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Party Vamps

Page 24

by Jennifer North

  “Huh. There are just as many female sexual predators out there—at least on the adult level—as male ones. Believe me. I know it for a fact. What about Mrs. McCarthy? Wasn’t she just as overt as I was today? She would have had my cock out of my pants so fucking fast…”

  “Yeah. And it was annoying.”

  “Ah. So you admit you’re pissed off at me for the way I acted at tea.”

  “Damn it, Alex! Why do you always do that to me? I’m not pissed off at you. I was just a little anxious about your behavior.” She turned away from him, smooshing at the pillows before flopping her head down.

  “You know, Caro. I think you make this stuff a lot more complicated than it needs to be.” Taking her by the arm, he pulled her back and kissed her slightly swollen, well-used lips.

  He sat back against the pillows and pulled her hand into his lap, teasing the tender skin around her tattoo, proudly inspecting the mark that made her his. She arched her back, sighing.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Well, you’re always trying to analyze this stuff to death. Most of sex is about pure animal behavior. Immortals are more comfortable with the beastliness of it all. We revel in it. But most mortals tend to fight their uncivilized emotions. Like you. You don’t like to admit it, but you like the idea of owning me. You get jealous when you think other people are moving in on your territory. Or if you think I’m going to stray into territory other than yours.”

  She pulled her hand away and mockingly thunked her palm on her forehead. “Oh, that’s it. Thank you so much for finally making it clear after all these years. I’m just a silly jealous mortal who’s not in touch with her inner beast.”

  He took her hand and turned it palm up, half-teasingly drawing a circle around her tattoo. “That’s what my mark is for—to keep you in touch with that wild inner beast of yours.”

  She sat up, pushing her hair back in an angry swipe. “Okay, Alex. You’re right. You know what my beast tells me when I deign to listen to it? That you’re mine. Exclusively. I’ve always been jealous of the other people in your life. But I know what you are. And because I accepted it, I’ve never felt I had the right to be jealous. Ignoring my beast was the only way I could live with you. But under certain circumstances it refused to be ignored. And it almost destroyed me. If I’ve made a mistake by coming back to you I don’t know what I…” Her voice broke.

  “Caroline, no.” He took her hands again. Pain swelling in his chest, he tried to take a deep breath, but the old feeling of sick regret constricted his lungs. Regret for marking her. Regret for marking her when she was so fucking young. Taking those years away from her, years she could have spent with some nice, normal mortal guy.

  “You aren’t making a mistake, Caro. I’ll prove it to you. Every day. But you have to give me those days. Give me time to prove myself. Okay?”

  She nodded, looking embarrassed by her emotional outburst, eager to end the conversation. Thinking she might need a few minutes alone, he stood up and looked for his jacket. He pulled out a pack of cheroots—Sherene’s special blend of blood drops, tobacco and a vamp relaxant. “I’m gonna go out for a quick smoke, do you mind?”

  She shook her head. “Promise you’ll come back fast?”

  “I promise.”

  “Seal it with a kiss?” she asked with a teary smile. Her voice quavered.

  “You bet.” He leaned forward and kissed her with all the tenderness in his heart. She tasted like grapes and tears and love. Sighing, she moved her hand back into his hair, pressing her lips gently against his. When he opened his mouth under hers, she slowly explored his mouth with her tongue. God, he loved her.

  She pulled away, breathing heavily. “I can’t breathe and kiss and cry all at the same time. Maybe if I just stop breathing…”

  He expelled a sigh of laughter before standing up. “Don’t do that. Really, please don’t cry, princess. I won’t be an asshole and talk about inner beasts or any of that shit anymore.”

  He pulled on some sweats and stepped toward the door.

  “You weren’t being an asshole,” she said. “I was the one who basically accused you of being a slut. After asking you to help, asking you to put on an act for my clients. I should be more careful about what I ask for.”

  He put his hand on the doorknob. “It’s all that little creep Andrew’s fault for putting the moves on me. Let’s just blame it on him and forget about it.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to forget about it. You were trying to get at the truth. And that’s a good thing. I’ve never been completely honest with you about my jealousy.”

  “I’m sure there were better ways to discuss it.”

  “I don’t know. I just get emotional because a lot of this stuff brings back some of the old pain.”

  “I know.”

  “But maybe we could talk about it more later.”

  “Okay. Later.” He went outside.

  But when he came back and joined her in bed minutes later, she wanted to discuss something different.

  “Alex…” Her voice sounded tentative.

  “What?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Do you like ass-fucking?”

  He pulled back to look at her face. Laughed. “What? Is this a trick question?” He looked over at the nightstand and noticed the champagne bottle was empty. Hmm…

  She fiddled with the sheet and gave him a half-smile. “No. I mean, I was just wondering about inner beasts and all that. Letting mine run free. There were things I used to balk at doing when I was younger—”

  “Um, not too many as I remember,” he interrupted. “As long as they were with me,” he qualified. She’d never been into the group thing.

  “Well, there might have been a few. And I thought maybe we could try them…or something.”

  “You wanna make a list and do ‘em all tonight?”

  She punched his arm. “No. I just wondered if there was something that you liked—a sex act or a role—that you feel uncomfortable performing with me. That you might worry would offend my mortal sensibilities or something.”

  “Caro.” He looked into her eyes so she’d know he was telling the truth. “When I fucked around on you—when I had sex with immortals—it wasn’t because you were lacking in any way. Or because you didn’t fulfill some dark inner need of mine. It was because I was selfish and scared. The party boy prince who’d been conquered by one little mortal when he was so young…impossible! I heard that so many times I believed it. So I made it impossible.”

  “Mm.” She didn’t sound convinced.

  “Roll over,” he said. “I’m gonna give you one of my famous back rubs.”

  She let him push her onto her belly. He brushed her hair away from her back and neck and started kneading her shoulder muscles.

  “You know, I’m not as jaded as everybody seems to think I am. I tried some crazy things in my teens and early twenties—had fun being a bad-assed rebel. Pissed off my human family because I acted too vamp, pissed off my vamp family because I acted too human. But by the time I met you, my mind was ready for something different. It just took a while for my body—for my instincts—to catch up.” He moved his hands down to her lower back, played with the cute little dimples above her ass.

  He gave a low whistle as he gazed down at the bare curves and smoothed his palms over the plump rise. “Such pink skin…have you been spanked recently?

  She turned her head on the pillow and nodded.

  “Are you a naughty girl?” He smiled down at her, knowing she found this kind of game silly but secretly titillating.

  She laughed. “My lover punished me. I’ve been trying to make him bend to my will, to follow my commands. He doesn’t like it.”

  Chuckling at her explanation, he ran a finger down the crease between her sweetly rounded cheeks.


  “What?” He was nibbling along the small of her back, wanting to taste as well as touch.

  She turn
ed to her side, coyly crossing her arms over her breasts. He placed tender kisses along her hip.

  “Would you?”

  “Would I what?

  “Fuck me in the ass.”

  He looked at those big topaz eyes and tried to gauge the seriousness of her request. “When we’ve tried it before, you’ve never seemed very enthusiastic. I could take your sweet little pussy from behind, of course.” He brushed a finger lightly through her crease and was quite gratified to feel a flood of dewy wetness there.

  “No,” Caro said. “I want you to do it the other way. The real way.”

  “The real way…”

  “Yeah, like you would do it to Jack. Or Sherene. Female vamps really like that position, right?” Alex sat back on his heels, wondering where she was going with all this. “And what was the name of that guy you did at that orgy you made me go to in L.A.?”


  “Victor. That was his name. He was Hungarian, right?” She frowned at him when he didn’t respond. “What? Don’t you want to? Because I do. I have some lube in the bathroom I think…”

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

  “What? Why not? My ass isn’t as good as Victor’s?” Her tone was petulant.

  Alex laughed wryly. “Now isn’t that exactly like comparing apples and oranges.” He stroked a silky curl away from her flushed face. “Princess, let’s not do this, okay? You’ve had too much champagne. You seem upset and I don’t particularly want to do any ass comparing tonight. Let’s just make love.”

  “Did you love Sherene when you fucked her?”

  Alex shifted on the bed, putting his feet on the floor and his hands in his hair. “No, I didn’t love her. I love you. Come on, Caro. What’s this really about?”

  “If you won’t take me in the ass then I don’t want to fuck you at all.” Her pout made her look like a silly little girl. He wanted to laugh but the situation was beginning to piss him off.

  “Okay, fine.” He stood, needing another smoke, another drink, wanting to get the hell out of the room before he did something he’d regret. “Maybe you could ask Jack to accommodate you when you go back to Chicago. He was a good fuck, right? His cock would definitely be a tight fit but that’s the way it feels best.” He walked through the door and headed down the hall.

  Caro called after him, “So is that a recommendation or testimonial? I think I have a dildo around here somewhere if that would get you off!”

  Turning around, he stalked back into the room and stood in front of her.

  “Go get the lube,” he said, struggling to keep his voice level.

  Caro got up and went into the bathroom. She flicked on the lights and looked in the mirror. Her cheeks and eyes seemed too bright, her lips too dry. She licked them as she opened the medicine cabinet. She fumbled around and found a tube of lubricant, her fingers shaking a little, her thoughts hot and twisted, rumbling around in her head like wet laundry in a dryer. She felt a little angry, a little mean, a little excited. Probably a little drunk. The overriding feeling was a compulsion to do something not like herself, to challenge the former girl who’d once happily done whatever her vamp lover demanded to make a few demands of her own.

  She went back to the bedroom and handed the tube to Alex.

  “On the bed. On your hands and knees.” The words were a command, but he said them quietly, gently almost. Caro shivered.

  “Do it,” he said.

  Obeying, she climbed onto the bed and assumed the position, her heart beating unsteadily, her movements unsure. “Put pillows under your hips,” he ordered. “Lean forward on your elbows, ass in the air.”

  She arranged the pillows and looked over her shoulder, hoping to see a reassuring expression on his face, but her gaze caught on his hands. His rings gleamed in the soft light as he uncapped the lube and squirted a dollop onto his fingertips. The muscles in her ass clenched and, trying to relax, she turned her face toward the headboard and spread her fingers over the smooth surface of the sheets.

  Alex climbed onto the bed, the mattress giving slightly under his weight, and she could feel the heat of his body as he came up behind her. She felt his warm palm on her ass and then gasped when he smeared the cold, slick lube between her cheeks with his fingertips. The heat of her flesh began to warm the lubricant’s coolness and her muscles relaxed slightly as Alex continued to work her crack. Her breath began to rasp unsteadily, her hips rotating against the increasingly sensual feel of his fingers.

  When he suddenly stilled, she inhaled sharply. Then he stuck his finger into her slick hole, going two knuckles deep. She groaned as he teased the sensitive inner flesh, pushing his finger farther, delving and rotating before pulling all the way out and outlining the rim of the tiny opening. He repeated the motion, moving in and out, over and over, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow, all the while slicking the way with the lube.

  Caro began to squirm. “Alex…”

  She felt his cock, long and heavy, against the small of her back. He didn’t say a word but she could hear his breathing become heavier. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him pick up the lube and then heard him apply it to his cock. She could see it in her mind, his long fingers smoothing the glistening liquid over his straining flesh…

  He grabbed her hips with both hands, angling her higher on the pillows before spreading the slick cheeks of her ass with his cool hands. She felt the head of his prick probe and slowly thrust forward, a maddeningly slow filling that made her feel strangely empty in other places. Her breasts felt lonely, her pussy bereft. She moaned softly, wanting him to cram it in, wanting to feel the odd pleasure-pain streaking through her guts until it hit all those needy places.


  Can’t hurt you…

  Yes, damn it. Do it!

  But he just pushed it in slowly, slowly. She bunched the sheets with her fingers. Panted. The sensation was all-consuming, intense, the stretch of her flesh a searingly intimate combination of pleasure and pain. She wanted to grind her hips into the pillows. But Alex held them firm and then finally rammed home.

  Hard. All the way in.

  She cried out. He inhaled sharply. In and out he pushed, first with slow concentration and then with quick, grinding thrusts. She could feel the rough hair on his thighs brushing against the backs of her legs and her buttocks, the friction making her want to scream, his cock touching pleasure points she hadn’t even known existed.

  “God, Alex, please…” She felt his hands clench down harder on her hips. He shoved forward with a last violent thrust and gave a strangled groan. He pulled out abruptly and she felt a hot spurt of cum hit her lower back. The bed shook as he shuddered through his orgasm, covering her buttocks and thighs with more jets of semen.

  She waited for his touch, called out to him in her mind—but there was only silence.

  Her mind struggled to understand but she was too overwhelmed with sensation. She relaxed her hips and rubbed her mound against the pillows, the friction against her clit bringing her to climax within seconds. She pressed her face into the quilt, trying to breathe, trying to process sensation and emotion.

  Wanting Alex to say something, wanting him to touch her again and hold her, she reached out for him but felt only the shift of the bed as he climbed off, heard only the sound of his harsh breathing. She held very still, waiting.

  “So that’s how it feels to get fucked by my cock,” he finally said. “You let me know when you wanna get fucked by me. When you want all my love.”

  She couldn’t think, couldn’t reply.

  “I’m going out for another smoke.” She heard him pull on his pants and, turning her head, she saw him stalk from the room. She tried to call his name but she couldn’t move her lips, couldn’t make a sound.


  * * * * *

  Alex was standing in the kitchen draining his third glass of water and preparing to go back to bed when he heard a thump, a thud and a cry come from the room above him. Caro’s room.
/>   He set down his glass and ran for the stairs, cursing himself for being an ass and leaving her alone for the last hour. Attempting emotionless sex when both partners were feeling way too emotional was a mistake all around. And yes, he was finally smart enough to recognize that when it came to his bloodmate, he was always going to be emotional.

  When he saw her lying motionless on the floor next to the bed, he freaked for a moment, thinking she’d rolled off the bed and knocked herself unconscious. But as he hurried toward her she pushed herself from her side to her back, spread her arms wide and expelled a long, whimpering moan.

  “Jesus, Caro, what the hell happened?” Kneeling beside her, he brushed the hair away from her face.

  She licked her lips and gave him a faint smile as she pulled her arm from under the bed. He shook his head when he saw she was holding the empty champagne bottle.

  “I knocked the bottle off the nightstand and when I tried to catch it, it got away.”

  “You and champagne do not mix well, princess.”

  As he took the bottle from her hand and set it out of reach on the floor, she gave a small hiccup-laugh. When he gathered her in his arms, her laughter turned into sobs. “I feel terrible,” she moaned.

  “I know,” he said, pressing his lips to her temple.

  “I treated you terribly.”

  “Mm.” He trailed his lips down her cheek to the tender curve of her ear. “S’okay. I wasn’t exactly being a prince myself.” When she clutched his shoulders and began to cry in earnest, he put his arms beneath her and lifted her onto the bed.

  “Come on, my poor princess,” Alex whispered. “Let me hold you for a while.” He slid in next to her, taking her in his arms and pulling the covers up over them.

  “Sorry, sorry, so sorry. Want your love so bad…”

  “Shhh, shhh,” he whispered to her over and over. She gripped his chest with clammy hands. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, sweetie. Sleep now, baby. I love you. Everything’s all right.” He murmured an endless stream of endearments as he slowly stroked her hair off her face. Soon they were both asleep.


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