A Gluttony Of Faith
Page 36
“It is about our situation. We have been in contact with the Goddess, and she had some interesting things to fill us in on.”
“Did she now?” she really didn’t care. She was busy.
“Yes, like the fact that we are all suffering because you as our Divine Governor refuse to accept help.”
“We don’t need her help.”
“We’re under attack from the fucking Angels, and you spurn her help?” he cried out.
“She caused this, we do not need her help. I will not have her help, we can do this ourselves.”
It was as he had feared. She would not see reason, they had had similar discussions for weeks. All the priests and Daemons had. For why would Brigid forsake them when they had been her first claimed? So they had prayed to her until finally they heard back.
It was only then they had come to see that an agreement had been made, and agreement that was not in their favour. An contract the rest of them did not agree to and wanted rid of. They desperately needed Brigid’s help, they were not strong enough to hold off an army once it appeared. They were struggling as it was with just the barrages of missiles.
“Anjali I beg of you, we need her help. Give up your pride, people are dying because of your decision.”
She smacked him across the face, sending him flying “Fuck off Ryan.”
He closed his eyes where he lay “I wish it had not come to this” he whispered as many footsteps echoed through the temple.
Anjali looked around just in time to see the bat that smacked her across the face. She went down like a sack of bricks, having no time to recover before she was dragged along to the altar. Her clearing vision showed her people of various races, but it was what she saw in their faces that chilled her to the bone. There was nothing but anger and murder written across their faces.
Spells and chains snaked out to chain her to the altar as blades were pulled out. Before she knew it, they were all stabbing her, screaming at her. Her blood squirted and spilled over the altar and down across the floor. She begged them to stop, she screamed at them. She tried to summon her powers, but they had contained her by all means.
The last thing she saw was Ryan sitting there watching her, crying as the Lifestream started to swirl up around her.
Chapter 35
“You had a favour to ask of me, sister?”
They were walking through the Elysium Fields, the shades of heroes and demigods long past scattering out of their way. In Hades, all feared when Hades walked his realm. Only a fool would not be worried when Hera walked anywhere.
As it was, she was clearly agitated, her flaring temper had driven all within the castle to interrupt him to deal with her because they were fed up with it. None were aware that her agitation stemmed from her Mother Earth powers. She knew something had happened in her absence, something in territories not actually hers but claimed at least. She had felt pain, but she didn’t know what it meant.
“I want Arachne.”
He jerked sharply to look at his sister. Hera never did anything without a reason, she was one of the most calculating people he had ever known.
“Arachne has not lived for over four thousand years, what makes you think her spirit will still exist?”
“Her name is the basis for an entire group of animals, that alone will keep her strong. And surprisingly many of our myths are known to mortals. She will still be strong. Now, what do you want in return?”
“A sapling from your golden apple tree.”
“How the Hell am I going to get that Hades?”
“The tree is yours, I suggest you go to the Hesperides Garden and either take an apple and plant it in a pot or take a cutting and do the same thing. Use your Mother Earth powers to nurture it and the fact that Gaia gave the tree to you specifically. Or alternatively, ask Brigid to make it grow.”
“You drive a hard bargain brother.”
“There is little I want for, sister. I rule my own realm, I have a wife who is happy, we are surrounded by family. This is something only you can do for me, just as only I can give you Arachne.”
She glowered at him, but she held out her hand, he grabbed it with his own, and they shook “deal” black and violet magic swirled around their hands before violet and black symbols etched their way up their left arms. Their deal had been sealed.
“Come” he strode off into the thicker forest, making his own trail as he went. She followed after her brother. The deeper the trail led into the thick forest, the more spider webs started to coat things. It got to the point that nearly everything was coated in spider webs.
They came into a clearing dominated by a large spider web. Attached to the web was a spider about the size of a hand. Its appearance was plain, Athena’s gift had been a second life, not beauty.
The spider shifted into a young woman with dark bruises around her neck from when she had hung herself. Those brown eyes watched the Gods fearfully. She had not had visitors for a long time, and Gods never just dropped by. The Goddess was after something.
“Hades” she dipped a curtsy.
“Arachne. Hera has claimed your spirit, you’ll be living again.”
She started to back away “no, no, my time is done.”
“Your time is done when I say it is.” Grey and black spells lashed out around her, wrapping her up and forcing her back into her small spider form. Hades handed the spell to Hera.
“I thank you, brother, now I must leave, something has happened on the Surface. Persephone and Demeter can take their time, but I will take Agrat and Asmodeus with me now. I will return with your sapling.”
“What in the name of Heaven happened here?” Michael asked as he looked out across the devastation where only yesterday Washington D.C had stood. His sentiment was shared by the other Arch Angels, even Azrael had appeared on her request.
Ariel looked out across the scene where she had come perilously close to losing her life. They had known about nuclear warheads and atomic bombs, but they had been a passing interest when America had bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. None of the Angels had been anywhere close to it, their presence in Japan was negligible. But last night she had been in the blast zone and what had happened had scared her shitless.
“They used a nuclear warhead.”
“But what of the city? What of your forces? Why did you not defend them?”
“For one thing, I wasn’t expecting this, who could have expected this? We were winning and driving them back, we had the whole city covered in a Weave, we were fighting an unknown dark power even as we started to slaughter their army. Then out of nowhere came the explosion.” Her voice softened as her eyes lost focus, she shared the images with them. “The explosion happened so fast, and such power...it destroyed everything. It ripped the Weave apart as though it was nothing. We barely had time to strengthen our shields before it was tearing through us. We had lots of shields, strong shields, shields that have stood up against Gods but so many of them were torn away. The power within but one bomb is terrifying. This is Humanity’s weapon, its non-magical super weapon. Jesus fucking Christ, it was a nightmare.”
Looking around Gabriel could well agree with her, the crater took up an area well beyond Washington’s metropolitan area. What was most troubling was just how many Divine it had killed on both sides. Humans actually had a weapon to kill Divine that didn’t require them being Divine. Though using it was just as likely to get themselves killed in the process.
“We should ban the use of this, it is far too dangerous.”
“It is a weapon just like any other, it is just as powerful but far more localised than the Apocalypse.” Michael already saw the potential of nuclear weapons.
“Which we also banned the use of.” She could tell by her husband’s silence that he didn’t agree with her. Fortunately, very few countries had nuclear weapons.
“Have we found out yet what is wrong with the sky?” Ariel asked. It had not been a good night for her at all.
“Tiamat and Nyx are figh
ting. It follows the night sky and is most violent on the oceans.” Azrael said in his dreary way.
“But Tiamat is dead. She was killed millennia ago by Marduk. Her blood was one of the most sought after Divine commodities.”
“She appeared from Hell at the same time as Bahamut.”
Gabriel felt a horrified chill run through her. Bahamut was back to himself? Shit, the Divine were notorious for their thirst for vengeance. But how the Hell had Tiamat reappeared? “If we do not interfere the two Primordials will battle until one of them is dead. No one is to interfere lest we draw the ire of two Primordial Goddesses.”
“I thought they were all dead.”
“No Jophiel, remember the Darkness before Hell was unleashed? That was Nyx’s doing while she was still in the Underworld. Now we know that there are at least two alive. As with many things were there are some there are more.”
“God that is terrifying, more Primordials on the loose.”
“We shall make sure we prepare for such an event.”
“What in the name of Chaos happened here?” Hera scanned the massive crater that was all that remained of Washington D.C. She could feel the radiation being emitted off, and she could feel it condensing in the cloudbanks above. She watched the Potomac River flow into the crater and drain out with its new radioactive payload. Along with the fallout the Atlantic Ocean and East Coast were in for some toxic times.
Yet she felt sure with some experimentation she would be able to accelerate the breakdown of the radiation. She would have to see.
“We used a nuke to disastrous effect.”
“This was done with Human technology?” she was horrified.
Ariadne nodded “It was, it was our backup plan in case we had to retreat. We did not anticipate Ariel and her Angels coming to join the fray.”
“So your plan was to destroy nearly both the opposing armies?”
“We did not anticipate the nuke being so destructive or shields not being able to stand up against it. Who could have anticipated that Divine shields would not be strong enough?”
“So it killed Ariel’s Divine as well?”
“Yes, all her creatures and soldiers were killed in the process. She has more than Griffins now, there were Basilisks, Cockatrices, and Hydras.” She formed a link to show Hera.
A sly smile grew across Hera’s face “oh Gabriel, how very foolish of you.” The Hydra was her creature, Gabriel had not created it, it was one of Echidna and Typhon’s many Monstrous spawn. And she knew how to manipulate Echidna’s offspring, especially the Hydra. “Well that is a wondrous development, as for this...” she indicated the crater “it bodes more thought, this could be a most valuable weapon.”
“You would have us use nukes again?” she was appalled.
“Not on cities but on armies, yes, it could be most advantageous.” Perhaps they could aim the weapons at Heaven.
Chapter 36
Brigid stared at Anjali’s body where it had been sacrificed on her altar. Her Divinity had offered her no protection from the variety of mages and Daemons that were furious at her selfish decision. It would seem that pride really could get one killed.
Her grisly death was a testament to just how desperately the Indian people cried out to her. They had lost a great number of states to Pakistan’s encroachment in the west and Bangladesh’s sudden growth in the east. It would seem that Michael and Azad Ali’s partnership was evidently working for them. Indeed, Pakistan was expanding in all directions. A variety of warlords had come under Pakistan’s sphere of influence. It seemed that the war zone that had been Afghanistan was coming together to stand behind their prophet.
None of which was good news for India. Despite its infighting, India was adamant that it did not belong to anyone but itself. Its’ capital had fallen, its Divine Governor lay sacrificed before the Goddess. The people were rallying behind her, for they were very aware that she was their only hope for independence from Pakistan. They were unaware that their independence would be the very prize she would demand to defeat Pakistan and Bangladesh.
“You weep for her death, Ryan.”
He turned red eyes to face her, his tears had dried, but it was evident that he had been crying. He was a tender soul, which was why he was a priest and not a battlemage.
She tilted his head up with her hand “she will be a lesson for all, too much pride will kill you. Now we have a great many things to do.” She muttered to herself “these shields are not adequate enough.” A bright green dome shield bloomed over Varanasi falling down to the ground replacing the paltry collection of shields struggling to keep out the missiles.
“Hmm, there are many things to be discussed but for the moment, you are all safe. I will return tomorrow, gather all the leaders you can to be prepared. Tomorrow we prepare for war.”
Then she was gone in a flash of leaves and shadows.
Sariel and Ereshkigal materialised on the top of the monumental Ziggurat that was the focal point of Ur and the pride of Great Babylon. At first, they didn’t recognise where they had appeared. The top was relatively the same, Ereshkigal’s throne sat above the gate to Irkalla, and there were plenty of dead walking out. But around the edges where there had been open sky now stood lush foliage.
They turned around to face the stairs and the view of the city below. Within barely a few days Ur had changed dramatically. It had been a small oasis ever since Ereshkigal had claimed it, she had used what magic she could to make it habitable, but Simurgh had transformed the region.
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were flowing fast and strong, sparkling in the sunlight with their vitality and health. Between them, the floodplains were overflowing with abundant greenery, much of which was crops to feed the city. They could see Simurgh’s rainbow form moving among the thick foliage.
But it was not just the plains she had transformed. The whole city had become a tropical oasis, some trees rising nearly as tall as the new skyscrapers. And it wasn’t just the plants that were new, Simurgh had used her magic to redesign the whole city into a truly beautiful paradise. If one chose to ignore the legions of the dead marching around.
Where once had been barren and toxic deserts now stood wide green plains and spreading jungle. As they watched in amazement ripples of the Lifestream became visible before sinking beneath the ground again. It appeared that the Fertile Crescent was once again fertile.
Upon feeling their presence, Simurgh lifted into the air, a vision of colour as she wheeled around the Great Ziggurat to land on the top before them. You have returned, I should warn you there have been a few changes Ereshkigal.
“I can see that. It looks like you have recreated the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and turned my whole empire green.”
Oh, this is no longer the extent of your empire, the Legions have annexed Persia in your absence, and I have been turning that green as well.
Her eyes and mouth widened in her surprise, she stepped forward to place a hand against Simurgh’s leg “Persia? You annexed Persia? How can I ever thank you Simurgh? This is incredible.”
Sariel made the bargain, and she will pay the debt. However, I once lived in these lands and made them fertile long before the Angels came. I would like to return to these lands, they call to me, and I find them easy to bring to life again.
She gave a strange strangled laugh “Simurgh you are welcome any time within my empire, in fact, you can have a permanent place within it if you would so like.”
I will certainly think upon it Ereshkigal, I had not realised just how much I missed these lands, and you have much power to keep away the Angels. We shall discuss it when I return. Now Sariel your part of the bargain.
“I can take you to meet Bahamut however since we last spoke Tiamat has become embroiled in a fight with Nyx. I cannot say when she will next be free, if ever.”
Bahamut will suffice. As for Tiamat and Nyx, I would not begin grieving just yet little one, Primordial fights take their own path, and they do not always end in death for one s
“Come Simurgh, I have many places to be, my Mentor requires my help for a great many things.” She laid her hands upon Simurgh as Ereshkigal took hers off, she nodded solemnly to them both, but there was a smile tugging at her dark lips and a sparkle in her dark eyes.
“Be well Sariel and Simurgh, know you are always welcome within my borders. And Sariel if Lucifer ever surfaces tell him to seek me out. There is much for me to teach him that Hades cannot.”
Bahamut opened his eyes when he felt the magical surge he had come to associate with Sariel. A more talented and strange girl he had never met. He wondered why Chaos had seen fit to create a conduit if indeed it had been the one to create her. They really had no understanding of Chaos at all. All attempts to probe it resulted in the spell caster being absorbed into Chaos never to be seen again. There was no trace, and they were not returned to the Lifestream.
It seemed strange to think that Humans had been venturing far further into Chaos than any Divine ever could.
Perhaps Gaia in her slumbers had crafted a dream which had borne fruit in Sariel. But would Gaia really have created something with the potential to destroy her? For what Sariel didn’t seem aware of was that she wielded power that could potentially destroy the Earth itself if used to such extremes.
Sariel, this is a pleasant surprise. He did always enjoy her company, she was always so vibrant.
“I have to pay a debt.”
That roused him enough to realise that there was another presence in the cave with her. He raised his massive head to study this new arrival. To his surprise, it was another Primordial Monster Goddess. There was a feel about her that was familiar...Hell. She had been Hell Cursed.