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A Gluttony Of Faith

Page 5

by Steven Lindsay

  Her serpentine tail flicked through the mist to rest before the two of them. Hesitantly they both stepped onto her tail which she raised to her eyes. They were the brown starburst of those affected by Chaos, but they glowed emerald green until all other colours were lost. The Lifestream flared into brilliance lighting up the whole cavern, leaching all hues other than green.

  In the back of the cavern, Bahamut raised his head to cast a glance before he settled back down to slumber. He had a great deal of faith in Tiamat’s abilities and choices.

  You wish to bring your armies to the birthplace of the Dragon race? She stilled her anger, they had no interest in hunting her offspring. Besides, being claimed by the British Empire would grant them the protection of Brigid and Hecate. Brigid was an incredibly powerful goddess these days, she would be needed to stem the attacks of the Angelic Legions. She had no illusions, as powerful as she and Bahamut were there were vulnerable to the Angels. They were dangerous beyond what the other Divine understood.

  I will grant you this boon with some conditions.

  “Of course, Great One.”

  Your armies will not approach my lair or venture anywhere near here. If they do, then the consequences will be most dire for all involved.

  “That is perfectly understandable, we shall ensure that it does not happen.”

  Secondly, my offspring will be free to traverse your empire.

  “Again acceptable. However, what happens if they cause damage?”

  We shall cross that bridge when we get to it. However, Bahamut will deal with reasonable requests. His amused snort echoed from the back. Thirdly, you shall send Lucifer to me.

  “What do you want with Lucifer?”

  That is my concern. If you want my permission, you will send him to me.

  “What has happened to the world in our absence?” Ariel snarled in disgust.

  The other Arch Angels were very much in agreement. The Governing chambers had been filled with every form of scrying available to them, they were also routinely draining the powers off of any God with any gift of prophecy or scrying.

  Images filled pools and mirrors that had been crafted within the chambers. Power flowed through the room, not as much as there should have been, they were still all so weak. None could understand why they were not recovering quickly now that they had awoken. It wasn’t the backlash that was affecting them anymore, it was something else but what they didn’t know.

  What they saw in those images did not comfort them.

  Brigid had claimed even more land, her princess had been crowned as empress of an already far-reaching empire. They had stripped the British Isles and every island within their empire of their followers. They had taken quite a hit to their faith powers. Fortunately, they still had vast tracts of the world under their command.

  Hera had spread like cancer across the United States, devouring and crushing all that stood in her path. At least they had two Christian strongholds within the States. She had also spilled over into Mexico where the situation was much the same. What they saw shocked them. She had an abhorrent army of Demons and obese people savagely attacking city after city. However, her own empire had not been cleaned out like Brigid’s had been. They still had a great deal of strength within her borders.

  Similarly, they still had support within Canada and South Africa. Though they felt the strong presence of Gods. They were flocking to each other’s banners, but it would not save them. What was troubling was the presence of new Demon races.

  To the east had spawned a whole new empire. They were not sure what had happened, but Japan, China, and the two Koreas were now part of one empire. An empire that had stripped itself of their few followers. The East had always been resistant to their religions now it was almost completely free.

  There was a dark presence of the dead roaming through parts of the Middle East, and there were a great deal of Hell Demons roaming the entire region. The world was pockmarked with the presences of Demons and Gods. Everywhere they could see painted a horrible new picture to them. Humans being slaughtered in cities by Demons. Churches, mosques and synagogues were being burned to the ground. Their religions were being forced underground. People were questioning their faith and were terrified of what was happening to their world.

  And yet even within this dark hour, there were pillars of light. Michael had been delighted to see that his general had cleansed Pakistan of its taint, unified it under his control and invaded India. He at least could raise his head higher than the other Arch Angels. For the rest of them, their plans had yielded no dividends.

  Things would have to change. Humanity needed its Angel masters in control again.

  As strange feeling passed through the Angels, all the Angels present whether they were Ascended or Elder. There was a sense of foreboding that followed the feeling then there was a sense of loss.

  One of the scrying mirrors flickered into the image of a raging storm. Such elemental fury they had not seen since the height of the Gods’ power. They felt their power weaken as a thread of the Angel Weave was destroyed. Before their very eyes one of their strongest and most faithful sects, the Church of Latter Day Saints was destroyed. The Mormon stronghold was obliterated along with the rest of the two states. Their political power controlling Utah was wiped out along with the people and structures.

  All that remained of their power were the scattered remnants across many nations. They had been broken.

  “This cannot go unpunished” Uriel stormed up to the mirror. “Nearly an entire sect wiped off the face of the Earth.”

  “Fortunately, we have many other sects to use to our advantage. The Islamic power is growing in Pakistan. The Catholic Church can be rallied behind the pope now that he is useful again. This just means that we will have to leave the safety of Heaven and spend time on the Surface.” Gabriel wiped her hand over the nearest pool, it changed to show the city of Istanbul.

  “What are your plans?” Michael and Ariel came to stand beside her, they both placed great value in her plans.

  “Michael will return to Pakistan, Azad Ali is doing more than we could have hoped. You and Mohammed will also go to Mecca and Medina and start rallying the hopeless tribes back into a unified Caliphate.

  Uriel, I want you and the Catholic Saints to start strengthening the faith across Europe and the Americas. Jesus will split his time between Israel and with Uriel. Ariel, I want you to personally take control of America, you will spear the assault against Hera and her empire. Raphael, I want you and most of the Legions to scour the world for the Greater Demons and Fallen Angels, we need those threats eliminated. Azrael,” she paused “Do what you do best, we will need as many Lesser Angels as we can get our hands on, see if your Reapers can intercept those destined for Hell. Save as many as you can.”

  “And what will you be doing?”

  Gabriel looked up at Uriel then back at the image before her “I will return to Constantinople with Constantine. We will erect a new empire along the lines of either the Ottomans or Eastern Romans. Those lands are mine and mortals will fear the Angels that walk there. We shall also strengthen all the Orthodox faith. Russia will strengthen its iron hold. If we strengthen all the different sects, we will have great power to utilise.”

  “And then we shall crush these upstart bitches and their pathetic empires.”

  Gabriel smiled at her cousin. They were of similar moulds. “In time but we will be vulnerable to attack. Be on your guard at all times. All Elder must travel in packs of ten or more. We are at war, and there will be casualties.” Hopefully, it would not affect the Elder that much.

  “Do we light the fire?”

  “When the shields come down.”

  Chapter 4

  Victoria brushed away a stray strand of hair as she looked up from the table covered in charts, maps, and holoprojectors. This was all her life seemed to be at the moment, perpetual planning and logistics. That and dealing with the diplomatic fallout of her empire’s actions. She smiled in genuine
pleasure as she saw Sariel and a male Angel walk into the hall.

  “Sariel” she beamed, it was nice to have a friend around.

  “Victoria, how are you? Busy by the looks of things.” She surveyed the hall that looked to have been taken over by generals and Atlanteans. It was a chaotic dance of people around each other. Holoprojectors filled the room alongside charts and television screens.

  “Busy is an understatement. Between the imperial invasions, diplomatic fallout of the invasions, the Atlanteans medical and technological initiatives as well as my commitments to the Seelie Court. The only time I have to myself is when I go to sleep.”

  “And then Cathair doesn’t let you sleep?” she raised her eyebrows.

  “Unfortunately not. He is ensconced in Singapore overseeing the invasion of Malaysia and the pairing up with Australia to attack Indonesia.”

  “How are you surviving? You’re only a mortal.”

  She laughed “I’m glad someone remembers that.”

  “Here Victoria” she reached out with her hand to cup Victoria’s face, there was a flaring of violet light that shot along Victoria’s skin. She stood taller, straightened her shoulders and smiled. She was no longer tired or wearied, and she felt refreshed as she had not been in weeks.

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s the least I could do. Victoria, I would like to introduce you to Lucifer, the High Lord of Hell, the Prince of Darkness.”

  Victoria turned to look at him, he was busy scowling at Sariel, who smiled sweetly back at him. Evidently she had missed something private. She was not the only one who turned to look at one of the most famous figures in mythology. He was slightly taller than Sariel, making him more than eight feet tall. He was a strikingly handsome man, though there was something strange about his face. It took her a couple of minutes to realise that his skin and hair colour were changing. He had straight black hair that changed into blonde curls and then back. When his hair was blonde, his skin was darkened bronze, but it lightened when his hair darkened. His violet eyes took on red tones and appeared dangerous when his hair darkened. His glorious wings also played the same cycle, white and gold with his blonde hair then black and gold with his black hair. Either way, he was powerfully built, clearly a warrior.

  “A pleasure to meet you, High Lord.”

  He grimaced at the title, was that why he had scowled at Sariel? “A pleasure, Empress.”

  “Not that I am not pleased but what brings you to London?”

  “Brigid asked us to wait here, I thought that we could power the Atlantean projects occurring in London.”

  “They will certainly be glad for the help. If you find out what they are constructing, please let me know.”

  “Most of them are new wings for hospitals and factories to integrate Atlantean technology with Human. Tenexus is overseeing much of the construction, he is fascinated by Human technology.”

  “Yes, I have spoken to him on the matter, he is utilising all of my companies. I have also spoken to Zenar, but she seems to have disappeared.”

  “She doesn’t need to keep eyes on the construction, but she is busy overseeing the construction of new cities.”

  “You are quite in the know.”

  “I spend a lot of time with Xandelexis, so I keep up to date with Atlantean affairs.”

  “So do you know what those towers are for?”

  “Isn’t it for their energy matrixes?” She knew it wasn’t, she was well aware that Victoria was being kept out of the loop. She would protest the construction of a new palace.

  “Oh, is it?”

  Her attention was captured by the BBC News report flashing across most of the TV screens. Victoria rolled her eyes, and most of the eyes turned to watch them.

  Britain has expanded its borders even further this morning. The Province of Canada has expanded to its maximum extent with the annexation of Greenland. The process went incredibly smoothly overseen by the Goddess Hecate. Canadian generals were pleased with their success and have said they will lend their support to their South African brethren. The annexation was not all plain sailing. Denmark’s ambassadors to both the European Union and United Nations were incredibly vocal in their damnation of Britain’s action. Denmark has called for a vote to eject Britain from the European Union. A similar vote was suggested in the UN, but international relations as they are may prove less successful.

  On a more positive note the Royal Province of South Africa has started its expansion and under Samael’s leadership, it has dramatically expanded. Namibia and Botswana were successfully annexed as were the city-state remains of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland. Samael has rewarded South Africa with parties throughout out all its cities.

  The situation in South East Asia remains the same though all of New Guinea has been successfully conquered and written into the Covenant. Prince Cathair and Sorcerer-General Watson were unavailable to comment. The official statement from the Empress is that she is pleased with the Empire’s growth.

  In other news, the state of Utah was destroyed by a violent storm the likes of which have never been seen in recorded history. The Heradmantium Empire released a statement claiming the responsibility and told the world to fear Hera’s wrath. As a consequence, the Church of Latter Day Saints has effectively been destroyed. Another loss for the Angels.

  The news turned to local affairs, and people turned back to the tasks at hand. Sariel placed a hand on Victoria’s shoulder, she raised sad eyes. “I know you wanted stronger ties with the EU but remember that Britain is stronger because of this. Look how healthy the land is, see the fertility percolating up from the land and into the plants and animals. Britain is now very wealthy and powerful because of you.”

  “I know, but it still makes me sad.”

  “I know.”

  “Without this decision, you would never have had the pleasure of meeting me” Sorcha had appeared smiling next Victoria.

  She laughed “You are as modest as ever Sorcha.”

  “Modesty is an overrated attribute in those genuinely lacking others.” She turned to the Angels “Always a pleasure, Sariel, you are looking healthier, Lucifer.”

  “Xandelexis has been kind enough to make some suggestions for my recovery.”

  “Brilliant man. He truly is a genius.”

  “That he is, he will only grow more useful as we diversify the Empire.” They all turned as Hecate and Brigid appeared.

  “Well this is a full house tonight, I feel special.”

  Sorcha leaned an arm on Victoria’s shoulder “My dear you are special, you are a wonderful testament to your species.”

  “Thank you, Sorcha, even if you do make being Human sound inferior.”

  She only laughed, she was so unused to droll humour from her advisors it was why she valued Xandelexis’ company and now Victoria’s.

  “What brings you all to London?”

  “Other than your delightful company? Well, some decisions need to be made and for it to occur certain criteria must be met.” She turned to face Lucifer “Tiamat has requested to see you.”

  He was surprised “Me? Why me?”

  “She didn’t say, except you are to come alone.”

  Ariadne swanned into the temple of Hera that stood where St Louis Cathedral had once stood. It wasn’t finished, New Orleans did not have the magical reserves that New York or San Francisco did to spare on construction. Kyle had to reserve his magic for the city’s defence so the temple was being slowly constructed. But the shell was up, and the grand statue of Hera stood pride of place.

  Strangely enough, Kyle stood under the statue, his orange and violet magic pouring along the statue, carving it into the exact likeness of Hera at her most powerful. The Goddess would be most pleased when she saw it. But this was a waste of Kyle’s magic, it was needed to stem the shelling assault on the city. Yet she saw the explosions flaring across the shields protecting the city. Neither the shields nor Kyle appeared to be under the slightest strain.

thing was very wrong.

  She reached out to touch him with her powers and to her incredible surprise she felt his defences rise as he turned from his task. He had been practicing, but this was beyond what he could have picked up in an unsupervised month.

  He faltered in surprise “Ariadne.”

  “Kyle” she replied as she stalked towards him, all of her guards up. What was he hiding?

  “What brings you to New Orleans?”

  “Hera’s orders, she will be joining us soon.”

  His face drained of colour, and she felt his shields falter and in that instant, she was in tasting with her magic. What she found surprised even her. “How the hell did you Ascend?”

  He slumped down into one of the rows. “I killed an Angel.”

  Was that how he knew about the Angels’ return? “How and when?”

  “A few days ago. The Daemons found one hidden away in the city. They had been trying unsuccessfully to kill him. They finally called me in to finish the job.”

  So the Angels had not left Heaven yet, thank the Gods. Still this was a dilemma that she had no idea how to deal with. “This is going to be a surprise for Hera.”

  “Will she kill me?”

  A distinct possibility “I honestly have no idea, Kyle. We shall have to wait and see.” Hera did not like changes to her plans. But having successfully eradicated the Mormons she would be in a good mood.

  The Hagia Sophia was as beautiful as she remembered but it was no longer a place of their worship. One of her favourite buildings in the world was no longer in their thrall. That would have to change. The city too had changed far more than she liked, oh it was beautiful as it had always been, a blending of European and Near Eastern tastes. It was where Christianity and Islam had coincided peacefully. She had always mourned the disbanding of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. It had been a favourite of hers. But Humanity would do as it always would.


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