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The Third Reich at War

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by Richard J. Evans

  169 . Mark Spoerer, Zwangsarbeit unter dem Hakenkreuz: Ausl̈ndische Zivilarbeiter, Kriegsgefangere und Ḧftlinge im Deutschen Reich und im besetzten Europa 1939 - 1945 (Stuttgart, 2001), 45; B̈hler, Auftakt, 177-8; Shmuel Krakowski, ‘The Fate of Polish Prisoners of War in the September 1939 Camps’, Yad Vashem Studies, 12 (1977), 296 - 333.

  170 . Kaplan, Scroll, 29 (10 October 1939); further examples in Emanuel Ringelblum, Polish-Jewish Relations during the Second World War (Jerusalem, 1974), 23-57 (also with details of Polish participation).

  171 . Tatiana Berenstein et al. (eds.), Faschismus - Getto - Massenmord: Dokumentation ̈ber Ausrottung und Widerstand der Juden in Polen ẅhrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Berlin, 1960), 219 - 21; Dieter Pohl, Von der ‘Judenpolitik’ zum Judenmord: Der Distrikt Lublin des Generalgouvernements 1939 - 1944 (Frankfurt am Main, 1993), 22 - 5.

  172 . Sierakowiak, The Diary, 37 (10 September 1939), 38 (13 September 1939), 39 (15 September 1939), 40 (17 September 1939), 41 (19 September 1939), 52 (14 October 1939), 56 (27 October 1939), 63 (16 November 1939), 66 (30 November 1939), 69-70 (12 December 1939).

  173 . Ibid., 111 (9 September 1940).

  174 . See more generally Madajczyk, Die Okkupationspolitik, 258-60, for the deportation of Jews in the context of the German resettlement programme.

  175 . Longerich, Politik, 251-61; Hans Safrian, Die Eichmann-Männer (Vienna, 1993), 68-86; Christopher Browning, The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution (Cambridge, 1992), 3-11; idem, Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers (Cambridge, 2000), 1-15; idem, The Origins, 36-43; David Cesarani, Eichmann: His Life and Crimes (London, 2004), 78-81; Pohl, Von der ‘Judenpolitik’, 15-21, 26-31, 47-55; Himmler’s order for the deportation of all Jews from the incorporated territories reported on 31 October 1939 in Präg and Jacobmeyer (eds.), Das Diensttagebuch, 52; more details in Seev Goshen, ‘Eichmann und die Nisko-Aktion im Oktober 1939: Eine Fallstudie zur NS-Judenpolitik in der letzten Etappe vor der “Endl̈sung” ’, VfZ 29 (1981), 74-96, and idem, ‘Nisko - Ein Ausnahmefall unter den Judenlagern der SS’, VfZ 40 (1992), 95 - 106.

  176 . Safrian, Die Eichmann-Männer, 87 - 104.

  177 . Aly and Heim, Architects, 156 - 9; Longerich, Politik, 253 - 61.

  178 . Browning, The Path to Genocide, 28 - 30; idem, The Origins, 36 - 81, 89 - 110 (figures on 109); Longerich, Politik, 266 - 9.

  179 . Shirer, Berlin Diary, 197 - 8.

  180 . Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 660 - 61.

  181 . Gustavo Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos: Voices from a Beleaguered Society 1939-1944 (London, 2002), 22-4; Frank’s concerns in Pr̈g and Jacobmeyer (eds.), Das Diensttagebuch , 95, 146 - 7.

  182 . Sierakowiak, The Diary, 71 (15 December 1939).

  183 . Browning, The Origins, 111-18; also Berenstein et al. (eds.), Faschismus, 78-81, for the order of 10 December 1939; also Lucjan Dobroszycki (ed.), The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto 1941 - 1944 (New Haven, Conn., 1984), especially the Introduction.

  184 . Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, 105 - 6.

  185 . Isaiah Trunk, Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation (New York, 1972), remains unsurpassed as the authoritative account of these institutions. For their inception, see ibid., 1-55. Famously, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt, in her brilliant, tough-minded book Eichmann in Jerusalem (New York, 1963), accused these bodies of complicity in the Third Reich’s policy of mass murder. However, the room for manoeuvre open to them and to their members was minimal, as Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, xxiii-xxiv, points out; see also Aharon Weiss, ‘Jewish Leadership in Occupied Poland: Postures and Attitudes’, Yad Vashem Studies, 12 (1977), 335 - 65. 186. Browning, The Origins, 114 - 20; Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 82 - 3; Aly and Heim, Architects , 186 - 214.

  187 . Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 84-6; Isaiah Trunk, Lodz Ghetto: A History (Bloomington, Ind., 2006 [1962]), 32-103. For an eloquent defence of Rumkowski, see Gordon J. Horwitz, Ghettostadt: Lodz and the Making of a Nazi City (London, 2008), esp. 75-88 and 311 - 17.

  188 . Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 24-31, 78-81; Pr̈g and Jacobmeyer (eds.), Das Diensttagebuch , 91, 94.

  189 . Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 27 - 9.

  190 . Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, 104 - 6.

  191 . Ringelblum, Notes, 86-7 (19 November 1940). Ringelblum was always careful to distinguish between regular soldiers, as here, SS men and Gestapo. See ibid., 114-15 for an example.

  192 . Berenstein et al. (eds.), Faschismus, 108 - 13; Browning, The Origins, 121 - 31.

  193 . Czerniakow, The Warsaw Diary, 237 (17 May 1941).

  194 . Nachman Blumenthal, ‘A Martyr or Hero? Reflections on the Diary of Adam Czerniakow’, Yad Vashem Studies, 7 (1968), 165 - 71; Joseph Kermish, ‘Introduction’, in Czerniakow, The Warsaw Diary, 1-24, at 19; Czerniakow, The Warsaw Diary, 295 (1 November 1941); Trunk, Judenrat; minutes of meeting of 6-7 June 1940 in Pr̈g and Jacobmeyer (eds.), Das Diensttagebuch, 232, 239 (point 8).

  195 . Berenstein et al. (eds.), Faschismus, 138; Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, 105 - 7; Trunk, Judenrat, 165; see also Yisrael Gutman, The Jews of Warsaw, 1939 - 1943: Ghetto, Underground, Revolt (Bloomington, Ind., 1982).

  196 . Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 204 - 7, 215.

  197 . Ringelblum, Notes, 241.

  198 . Ibid., 194, 181.

  199 . Berenstein et al. (eds.), Faschismus, 152 - 3.

  200 . Charles G. Roland, Courage under Siege: Starvation, Disease, and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto (New York, 1992), 39, 99 - 101, 154 - 65.

  201 . Klukowski, Diary, 168 (3 September 1941).

  202 . Ringelblum, Notes, 268.

  203 . Ibid., 224 (19 February 1941); Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 119-56; Trunk, Judenrat, 96 - 9.

  204 . Ibid., passim, esp. 100-155; and especially Gunnar S. Paulsson, Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945 (London, 2003); and Yisrael Gutman and Shmuel Krakowski, Unequal Victims: Poles and Jews during World War Two (New York, 1986), 32 - 3.

  205 . Hosenfeld, ‘Ich versuche’, 534 (note of 27 September 1941).

  206 . Kaplan, Scroll, 221 - 2 (14 February 1941).

  207 . Szarota, Warschau, 46; Ringelblum, Notes, 181.

  208 . Maschmann, Account Rendered, 81 - 2.

  209 . Uff. H. Z., 30 June 1941, quoted in Manoschek (ed.), ‘Es gibt nur Eines’, 30.

  210 . Hosenfeld, ‘Ich versuche’, 452 (note of 3 March 1941).

  211 . Corni, Hitler’s Ghettos, 139 - 56; Czerniakow, The Warsaw Diary, 363 (6 June 1942), 373 (2 July 1942); Ringelblum, Polish-Jewish Relations; Ringelblum, Notes.

  212 . Browning, The Origins, 175 - 8; see also Wolf Gruner, Die geschlossene Arbeitseinsatz deutscher Juden: Zur Zwangsarbeit als Element der Verfolgung, 1938-1943 (Berlin, 1997); and Dieter Maier, Arbeitseinsatz und Deportation: Die Mitwirkung der Arbeitsverwaltung bei der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung in den Jahren 1938 - 1945 (Berlin, 1994).

  213 . Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, 193 - 4; Hillel Levine, In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked His Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust (New York, 1996).

  214 . Juliane Wetzel, ‘Auswanderung aus Deutschland’, in Wolfgang Benz (ed.), Die Juden in Deutschland 1933 - 1945: Leben unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft (Munich, 1988), 413 - 98, esp. 472 - 98.

  215 . Volker Dahm, ‘Kulturelles und geistiges Leben’, in Benz (ed.), Die Juden, 75-267, esp. 223 - 57 (‘Kulturelles und geistiges Leben 1939 - 41’).

  216 . G̈nter Plum, ‘Deutsche Juden oder Juden in Deutschland?’, in Benz (ed.), Die Juden, 35 - 74, esp. 71 - 2.

  217 . Browning, The Origins, 169-75; Eric A. Johnson, Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans (New York, 1999), 355-8, 382-95; ‘racial defilement’ cases in Patricia Szobar, ‘Telling Sexual Stories in the Nazi Courts of Law: Race Defilement in Germany 1933-1945’, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 11 (2002), 131-63. For rationing, see Marion Kaplan, ‘Jewish Daily Life in Wartime Germany’,
in David Bankier (ed.), Probing the Depths of German Antisemitism: German Society and the Persecution of the Jews, 1933 - 1941 (Jerusalem, 2000), 395 - 412, at 396 - 8.

  218 . Friedl̈nder, The Years of Extermination, 93 - 4.

  219 . Ibid., 51 - 2.

  220 . Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 567 - 8, 601 - 2.

  221 . Victor Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer 1933-41 (London, 1998 [1995]), 114, 266-9, 279, 292-336, quotes at 324 (26 May 1940), 325 (26 May 1940), 336 (11 August 1940); idem, To the Bitter End: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer 1942 - 45 (London, 1998 [1995]), 31 (24 March 1942).

  222 . Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness, 337 - 99.

  223 . Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 524 - 7.

  224 . Michael Zimmermann, Rassenutopie und Genozid: Die nationalsozialistische ‘L̈sung der Zigeunerfrage’ (Hamburg, 1996), 193 - 9.

  225 . Browning, The Origins, 178-84; Henry Friedlander, The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1995), 246 - 62; Sybil H. Milton, ‘ “Gypsies” as Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany’, in Robert Gellately and Nathan Stolzfus (eds.), Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany (Princeton, N.J., 2001), 212 - 32, esp. 223 - 5.

  226 . Guenter Lewy, The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies (New York, 2000), 65-81; Zimmermann, Rassenutopie, 167 - 84, 200 - 207.

  227 . Volker Riess, Die Anf̈nge der Vernichtung ‘lebensunwerten Lebens’ in den Reichsgauen Danzig-Westpreussen und Wartheland 1939/40 (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 21 - 24, 98.

  228 . Ibid., 355-8. For the gas wagons, see Matthias Beer, ‘Die Entwicklung der Gaswagen beim Mord an den Juden’, VfZ 35 (1987), 403 - 17.

  229 . Klukowski, Diary, 76 (18 February 1940).

  230 . Longerich, Politik, 236-7; Ernst Klee (ed.), Dokumente zur ‘Euthanasie’ (Frankfurt am Main, 1985), 70 - 81; Michael Burleigh, Death and Deliverance: ‘Euthanasia’ in Germany, c.1900 - 1945 (Cambridge, 1994), 130 - 33.

  231 . Longerich, Politik, 234-5, 648 n. 36, arguing persuasively against the contention of G̈tz Aly that the killings stood in a causal connection with plans to resettle ethnic Germans in the area (Aly, ‘Final Solution’, 70-76; idem, ‘Medicine against the Useless’, in idem et al., Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene (Baltimore, Md., 1994), 22 - 98).

  232 . Riess, Die Anf̈nge, 359; also Ernst Klee, ‘Euthanasie’ im NS-Staat: Die ‘Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens’ (Frankfurt am Main, 1985 [1983]), 95 - 8, 112 - 15; and Burleigh, Death, 130.

  233 . Quoted in Kurt Nowak, ‘Euthanasie’ und Sterilisierung im ‘Dritten Reich’ - Die Konfrontation der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche mit dem ‘Gesetz zur Verḧtung erbkranken Nachwuchses’ und der ‘Euthanasie’-Aktion (G̈ttingen, 1984 [1977]), 63 - 4.

  234 . Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich, 35-8, 143-5, 377-8; idem, The Third Reich in Power, 506 - 15.

  235 . Hans-Walter Schmuhl, ‘Die Patientenmorde’, in Angelika Ebbinghaus and Klaus D̈rner (eds.), Vernichten und Heilen: Der Nürnberger ̈rzteprozess und seine Folgen (Berlin, 2001), 295 - 328, at 301; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 35 - 64.

  236 . Quoted in Burleigh, Death, 97; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 76-7; Wagner quote in Eugen Kogon et al. (eds.), Nationalsozialistische Massenẗtungen durch Giftgas: Eine Dokumentation (Frankfurt am Main, 1983), 28-9; Hans-Walter Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, Nationalsozialismus, Euthanasie: Von der Verḧtung zur Vernichtung ‘lebensunwerten Lebens’, 1890 - 1945 (G̈ttingen, 1987), 149 - 50, 178 - 81.

  237 . Riess, Die Anf̈nge, 281-90; Karl Heinz Roth and G̈tz Aly, ‘Das “Gesetz ̈ber die Sterbehilfe bei unheilbar Kranken”: Protokolle der Diskussion ̈ber die Legalisierung der nationalsozialistischen Anstaltsmorde in den Jahren 1938-1941’, in Karl Heinz Roth (ed.), Erfassung zur Vernichtung: Von der Sozialhygiene zum ‘Gesetz ̈ber Sterbehilfe’ (Berlin, 1984), 101-79, at 104-11; Friedlander, The Origins, 39-44; Burleigh, Death, 93-100; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 77-81; Longerich, Politik, 234-5. The chronology of these events is reviewed exhaustively in Ulf Schmidt, ‘Reassessing the Beginning of the “Euthanasia” Programme’, German History, 17 (1999), 543-50, also effectively disposing of standard accounts of the name and case-history of the baby in Leipzig whose condition gave Hitler the pretext for launching the action. See also Ulf Schmidt, Karl Brandt: The Nazi Doctor: Medicine and Power in the Third Reich (London, 2007), 117-23 (for the case) and 123 - 46 (for the launching of the programme).

  238 . Roth and Aly, ‘Das “Gesetz” ’, 112 - 17; Burleigh, Death, 98 - 9; Friedlander, The Origins, 44 - 6.

  239 . Ibid., 67-8; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 85-91; Christian Ganssm̈ller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik des Dritten Reiches: Planung, Durchf̈hrung und Durchsetzung (Cologne, 1987), 158 - 70.

  240 . Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 80 - 81.

  241 . Burleigh, Death, 99 - 101; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 82 - 95; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 238 - 45, 295-307; Ganssm̈ller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik, 150-55. For Binding and Hoche, see Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich, 145.

  242 . G̈tz Aly, ‘Der Mord an behinderten Hamburger Kindern zwischen 1939 und 1945’, in Angelika Ebbinghaus et al. (eds.), Heilen und Vernichten im Mustergau Hamburg: Bev̈lkerungs- und Gesundheitspolitik im Dritten Reich (Hamburg, 1984), 147 - 55; Burleigh, Death, 101 - 11; Schmuhl, ‘Die Patientenmorde’, 302; idem, Rassenhygiene, 182 - 9.

  243 . Quoted in Friedlander, The Origins, 50.

  244 . Aly, ‘Der Mord’, 151; Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 188 - 9.

  245 . Quoted in Aly, ‘Der Mord’, 148; see also Burleigh, Death, 100; Schmuhl, ‘Die Patientenmorde’, 305 - 6, and Gerhard Baader, ‘Heilen und Vernichten: Die Mentaliẗt der NS-̈rzte’, in Ebbinghaus and D̈rner (eds.), Vernichten und Heilen, 275 - 94.

  246 . Friedlander, The Origins, 68 - 9; Ganssm̈ller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik, 155 - 7.

  247 . Good basic overview in Armin Trus, ‘. . . vom Leid erl̈sen’: Zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen ‘Euthanasie’-Verbrechen: Texte und Materialien für Unterricht und Studium (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 91-7; more detail in Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 190 - 95.

  248 . Friedlander, The Origins, 65 - 6; Burleigh, Death, 113 - 14.

  249 . Friedlander, The Origins, 86-7; Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 195-7; Widmann quoted in Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 69.

  250 . Riess, Die Anf̈nge, 355 - 8.

  251 . Friedlander, The Origins, 86 - 94.

  252 . Ibid., 73-84; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 115-23; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 92-104; Burleigh, Death, 128 - 9.

  253 . Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 202 - 3, 215 - 17.

  254 . Friedlander, The Origins, 83-5; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 174-90; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 105 - 16, 184 - 90; Burleigh, Death, 135 - 46.

  255 . Quoted in Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 125 (box); see also, for the procedure, Friedlander, The Origins, 93 - 110.

  256 . Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 149 - 52; Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 149 - 59; Burleigh, Death, 146 - 9; Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 203 - 8.

  257 . Friedlander, The Origins, 85.

  258 . Wirth quoted in Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 124-5; also more generally ibid., 119-42; Friedlander, The Origins, 102 - 6; and Burleigh, Death, 149 - 57.

  259 . Friedlander, The Origins, 109-10. See also Johannes Tuchel (ed.), ‘Kein Recht auf Leben’: Beitr̈ge und Dokumente zur Entrechtung und Vernichtung ‘lebensunwerten Lebens’ im Nationalsozialismus (Berlin, 1984), and Roland M̈ller (ed.), Krankenmord im Nationalsozialismus: Grafeneck und die ‘Euthanasie’ in S̈dwestdeutschland (Stuttgart, 2001), a collection of conference papers.

  260 . Burleigh, Death, 169 - 73.

  261 . All quoted in Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 310; see also Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 207-11.

  262 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 209; Friedlander, The Origins, 116-21; Lothar Gruchmann, ‘Ein unbequemer Amtsrichter im Dritten Reich: Aus den Personalakten des Dr. Lothar Kreyssig’, VfZ 32 (1984), 462-88.

  263 . Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 255-8; see more generally Nowak, ‘Euthanasie’ und Sterilisierung.

  264 . Shirer, Berlin Diary, 398-401, 447-51.<
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  265 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 151-62 (reprinting the entire memorandum); Klee, ‘Euthanasie’ , 285.

  266 . Quoted in Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 213-14.

  267 . Friedlander, The Origins, 113-14; Burleigh, Death, 166-9; Ganssm̈ller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik , 170-72; Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 312-46.

  268 . Ulrich von Hassell, The von Hassell Diaries: The Story of the Forces against Hitler inside Germany 1938-1944 (Boulder, Colo., 1994 [1946]), 150, 159, 165.

  269 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 143.

  270 . Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 278-85; Burleigh, Death, 167-8.

  271 . Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 234-53.

  272 . Beth A. Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen: German Catholicism and National Socialism (New Haven, Conn., 2002), 77; Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 515 - 16.

  273 . Ibid., 239.

  274 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 167 - 8, 193.

  275 . Ibid., 170 - 73; Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen, 76 - 7.

  276 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 182-4; Burleigh, Death, 174-6; Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen, 76 - 8 (but quoting Burleigh’s words as though they were Faulhaber’s).

  277 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 183.

  278 . Ibid., 184. The emphasis in these various documents on the illegitimacy of killing the innocent reflected the long-held support of the Catholic Church and its lay organizations for the death penalty: see Richard J. Evans, Rituals of Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany 1600-1987 (Oxford, 1996), 76-7, 332-3, 336-8, 432-3, 604-6, 654-5, 711-14, 797-9.

  279 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 193; overview in Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene, 346-54.

  280 . Klee (ed.), Dokumente, 178-86, 82-3.

  281 . Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen, 84-5, 186-96; Burleigh, Death, 176-8.

  282 . Trus, ‘. . . vom Leid erl̈sen’, 147-8.

  283 . Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen, 86; Klee, ‘Euthanasie’, 335-9.

  284 . Joachim Kuropka (ed.), Meldungen aus M̈nster, 1924-1944: Geheime und vertrauliche Berichte von Polizei, Gestapo, NSDAP und ihren Gliederungen, staatlicher Verwaltung, Gerichtsbarkeit und Wehrmacht ̈ber die politische und gesellschaftliche Situation in M̈nster (M̈nster, 1992).


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