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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

Page 16

by A. D. Ellis

  Crying freely now, Zoey whispered back, “Always your forever girl.” On a shuddery breath, she laughed lightly. “I guess when I said I wanted the real with you, I got my wish, huh?”

  Zach laughed through his tears. That was his girl, finding something to smile about, even in the worst situations.

  “Hey, I’ve got good news for you. Everyone is here, you can talk to your mom and dad in just a second, I think even Asher wants to say hi. But, there’s someone else here too.” Zach handed the phone to Kendrick.

  Thumbing the phone off speaker, Kendrick spoke quietly, “Hey there, Zoey Belle. So, I hear your day pretty much sucked.” He smiled slightly, closing his eyes as if to bask in the sound of her voice. He stood, listening seriously to whatever Zoey was saying. “I hear ya, Zo. I do.”

  Handing the phone to Josie, Kendrick motioned his cousins into the kitchen.

  “Once she’s home, text me and I’ll come visit. I don’t want to leave you guys, but it’s something I need. My head isn’t on straight right now, and I’m afraid if I can’t get things worked out it’s only going to get worse. I love you all, you’re my best friends and my family. I know you don’t get what’s going on, but it means a lot that you’re here to support me without pushing me.” Kendrick slumped against the kitchen counter.

  “Kendrick, we love you too. We’ll give you some time. We’ll support you. But, there may come a time when we are going to push you because we do love you so much.” Decker made this comment in a way that sounded like both a promise and a threat.

  “Fair enough.” Kendrick nodded.


  By the end of the night, a rough plan was in place to get Zoey home. Zach would have never believed he’d be thankful for Jason being with Zoey, but he truly owed the man.

  The police came by. They wanted Zoey to come to the station and make a statement once she was home, or they’d come by her house if she wasn’t feeling up to it.

  It was a hard conversation to have, and Zach was grateful at the moment that Zoey wasn’t there to hear it. He wanted her to heal and feel less scared, if possible, before hearing about her attacker.

  Officer Ramsey accepted the cup of coffee offered, and waited for the group to gather around. “I’m very sorry about the trauma your family has suffered today. I’m sure you’re anxious to get Ms. Martin home. We made an initial visit to the attacker’s home as soon as we were contacted by the authorities in San Diego. I have to tell you, it’s clear that the man, his name was Vincent Durgess, had been watching Zoey for quite a while. He moved to a neighboring town about five years ago, good neighbor, no troubles. Took several substitute teaching jobs throughout the area. When he was reported several times, by multiple sources, as making the students he was teaching feel creeped out, he was let go from the substitute position. He lost his income, along with the benefits which were providing for his medication to treat several mental conditions. When he was no longer able to treat the conditions, it appears he pretty much lost it, went off the deep end. He must have subbed at Zoey’s school, we’ll confirm that with the school records tomorrow. But, it appears from journals that he developed an extreme emotional attachment to her. He moved to a small house in Torey Hope, and pretty much set up a shrine to her.” Officer Ramsey paused to sip his coffee.

  When the group gathered around him looked sick over this news, he continued. “We will do a more thorough investigation, but we’ve read through quite a few of his journals. Even though what happened today was traumatic, and he was in the wrong, I want to assure you we don’t believe Mr. Durgess was out to harm Zoey. He wrote of wanting to protect her, help her, make her smile. Honestly, the person he seemed the most angry with, the one he wanted to hurt, was Zach. He had several detailed pages of how he planned to do away with Zach, so Zoey would be free to be with him. From what the police are able to tell us from the site of the attack, and from Jason’s information, Mr. Durgess was in an extreme state of panic and duress when he ran from the scene. The reporting officer does not feel like Mr. Durgess ran into traffic on purpose, he reports that the attacker seemed ‘completely out of his mind,’ and his death will be investigated but appears to be an extreme accident.”

  Officer Ramsey finished his coffee, and stood to leave. “We’ll be in touch, and we’ll want to talk to Zoey when she’s up to it, the sooner the better. If we learn of anything new, we’ll be sure to let you know.”

  He tipped his hat, but paused before leaving. “I have to tell you, I’m never glad when someone dies, but I hope the fact that he’s no longer around will bring a bit of peace to Ms. Martin as she heals from this.” Turning to Zach he continued, “And, I know you’d rather it had been you, but I have to tell you, son, after seeing Mr. Durgess’ place, I don’t think you’d have fared as well as Zoey did had he gotten to you first.”

  Chapter 17

  “You’re going to wear a hole in the carpet if you keep pacing like that.” Aly hugged him close. “I’m nervous too, big brother, but we are so lucky she’s okay and wasn’t hurt any worse.”

  “I know, Aly, I’m just dying to have her here. I know there’s a probably a lot of bad that’s going to come from all of this, I just feel helpless not having her here with me. It’s almost like if I have her in my arms we can get through anything.” Zach hugged his sister, but returned to pacing.

  Zach, Aly, Kyle, Josie, and Asher were waiting at the small airfield outside of Torey Hope. Jason’s father’s colleague had agreed to pilot the plane out to San Diego and was set to arrive back in Illinois soon. While the entire family wanted to come greet Zoey, the doctor had spoken to Kyle and Josie at length about her recovery. It was to be expected she’d be shaky, spooked, unsure, so it was decided a small group of greeters was the best bet. Nothing could have kept Zach from being there to meet that plane.

  “Zach, remember what the doctor said. Zoey may be clingy, or she may want her space. If she asks to be alone, don’t take it personally. We’ve likely got a long way to go to get our girl through this recovery, she needs to know you’re here for her, but it may be overwhelming for her at times.” Kyle gritted his jaw as he spoke, his actions belying his calm words. He was just as anxious to have the girl home. “And, Aly, you and Zoey had been having a rough patch. Now would be a great time to fix that if Zoey is open to it, but the doctor said we have to let her go at her own pace.”

  “Right, we let her talk if she wants to talk, we let her be quiet if that’s what she needs. Main thing, we just let her know we’re here to love and support her no matter what.” Josie clung to Kyle’s side, every bit the picture of a mother hurting and longing for her daughter.

  When the plane landed, a collective breath was held until the door opened.

  Zach had expected her to look smaller, fragile, frail, but she looked exactly the same as when she’d left. He immediately noticed her eyes were sad and tired, and her cheek had a slight bruise, but she looked just like the Zoey he loved.

  His brain tried to register Jason’s arm around her, but his heart was frantically beating, drowning out the jealousy.

  The group walked to the door, waiting on the two to enter.

  Jason immediately handed Zoey off to Zach. His arms were around her before the first sobs shuddered through her chest. Nodding at Jason in silent thanks and appreciation, Zach buried his nose in her hair. For the rest of his life, the smell of hospital which drifted from her hair would haunt his senses. But she was home, in his arms; all was good.


  Except all was not good.

  After several minutes of tearful welcomes and hugs, the group headed home. Very little was said on the ride, Zoey seemed content to snuggle into Zach’s side and sleep.

  When they arrived home, Asher gave his sister a hug. “I’m really sorry you got hurt. I’m glad you’re home. I know Zach and Mom and Dad are here, but if you need anything let me know.”

  Zoey nodded tearfully.

  With tears streaming down her cheeks, Aly pu
lled Zoey into her arms. “Zoey, I’m so very sorry for being such a pain in the ass lately. I don’t know that I can even pinpoint the why, but after what happened, it doesn’t even matter. You’re my best friend, always have been, always will be. I’m here, no matter what. I’m going to give you tonight to settle in and relax, but tomorrow I’ll be here. We can talk, cry, sleep, whatever you want. But, I won’t be leaving you.”

  Zach hugged his sister to him, “Thanks, Aly. We love you. I’m glad you’re here for her.”

  Kyle and Josie had taken Zoey’s things to her room.

  “I think I’m going to take a shower, I smell like the hospital. Then maybe a movie?” Zoey didn’t move from Zach’s arms, but looked expectantly at her parents.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Josie glanced at her daughter wrapped in Zach’s arms. Blushing, but with a knowing smile, she hooked her arm with Kyle’s. “So, Dad and I will take Asher over to The Captain’s house. I know Janie has some food she wanted to send over, and we’ll raid his movies to keep you stocked for the week.”

  Kyle’s eyes traveled between his wife and daughter a couple times, understanding dawning suddenly. With a wry smile, he nodded, “Yeah, we’ll just get that all taken care of while you shower and settle in. Probably take about an hour and a half.”

  When they’d left, Zoey crumbled in his arms.

  “Shhh, pretty girl, it’s okay. Want to talk about it?” Zach smoothed her hair, whispering softly in her ear.

  “No, I just want a hot shower, warm pajamas, and a comfy couch. And I want you next to me the entire time.” A weary kiss brushed across his lips. “Starting with the shower.”

  He gently soaped her body, lathered and rinsed her hair, and dried her in the biggest towel he could find.

  “I’ll get you some of Dad’s sweats later, right now I just need you to hold me.” Zoey sank onto the bed, seeking warmth under the blanket.

  When they were curled together, dewy skin, warm from the hot shower, Zoey finally seemed to let loose the breath she was holding.

  “I’m going to tell you something, you’re not going to like it, but you’re going to do it. For me. Because it’s what I need right now. I don’t know what the next hour or day or week will bring. I promise to fight through this, but this very moment you can give me exactly what I need.” Beautiful green eyes looked at him expectantly.

  “Anything, Zo. I felt so helpless being so far away from you. If there’s something I can do for you now, just say the word and it’s yours.” He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her temple.

  He gasped when she reached between them and gripped his already thickening length.

  “I’m saying the word, and this is mine.” Zoey giggled lightly, but the sound was off.

  “Anything but that, Zo. I don’t think it’s a good time.” His brows creased as he fought down the desire pulsing through him.

  “You said anything. Zach, please. This isn’t about sex, this isn’t me hiding the pain. My heart and soul need to be close to you, if I could crawl into your skin, it would maybe make me feel close enough. Please, just make love to me. Nothing fancy, just letting me be as close to you as possible.” She tipped her face up to his, kissing his lips lightly as she stroked below the blanket.

  “Let it be said, I’m not in total agreement that the timing is right on this. Let it also be said, that I’m not one to turn down such an invitation from my favorite girl.”

  With a slight roll, he positioned her under him.

  Grasping his shoulders, pulling him down to crush her, she whispered, “This. Right here. I need you as close as possible. I feel safe like this.”

  Opening herself to him, she whimpered as her body took him in.

  They lay like that, not moving, for several moments.

  “Move, Zach. Slowly.” She commanded, but refused to let go of his shoulders.

  Maneuvering his bottom half while letting his chest remain crushed to hers was challenging, but he managed. There had never been a more intense coupling. It wasn’t sex, it wasn’t just comfort, it was becoming one, healing, promising to stand together through every moment.

  Zach realized quickly that Zoey was going to be clingy, and he felt relief. He hated the fact that she had anything to make her clingy, because she’d always been confident and independent, but he’d feared the doctor’s warning of her possibly wanting to be alone, and he wasn’t sure how he would have handled that.

  As they dressed, he noticed she was shaking.

  “Zo, you okay? Cold?” Rubbing his hands up and down her arms, he reached for a blanket.

  “I’m just shaky. It’s like I can’t get warm, and I can’t be close enough to you. I know they’ll be okay with it, but I’m going to ask my parents if you can stay over the next few nights. Not for sexy stuff, just to hold me. I’m terrified of going to sleep, I keep seeing that stairwell.” Her voice caught.

  “Ahh, baby, you know I’ll stay.” He held her tight.


  The first of several nights of nightmares started that night.

  For three weeks, Zoey spent her days locked in her room or curled on the couch, and her nights wrapped in Zach’s arms as she fended off the bad dreams.

  She spent the days at home with Zach or Aly. Zach did most of his work from her living room, Aly completed several homework assignments when Zoey would nap.

  Kyle and Josie were right there, trying not to smother, but making sure she had what she needed. Asher took time from socializing with his friends to check in with her morning and night.

  Aly and Zoey laughed, read magazines, did exercise videos, and watched movies.

  Zach and Zoey watched more movies, caught up on the shows they recorded, and took long naps.

  Zoey sat and made small talk with family visitors.

  At night she’d curl into Zach’s strong arms, kiss him, and tearfully say, “Maybe tonight will be the night I sleep with no nightmares.”

  She didn’t leave the house, she didn’t work in her garden, she was alive but true living had ceased. Sure she made all the right moves to look like things were okay, but Zach knew they weren’t. At all.

  During one of Zoey’s afternoon naps, he shifted from her arms and left the couch. “Shhh, I’m just going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” His whispered words calmed her when she whimpered at the loss of him beside her.

  Instead of the bathroom, he headed to the kitchen hoping to find Kyle or Josie. Luckily, he found both. The tension drawn on their faces mirrored what he was feeling.

  “So, I wanted to talk to you guys.” Zach spoke softly, not wanting Zoey to wake to their conversation.

  Her parents nodded, and they all sat down around the table.

  “Something’s got to give. I know we are supposed to be patient with her, but that’s not her. She won’t talk about the attack, she won’t see the therapist, she won’t take the medicine, hell, she won’t even leave the fuckin’ house.” Rubbing a hand over his face, he sighed, “Sorry. I’m just dying seeing her like this.”

  “We were just talking about this last night. I don’t want to push her, but I’m afraid she’s going to accept this as her new normal if we don’t press just a little. We’ve all been walking on eggshells around her, but I think we need to talk to her. Let’s start by getting her out in her garden, the fresh air and sunshine should help somewhat.” Josie spoke through tears, not seeming completely sure of her words, but coming across confident that something had to be done.

  “Right, I think outside first. Then we get her alone with members of the family who have suffered trauma of some sort. Just casual conversations, but have them pointedly speak of different ways they found to cope and heal.” Zach pinched the bridge of his nose. “She needs to talk about what happened, get her feelings out. And I know she doesn’t want to take the medicine, but she needs to realize it doesn’t have to be forever. But if she could relax and sleep, maybe it would help relieve some of the anxiety. Believe me, I love falling asl
eep with her at night, but knowing she’s afraid to close her eyes without me by her side just tears me apart.”

  The next day, after Aly left to go to class, Zach pulled Zoey close to him on the couch. Knowing the coming conversation was likely to be difficult, he held her tight. When her parents sat down nearby, Zach turned off the television.

  “Zoey Belle, we need to talk to you.” Zach rubbed her back.

  “What if I’m not ready to talk?” Her chin quivered, but she spoke defiantly.

  “Baby girl, your dad and I have both been through traumatic situations. I was attacked and beaten when I was pregnant with you. I know about the anxiety and fear which come from that.” Josie spoke of a past life event which both Zoey and Zach were aware, but it wasn’t something she talked about a lot.

  “Zoey, you know I was married before your mom, and you know Izzy and the baby died. What I’ve not talked about a lot is the blackness that followed. I know how suffocating it can be, I know how shutting the world out, and giving into the blackness can give you the false impression of getting by.” Kyle leaned forward, elbows on knees.

  “Okay, so you both know what I’m dealing with. That means you should be giving me the time I need to heal, not pushing me to do something I’m not ready to do. I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to rely on medication to feel better, I’ll deal with it my way.” Zoey crossed her arms across her chest.

  “Zo…” Zach began.

  “No, Zach. I thought you were here to support me. But instead, you’re ganging up on me with them, trying to push me towards something I’m not ready for.” Tears fell from her eyes.

  “Listen, Zoey, we all know it’s hard. We’re not asking you to do it all at once. We’ve got one small step we want you to work on. Can you try to give us one thing? Then we’ll leave you alone for a little bit.” Josie’s voice was pleading.


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