The Third Reich at War
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Numbers in bold indicate maps
Abetz, Otto
Adam, Luitpold
Adis Abeba
Adler Works, Frankfurt
Admiral Hipper (heavy cruiser)
‘Adolf Hitler Personal Flag’ (Leibstandarte
Adolf Hitler; personal bodyguard)
Adriatic Sea
Adventure in China (film)
Africa Corps
Agriculture Ministry
air force, German
bombardment of Poland
aircraft production
bombardment of Allied forces in Norway
bombardment of Allied forces in Holland, Belgium and France
Battle of Brit
bombing raids on Britain
devastation of Belgrade and war with Soviet Union
and Allied bombardment of German cities
popular anger at
and Allied Normandy landings
and medical experimentation
‘Baby Blitz’
Battle of the Bulge
suicides of generals
Air Ministry
air-raid shelters
air-raid wardens
air-raids see bombing raids
aircraft carriers
Alamein, El, Battle of
Alexander, King of Yugoslavia
Altmark (prison ship)
aircraft production
radar confusion
Alvensleben, Ludolf von
Alvensleben, Wichard von
Ambros, Otto
Amersfoort labour camp
ammunition production
Ancestral Heritage organization (SS-AHNENERBE )
Andersen, Lale
Anglo-German Society
Anthropology, German Society for
antibacterial drugs
in Poland
in feature films
in German army
in Tsarist Russia
in SS
in Baltic States
in Ukraine
in Romania
Hitler’s rhetoric
in France
in Holland
see also ‘final solution’; propaganda, anti-Jewish
Antonescu, Ion
Applied Research in Defence Science, Institute for
Arbed (steel combine)
Arctic Ocean
Ardeatine caves
Ardenne, Manfred von
Argus (air-engine company)
Armaments, Reich Ministry for
armaments production see also ‘wonder-weapons’
Arms Inspectorate
army, German
influence of Nazi ideology
atrocities in occupied Poland
atrocities in occupied east
unprepared for winter war in Soviet Union
Hitler takes complete command
purge of generals following defeat at Moscow
losses on Eastern Front
atrocities in occupied Yugoslavia
sequestering of goods from occupied countries
Generals required to reaffirm belief in Hitler
vandalism in Italy after defection
breakdown of discipline during retreat in Soviet Union
background and character of senior officers
Hitler’s distrust of
Hitler’s donations to senior officers
honours and medals
characteristics of junior officers and ordinary soldiers
and Military SS
and medical experimentation
army, German - cont.
military resistance
suicides of generals
postwar lives of military commanders
Army Groups
North Ukraine
Army Sanitary Inspectorate
Arrow Cross
Reich Chamber for the Visual Arts
looting of artworks by Germans
looting of artworks by Soviets
restitution of expropriated artworks
German war artists
in concentration camps
in postwar Germany
assassination attempts on Hitler 1943 1944
asylums see also T-4 unit killing centres
Athens (freighter)
Atlantic, Battle of the
‘Atlantic Charter’
Atlantic convoys
atomic bombs
Attlee, Clement
Aubin, Hermann
Aumeier, Hans
Auschwitz concentration camp
establishment and growth
methods of killing
escape attempts
camp life
prisoner labour
deportation of Jews from Western Europe to
deportation of Jews from Slovakia to
deportation of Jews from Italy to
deportation of Gypsies to
reports on mass murders
racial-biological research
medical experimentation
deportation of Jews from Hungary to
dismantling and evacuation
Soviet forces discover
trials of officers and guards
German occupation
population transfer programmes
Jewish emigration from
deportation of Jews from
deportation of Gypsies from
Schuschnigg dictatorship
confiscation of property
Allied and Soviet forces advance into
surrender of German forces
imprisonment of war criminals
postwar partisan resistance movement
Axmann, Arthur
Babi Yar
Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem
Backe, Herbert
Bad Aibling
Bad Nauheim
Bad Neuenahr
Bader, Paul
Jewish yellow star
political prisoners’ red triangle
asocials’ black triangle
homosexuals’ pink triangle
Badoglio, Pietro
‘Baedeker raids’
Baer, Richard
Bagration, Operation
Baldin, Viktor
Balkan Wars
Baltic Sea
Baltic States see also Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania
Barbarossa, Operation
plans for
invasion launched
surprise and speed of attack
Red Army collapses in chaos181 -
popular German reaction to
loses momentum
optimism gives way to crisis
murderous policies implemented during
bars and hotels
Bart’k, B’la
Bary, L’szl’
Battle of Britain
Bauer, Fritz
Baum, Herbert
Bayer (pharmaceutical company)
German service
Hungarian service
Be Fond of Me (film)
Beck, Ludwig
Becker, Karl
beer-hall putsch (1923)
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beger, Bruno
Beiglb̈ck, Wilhelm
Hitler’s plans for ‘living-space’
General Commissariat
German army’s atrocities in
er of political prisoners
killing of ‘useless eaters’
deportation of Jews from
partisan groups
German withdrawal
see also Eastern Land, Reich Commissariat of the
in Poland
German hatred for
German invasion
deportation of Jews from
sequestration of equipment and materials
exports to Germany
and the ‘New Order’
‘occupation costs’
Belgian civilian workers in Germany
political prisoners in concentration camps
administration during occupation
flying bomb and rocket attacks see also Flanders
Belgrade concentration camp
Below, Nicolaus von
labour camps
extermination camp
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Bergengruen, Werner
Berger, Gottlob
Berger, Oskar
Jewish population
plans for rebuilding
victory parade for conquest of France
Allied bombing raids
deportation of Jews from
Sports Palace
bomb attack on anti-Soviet exhibition (May 1942)
provision of air-raid shelters
repair of bomb damage
Moabit prison
caf’s and bars
evacuation of children from
Pl̈tzensee prison
rescue of Jews
Technical University
resistance movements
Brandenburg Gate
Red Army advances on
final battle for
artworks plundered by Soviets
industrial machinery removed by Soviets
Red Army atrocities in
suicides in
memorial to Jewish victims of Nazism
Berlin Wall
Berliner, Meir
Bernadotte, Folke
Bertram, Adolf
Best, Werner
Bethel Hospital
Bielski brothers
Big Number, The (film)
Birkenau (Brzezinka) see also Auschwitz concentration camp
birth rates
Bischoffshausen, Lothar von
Bismarck, Otto von
Bismarck (battleship)
Black Corps, The (newspaper)
black markets
in occupied Poland
in occupied western countries
in Germany
Black Sea
‘blackout’ regulations
Blankenburg, Werner
Blaskowitz, Johannes
Bletchley Park