A Gluttony Of Faith
Page 23
But Peter served Michael as the Captain of the Cherubim and was currently haunting the halls of the Vatican. Though often reporting to one was the same as reporting to the other. The Cherubim and Seraphim had close bonds and regularly worked together. Paul might serve in the Cherubim, but he wasn’t as high ranking as Peter. Constantine wondered at his presence.
The next to appear was Joan, who was the new Captain of Jophiel’s newly formed Erelim, again this confused him. She was a well-respected powerful Ascended, who had suddenly jumped up the political ladder with Jophiel. She was currently manipulating the European powers, specifically France. Yet her presence here made little sense.
She nodded at them but made no move to start a conversation or move closer to them. Her ascension to power was new, it would take a while before she would be comfortable around the powerful Ascended even though she technically stood above himself and Paul. She was the only other Captain here, she was now one of the most powerful figures in Heaven.
The fourth to appear was Andrew, who was also recently new to much of his power. He had been granted full control of Russia but also had other countries under his influence. As the former patron saint of Scotland, he was not happy at its loss. Battle plans were being drawn up across Europe on how best to assault Great Britain and liberate Ireland. It wasn’t taking much to stir up Europe, they were jealous and furious at Britain’s rapid rise in power and its conquest of both Iceland and Ireland.
Constantine looked at them all and wondered what aspect connected them all together.
Gabriel appeared in a blaze of pink flames. He wondered what kind of mood his Mistress was in, she was as fickle as the wind. It was strange to note that she was smiling when she looked around at them, one of those calculating but genuine smiles she wore in her laboratories. Either she had come straight from her labs or she had experiments to conduct.
“Welcome, favoured few. I bet you are wondering why I have summoned you all here. I have an offer for you.”
“What offer would that be?” Joan was all suspicion, perhaps as the only female among the Ascended or because she was relatively new to her powers.
“To join the ranks of the Elder.” Surprised hisses and intakes answered her words. It was something impossible, something every favoured Ascended had imagined but known was not possible.
“But that isn’t possible.”
Gabriel turned to face Constantine smiling “My dear Constantine, you know me better than most, you know I do not make empty offers or promises.”
No, she certainly didn’t. What she said she said with absolute certainty. If she said you would pay, oh you paid, if she rewarded you, she rewarded you well. “Then my Lady Gabriel I ask your price.”
Her smile widened, she was amused “I ask nothing but your continued loyalty in our war against the Gods and Demons. We are weak, and we need Elder powers, I have found a way to elevate the Ascended. Should not the offer go first to the favoured Ascended? To those we have no question of their loyalty?” There wasn’t a single person in this room that didn’t belong fully to their chosen Arch Angel.
“I accept your offer,” Joan said walking forward while Peter asked, “Have you asked our Lords?”
Gabriel chose to ignore the men and turned her full attention to Joan. Angelhood had done wonders to her, she had been a loyal Human and served them well in life. Not that she had been justly rewarded for her hard work, being burned as a witch was not a kind end to anyone, but Jophiel had taken her pain from her. She had wallowed as a Lesser Angel for decades until Jophiel had whispered in mortal ears to make her a saint. She was a relatively young Ascended, not even two hundred years old in this form but she had adapted to her powers well. She was also turning out to be an efficient and very able Captain. She was also brave and loyal, both which should be rewarded.
Light flared around Joan, shafts of light so bright as to hide the syringes floating around her. All that was seen was their brilliantly shining golden contents. They shot inwards, stabbing into her skin. She barely flinched, schooling her body to remain still. She closed her eyes as she felt a warm liquid enter her body from several spots. She felt the warmth increase up and turn into an intense heat that spread through her entire body. Joan felt it wrap around her core and burrow in deeply.
The other Ascended watched Joan with bated breath as her wings started twitching erratically, from between the two pairs grew another set, as white and perfect as theirs. Golden light poured off of Joan as her whole body shifted. She grew taller, her form became more perfect and pleasing. Yet when she opened her eyes, they were as brown as they had ever been but they were filled with grim determination and a pleased smile grew across her face “I thank you for this most precious of gifts Arch Angel Gabriel.”
“The pleasure is mine Joan, courage and loyalty should always be rewarded.”
Constantine felt the verbal barb, Gabriel was disappointed that he had not been the first to step forward. Squaring his shoulders, he stepped forward, as did the other males. They had all been shown up, and the feminine power and amusement around them was emasculating.
Gabriel raised her shining hand, dozens of sunbeams blazed into life with their golden contents inside. The syringes all turned points inwards and shot towards the Angels within their circles. Within minutes all the men had grown an extra pair of wings, all the new Elder had perfectly white wings, but there was the smallest smattering of gold feathers growing along the tops of their wings. The mark of their favour.
“Know that Heaven smiles upon you and that you have been rewarded for your loyalty, do not fail us.” Then she was gone her parting words ominous in their warning. Gabriel and Heaven did not suffer fools or traitors.
Gabriel marched along the streets of the Citadel, her boots crunching anything and everything beneath her. Her Seraphim marched in a close box around her. She was on a mission, and she was damned if anyone was going to get in her way. What did she care for the citizens? The Lesser Angels were useless spirits that crowded the streets of Heaven but that time was changing.
The Council had thrown off all constraints on her experimentations. The Griffins were proving to be exceedingly useful for Ariel in America, and now they were roosting in Jerusalem itself, spurring tourism and faith in Heaven. Raphael had not had any further problems with Demons in Israel and had unified the warring nation with the might of Heaven. Dreams of Palestine lay broken in the dry desert dust as any that interfered with Heaven’s prerogative was slaughtered. Muslims had been driven out of Jerusalem, the Promised Land was completely under the control of the Jewish people. A reward for their eternal loyalty through all their suffering.
Yet the Muslims that left were not cast adrift, they had been escorted by the Legions of Heaven right to Mecca where Michael and Mohammed were doing an excellent job of creating a unified Caliphate. The Gods might be having unbridled success, but they were catching up. All through the Middle East the people got down and prayed to Heaven and God, for how could they not believe when Angels walked and flew through their lands. Pakistan contained to tear into India with a savagery that was becoming the benchmark of Angelic fury and yet still Brigid had not interfered in a land she had formally claimed.
Michael had upset the Council by making Azad Ali an Ascended Angel but really what the fuck did they care for the Council? It was the Arch Angels, and their Guards that would win the war and what they chose to do was for the good of Heaven. But the unrivalled success in Pakistan had made the Council stop and consider, she and Michael might have unorthodox methods, but they were working.
Word of the ranks of the Ascended being opened had swept through Heaven like wildfire, the pathetic Lesser hung in the Citadel streets with bated breath. Well, she would give them she show they wanted, and she would give them even more.
She stopped in Skybridge Square, the Palace and Skybridge behind her. Her Seraphim spread out behind her ready to jump forward at the merest threat. She might not be a warrior, but she was a brilliant gene
ral, a terrifying wielder of magic who inspired absolute loyalty in her Seraphim. More than any other Guard it was the most revered because it was the most difficult to get into. Gabriel herself selected every member, and they had to be skilled warriors and strong magic wielders.
To the citizens of Heaven, Gabriel was a terrifying, almost omnipotent being. She was well aware of their thoughts on her, there was very little in Heaven she wasn’t aware of, and she knew how to give a show.
Light flared around her as her uniform burned off into flowing ceremonial robes. Light shone from her, her six wings shone like burnished gold in the sun, her hair shone like a halo, fluttering about her. Everything about her screamed Heaven and beauty, she had always been the poster child for Angelic beauty, and she had grown up well aware of her beauty, and she knew how to use it to suit her. Yet unlike the Goddesses she had never used sex as a tool or weapon and she had expressly forbidden any of her Masters from using her in such a way when she had returned from the East.
“Would the Lesser who dare to think that they are better than they are step forward” her voice ran out cold as a glacier, completely at odds with the light-filled being she was channelling. Her contempt for the Lesser was well known among Heaven, her contempt of the Ascended was hidden.
Her glowing eyes scanned the square, as threatening as any Gorgon, for who would be the bravest and step forward. Only the courageous deserved what she was about to offer. She had deliberately worded it so that those who would doubt would hang back.
She smiled on the inside as first one, then several Lesser walked into the square their heads held high, but she could see their fear. Nothing could be hidden from her. Her unseen powers washed through the square and told her everything she wanted to know.
More Lesser crept forward, she had not given them a time frame, but she had already marked those first few. They would be well rewarded for their foolish bravery. Her glowing eyes continued to scan the square like security spotlights, any in her gaze twitched and faltered in their steps. To Heaven she was terrifying, her word was as good as law.
More Lesser started to flood in from the surrounding streets, spurred on by those first courageous few, but these ones were hungry for more. They were hungry for power, just the sort of people she encouraged.
There was no official benchmark, one second she had stood there watching the next she made a single clap above her head. Yet the sound of a gong striking rolled across the square, she waited for it to fall quiet before she spoke. “Now you will suffer for your arrogance.”
Lightning tore through the square from her hands, bright blue and pink, a matrix that ripped through everyone who had dared step forward. Screams filled the air as fire bloomed across wings. The smirks of those watching turned sour when they saw flesh growing over the writhing spirits. Lights flared as spirits were housed once again in flesh and a second pair of wings grew from their backs. Wind tore through the square, cold as winter’s breath, whipping clothes and wings about. Screams continued to fill the air as Gabriel and her guards watched impassively, her robes fluttering around her as the lightning continued to shoot out of her hands.
The lightning turned into soft pink streams of magic that lifted the newly Ascended Angels upright as she raised her hands. “And be rewarded for your courage.” She clasped her hands before her, grounding the power “Let it be a lesson to the rest of you. The newly Ascended will report to the Palace.” She turned on her heel and started marching up the middle of the Skybridge, her guards falling instantly in step with her. They were impeccably trained.
She allowed herself to smile as she marched up the Skybridge, it amused her to watched everyone scramble out of her way. She was the unrivalled power of Heaven, even her dear husband and cousin could not match her.
“Gabriel this is a surprise?”
Gabriel smiled at her cousin “Oh, the surprises are just starting my dear.” She took Ariel by the arm and led her out onto the balcony of the grand old manor she had temporarily claimed as her own. She had a thousand places to be at all the time, it was fortunate Elder did not need to sleep so long as they had food. From the looks of it Ariel was eating enough to feed an army just for herself, but then the marks of exhaustion were visible to her Angelic eyes. Ariel was doing her best, the fact that land was no longer being lost to the Heradmantium Empire was a testament to her strategic brilliance, but she was keeping up many of the shields herself.
They stopped at the top of the stairs looking down on the once beautiful garden, much of its beauty was lost to the tramping feet of soldiers and the claws of Griffins. Gabriel reclaimed her arm, handing Ariel a chalice filled with Lightningsun, it was aged but still potent. Ariel gave an almost sexual moan as she took her first sip. The signs of her weariness disappeared. “My dear, you are not looking after yourself, but I have a surprise for you.” She clapped her hands, once again the sound of a gong rolled out. All over the garden beams of sunlight appeared, shadows moving within them. She raised her arms theatrically, scattering the light wide to reveal what hid within the beams.
Ariel’s breath hitched as she recognised the giant cockerel shapes of Cockatrice. Large, powerful legs held a vaguely chicken-like body but with a long whip-like reptilian tail. Scales covered the tops of its thighs and ran the length of its underside, from tail tip to its throat. Feathered wings showed their reptilian nature with their claws and graspers. Its head was distinctly a cockerel’s but its jowls were a variety of bright colours and appeared to be hard scales. Long spikes stuck up with its feathers at the back of its head, and its beak was long and viciously sharp. The final touch was the glowing eyes that could petrify any mortal creature.
Alongside them appeared the serpentine bodies of Basilisks. Huge serpents with ornate hoods all around their head. Spines formed a natural tiara on their heads, but there was nothing delicate or ladylike about these tiaras. They were designed for tearing through Divine flesh, as were their wickedly sharp fangs holding their catastrophic poison. If a basilisk were to spit in a stream, it would kill everything downstream. It truly was the king of reptiles from its size and brilliant colourings to its crown and weapons. It could also kill Divine beings.
Ariel’s smile grew larger and more vicious as she saw what else lurked in the lights. Gabriel had fitted out Jinn in armour and granted them spell casting staffs. The world, apart from the Middle East, had forgotten about this quiet Daemon race, the only Daemon race to accept the Angels as their new masters. About half the height of Humans they were far more vicious than their smoky forms would suggest.
Single-headed Hydra roared their fury as they shifted to avoid each other. Her breath hitched in excitement, Hydra were almost impossible to kill, with each wound inflicted they grew bigger, with each head lopped off grew two more. With the more battle experience they gained they become unstoppable killing machines. Flames, lightning and steaming water flickered and dripped within their wide maws. Gabriel had modified them further to make them even more dangerous.
There were hundreds of new Griffins to aid her cause, shrieking as they jumped up into the air but the greatest gift were the hundreds of Ascended descending from Heaven in beams of sunlight. They alighted on the terraces around, dropping to their knees to bow to their Arch Angels.
“Do you like my surprises, Ariel?”
“Gabriel...I am speechless...thank you.”
“Get me an Elite or Forsaken and we shall be even. By then I should have modified the Wendigos to be useful to our cause.”
“I will do my utter best to get them for you, Gabriel. And I will use these creatures to win the war.”
She smiled again “I know you will. Look after yourself Ariel.” With that, she was gone.
Ariel smiled look about her new army. She loved her cousin dearly, but Gabriel sometimes terrified her. In a very short amount of time, she had created all these creatures, and she had been conducting experiments on Angels. She was a brilliant creator and highly skilled. Ariel was glad that they were fri
ends and cousins. She would never want to be on the opposing side to Gabriel, she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance of winning. For Gabriel, any cost was worth it to win.
Chapter 20
Victoria looked up and smiled as she saw Sorcha gliding towards her, there was just something about the way she walked that was so graceful. She wished she could mimic it. Her mother-in-law was dressed in Royal Green, her green hair falling in gentle curls across her pale shoulders. As usual, she was barefoot, little flowers flashing at her feet and disappearing. Marble floors weren’t suitable for flowers to take hold. Though in this palace, Victoria wouldn’t be surprised.
The Avalon Palace was so rich in magical powers and the Lifestream that miracles happened around her every day.
“You are looking well, Victoria.”
“As are you, Sorcha. What can I do for you?”
She looked pointedly at the people in her throne room “it is a conversation best between us.” Victoria didn’t have to say anything, they left the room without any more words. Sorcha had that effect on people, despite her incredible beauty people did not want to cross her.
“I came to check on your child. It has been two months since you were married my dear, now we can safely allow it to develop without any eyebrows being raised.” She touched a glowing green hand to Victoria’s stomach. Green flared slightly, and Sorcha’s eyebrows creased.
“What’s wrong?” Oh Gods, what had happened?
“Nothing at all, it would seem most of the stasis has worn off. I need not do anything, it will be growing naturally within a month. Such is the strength of the Lifestream now that life flourishes everywhere.”
“Yes, we had to put out a public health warning. If you have unprotected sex you will get pregnant. On the other hand the British countryside is the healthiest I have ever seen it and our harvests are bountiful and making us rich.”