A Gluttony Of Faith
Page 33
Scrambling gracelessly down from her back appeared Sariel beaming like a child. In many ways, she was still one.
“Ereshkigal I present to you the Primordial Goddess Simurgh.”
Ereshkigal bowed her head, it was always wise to respect the Primordials, the extent of their power could never truly be known. If it was within their power aspect, they were unmatchable. She wasn’t in any way sure what Simurgh’s powers were, but she was ancient and powerful.
“A pleasure, ancient one, I presume Sariel has explained the situation to you.”
Indeed, she has Ereshkigal. I will grant you time, but you will owe me.
“As is to be expected. Do you name your price?”
Not as yet.
She nodded “Come let me show you the lay of the land.”
James looked about anticipating an attack as they materialised within the royal palace. He shouldn’t be worried, he had Sariel with him, though personally he didn’t think that was a comfort but from what he had overheard of the other Divine she was something that they considered very dangerous.
He didn’t know why and he couldn’t see how so he chose to ignore it. To him, she was simply Sariel, the most unusual and amazing person he had probably ever met.
He glanced about, and sure enough, the King and Queen, their son and most of the government was in attendance. It was to be expected when signing one’s country’s freedom over to a far more powerful empire. Today was a monumental day that had taken Thailand up until the deadline to decide. They had sensibly opted for the more peaceful path and the one with least bloodshed.
Behind the Royals lurked Naamah hidden from all with her invisibility spells. He couldn’t see through them, but he could sense them. Sariel, on the other hand, could see straight through them to see her aunt.
Naamah was not quite as she had expected. She was dark skinned with long black hair showing only small amounts of bronze. But in the face, she looked a great deal like Lilith. They might be of two different colours, but they were definitely sisters. Her eyes were a striking steel grey, most unusual in an Angel, as were her steel grey wings with their smattering of bronze feathers.
Sariel chose to ignore Naamah until she revealed herself in some manner.
“The Empress and Goddess have considered your plea and it has been taken into consideration. Brigid is willing to extend a probationary period of Divine Governorship to the Angel Naamah if, and only if, she will conform to all the expectations of her pantheon.
Thailand itself will be expected to abide by all the Imperial decrees, to outlaw all the Angels’ religions and its citizens will be subject to Imperial Law and will all complete their national service. If these conditions are met, then Thailand will be allowed to govern itself.”
“What will happen to our protector if she were not to agree to these conditions?”
James glanced at Sariel who turned to look at the King “She would be given the freedom to leave the Empire but barred from re-entering. Should she choose not to do so then she would face Brigid’s wrath.”
“But do either of you have the power to do so?”
A slight smile crossed Sariel’s lips before Naamah’s illusions were cut away from her and a brown starburst of Chaos bloomed above them all.
Naamah’s face filled with terror as she saw so much Chaos in one place. A single glance at the Royals had the king back peddling “we will sign the Covenant.”
James unfurled the golden scroll, laying it in front of the King. He handed him the hydralgia pen to sign the Covenant. He looked at the list of countries there with the signatures of the leaders or rulers that had signed their nation into the Imperial Covenant. He signed his name as did the prime minister.
“You as well, Naamah, if you are to remain as Divine Governor.”
With slightly shaking hands she took the pen and studied it for a long moment. She recognised Atlantean technology. Then she signed her name, magic was pulled out of her to mark her hydralgia signature with her magic as well.
“As of today the country of Thailand ceases to exist, but the British Empire welcomes the Royal Province of Thailand under the Divine protection of the Angel and Greater Demon Naamah.” He clapped his hands and fireworks filled the sky outside as did a great fanfare of trumpeting.
While James took direction of the mortals and the celebrations Sariel advanced upon her last aunt. Naamah watched her with fear filled eyes, she had never seen so much Chaos in one place, Sariel was extremely dangerous. “You killed Lilith.”
She blinked in surprise “I did not.”
“You must have. She was killed in the Chaos Storm that destroyed Amsterdam. You wield Chaos thoughtlessly here, one can only imagine what you did there.”
“Lilith is not dead.”
“I felt my sister’s passing.”
“You felt the breach of her core, but she was saved before the final death blow came.”
“If she were alive I would know. She would have visited one of her sisters to let us know. She would have communicated with one of us. No, Lilith is dead, destroyed in the Chaos Storm.”
“She lives but she was not unharmed. She is suffering from severe Chaos poisoning and has lost nearly all of her use of her magic.”
“You did this to her.”
“I saved her, the unfortunate side effect was Chaos poisoning.”
“You are dangerous, too dangerous to be allowed to live. Even the Gods would not allow you to live.”
She pushed aside her hurt and anger “Be careful what you say Naamah for none of your sisters will dare intervene on your behalf should I seek to harm you nor will Brigid, my Mentor, intervene. I am dangerous, yes, and you would do well to remember that and curb your tongue.” She snapped her fingers and a flare of Chaos radiated outwards “otherwise you may permanently lose it.”
Naamah stared at the Chaos flare, beautiful but oh so dangerous. She understood the threat, what Chaos could destroy could not always be replaced. And if it was wielded as successfully as she had just seen she knew Sariel’s threat to be true.
“Where is my sister?”
“In Hades.”
Chapter 32
Agrat appeared within the Heradmantium Imperial Palace, a truly colossal construction that had claimed quite a section of Manhattan. For Hera it represented a new challenge, to make an imposing palace that rose up above many of the skyscrapers that dominated New York. The fact that its façade was all amethyst certainly set it apart.
It was strange to wander the halls of this palace, it wasn’t quite like other palaces she remembered. Her own that she had built in Utah was a grand, sprawling building like all the palaces she had ever known. But then civilisation and buildings had changed a lot since then. To place a sprawling palace in new York would have been a huge waste of space, not unheard of for palaces but it would not have been imposing.
Then again the insides were certainly imposing. Not so much the design, though that was some of it. It was just that Hera’s presence filled the entire building, and everyone found that to be intimidating.
As it was, the source of all that potent power watched the holoprojector before her as Ariadne and Kyle outlined their battle plans.
She approached but remained silent, all quickly learned not to distract Hera when she was busy. Besides, she was curious to know about the Empire’s expansion. All she knew was that her love was tearing through Belize. She had no idea what was happening on the other fronts.
“It seems wasteful for one building.”
“But it is the symbology of it Hera. While the White House remains in enemy hands, it is a beacon of hope for them and the detractors within our own ranks. While held by free hands, so to speak, it keeps alive the pitiful idea that they can win back their freedom and reclaim their nation. We already hold Maryland, it is but a small border incursion to claim the Federal District of Washington D.C. If we claim the White House, it is not only a declaration about America but to the Angels and the world.”
/> A 3D image of Washington D.C. filled much of the room with the details of both armies arrayed around the federal district. The city at the moment had not been claimed by either side other than in name. A small army waited on the Heradmantium side, Ariadne was still gathering her forces so as not to alert the UCSA of their impending actions. On the Virginian side stood a far larger army, with the full might of American technology. Lines of tanks sat ready and waiting, turrets had been arranged between lines of barbwire and concrete walls. A mobile fort had appeared over the last few weeks, their intention was clear. Especially with the presence of Angels in the army.
Images of Angels ascending and descending flicked across the army fort. Clear supply lines and approaching backup could also be seen. Magic combined with radar and satellite imagery gave them very accurate knowledge of the enemy.
“Would it not just be easier to destroy the federal district?” they all looked up at her approach.
“Then it becomes a martyr for the people and the Angels. By holding it, it loses its power and appeal. If it is destroyed, the memory will live on strongly.”
Hera studied Agrat “what brings you here Agrat? Any advances in your projects?” no one but Asmodeus and Hera knew what she was researching and planning. The others glanced at her with curiosity.
“Not as yet but it is getting much closer. I have come to ask for some time away.”
“Oh?” she raised a perfect eyebrow in question “away to where?”
“Hades, there is a family reunion of sorts.”
Hera’s eyes narrowed in question, and Agrat let her into the entrance of her mind. She felt Hera’s curiosity at Lilith’s survival, it was such a bizarre event. “Does Asmodeus need to go with you?”
“Perhaps but it is not a necessity.”
“I will consider if I can spare him. You are free to have some time, I will come with you, there are things I must ask things of my brother.”
Well, this was going to be interesting if nothing else.
Hera turned her attention back to Ariadne and Kyle “you have until I return from the Underworld to conquer the federal district. After then we have greater priorities.”
Lucifer knocked on the door swallowing his pride and his resentment. He didn’t want to do this, but it was becoming increasingly evident that he needed to.
The door swung open to let him in. He didn’t know what he had expected inside, but he had expected something far less normal. The room was like most of the other rooms in the palace though the black rock had been polished to a glassy smoothness, and something moved within it. But that was the most unusual thing in the room. The rest of the room was decorated tastefully with mostly ancient Greek furniture and decorations. A big fire burned heartily with a big fur rug of some long dead animal before it. Sitting in the middle of the room was a large chess set on which either side sat Erebus and Tartarus.
He couldn’t believe it, they were playing chess. Erebus glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, Tartarus didn’t even acknowledge him as he moved his queen. Within seconds, they had played a whole game before he even managed to cross the room. All he saw were the pieces moving, they kept their arms crossed on the table.
“What brings the young Prince of Darkness to my door? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.”
For some reason, Lucifer felt as though Tartarus was amused, though it was impossible to tell when a being was composed only of darkness. Not even his magma eyes could properly belie emotion. Erebus, on the other hand, had crafted full facial features and colouring out of his darkness.
He had lived a reasonable length of time, and he had served many powerful Gods and Goddesses, but the Primordials were truly something else. He had never appreciated that fact until he has come to live in Hades. There was just something about them that was so non-living. They didn’t try to blend into animalistic forms like their progeny did.
“I was angry at the time, you had stolen months away from me. However it is clear that there are many things about my powers that only you can teach me.”
Darkness flickered across the room as Erebus steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “Hmmm, that is so. However, your main problem would appear to be your Chaos poisoning.”
“That can be overcome with time. I just need to gain control of my powers, both Hell and darkness to recover.”
Why is he so adverse to seeking Sariel’s help? Surely he can see how quickly she is helping Lilith recover. Tartarus used his magic to reset the chessboard, the pieces slowly drifting about.
I do not understand at all, I think it is one of those animal emotions that Hecate tells us about.
Tartarus turned to stare at Lucifer who shifted nervously under that unnerving magma gaze. All he could see were two pools of magma in darkness. He couldn’t even tell if they were focussing or not. Their emotions are such strange things. Perhaps it explains their erratic behaviour, but I could be wrong. Try as I might I still do not understand their minds.
You have always understood them far better than I. Perhaps we should ask Nyx, she understands them very well.
I think she would tell us that it is his pride. Was that not his greatest sin?
According to the Angels and their holy books. Hardly much to go on brother.
No, indeed not. Perhaps use the darkness to probe his mind.
Erebus held out his hand to Lucifer who stared at it with great distrust “I am not losing months of my life again.”
“I will return you before a day has passed.”
Hesitantly Lucifer reached out for Erebus’ hand. He was engulfed in darkness and dragged into the realm of darkness. But he did learn to utilise the smallest amount of his darkness powers, and Erebus learned what he needed to. But he didn’t really understand it.
Naamah stood hiding her discomfort before Brigid. There was something no longer purely Godly in her eyes, there was something more. It was more than just her hybridization of God and Angel, there was something more ancient, and more dangerous about her powers.
She had been summoned by Brigid to face her new leader, if she was to be part of the British Empire’s pantheon, then she had to obey Brigid’s rules. Brigid’s word was law, and she had the power to implement it. And Brigid had most unusual rules, now she understood why Agrat had fled across the Atlantic Ocean rather than jumping across the English Channel when Paris had fallen to the Angels. Agrat would never have been able to conform to Brigid’s strict rules.
Whoever heard of the Divine being forbidden from harming mortals? But that was one of Brigid’s rules, harm was not to come to her people for no good reason. Even the Divine were not allowed their prior freedom of absolute power. And they could be held accountable for their actions. It irritated her, and she found it insulting to be constrained in such a way, but Brigid was going to rule most of the planet. Already her empire was the largest and most populous in the world, it was truly living up to the old saying that the sun never sets on the British Empire.
She didn’t want so much of the world barred to her. If all went according to Brigid’s plans, then she would have Canada, all of Africa, all of British India, most of South East Asia and all of Australasia. It seemed that she was no longer sticking exclusively to past British colonies. She had big goals and what made it all the more intriguing was the way she was going about it.
It made her curious to see just how well she would succeed, Brigid seemed to be having far greater success than any other Goddess so far. Even Hera. And that surprised her.
What was it about Brigid that enamoured the world?
“Do you think you can abide by these rules because I warn you now, Eisheth, there will be repercussions if you do not?”
Eisheth studied the green fires within those ancient eyes and the curls of Lifestream winding around her. She was powerful, far more than Gods had been in the past. The amount of empowerment she had gained from her empire was terrifying, but there was something deeper about her powers. Something far more formidable. In
these isles, Brigid’s will was absolute and in her empire it wasn’t far behind.
She could feel the land beneath her studying her, could feel the very air around her reading her. It was beyond imagining just how much she was under the microscope.
Her decision was now, she could walk away safely but where would she go? Join Agrat in the Heradmantium Empire and be the second sister? Or be the second sister in Crete for the Minoan Empire? Neither were appealing in the least. She supposed she could always try the Dragon Empire, but that was tearing itself apart in a very sudden and very brutal civil war that had shocked the whole world. There was always Egypt, but that too was embroiled in a very savage civil war that could turn any which way.
No, the only empire left was the British, the biggest and most powerful. She wanted to be part of it, there was a very good chance that she could Ascend from empowerment if she were to remain. And that was the tipping point for her.
“I will abide by all your rules Brigid.” She had no other option really.
A smile flicked across her lips “then it is probably time you met some of the other Divine within the Empire. Fortunately, they will be with Lilith when we go to visit her.”
“Who would they be?” oh please let it not be Samael. That was the last thing they needed was for him to be lingering around. He had ruined any hope of rebuilding their past sisterly relations.
“Zelaris and James will remain on the Surface, but I believe you already know of Hecate, Sariel, and Samael. Our numbers might be small, but we are a powerful collection. Come it is time we visited your sister.”