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Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)

Page 2

by Lauren Runow

  “Has this ever happened before? I mean, to any of your escorts or clients, the pregnancy thing? You’ve been doing this for how many years now? Something like this has had to have happened…” I’m searching for anything that will help make up my mind.

  Diane sits down, tilting her head to the ceiling, sighing deeply.

  “What? What is it Diane? What happened?”

  “Oh, Charlie,” she shakes her head, “shoot, we were able to live the last twenty-five years with only Nichole discovering the truth. I was really hoping she would never know.”

  “Who are you talking about? Know what?”

  Diane hides her face in her hands, shaking her head as tears fall down her face.

  “Tell me Diane, what are you talking about? What does Nichole know?”

  “Charlie,” she pleads, “You have to promise to keep this between us, our little secret. I really do not want Allison to find out the truth.”

  “What? No Diane, I love Allison, I won’t keep anything from her but you need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Please, she does not need to know,” her voice cracking with what sounds like fear.

  “Diane, tell me.”

  Diane looks down, whispering her confession, “Charlie, I am not Allison’s birth mother.”

  “What? What does that mean? Who is? How does she not know that?”

  “Oh, Charlie, we were all so young and living a carefree, fabulous life in San Francisco where everyone loved everyone. We thought we were invincible.”


  She takes a deep breath, “Allison’s father and I enjoyed a very open, sexual life. We love each other and have never cheated on each other but we would, um, welcome other sexual partners into our lives,” she pauses looking around the room at everything but me before she continues.

  “A female we would welcome often was my best friend, or whom I thought was my best friend, Robin. Charlie, there is a reason I stress so much about you supplying the condom and always making sure that you discard it by either keeping it with you or flushing it in the restroom.”

  “Yes, so what did she do?”

  “My husband and I never worried about protection when we were making love but when we welcomed other people into our bedroom, Kevin decided he should wear one. Using a condom was so new back then and we never paid attention to them, especially when we were with her. Turns out she was jealous of our life, my life really, and she wanted Kevin for herself. She purposely got pregnant by poking holes in the condom.”

  “And Allison…?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yes Charlie, Allison was the result of that poked hole.”

  “So wait, where’s Robin? How does Allison not know her birth mom?”

  “That was such a horrible time in our lives. We already had Nichole and did not intend on having any other children, especially with someone else.”


  “Robin was ecstatic as this was exactly what she wanted. Her little plan had worked perfectly. She, of course, made the situation worse and really strained my relationship with Kevin. I accused Kevin of having an affair with her outside of our threesomes. It was not until I found the condom wrapper, randomly, one day under our bed. I noticed it was a different brand than what Kevin would normally purchase. I held it up to show him to accuse him more of a possible affair and that is when I saw the pinholes through it. Then things got turned all upside down. With Robin I mean, Kevin and I were mending our relationship. So, we did the only thing we could back then. We got ready for a baby in our lives and tried to work out how we would work custody with Robin, which was horrible since I was absolutely disgusted with her. I never understood how she could do something like this on purpose.”

  “Ok, so where’s Robin now?”

  She sighs again, “Charlie, she had complications and passed away during child birth.”


  “I know. I have always felt regretful that I was happy she passed, she got what she deserved.”

  I look up, shocked at what just came out of her mouth.

  “I know. I am a horrible human being. But it was the truth.”

  “So then you just raised Allison as your own?”

  “Well, yes, she was. Well, she was my husband’s. When I first saw her though, I knew it happened for a reason and I loved her just as much as the day I first held Nichole. We decided to never tell her and to live our lives like I was her mother.”

  “Ok, wait, Nichole and her are what, four years apart? So how does Nichole know? She can’t remember something like that being so young.”

  “Nichole found out the truth when she was thirteen. She needed her birth certificate and mindlessly I told her where they were. When she saw Allison’s she saw Robin’s name down as her birth mother.”

  “Wow, so you told her everything?”

  “Oh no, how do you explain that to a teenager? She just assumed that Kevin had an affair and I thought it was easier to brush it under the rug and let her believe that. We were trying to teach her about abstinence at the time, not the possibilities of threesomes. Kevin doesn’t know she saw the birth certificates. I have regretted leading her to believe Kevin had an affair ever since. I see her with men now and I know she acts allusive with them because of my lies that men cannot be faithful. Then when her only boyfriend cheated on her…” she looks down shaking her head not finishing her thought. “She’s never been close with Kevin either. I was just so terrified she would tell Allison. I was willing to do anything to protect our secret.”

  “So, let me get this straight, you guys had a threesome, this Robin chick got pregnant on purpose, the baby was Allison and you let Nichole believe all these years that your husband cheated on you rather than explain the truth?”

  She looks up, ashamed, “Yes…”

  “Man, you’re a piece of work.”

  “Charlie, I know. I have made some poor decisions with my life. But this, I cannot tell you how sorry I am.”

  “You have to tell Allison.”

  “No! No, Charlie. She already hates me. If she finds out I am not her birth mother she will think she never has to forgive me.”

  “I can’t keep this from her. If you don’t tell her, I will.”

  “Just wait. Please. I cannot tell her over the telephone. If she has to find out about this it needs to come from me, and I would prefer that she finds out in person.”

  “Fuck, Diane, how do I keep this from her?”

  “Please, Charlie. She will hate me even more if she hears it from you. If I have to tell her then I promise I will tell her when she is back from Paris.”

  “You promise? As soon as she arrives back here?”

  “Yes, Charlie. I promise,” she starts to cry.

  I’m so numb from this whole situation that I don’t even think to comfort her. I just stare off into space before mumbling as I walk out the door.

  It’s one in the afternoon in Paris and I just finished my first show as the lead photographer. Once I’m alone I can’t help but jump and up down, excited it went so well. This is exactly what I needed. Something to get my mind off of this baby and what is going to happen with Charlie. I still have no idea. Really, I don’t even want to think about it. I’m at that stage where I just want to close my eyes and put my hands over my ears saying, “La, la, la, la, la,” like I don’t hear or see what’s going on. I know I can’t do it forever but it’s helping me get through the day for now.

  Not thinking about the time zone difference, I pick up my phone to Skype Charlie. It’s four in the morning in San Francisco and I feel horrible when I hear the sleep in Charlie’s voice as he answers. “Hmm, morning love,” he says yawning and stretching out his arms.

  “Oh, Charlie, I’m so sorry. I forgot you’re in a different time zone. Were you asleep?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m always happy to hear from you, no matter what time it is. How is your day going?”

  “Oh, Charlie! I just finished my first show
as lead photographer!” I’m smiling from ear to ear, jumping up and down.

  He laughs, “You’re so cute. I’m still trying to get my eyes to focus and all I can see is you jumping up and down with the phone. I love you so much.”

  I laugh, trying to stand more still. “I love you, too, baby.”

  “I’m so proud of you. So tell me about it.”

  “It was amazing. Everything I have ever wanted. I can’t wait to upload them. God, I hope Alex is happy with them.”

  “Stop, of course he will like them. You’re amazing and I am so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  We pause, staring at each other. Both of us not sure what to say now. The silence fills the air and I feel my eyes closing and my hands wanting to cover my ears again in my la, la, la, la, la way so I say, “Ok, I have to get going. I’m sorry for waking you.”

  “You can wake me whenever you want. Especially when you get back here,” he lifts his eyes suggestively.

  I can’t help but smile, “Ok, lover boy. Not here. I’ll call you later. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I put my phone back on the nightstand, moving to my stomach, trying to fall back asleep. When I do, I see Allison sitting on a porch swing in a country setting with a little boy wrapped in her arms while she reads him a book. I approach the two of them and they both look up, giving me a warm smile. I look at the boy and see myself looking back at me. Bright blue eyes, soft brown hair and a smile to light up any world.

  “Hey, Daddy. Mommy’s reading me a book. Come sit next to me,” the little boy says with a big smile on his face.

  Allison grabs the little boy, pulling him on to her lap, “Come here, Lyric. Sit on Mommy’s lap to make room for Daddy.”

  I sit next to them, wrapping my arm around them both, smiling before leaning in to kiss Allison, just as a car pulls up. Jacquelyn gets out of the car yelling, “Get your hands off my son, you little bitch!”

  Sounds of a text message going off awakens me from my dream. Breathing hard, I’m terrified from what I just saw. I look at my phone seeing it’s a text from Paul.

  What’s up bro? Are you home? I thought I saw you pulling out from the garage yesterday… I’m heading out for a WOD, you up for it?

  Yeah, got home the other day. Sounds good. I’ll meet you out front. Give me 10.

  Paul and I have known each other since I moved to San Francisco. He worked at the same club as me, but after getting the chance of a lifetime, he disappeared for a few years to go to college. He’s made a life for himself since he came back here and it’s great to see him succeed from where he came from. I was glad that we stayed in touch when he was away at college because now he’s really the only true friend I have in San Francisco.

  He’s the one that hooked me up with my house and actually lives in the same building, living a crazy bachelor life. I introduced him to CrossFit when he returned to the city and we’ve been working out together ever since, well that is before I took off to Paris.

  Paul has an edgier look than me though. He’s tall and muscular like me but he’s covered in tattoos, with crazy blue eyes, dimples that I watch girls swoon over every time they see them and he’s a cocky son-of-a-bitch, which is probably why we always got along so well.

  “What’s up, bro? How was Paris?” Paul greets me with a handshake dance as we meet out front of our apartment building and start walking toward the gym.

  “Really good. Sad to be back.”

  “Yeah, so what did you do? Was it just for vacation or what? Don’t tell me some rich chick paid to take you with her for a couple of weeks?” he laughs and I almost wish that was the case just so I could see the jealous look on his face.

  Not many people know what I really do, or did, for a living but I always bragged to Paul about it, loving how jealous he would get and knowing he would never rat me out.

  But no, I stop to look at him with a stern face, “I quit.”

  Paul steps back in shock, “You did what?”

  “Yup, I quit. No more. I’m done.”

  “You have got to be shitting me? Why would you ever do such a thing? Have you gone insane?”

  I laugh as we start to walk again, “No man. I met someone, her name’s Allison.”

  Paul stops walking again, dropping his hands to his knees, laughing, “Shut the fuck up. You are not giving up your fabulous life for a girl. Let alone a girl you just met.” He hits my arm like he’s trying to talk some sense into me.

  I throw my head back laughing. “I know, I know. But it’s true. I quit.” I grab his arm, “But oh, man. Wait till you see her. It’s all worth it, if you know what I mean. Wait, you saw her that day I brought her to workout with me.”

  Paul gives me an are-you-kidding-me look. “That chick? Ok, I’ll admit it, she was hot. I even got a small chub watching her stretch.”

  I hit his arm at his admission making him laugh as he rubs his arm for relief, “But just wait till she’s old and fat and not giving you any sex ‘cause she’s sick of your ass. I’ll be the one laughing then. Wait,” he grabs my arm this time, “so there’s an opening with your madam now I take it?” He lifts his eyebrows to me.

  I laugh, hitting him back. “Dream on, they’ll never go for your punk ass.”

  “What, they don’t like the bad boy look?” He tries to look as sexy as he can, making me laugh even harder.

  I open the door to our CrossFit box, “Come on, I’ve got some steam I need to blow off.”

  “Wow. If it isn’t the missing Charlie Ashley back from the dead. Where the hell have you been?” Andy screams across the gym as we walk through the door.

  “I’ve been in Paris. Don’t worry, I didn’t go to another gym, I would never leave you guys.”

  “Paris, oh-uh-oh, look at you Mr. ‘oh I was just in Paris,’” he teases me.

  “Yeah, with that hot chick he brought in last month,” Paul pipes in.

  Andy throws his head back, “Shut up. Man, she was hot. Ok, now I totally hate you. I think it’s only fitting that you have to do the 50 burpee, I-haven’t-been-coming-to-the-gym, punishment.”

  Paul laughs, hitting my arm, “That’s perfect.”

  “You know what…” Andy shouts out, “Make it 100, just because you were with her.” Then he comes closer to Paul and I, whispering, “I’m assuming you’ve been doing a ton of cardio workouts so you should be just fine, right?” then laughs, walking away.

  Paul laughs, agreeing with Andy, “Shit, he’s taking it easy on you. I would have made you do 200 just for quitting your perfect job that every man wants, for a fucking girl.”

  We both walk to the rower to begin our warm-up. Once finished, Paul walks to set up his WOD and I begin counting down the 100 burpees. Even though the workout totally sucks, it’s actually perfect as the monotonous movements help me think about what I will do if Jacquelyn actually does wake up.

  Pain by Three Days Grace plays over the speakers talking about pain without love and I’m stuck for a minute, lost in the lyrics. I’ve been numb for so many years and what they say is so true. Now that I’ve had my eyes opened to love, I would rather feel this pain I’m feeling now than nothing at all.

  Once back at my apartment and showered, I pick up my phone to call Jason.

  “Hey, look who’s back from Paris,” Jason answers the phone as friendly as ever.

  “Yup, I’m home. Thinking of heading to Vacaville today. Do you guys have plans? Can I stop by?”

  “Man, we never have plans. Just these damn kids,” he laughs. “Stop by anytime. USC game is on at noon so try to make it by then and we can watch the game.”

  “Sounds good. See you then.” I grab my things and head out the door.

  Fall time is the best weather in San Francisco. It’s always a little warmer than the cold weather that is the summer here. I drop the top to the Mustang, knowing it will only get nicer the closer I get to Vacaville.

  As I pull up to Jason and Jen’s house on the outskirt
s of Vacaville, Mason and Leighton come running out, tackling me once I’m out of the car.

  “Hey buddies!” I wrap my arms around both of them as we all go tumbling onto the ground, laughing that I lost my balance by their attack.

  We’re all laughing as Jason walks out the front door frustrated with his kids, “Boys! Really?”

  I smile, trying to calm him down, “No worries man, I love these little guys.”

  Jason shakes his head offering his hand to help me up. “Good to see you man. How was Paris?”

  “Amazing. Sad to be back.”

  “Good to hear. You and Allison work everything out or is she sick of your ass already?” he teases.

  “We’re good, but man, what would my life be without drama?” I give Jason a stern look.

  “Shut the fuck up. What now? Here, come in.”

  We walk into the house and are greeted by Jen who’s walking down the hallway.

  “Charlie! You’re back. Glad to see you.” She gives me a big hug. “Where’s Allison?”

  “He was just about to tell me what’s going on with that,” Jason answers for me.

  “Oh, it’s nothing like that. Well, hopefully not,” I look down, sticking my hands in my pockets.

  “Ok Charlie, what’s going on?” Jen tilts her head down trying to look into my eyes just as Mason grabs my arm trying to drag me into his room. I’m not quite ready to spill everything so I smile and follow Mason into his room. “Mason, leave your Uncle Charlie alone.”

  I look up to her, smiling, “It’s ok. I need some Mason time right now.”

  She shrugs and walks back into the kitchen.

  “Ok, well spend all the time you need. We’ll enjoy the silence out here,” Jason jokes.

  Mason pulls me into his room to show me the new guitar song he learned on his electric guitar. I sit back admiring Mason and the little boy he has become. It was my idea for Mason to take guitar lessons when I bought him his first guitar for Christmas and I could not be more proud of his progress.


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