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A Gluttony Of Faith

Page 2

by Steven Lindsay

He had also gained a phenomenal amount of power since the Fall. While the Angels’ Weave on faith spread out the power among the Elder to keep them from being affected by Human faith, he was not protected. While many of the Elder and Ascended gained extra powers from those who prayed to specific saints, they usually controlled the faith-based changes to themselves. They were protected and hindered by the Weave. Lucifer, however, had been constructed as Satan, the opposite of God. In all three religions, he had been fabricated as such. He was the sole beneficiary of all that faith-based power.

  They had discovered that Samael shared some of the load, but Lucifer received the bulk of it, and any power associated with Hell went straight to him. He was its High Lord after all.

  Hell was a very powerful concept to the faithful, and while people did not pray to it, they empowered it with their fearful belief. Dante had shaped Hell with Gabriel’s blessing, but it had continued to be layered with various beliefs. Modern literature and filmography had only continued to add to its power while perhaps deconstructing some of its belief they had encouraged its fearful imagery. This mixing of the faithful and the imaginative granted Hell and its High Lord powers beyond that which any Angel was used to. He had Ascended to full Godhood but wasn’t dealing with the change well.

  He was listening to what Samael had to say, they had been Mentor and Protégé for many years and friends for a great deal longer. But he was taking most of his cues from Sariel. He trusted her unreservedly and without question. She had saved him, freed him and looked after him. He half remembered the things she had said to him while he was unconscious. She was not a selfish soul, unimaginable in a Divine, so he knew she intended no malice or sought to manipulate him.

  She had decided that he needed food to help calm him. When the others had quizzed her, she had responded that for the newly Ascended they were still conditioned to certain behaviour, breathing and eating being the main ones. Doing these once essential behaviours helped calm the mind. With that he had been whisked away to a private dining hall and Fae cooks had put out their best work. They had come into the hall, warring between curiosity and fear. The Prince of Darkness was a curiosity, even to the Fae.

  While she had ordered the food for him, Sariel had happily descended upon the meals with gusto, surprising both of the men with the sheer voracity of her appetite. He, on the other hand, hadn’t even selected any food. However, he did still when the crystal chalice with the green liquid in was placed before him by a smiling serving girl. It had been a very long time, but he recognised Earthlaughter. Hesitantly he picked up the chalice, feeling the power swirling within it. He could smell the rich earth and herbs before he even raised it to his lips. He closed his eyes, and the strong, powerful flavour ran across his tongue, savouring it before swallowing. He could feel the power start to flow through him. It was settling, he could feel his mind starting to work once again. He knew that he would need time to piece together all the fragments of his mind, but he finally felt like he was lucid. He cradled the chalice in his hands, relaxing enough to starting looking around the room.

  The design reminded him strongly of Atlantis but with noticeable Fae influences. Then he remembered the Atlanteans from the lab, sure enough, as he looked around the hall, he could see Atlanteans walking to and fro. Why were none of the Angels or the Goddess concerned by their presence? He could feel their latent powers, something they could not readily use, that had been their saving grace for millennia. But Atlanteans were easily able to kill other Divine and Ascend. It was why they had been exterminated, or so was thought. If there were buildings, there were sure to be more than just a few.

  The ready way in which they interacted with the Fae indicated a well-established ease, and neither Sariel nor Samael gave them any second glances. Except for the Atlantean woman who walked into the hall. They both smiled at her as she strode her way across the room and came to stand next to him. He looked up at her, confused at her presence and the interest in her eyes. Initially, he thought it was sexual, but he quickly realised that her gaze held not a single drop of lust but of observational interest. He should know, he had seen the same look on his mother and sister often enough.

  “It is good to see you have finally woken up, Lucifer, and thankfully you kept the damage to my lab to a minimum. My name is Selarine Wong-Tai-Sin Selkie, the Master Healer of the Atlanteans and in essence your personal doctor for the past several months. If it is agreeable, I would like to run some diagnostics to see how your health is?”

  He looked at Sariel, who gave an encouraging nod.

  “That is acceptable” his voice was so hoarse, why was he still so weak?

  She sank to her knees beside him pulling out a diagnostic machine which she left to hover in the air. Some beams of red and green light started to run across his skin while she placed some cables on his fingertips. “These will tell me your vital readings and compare them to what they have been for the last several months.” She stood up and unwound the stethoscope from around her neck, she used it on his back and on his heart. Whatever her readings were they were automatically transferred to the diagnostic machine by her crystal glasses. They beeped away as she made a variety of inspections with her hands. The lights faded, and the cables uncoiled themselves from him.

  “Your vitals are unusual even for a God. Your body and control are not used to the amount of magic now at your disposal. Your body is also not set, Sariel’s Chaos still runs through your veins, transformations may be ahead for you. Otherwise, your body is fine. However, it is your mind which is the most damaged. That, however, I can offer very little help with, that is something you will deal with in your own time.” She gave him a brief, kind smile as she stood up and put away the machine.

  “Will he be alright?” Sariel asked.

  “Yes, he will be in time, you may be able to help him with your Chaos powers, but I expect his greatest asset will simply be time. If you wish, come by later and I will have a full diagnostic print out and comparison.”

  “Thank you, Selarine, I shall come by later.”

  She nodded to Sariel, gave Samael a brief nod and gave Lucifer one final nod “It is good you have awoken Lucifer” then she was marching off out of the room again.

  He cradled his chalice, the Earthlaughter was the only thing he felt he could stomach. He doubted he could eat anything despite the amazing spread before him. Sariel watched him as she continued to eat, there was mild confusion in her eyes. Samael, on the other hand, watched him with something akin to calculated curiosity. But that was not unusual to see in his eyes.

  “You haven’t touched any food,” she said.

  He shook his head, he didn’t feel like talking any more. If anything he felt like going back to sleep.

  “He has been through a great deal, Sariel, I don’t think food is his greatest concern. If anything he will want time to process all his thoughts.”

  Lucifer nodded, Samael had always understood him well. “If I may be excused?” He stood up, and one of the Atlanteans came forward to escort him to his rooms. Sariel looked surprised while Samael merely nodded. He well understood how difficult it was to adjust after Hell.

  Sariel turned to her father once Lucifer had left “Is he going to be alright?”

  “He needs time to adjust, it is a great deal for him to absorb. You must understand Sariel that his mind has not been his own for nearly two millennia. He now has to process what his sister and friend did to him as well as the powers granted to him from Hell, the titles gained with that, his memories of Hell and the fact that the War has reignited again. It is a lot to ask of anyone.” He stood up “If you will excuse me, I must invade before the Angels choose to rejoin the world.”

  “Invade where?”

  “The Province of South Africa is ready for expansion, we’re currently lagging behind the other provinces, my pride can’t take it.” He smiled at his daughter before disappearing in a swirl of shadows.

  Sariel was left behind contemplating the Lucifer.

  Lucifer stared at himself in the mirror. Things were not as they had been. He was different in many ways, and his looks seemed caught between. His hair was a patchwork of golden-brown and black. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this change to his hair. The change to his feathers, though, he far more appreciated. One-half was still the stunning gold and white that had made him and Gabriel the envy of all the Angels. The other half was black and gold, a feature now unique to him. He had always admired Michael and Samael’s black wings for their difference, and now his were ever rarer. What Angel had black and gold wings? His skin was paler in patches too, again similar to Samael and his family. What was it about that family that spoke strongly of evil to mortals?

  It had to be Samael. He was infamous for many reasons and his dark colouring had always set him apart from an early age. Add to that all his actions over the last four thousand years and it was no wonder that mortals associated him with anything not considered pure and good. Death was always feared, but Samael was no longer just the Angel of Death. He was the Serpent of Eden, the Betrayer, the Seducer, a Sacred Father of the Lilin and after himself was viewed as the evilest of Angels by mortals. Samael shared some of his new burden of power.

  Yet he had never been in the same league as Samael. Samael had been his Mentor, and he had learned a great many things from him, but he did not have the history Samael did. He had never fathered any children let alone enough to birth a new race. He hadn’t been expected to explain his actions to either his God master or the Council of Angels. He had usually conformed to what was expected of him and only made ripples for good reasons. Gods had bickered over his contract because he was bright, powerful and an excellent soldier. He had never had any reason to be seen as evil by mortals until Gabriel and Michael’s Curse.

  After that, he barely knew what had happened until he had awoken this morning empowered well beyond what he remembered. He was the Fallen Angel, the first and the greatest, it was he who had been turned into the Beast and accidently granted control of a whole new Underworld realm that had formed from his fall. He was now the High Lord of Hell. It did not please him.

  He still didn’t understand why or how they had done it to him. Gabriel was his sister and while they had never been the closest of siblings they had always gotten along reasonably well and had worked together many times. Yet the War had changed her, she had grown ever more power hungry, especially after her ascension to Arch Angel. After that there had been no turning back, she would not secede any of her power. His and Samael’s discussion of peace with the Gods had driven her increasingly angry until she had struck out with one genius and horrible spell.

  Yet for all her betrayal, it was Michael’s that hurt the most. They had been friends, comrades in many a campaign and war. They had specifically served together because they had had such a strong friendship. But after their service to Aphrodite, he too had changed. He had become very withdrawn, and once the War started, he had battled the Gods with feverous determination. He too had become increasingly angry over any mention of peace with the Gods.

  Still he had not expected either of them to betray him in such a manner. He had gone to speak with them at his sister’s request, worried but not concerned. The Angels had nearly won the War, but all their numbers were needed until the end. He would never have expected them to have stripped the Angels of two-thirds of their numbers to ensure the War did not end in peace. Their actions were brilliant when he thought about it tactically. Didn’t ease his anger one little bit.

  He would get them both back if it was the last thing he ever did.

  But before he could do any of that he had to regain control of his powers and his mind. He looked at himself in the mirror again, his fury written all over his face in more than just emotions. His violet eyes were red streaked, his darker features had gained dominance, and he had grown two curving horns. There were also flames dancing along his wings and among his hair.

  Slowly and carefully he pushed away his anger. The flames died, the horns disappeared, and his colour returned to his current mismatch. He was going to have to do something about that. But not tonight, he needed rest.

  Chapter 2

  Izanami studied the Goddess before her, she had only the vaguest inkling of who she was. She had had few interactions with the European Gods if anything at all. She had no idea why this one was now standing before her. But she would find out.

  Nemesis looked around the palace in wonder, while there were still some very clear reminders of what had happened here, the Goddess before her had done an admirable job of fixing it up while building an empire from two separate civilisations and spreading her new faith. She had no idea who this Goddess was, but she came with a warning and an offer.

  “What brings you to my court?” Izanami waved a hand around indicating for her to also provide a name.

  “Nemesis. I come with a warning and an offer for you?” she also waved her hand.

  “Izanami. I will hear your warning first.” Who was this fool to think she could come and threaten her in her own dominion?”

  “The Angels have awoken. It is only a matter of time before they descend upon the Surface to claim back what they see as theirs.”

  “I thank you for this information but why warn me? I am not kin nor have we ever met before.”

  “Because the Angels won by attacking us all separately, this time, we will not be surprised, and we shall not stand back. This time, we know we battle for our very survival. But also because I am offering my services and power to you.”

  Now she was surprised. She could sense the power within her, it was ancient and refined. She had perfected her powers, whatever they were. “And why would one such as yourself offer your services to my disposal?” She was honestly very curious.

  “Because alone, you are vulnerable to the Angels, no matter what your power, but also because you command one of the biggest armies in the world. I have spent millennia training with the best warriors and armies to be the paragon of fighting. China held the world’s biggest and one of the world’s most disciplined armies in the world. It has only grown in the Dragon Empire. I would like to command them.”

  She hid it well, but Izanami was more surprised than ever. She couldn’t have wished for a better outcome if she had tried. Reminded now, she knew of Nemesis’ reputation, she had been in the same exclusive league as Sekhmet. She had actually watched them fight, it had been the greatest testimony to controlled violence and power she had ever seen. The skill both of them displayed had astounded her. To have one of them offer to lead her armies and fight for her was a dream come true.

  “Are you telling me that because I control the Dragon Army, you are willing to assist me? I presume with limitations?”

  “Naturally” she inclined her head “I am not your servant, I am not at your beck and call, but I will lead your armies and assist in your power consolidation. I would, of course, encourage my own worship but not counteractive to your own. It is your empire, and you are the Head Goddess of your pantheon. But I would be willing to, at least for a while, join it.”

  All exceptionally fair conditions. “Then, Nemesis, I accept, I look forward to our developments” they inclined their heads to each other as was the way of the Oriental Gods.

  “Then it is best if we begin as soon as possible, we need to claim as much as we can before the Angels return.”

  “Lilith this is a pleasant surprise” Ereshkigal didn’t turn from gazing down on her domain. A hybrid city lay beneath her great ziggurat, her gateway to Irkalla and her armies of the dead. Her powerful armies marched through the streets, some leaving, others returning with their bounty of mortals and riches. In their wake came the warlords of various city-states eager to pay fealty to her and avoid the fate of their neighbours. There were also many Daemons coming for protection against the return of the Angelic Legions.

  “I’ve come to warn you that the Angels have awoken, their return cannot be far off.”

  She turned to look at he
r one-time servant “That is most kind of you, but that is not the only reason you have come.” Lilith was slightly different, she had been exposed to great quantities of the Lifestream.

  “It is the least I can do for a sister,” she said it as blandly as she could, she still had no idea how she felt about finding out that both Ereshkigal and Inanna were her sisters. Disturbed that she had slept with them both and surprised that she had never figured out for herself what in hindsight was so clear. It unnerved her to know that they were kin, she felt like the dynamics had changed.

  Ereshkigal smiled, “ah, so you finally figured it out. I honestly thought you would have a long time ago.”

  “I am surprised that I didn’t but also that neither you nor Inanna ever hinted at it.”

  “Family among the Gods means very little, both of us would never have interceded except that it was our father’s final request before he returned to the Lifestream. At the time you were a young Angel already working in Mesopotamia, Inanna decided to take you under her wing first. We were yet unsure of your abilities, Divine siblings often have no correlation in their magical fields.

  You surprised Inanna with your powers and willingness to learn. You rapidly rose up through the ranks of her servants on your own merits, your powers were so similar to hers. You served her faithfully for centuries, and I conceded that you were evidently with the sister you resonated with the most. And yet Inanna in her infinite wisdom saw parts of you that no one else saw. She created a facade of visiting Irkalla and laid her groundwork very well. And so you, ever faithful, followed her into the very Underworld itself, a place you, as a creature of light, had never ventured.

  We played out our games on each other, despite our public enmity, we were always close. When she was doomed to stay in Irkalla you bravely, if perhaps foolishly, offered yourself in her stead. And so the deal was struck, she returned to see who genuinely mourned her. Her foolish husband paid the price, and you entered into my services and learned that you also belonged to the darkness.”


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