots of electricity fire through every nerve-ending of his body. Yep, she’d found what she was looking for.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Zoey hesitated.


  His body took flight. The sensation was so much more than he’d ever experienced. The relentless vibrations against that newly discovered bundle of nerves, her hand stroking his length, his entire body was electrified, like his veins were filled with molten electric currents.

  When he came back to earth, he opened his eyes and brought his earth-angel into focus. She was looking at him expectantly.

  “So? Was it okay? Worth it?” She looked scared he was going to say it was horrible.

  Completely sated, like he was floating on warm clouds and could sleep for a week, he let his eyes flutter shut as he spoke.

  “Let’s just say, I now completely get why some people enjoy anal sex. And Sawyer and Luke are damn lucky.”

  After a quick tissue wipe down, he pulled her close to his chest, turning them both so he could spoon her.

  “We will definitely be keeping that particular gift.” His voice whispered against her ear.

  They both giggled and fell into a completely satisfied sleep.

  Chapter 11

  Zach and Zoey were back at work the next day. After avoiding the smirky smiles of Kendrick all day, Zoey texted all her cousins.

  Zoey: Feel like we haven’t been out together for a while. Want to meet up for dinner tonight?

  A few moments later her phone was abuzz with activity.

  Decker: Sure. Kate and I will be there. 7:00? Usual place?

  Sawyer: I’ll check with Luke, but I’m pretty sure we can both make it. See you then.

  Kendrick: Wouldn’t miss it.

  Aly: I’ll try to make it.

  Zach walked into the studio to find Zoey stretching for her next class. He chuckled as he read Kendrick’s reply.

  “Poor guy. Probably thinks he’s going to get to embarrass us. Little does he know your descriptive retelling is waiting for him.”

  He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist. Leaning down to kiss her lightly, he fought the urge to gather her up and escape work just to spend the day kissing her.

  Groaning, he broke the kiss. “Sorry, just needed a moment. I’ll drive us to dinner. Pick you up at 6:45?”

  Smacking one last kiss against his lips, Zoey grinned up at him, “I’ll be ready.”


  “Your table is ready, follow me please.” The hostess at the neighborhood grill and sports bar gathered the menus and led them to their table.

  Once seats were situated, drinks and meals ordered, the real chit-chat began.

  Decker, not usually one to joke around a lot, leaned back in his chair with his arm around Kate. His eyes shone with humor. Zach, and everyone at the table, could see how good Kate was for Decker. He’d opened up, loosened up, and seemed to actually take time for fun these days.

  With his laughing eyes, Decker spoke. “So, I let you two take a few days off. How’d that go?”

  He fought back his laughter, attempting to keep the question professional, but everyone around the table knew he was referring to more than just the outside-the-bedroom activities from the weekend.

  Snorts sounded around the table, but Zoey and Zach chose to ignore them. Zach knew Zoey was a bit hurt and pissed that Aly hadn’t shown up, but also knew she was determined to enjoy their evening, and eventually get a chance to put Kendrick in his place.

  “Thanks for asking, Deck. The trip was great.” She rolled her eyes, and continued on as if nothing had happened when Kendrick snorted again.

  “I’ve got a great plan for a yoga program. It will involve free yoga classes in the park, along with increased yoga classes at The Center+. On a personal level,” she paused, appearing to gather her thoughts, but really she was just stringing Kendrick along.

  Zach played along, grabbing her hand and whispering loudly enough for the whole table to hear. “Baby, you don’t have to talk about the personal stuff.”

  “No, Zach, I want to share. It was so awesome, I want to tell everyone about it.”

  Luke and Sawyer cast wide-eyed, unbelieving looks at each other. Katie’s mouth dropped into a little O as she reached for Decker’s hand. Kendrick leaned back in his chair, smugly crossing his arms across his chest.

  “Yeah, Zach, let her tell us about the personal stuff.”

  Taking a deep breath, she sighed dramatically.

  “Oh, Kendrick, it was so amazing. First, we saw these gorgeous tropical plants and hundreds of butterflies. I can’t grow the tropical plants all that well in our temperate climate, but I’m definitely planting a butterfly bush in my garden to attract more butterflies. They are so fragile, and beautiful, and peaceful. Speaking of gardens, I’ve got about a gazillion plans on making a new garden. It’s called ‘lasagna gardening’, and Zach’s going to help me get it all built and set up. I think it will be so much easier, and healthier, and good for the environment. I’m so excited. The weekend was definitely satisfying.”

  She stopped and looked arou
nd the table. There was a long pause, like everyone was waiting to see if she was joking or if there was more she was going to tell.

  “Ohhhh, wait. Kendrick, you were wanting to know about the sexual stuff, right?” Zoey spoke a bit louder than most at the table were comfortable with.

  “Uh-oh, I don’t think this is going to go well.” Luke whispered to Sawyer.

  “Well, let me tell you. We both greatly appreciated your bag of goodies, didn’t we?” She glanced at Zach who was fighting to keep his face from busting into laughter.

  “Yep, greatly.”

  He knew her plan was talk in great, raunchy detail about all the items they didn’t use, in hopes of giving Kendrick some of his own medicine.

  “Well, the blind fold was a great addition. I think the burns from the rope are almost gone.” She dramatically looked at her wrists. Luckily it was dark enough the others couldn’t tell there weren’t really any burns.

  “We used a little rubbing alcohol on the butterfly and butt plug, just to make sure they were sanitized from their last use.” Zoey spoke across the table, never taking her eyes from Kendrick’s. Zach knew if she looked at any of the others she would mess it up and start laughing.

  “So, yeah, nipple clamps. Who knew? Mine are pretty small so I was afraid they wouldn’t work, but whoa baby! Major turn on. I think I came once just from Zach tugging on those.” She shook her head as if trying to clear the memory.

  Kendrick’s face was pale.

  “And the butterfly? Man, talk about perfect clit stimulation. And once we got the butt plug in correctly, the third orgasm was the most intense I’ve ever had.”

  Kendrick’s face had started to scrunch up, like he’d seen something disgusting.

  “And, I can’t speak for the flavor of the edible panties, but Zach sure seemed to enjoy feasting on them. And I know I definitely wasn’t complaining when he got past the panties and started in on me.”

  Kendrick looked like he was going to puke.

  “For the love of all that’s holy, please just stop.” He held his hands to his ears.

  Looking as innocent as possible, Zoey stood and looked at Katie. “I need to pee, want to go with me?”

  Katie, shocked and mute, just nodded and stood.

  As they began to leave the table, Zoey turned on her heel and walked back a few feet.

  Standing directly behind Kendrick, she bent down to his ear. “Everything I just said was a complete and total lie, invented to get you back for being a depraved and raunchy human being. None of that happened. You sent us used sex toys, Kendrick? You are so wrong, on so many levels. But we love you. Just always remember that payback is a bitch.”

  She smiled sweetly at him as she walked away. Zach cracked up laughing.

  “Man, you should have seen your face! Priceless!”

  Once in the bathroom, Katie and Zoey were practically on the floor rolling.

  “That was so awesome. I kept sitting there trying to gauge your face to see if you were serious, but you held it together so well. I was in total shock at what you were telling the whole table, but then I thought, Well, good for her. I wish we’d caught his face on video.” Katie had to wipe tears from her eyes as she spoke.

  Once back at the table, Zoey announced that she and Katie were going to go check on Aly. They left the boys to do their boy stuff.

  Kendrick watched the door close behind them, then turned to the waitress and ordered everyone another beer.

  “Okay, so maybe I went a bit overboard with the toys. But did you at least use some of them?” His curiosity was killing him, Zach could see that much.

  “I’m not going to give you sexual details on my weekend with your cousin. We may or may not have used some of the items, but it’s none of your business. Man, maybe you need to go find one of your hundreds of willing girls and get laid. You’re entirely too interested in my sex life.”

  “Whoa, wait, sex life? As in you guys had sex? I thought you wanted to wait until her birthday.” Decker seemed concerned.

  “No, that’s still the plan. I won’t mess that up. I just meant sex life in regards to everything else we may or may not have done, using or not using the ‘bag of depravity’ Kendrick sent along in hopes of shocking us.” Zach swigged his beer, shaking his head in memory of the bag o’toys.

  “I do have one question. Were those really used toys?” Zach squinted his eyes in hopes of reading his cousin’s face.

  Much of his smugness gone, Kendrick pouted a bit.

  “If you’re not sharing info, neither am I. I just say you should think about the type of person I am, and ask yourself if I’d really send you used sex toys.”

  The entire table cracked up at his answer.

  “Okay, now that the girls are gone, I’ve got to ask.” Sawyer leaned in closer.

  Zach was glad they’d been seated in the back of the restaurant where no one else was sitting. He knew what was coming. He busied himself with the label on his beer, willing himself not to blush.

  To his right, Luke was trying his best not to laugh.

  To his left, Decker was shaking his head.

  Straight ahead, Kendrick looked truly intrigued.

  And Sawyer had a look on his face that said, “If you did what I think you did, all I can say is I told you so.”

  “So, what do you have to ask?” Zach decided he’d try to play dumb for a bit. Maybe they’d get distracted.

  “Man, you don’t even have to answer. I don’t even know what the question is, but we can all see from the look on your face that the answer is yes.” Decker smirked at him.

  Zach shook his head, trying his best not to blush, and glanced toward Sawyer and Luke.

  “I’ll say this. If that happens every time, I have a brand new outlook on what the two of you are doing behind closed doors.”

  When everyone had gathered themselves from the fit of laughter, Kendrick leaned back, hands behind his head.

  “So, that good huh?” The gears in his head were obliviously grinding.

  Zach just nodded. But Luke and Sawyer bobbed their heads enthusiastically.

  “I’m going to need to try that. Real dick, finger, or toy? Which is better?” He asked in complete seriousness.

  “There are times I sit back and listen to you talk and wonder how the hell we’ve all stayed friends over the years.” Decker just laughed good-naturedly, and swigged his beer while he listened to the answer.

  “I’ll bow out of this one due to lack of experience.” Zach sat back from the table.

  “Well, I’m going to have to go with real dick or finger, but I don’t have any positive experience with inanimate objects up my ass, so I can’t speak in that area.” Luke let Sawyer take his hand as a flash of pain clouded his eyes.

  “So, I guess that leaves me as the resident expert.” Sawyer chuckled. “Yeah, real dick is best. Because it’s got a warm body attached to it, there’s bound to be a lot of full body contact. Then a toy, because it can reach things better. A finger is fine in a pinch, but it can be hard to reach where it needs to reach, especially if there’s not been a lot of practice.”

  Kendrick and Zach were both watching their cousin closely.

  “What?” Sawyer asked.

  “I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact it could be any more intense.” Zach shook his head incredulously.

  “I’m just trying to think where I could get a real dick willing to take me home for the night and show me the world.”

  Kendrick replied with a completely straight face, but the guys all knew he was probably joking. Mostly. Somewhat. What the hell, one never knew when it came to Kendrick.


  Zoey and Katie rounded the back fence at the Morgan home. Zoey hesitated a bit, not wanting to interrupt Aly if she was busy. Instead, they found her lounging on a chaise, ear buds in, magazine in hand.

  “What the hell, Aly? I thought you said you were busy tonight, and that’s why you couldn’t make dinner with the group?” Zoe
y tried to keep the hurt and irritation out of her voice.

  Removing her ear buds and looking annoyed, Aly huffed, “No, I said I couldn’t make it tonight. I didn’t say I had plans or was busy, you just assumed that part.”

  “Semantics, Al! Why would you choose to sit at home by yourself when you know half of your family, the half that includes your best friend, is all out to dinner?”

  “Oh, gee, let me think about that, Zoey. Maybe because Decker has Katie, Sawyer has Luke, Zach has you, did you ever think that maybe I didn’t want to be the extra baggage on all the love trains?” Aly’s words were heated, but her eyes held hurt.

  Zoey stood still for a moment and watched as her best friend pretended to thumb through a magazine.

  “Kendrick was by himself, coming single shouldn’t have even crossed your mind. It was a family get together, Aly, not a group date.” Exasperated, Zoey flung herself into a lounge chair.

  Katie watched the exchange going on in front of her then spoke.

  “Girls, I hate to see you two at odds like this. I know in the beginning it was an adjustment having the boys back in town. But we are several months removed from that.”

  Turning to Aly, Katie continued.

  “Aly, you know part of why I’m good at my job is that I don’t sugar coat things. You’re being a brat right now. From what I’ve heard in stories, your nose got bent out of shape early on when Zoey and Zach started spending so much time together, and you’ve held onto that grudge and let it grow bigger and uglier over the years. Now that Zach’s home for good, and he and Zoey are together and happy, you’re letting it fester. I don’t pretend to know why you’re so mad, but I’ve got to tell you that life’s too short to live angry. Embrace the fact that you have a fabulous family, great friends, and a bright future ahead of you.” Katie perched on the edge of the chaise lounge, and pulled Aly into a hug.


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