A Gluttony Of Faith
Page 25
“It is clear to all of us that your Ascension is a direct result of duty and not for personal gain.” His queen told the Assembly.
“Believe me, Your Highness, it was not my intention to Ascend.”
Zenar studied him “and yet you have. Now the Assembly has a dilemma we have never faced. What do we do with an Ascended Atlantean?”
“This is exactly what the Gods feared and why they tried to eradicate us,” Xandelexis added.
Zelaris was hurt, he had thought Xandelexis a good friend.
“Is he even bound by our Blood Oath?” Tenexus asked the queen.
Sorcha looked at Zelaris, and he could feel his death sentence coming. “No, he is not. Like all things there are limits. Demigods like the Nephilim and all the powerfully semi-Divine cannot be bound in such ways. By rights, he is an Ascended Angel, not that Heaven would recognise him as such.”
Selarine turned to her “does that count as breaking his oath?” All knew the price for breaking oaths in the Seelie Court.
Sorcha shook her head “no, it does not. He has not broken his oath, but he is no longer bound by it. I would say this decision is more the Atlanteans’ concern than the Fae’s, though of course I will lend my voice.”
“You are not opposed to this?” Xandelexis asked.
“Not at all. We need powerful figures in the empire if we are going to survive.”
Silence fell as many conversations were carried on in silence.
Xandelexis turned back to Zelaris “Supreme Commander.”
“Yes?” Zelaris answered. He couldn’t tell if the use of his formal title was a good or bad sign.
“You are an honourable man. Do you feel that you are still bound by your oaths even though you have Ascended beyond them?”
“I was born to serve the Commanding Assembly, just as any Atlantean is. Our Blood Oath binds us, but we don’t even think about that in our actions. We serve because it is repayment for our survival. My oaths bind me to serve the Atlantean people as well as the British Empire. All I ask is to retain my position so that I can fulfil my duties.” He knew it was a long shot. If anything it was likely he would be hidden away so that the Gods had no reason to fear the Atlanteans again. He was a threat to his species’ survival.
“Zelaris Zeus Angelus the Assembly commands that you remain in your position as Supreme Commander. You will continue to lead our armies and will continue to be the sword and shield of the Atlantean people, but now you are also our Divine protector. You have been given a heavy duty, but despite your Ascension you are still one of us. You are Atlantean before you are Angel, and we would be remiss of us if we were to punish you for serving your duty.
You will always have a place among your people so long as you want it Zelaris.”
He stared uncomprehendingly at the Guardians staring down at him, even as the Assembly starting clapping. With shaking legs he climbed the stairs to his throne and claimed back his title and duties. He belonged, and he would not forsake his people or give up on them. Now he would serve them even more than he had.
For he could protect them against Angels and Gods.
Cleopatra wished they would stop talking, she might not be mortal anymore and susceptible to headaches, but it sure felt like she should have one. Why did politicians and bureaucrat always drone on and on? Her generals and soldiers always gave her quick and concise reports that cut straight to the matter. Why could they not pass on this habit?
Then again they dealt with far more boring stuff than warfare. But really, did they have to inform her of road congestion issues. She had far more important things to deal with like battles, logistics, and their harvest. It was just as well that the Aswan Dam had been destroyed, and the Nile allowed to run free. The much-needed silt had been a godsend to all down river. Despite Alexandria groaning under its swelling population, they had enough food for everyone. Though how long that would last was another matter.
The Gods, for the most part, were embroiled in bitter fights over Egypt with the most powerful Angels and their deadly Weaves. It was fortunate that the Arch Angels were scattered across the world otherwise Egypt would have fallen. They were weak in the scheme of things. Her Gods did not have the faith powers to match the likes of Brigid, Hera, Izanami or Ereshkigal but they were doing the best they could. Anubis continued to create Anubites for her. She could not ask for more loyal or ferocious warriors. They formed her personal guard, their jackal senses allowing them to hear and smell far better than a Human.
She sighed but gave the man her full attention. She understood where he was coming from. The Human population was scared, they didn’t fully comprehend what was going on. All they knew was that Alexandria was suddenly under the control of the President’s widow who was now called Queen by her followers. In her wake came all sorts of species that were not Human. The Lilin and Sirens were doing their best to maintain civil order with their calming spells. Though their presence upset a great deal of the conservative population. Already riots had broken out, and the Daemon population had come down savagely on the Muslim population of Alexandria. Any who would not relinquish their faith was thrown to the Vampires for fodder.
The remaining Humans hid away in their homes terrified out of their wits. Yet while they hid away, the Daemon population was doing their best to restore civil order which had tempted power hungry and also the dutiful politicians out of their homes to help restore the city to order. The only consolation was that they had left Cairo in worse shape than Alexandria currently was.
Egypt as a whole was a mess. Alexandria and Cairo were squaring off against each other, their satellite cities coming under their sway. Up and down the length of the Nile the civil war took the lives of millions as the war turned ever more brutal and bitter. The conquered territories were revolting, and yet even they had not been spared from this religious war. To top it all off were the hordes of Hell Demons rampaging across the countryside. Some seemed to be heading south to central Africa while others seemed to be heading north for Israel or other parts of the Middle East.
The whole region was flooded with Demons, and they were on no one’s side. It didn’t matter if you belonged to the Gods or the Angels they saw you equally as the enemy. Word on the wire was that several Greater Demons were gathering hordes of Demons to them. What they planned to do she could only guess but it worried her, and it worried her Gods. She just hoped they would strike at Heaven and the Angels first. She did not fancy their chances against a Greater Demon and their army.
But how many Greater Demons were there and what did each of them plan to do?
Chapter 21
Gabriel descended into the citadel with Michael and Nuriel in tow. Everywhere they looked Humans and Angels drilled all around the Tower of David, which Raphael had commandeered to act as his base of operation in Israel. He was to safeguard the holy city of Jerusalem and to hunt down Azazel as the opportunity presented itself.
She marched with her authoritative stride that many found difficult to match, Michael and Nuriel had long learned to match it. As they strode by Angels stopped to bow and nod, the Humans were quick to follow suit. They might not know who walked past but any Angel the other Angels paid reverence to had to be important.
They found Raphael in the tower pouring over ancient maps and codex holoprojections. His captain bowed when they entered and ushered the other Angels out. Jophiel looked up from the codex files she was reading, closing down the images of Paris. Uriel and Raphael noticed their appearance and turned to face them.
“Ariel and Azrael will not be joining us. Tell us Raphael, how are the state of things?”
“Jerusalem is completely under our control, but the rest of Israel is a mess. Demon hordes have terrorised the countryside ever since Hell was unleashed. It is the same in Jordan as well. We have found little trace of Azazel since my encounter with him, but we have found traces of Iblis.”
“It would seem that they did not venture far from Hell’s entrance then.”
sp; “No, it would seem that Azazel has returned to his mountain, but we are currently unsure of what else might be there. News from Egypt suggests that more hordes are returning to Israel, perhaps Azazel and Iblis are summoning them back.”
“It is something we must consider. Now, do you require any more Griffins?”
“As many as you can give me Gabriel, they are fantastic for rooting out Demons wherever they are hiding. I thank you greatly for them.”
She smiled at him, here was another Arch Angel beyond delighted with her creations. Michael was still unwilling to make use of them, then again he was encountering no resistance in India.
The five Arch Angels fell into discussions about Jerusalem and Israel’s defences and the balancing act between the religions in the area. Michael and Mohammed were raising a new Caliphate slowly around Mecca while Michael was having the most success of them all in India.
“Why is Brigid not defending her territory? She formally claimed the land. She resurrected a Divine race to populate Varanasi. This doesn’t make sense.”
Michael had thought long and hard on the matter, and he had no clues, neither did any of his Pakistani generals.
“Perhaps she is waiting for something?”
They all turned at Nuriel’s voice, they had forgotten she was sitting there with her codex cross-referencing everyone’s information. “Brigid seems to wait for significant signals before she acts. She waited for Victoria’s coronation before she unveiled the Fae. It is only after a province builds an Academy that they start to enjoy riches and fertility. After the new palace was constructed the British Isles had so much Lifestream pulled up it is visible in places. Perhaps there is something in India she is waiting to occur.”
Michael tapped his chin thoughtfully “then we must ensure that that signal never occurs. Can you find out what the signal might be?”
“I can do my best, but I make no promises. Who knows the mind of a Goddess?”
“Any leads on any of the Greater Demons?” Uriel asked her.
“None so far my lord. We know Simurgh remains in her lair. Neither Behemoth nor Leviathan have been seen, though there was talk of a sea serpent around Denmark a while back. Azazel may be hiding on his mountain, but that is yet to be verified. Iblis has his trace in many places but nothing concrete. Lilith has been tracked to Amsterdam though she hasn’t been there for some time, but she will return. It would appear that Mammon, Agrat, and Asmodeus are all working for Hera and aiding her rapid expansion in the Americas.
Hordes of Demons ravage across Africa and the Middle East, some have even gotten so far as Pakistan before being killed. Others may have crossed into Europe but so far there is no indication of what they might be doing. I will give you any leads as I find them.”
“Is there nothing positive to note?”
At this, she smiled “Ah, yes there is. It would seem that Samael is preparing to cross over into Abaddon’s territory. We might have a clash between two Greater Demons. If we are lucky, one of them will be destroyed.”
“Such a battle will also slow down Britain’s expansion through Africa. Abaddon’s territory is rife with Monsters, lunatics, and Demons.” How would his father deal with all that?
“Indeed, my lord, Samael’s armies have noticeably stalled. His will buy us time to gather the forces of Africa to prepare for his northern advancement or for Abaddon’s spread should he win.”
“What forces? Other than Morocco there is no other country still standing. Egypt is embroiled in a bitter civil war, the Gods are keeping our forces at bay, but we do not have the numbers to aid them. Beyond that, there are no longer any standing countries. Sure we have the faithful but decades of infighting and warring city-states have devastated Africa. Demon hordes rampaging through have not helped either.”
One by one they disappeared off back to their duties until only Nuriel and Raphael remained. “You asked for my presence, my Lord?”
He closed the distance between them “Yes Nuriel, I did. Azazel interrupted our date, and we never got to finish it.” She didn’t get a chance to respond before he was kissing her. It was gentle and tender, everything she had always wanted and never gotten from a lover.
He pulled back to look at her, smiling that smile of his that only grew wider when she pulled his face back. She didn’t want to get stuck in talking about it. She just wanted to forget her worries for a while.
“You asked to see me, Gabriel?”
She looked up from her work table to smile at Uriel. He felt sure she meant it to be reassuring, it wasn’t. He didn’t show it, but Gabriel quite often terrified him. He felt sure that both she and Ariel were quite possibly insane though they hid it well. It was as though something in them was broken. Still that same quality made Gabriel a brilliant creator, no one could fault her on her creations.
He met that gaze across whatever it was she was performing a vivisection on. Pink magical chains held the creature to the table, and pink streams flowed through its head, presumably to keep it calm.
“Yes, Uriel I have a task for you, one that I have also asked of Ariel.”
“But not of Michael, Raphael, Azrael or Jophiel?”
“No, they do not see winning in quite the same way us three do.”
So it would be a task he was likely to enjoy “What can I do for you, Gabriel?”
“Capture me Demons as you hunt them down. Instead of killing them bring them to me and you will be rewarded.”
“Rewarded? How?”
“Why I shall continue to vote in your favour each time Michael appeals the overturning of the mating edict. Also, I will grant you the use of my creations.”
“Dare I ask why you want the Demons?”
She smiled savagely “But of course. They will be bound to our powers and made to serve us as they once did. All shall come under our rule again Uriel, even the Demons, and Gods. Heaven will not fall, and we shall rule the world as we always have.”
“Will you be able to contain them?”
She just looked at him “you doubt my abilities, Uriel?”
He shook his head quickly “no, but the Demons have changed since Hell was unleashed.”
“Believe me, when I say I have found the perfect way to bind them.” She had studied the fragments of the chains that had bound Prometheus, Hera, Loki, Fenris, and Jormangandr. Having reconstructed the spells and metals used to make them she felt sure she would be able to contain any and all Demons that were given to her. “They shall be made to serve us again Uriel and with them, we will win this war once and for all.”
Michael looked at the map spread before him. Everything was going perfectly. Too perfectly. Pakistan continued to chew into Indian territory, India in its civil disarray was unable to turn back their invasions. Kashmir belonged entirely to them, as did the states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Chandigarh. They had also nearly conquered all of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The only difficulty they had encountered was in the Haryana state, the closer they got to Delhi the more resistance they encountered. This was no surprise to the Pakistani army or its Human and Angelic generals, greater resistance was only to be expected the closer they got to the capital. Despite India’s bitter infighting soldiers were being called up from all states to defend the capital.
This was only in their favour. Prophets and saints walked the Islamic and Christian regions of India calling up more strife and civil unrest.
Such was their success that he and his Angels had convinced Bangladesh to join the fray. Which it had done with stunning speed and brilliance. Paul had personally led the armies of Bangladesh to conquer the Indian states of Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya and West Bengal. He seemed most eager to prove Gabriel’s faith in him. Michael didn’t understand how she had turned him and many other Ascended in Elder Angels, nor was he sure he approved. But it was reaping dividends, they were eager to cement their new positions. All throughout Eurasia, the newly Elder were working overtime to prove they deserved Gabriel’s gift.
Yet to hi
m it seemed too much was going their way. Why was India incapable of defending itself? Why was Brigid allowing land she had claimed to fall to the Angels? It made no sense. She had battled so hard to claim India and avoid them while spreading her religion. She had made such overtures in India, why was she abandoning it now?
Her armies covered a disturbingly large amount of the world, land was always falling to her ever hungry empire. It was voracious in its appetite, having claimed Ireland, Iceland, Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, numerous parts of Malaysia and Indonesia. Samael personally led her armies devouring southern Africa, which had appeared to have crossed into Abaddon’s territory. He was hopeful that the British Empire’s advance through Africa would be dramatically slowed if not stopped.
Abaddon had a wild territory full of unknowable Monsters and Demons. He seemed to have recreated Hell on the Surface. Any reports from his ever-expanding territory were troubling. Perhaps Samael would be of use in cleaning out this vipers’ nest.
But it still did not explain why Brigid was sacrificing India. It was a great prize, overpopulated by all Human standards, full of all that faith potential and all those people to act as soldiers.
What was her plan?
Chapter 22
Lucifer glared about Hell and its empty gloom. Thankfully it was only empty gloom, the spirits of the dead stayed well away from him. And Sariel had left for the Surface, leaving him alone, for which he was thankful. She meant well, but her presence irritated him, why could he not use his magic properly without her help?