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Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)

Page 9

by Lauren Runow

  Once back in the living room where Charlie and Nichole are sitting, I look at Paul, “Wow Paul, this place is amazing. But why? Why have something so big if only you live here?”

  Paul thinks for a second, “I don’t know. For something more one day I guess.”

  He looks at Nichole and they catch eyes, which surprises the hell out of me. Who knows what’s going on in Nichole’s head from that comment.

  Nichole jumps up, and my intuition was right. She’s totally freaked out by what he just said. “Ok. Let’s get out of here,” she says walking away from Paul.

  We walk up to Ruby Skye to see the same bouncer working the front door from the last time they were there. As Charlie approaches the bouncer holds up his hands trying to block his face, teasing Charlie, “Oh no, Mike Tyson’s back.”

  “Awe man,” he looks at me and I just glare back. “Sorry about that,” he says to the bouncer as they grip hands.

  “Hey, it’s all good. She’s hot. I’d knock a guy out for her, too,” he laughs. “Go on in.”

  “Thanks bro. Ladies, after you.”

  Charlie grabs us all a round of drinks as we stand around a tall table, taking in the scene around us. Nichole downs her drink, anxious to start the night off right, then heads out to the dance floor alone while we sit back watching.

  “So, no girl in your apartment rule flew out the window pretty fast, huh?” Charlie asks Paul.

  “Fuck dude, don’t remind me. She’s sexy as hell though.”

  “Yeah, I guess, if you like that model type,” Charlie smirks, winking at me.

  “Fuck yeah I do!” Paul yells obnoxiously. “I’d drink her bath water,” he jokes.

  Charlie chokes on his beer, laughing, “Only you, Paul.”

  I’m grossed out by his comment so I drink the last drop of my drink and head out to join Nichole.

  Paul downs his beer and follows us out to the dance floor with Charlie right behind him. Paul walks up behind Nichole while Charlie walks up in front of me. Both wrapping their arms around us like they’re claiming our bodies, dancing seductively.

  The song changes as Rihanna’s We Found Love begins to play.

  Charlie and I intertwine as we move with the beat, kissing with our hands lacing around each other’s.

  I look over at Paul who’s still behind Nichole with his arms wrapped around her hips and her arms wrapped behind his head. He kisses her neck as they seductively move slower than the dance beat playing around them. Both of them moving slower and slower until they’re swaying, holding each other close, rubbing against each other.

  They look completely lost in the moment and I’m shocked. This is so not like Nichole. They stop moving, standing still, holding on to one another tightly. Paul starts to rub his hands up her body and around her breasts. Both of them have the most intense look on their faces.

  The end of the song talks about finding love in a hopeless place and I watch as Paul turns Nichole around, kissing her deeply, holding her up against him. I stop dancing, hitting Charlie’s chest, motioning to check them out.

  The next song begins as he lets go, pulling back to look at her.

  Nichole backs up slowly, saying something to him and starts to walk off the dance floor toward the bar, holding his hand. I grab Charlie to follow them.

  “Shall we order another round?” I yell out, looking at Nichole who is pale white and trying to not look at Paul. I turn to Charlie, “Hey, Nichole and I are going to the ladies room, will you get us another round?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Both guys are clueless as I grab Nichole’s arm, pulling her to the bathroom. Once the door is shut I turn to her, “Wow, what’s going on? I’ve never seen you look so, so, I’m not sure. What happened out there?”

  Nichole shakes her head and I’m sure she realizes now why we’re in the bathroom. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turns to the mirror to check her make-up.

  “Don’t lie. Something happened. I saw it and can read it all over your face.”

  “Oh, stop. Nothing happened. I was probably just flush from dancing.”

  “Yeah, dancing with Paul. You are really falling for this guy, aren’t you?”

  She gives me a give-me-a-break look, “Really? I’ve known him for all of what, three days.”

  “Yeah, and you’ve seen him everyday. What did you do today by the way, Nichole?”

  “We just hung out,” she shrugs her shoulders. “Got the new magazine I’m in, walked around downtown, had lunch. No big deal.”

  “No big deal…? Ha! Ok, fine, say what you want. But I saw it. I saw something on your face that you can’t deny.”

  Nichole shoots me a grim look, “I’m not you remember. I don’t date.” She storms out of the bathroom; mad that I noticed what she was feeling.

  Nichole proceeds to get pretty drunk. I know she’s trying to hide her feelings for Paul but dancing as provocatively as she can with him isn’t pleading her case with me.

  The night ends and we all pour out of the club, heading back to Charlie and Paul’s building. Nichole doesn’t notice where we are heading until we’re in front of their building. “Whoa, wait. I need to go home,” she proclaims in her very drunk state.

  Paul grabs her, “No, you’re staying here tonight.”

  “What part of I-don’t-do-sleep-overs are you not understanding?” she asks as she sways back and forth, trying to stand up straight.

  “Well, get over it. Now you do.” He picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder as they walk into the lobby.

  Charlie and I laugh as the elevator doors open. Nichole tries to fight back but is laughing uncontrollably. “Do you have your phone in your ass?” Nichole laughs obviously meaning his pocket. “I can hear your ass ringing from down here.”

  Paul reaches in his back pocket with his free hand and silences it without looking to see who is calling.

  Once in the elevator, Paul puts her down, smacking her ass, “Good girl.”

  “Fine, but I’m sleeping in one of the other bedrooms,” she folds her arms across her chest.

  “Deal. That is, after we fuck…” he pulls her into his arms.

  “Well yeah, that was a given,” she teases back.

  “This could be fun. We can break in every room in my house with this attitude.”

  Charlie and I look at each other, “Damn, they’re making us look bad over here, babe,” I hit Charlie’s chest as his floor dings its arrival.

  He swoops in, picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder, “Not for long they aren’t. Later you two.”

  I laugh as I wave goodbye to my sister from upside down.

  Allison and I are eating lunch together, enjoying a quiet day alone when my phone rings. “Hello, Diane.”

  “Charlie, did you not call the Detective?”

  “No, I haven’t. Why?”

  “Well, he just called me and is wanting to speak to you.”


  “Because you are the father of this baby. He knows that. Just act like nothing is wrong. It looks worse that you are avoiding him.”

  “Fine. I’ll call him right now.”

  “No, wait thirty minutes. I told him I was not home and I did not have your number. It would look obvious if you called him right away.”

  “Fine, Diane. Goodbye,” I hang up the phone and look at Allison who is sitting next to me as we eat lunch together.

  “What did she want?” Allison says disgusted.

  “Come on Allison, you will have to forgive her at some point.”

  Allison rolls her eyes at me.

  “I guess the detective in Jacquelyn’s case wants to talk to me.”

  Allison jumps up, “Why? How do they even know who you are?”

  I look down, ashamed, “Because she’s pregnant and I’m the father, remember?”

  Allison looks down and I lean in to hug her but this time she doesn’t hug back. “Allison, please don’t be upset.”

  Her voice is ster
n when she responds, “Charlie, I told you. I need time.”

  I put my head down, backing away from her, moving my fork around my plate, not sure if I can take another bite.

  We sit in an awkward silence as we clean up our lunch before I walk into the other room to call the Detective.

  “Detective O’Brien,” he answers.

  “Hi, this is Charlie Ashley. I hear you wanted to talk to me about Jacquelyn Sanders.”

  “Oh, yes, Charlie Ashley. Can you come into the station so we can discuss a few things?”

  “Um, can’t you ask me what you need over the phone?”

  “I’d rather you come in. When can you come down?”

  “Ok, I can head there right now if that works for you.”

  “Perfect, I’ll be here.”

  I walk back into the room where Allison is. “I need to go to the police station. Would you like to come?”

  “Why would I want to come to the police station? I told you, I don’t want anything to do with all of this.”

  I stop, not sure what to say. “Even the baby?” I finally whisper.

  “Time, Charlie. I said to give me time,” she looks down. “Look, I’ll go home. You go to the station. Just call me when you get back.”

  “No, Allison, this is your home,” I grab her to try to bring our loving mood back.

  “Charlie,” she looks away. “I told you… time…”

  “Ok, but please stay. I won’t be long.”

  “It’s ok. I actually need to go talk to Alex anyway. I’ll head down there and meet you back here later, ok?”

  I lean in to kiss her, “Ok.”

  I walk into the police station and am escorted back to Detective O’Brien’s office.

  “Detective O’Brien? Hi, I’m Charlie Ashley.” I reach out to shake the Detective’s hand.

  “Hi. Thank you for coming down. Please, sit,” he motions to me. “So, how did you know Jacquelyn Sanders?”

  I’ve practiced what I should say but now that I’m here, nerves start to take over. “Um, we dated a few times.”

  “So, how long have you known her?”

  “Not long.”

  “And now she’s pregnant with your baby? How do you feel about that?”

  “I’m not sure if that matters in what you’re trying to accomplish here?” I snap back.

  Detective O’Brien shakes his head, “Ok. So, where were you when she was shot?”

  I shake my head, “That was a month ago, I don’t remember exactly what I was doing. I don’t even know what time of day she was shot.”

  “Really, well, weren’t you dating her?”

  “No, we ended a few days before she was shot.”

  “Oh, really…?”

  “Hey, it was no big deal. We only dated a few times. Never anything serious. She wanted more and I didn’t so we ended it. No big deal.”

  “Yeah, you said that already. When did you find out she was shot?”

  “Not until I was already in Paris.”

  “So, a woman you dated, gets shot in her entryway and no one tells you?”

  “No, sorry. We don’t have mutual friends and I live in the City so it’s not like I read a San Rafael paper or anything.”

  “That reminds me. You do have a mutual friend, Diane Hayes. She’s the one that called you in Paris, right?”

  “Yes, she did.”

  “She’s the one that found Jacquelyn.”

  “Um, ok…”

  “And you two obviously know each other if she knew how to get a hold of you in Paris, so why didn’t she think you should know she was shot to begin with?”

  “I don’t know? You’ll have to ask her. It’s not like I talk to her often. I told you. Jacquelyn and I only dated a few times. It was never anything big. That’s probably why she didn’t tell me.”

  “So, how do you know Diane then?”

  “We’re friends from the gym we attend in the City, Life Fitness. She introduced me to Jacquelyn there.”

  “So, how did she know how to get a hold of you in Paris?”

  “She knew I was there for a modeling gig. That’s why it took her so long to get a hold of me though, she had to contact the agency and get a hold of me that way.”

  “Is that what you do for a living, modeling?”

  “Well, um, trying to be. Really I’m a customer service rep for Livingston, Inc.”

  I had this entire thing figured out in my head but I never thought the questioning would go to this. I’m thankful I’m able to think quickly but not sure if I’m digging myself a bigger hole. I just need to make sure Allison is not brought up.

  “What modeling agency do you work for?”

  “Not one in particular. I went knowing there would be work. That’s why it took her so long to find me. She had to ask around for someone who knew me.”

  Detective O’Brien shakes his head and I have no clue if he is buying all of this.

  After taking some notes he looks up at me, “Ok, I think that will do for now. I have your number so I’ll be in touch.”

  I shake his hand and leave the police station with a big sigh of relief, feeling the meeting went well.

  My hands start to tremble as I walk up to the building Alex’s studio is in. The memory of Jacquelyn forcing me into the car races through my mind as my stomach ties in knots and I fight the urge to throw up, or faint, or maybe both.

  My face flushes and my palms sweat as I get the courage to walk up to the entrance. Trying to push the thought out of my head, I run into the building.

  As I enter the studio Alex is standing in the reception area talking to the receptionist. I watch him light up as I walk in. “Allison! How are you?”

  “I’m good,” I say though not very convincingly.

  He walks up to me, “Hey, are you ok?”

  I shake my head up and down saying, “I’m fine,” as tears fill my eyes.

  “No you’re not. Here come back to my office.”

  “No, no, it’s ok,” I stutter, gaining my composure. “I know you wanted me to check in with you so, here I am,” I try to smile and sound happy.

  Alex smiles, “Ok, yes, come on back.”

  We walk back to his office and I sit down, looking at the proofs sitting on his desk. “Wow, these look great.”

  “Yes, they do. I present them to the client later today so let’s hope they will think so, too. So, I wanted to talk to you about what your plans were now that you’re graduated.”

  “Well…” I start to answer and Alex interrupts me before I can say anything.

  “Sorry, before you say anything, I want to offer you a position here, at my studio as my first assistant.”

  I jump up, “Are you serious? That’s amazing. Thank you so much,” I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

  Alex laughs, hugging me back lightly, “So, I take it you accept?”

  “Oh, sorry,” I step back embarrassed. I can’t believe I just hugged him like that. “Yes, I accept. Thank you so much for this opportunity.”

  “Great. We have a photo shoot scheduled for tomorrow. Can you come in around ten?”

  “Of course. Thank you again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  When I arrive back at Charlie’s place he is already home and I run in, yelling, “Charlie, are you home?”

  “Yeah, what’s up, baby?” he comes out of the bedroom to greet me.

  “Alex just offered me a job as his first assistant!” I jump up and down excitedly, running toward him.

  Charlie runs up, grabbing me, swinging me around, saying, “Oh, Allison. That’s wonderful. I’m so proud of you.” Then he kisses me.

  His kiss melts my insides, reminding me how much I love him and pushing the insecurities from before when I was reminded of the baby out of my mind.

  Electricity runs through my body as he pulls back to look in my eyes. I know he feels it, too. He lightly kisses me again then smiles.

  Wrapping his hand in my hair, he leans in, kissing me softly, slowly
picking me up, he walks me into the bedroom whispering, “I’m the luckiest man in the world to have found you.”

  “Charlie,” I whisper back, leaning up to kiss him again.

  “I mean it Allison. My world didn’t make sense until I met you. You have saved me in more ways than I could ever explain.”

  He doesn’t wait for my reply as he lays me down, kissing me softly. I’m filled with intense emotions that I can’t deny. His touch alone makes every thought in my mind disappear. No matter what is going through my head on a daily basis about Jacquelyn and the baby, all Charlie needs to do is kiss me, touch me, and I know I’m his forever.

  I start to run my fingers through his hair, pulling him in closer, trying to show him how much I want him.

  He pulls my shirt up then removes his own. The feeling of our skin touching makes us both moan as he kisses down my neck to my chest with his hands behind me, griping me tightly like he can’t hold me close enough.

  After removing my pants, then his, he lays down, thrusting inside me. He kisses my lips softly, moving his body in and out.

  Every touch, every motion lights me on fire. I can’t get enough and I match him thrust for thrust, curving my hips up, trying to get him inside me as far as he can go.

  He flips me around so I’m on top and I grab the back of the bed while he leans up to suck on my nipple.

  Holy shit!

  I can’t take it anymore and I start to grind myself against him. Ridding him harder than I ever have before. Holding the headboard tightly before I lose it completely.

  I start to beg. No, scream for my release to reach pure heaven. He gives me exactly what I’m looking for while he grunts his own release.

  Afterward I lie on his chest, sighing my relaxation, asking, “Do men get the same feeling after sex that women do?”

  Charlie laughs, “Um, not sure. What do you mean?”

  “It’s this euphoria that engulfs your entire body with a sense of complete happiness and relaxation. I just want to lay here and enjoy it forever.”



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