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Time Stands Still (Forever and Ever #51)

Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  “What do you think is going on?” Slade asked.

  “I don’t know,” I answered. “But I’m sure my dad will find a way to get Roland back.”

  Slade nodded. “Me too.”

  “We just have to be patient.” I looked down at my son and couldn’t imagine with my father was going through. If someone took Cedric away I would be a crumpled mess.

  Uncle Mike entered the lobby, looking just as stressed as he did twelve hours ago. He hadn’t showered or changed his clothing. His shirt and jeans were wrinkled and his hair was a mess. “Alright. We figured it out. Roland is coming back.”

  “Oh, thank god.” I clutched my chest and felt the relief wash over me.

  Cayson sat up, no longer interested in sleep. “That’s great news.”

  “Fuck yeah.” Slade threw his hand up in the air. “Once we get him back, I say we take out these fucks.”

  Everyone expressed their relief at the news, but none as much as Heath. He walked away from the lobby with his face averted, tears coming out of his eyes. His back expanded with every breath he took.

  No one chased him so he could have his moment.

  Mike turned to me. “Skye, come with me. Your dad wants to talk to you.”

  “Alright.” I handed Cedric over to Cayson before I followed him into the office. Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch, their hands joined and their shoulders touching. Both of their eyes were red from all the crying.

  “I just heard the good news. We’re getting Roland back.” I sat on the other couch and felt relaxed for the first time in over twenty-four hours. I could actually breathe again.

  “It is great news.” Dad spoke quietly, hopelessness in his voice. “Mike, could you give us a minute?”

  Mike walked out and shut the door.

  Something wasn’t right. My parents should be relieved, but they seemed even more depressed. “What’s going on?” They shouldn’t look so pale and lifeless.

  Mom didn’t meet my gaze. She purposely looked away.

  Dad took the reins of the situation, but it didn’t seem like he wanted to. “I made a deal with these men to get Roland back. We’re relieved he’s being released. I’m sure he’s terrified right now.”

  I waited for the rest of the story. I knew there was more.

  “The only way I could get him back was by giving him an exchange.”

  “An exchange?” I asked.

  He nodded. “I’m taking his place.” He lowered his gaze when he said those final words. “They didn’t want money or power. They just want me.”

  All the relief I felt just a moment ago washed away. “No…Dad.”

  “There’s no other option.” He still wouldn’t meet my gaze, his eyes shifted to a different position on my life. “I have to do this. Now that you’re a mother I’m sure you understand.”

  I did—truly. But I couldn’t lose my father. Either way, I lost. I couldn’t live without my brother or my father. How would Mom and I survive? Cedric would never remember his grandfather. “There has to be another way.”

  “There’s not,” he said quietly. “But Mike and I have a plan for escape.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “I’ll break out on my own. If I don’t succeed, Mike will buy me out.”

  I didn’t really understand what all of that meant and I was too panicked to ask for clarification on the details. “You think it’ll work?”

  “All I know is, I’ll do everything I can to get back to you.” He grabbed my hand and wrapped his large fingers around mine. “I promised your mother I would come back. And I always keep my word to her.”

  I clung to those words like a life raft. If Dad promised me something, he would always make good on his word. Not once in my entire life did he break his word to me.

  “I need you to stay strong for you mother, Pumpkin. Can you do that for me?”

  I loved hearing that nickname. He’d been calling me that since I was a child. But it also made me sad. What if this was the last time I ever heard it? “Yeah…”

  Dad read my thoughts like always. “I’m coming back, okay?”

  I nodded.

  “Say it.”

  My mouth was dry and my tongue was immobile. But my lips and tongue finally cooperated. “You’re coming back.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Good. Be there for your mother and keep the others calm. I know they’re going to be worried.”

  “Are you not going to tell them?”

  He shook his head.

  “Dad, you have to tell them.”

  “It’s too hard. It’ll just cause panic. And it’s too hard to say goodbye. It’s hard enough just talking to you.”

  Even though he promised he would return I was still scared. I couldn’t hide it from my face. I couldn’t hide it from my heart. My father and I were close. I lived next door to him because I couldn’t stand to be apart from him. He was the greatest figure in my life.

  “When Roland comes back, tell him I love him, and I’m sorry for everything I did. I need his forgiveness.”

  “Dad, he’s already forgiven you.” I knew Roland as well as he did. He wouldn’t hold a grudge against Dad. He understood he was angry and not himself.

  “But if he hasn’t, I need him to know how sorry I am. You’ll do that for me?”

  “Of course.”

  He pulled a note out of his pocket and handed it over. “Give this to him.”

  I wanted to open it but knew I had no right. I folded it and placed it in my pocket. “Okay.”

  Dad continued to hold my hand a moment longer. He said nothing, just appreciating the fact we were all together. He eyed our joined hands and released a deep sigh. “I have to start getting ready now. I just want you to know how much I love you. This isn’t goodbye. But I still want you to know that.”

  The tears fell from my eyes. “I love you too, Dad.”

  He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly, letting me cry against him. “It’s only goodbye for now.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I nodded against his chest.

  He pulled away and rubbed my back. “I’ll see you soon.” The conviction was in his eyes as he spoke. He silently promised me this wouldn’t be the last time we embraced. It wouldn’t be our last conversation.

  “Yeah.” I left Mom and Dad and walked out of the office, feeling shaky but strong. If he said he would come back, he would. I just had to have faith. I had to believe love would triumph over war.

  I sat in the chair beside Cayson.

  “What’s up?” he asked. Cedric was asleep in his arms. Whenever Cayson held him he usually dosed off.

  “Just talked about extracting Roland. I guess they’re meeting at the dock.” Dad didn’t want anyone to know so I kept the secret to myself. He was right about one thing. If everyone knew there would be uproar. No one wanted him to leave, but they didn’t want to abandon Roland either. The choice was an impossible one to make.

  “Glad the nightmare is almost over.” Slade rested his hand on Trinity’s belly. “And everyone is okay.”

  “We always get through everything—together.” Cayson rested Cedric in one massive arm while he rested his head against the back of the couch.

  I crossed my legs and fell silent, my eyes glued to the door to my father’s office. My heart wouldn’t slow down and I was still terrified. What would Roland look like when he returned? Would he be beaten and injured? Would he be able to walk? What if the hurt him so badly he was never the same?”

  Cayson rested his hand on my thigh. “Don’t worry, baby. Everything will be alright.”


  “No one can cross the Preston brothers,” he said. “Sean and Mike always win.”

  I nodded. “You’re right.”

  Chapter Ten


  We drove in silence to the dock. Mike drove the truck while Sean and I sat in the back. Our hands were joined together on his thigh and our heads
were pressed closely together.

  A surgeon inserted a decoder in the muscle just above his heart then sowed it back up. Sean didn’t flinch when they cut him open and shoved a cold piece of medal inside him. He didn’t even blink.

  And I tried not to cry.

  How was I supposed to choose between my husband and my son? Either solution was a bad one. But Sean shared my instinctive protectiveness. I needed to save my son no matter the cost. It wasn’t just my duty. The need was a part of my soul. I couldn’t rest. I couldn’t relax. I couldn’t do anything unless I knew he was safe.

  Sean felt the same way. He loved our kids just as much as I did. He didn’t flinch when he offered to take his place. He was risking his life to save Roland but not once did it hold him back.

  And I would have done the same if they wanted me.

  He turned his face toward mine, his forehead resting against my cheek. “We know how our lives end. It’s not now.” He kept his voice to a whisper so no one could hear us.

  The only person who knew about our unusual connection was Ryan. When I told my brother I expected him to be incredulous but he believed me. He was the only person who wouldn’t laugh in my face. Sean and I knew something supernatural was between us. Whatever bound us together was stronger than time and the universe. He would come back to me.

  But I was still scared. “I know…”

  “So be brave. Everyone is going to be upset when you get back. Hold down the fort.”

  “I will.”

  He kissed my temple then my cheek. “I love you.” His voice carried his sincerity, his undying love. He was my best friend in the whole world and so much more. Our hearts beat as one. Our souls were intricately woven together in the great weave of time.

  “I love you too—so much.”

  “Mike will look after you while I’m gone. So don’t be afraid.”

  “I know.”

  “When I get back we need to go on a vacation.” He tried to cheer me up with a pretty picture of our future.

  It was hard for me to believe it when the future looked so bleak. “We do.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  I got teary-eyed thinking about it. “I don’t care. As long as we’re together.”

  “How about Bora Bora?” he asked. “Those bungalows over the water look nice.”

  I nodded. “Yeah…let’s go.”

  Mike pulled the car to a stop in an alleyway. “This is as close as I can get.”

  I pulled away from Sean, our beautiful conversation shattered by reality.

  He opened the door and helped me out of the car. But he didn’t take a step away. “I want you to stay here. There’s no need for you to see it.”

  “I’m coming.” He couldn’t keep me away from him. I wanted to be by his side until he was no longer in my sight. And I wanted to have our son in my arms the second he was released. “Don’t bother arguing.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “I don’t care.” I looked him in the eye and held my ground. “Where my family goes, I go.”

  Sean knew I would get my way no matter how hard he tried to resist. “Okay.” He grabbed my hand and walked with me down the alleyway. Mike walked beside his brother, a handgun in the back of his jeans.

  The walk to the dock lasted forever. Time stood still and the nighttime air was unnaturally chilly. I was cold to the bone and terrified. Sean’s hand still felt warm in mine but the terror was just as real as ever.

  We rounded the building and approached the shipping dock. It’s been cleared out for a large runway. A white plane stood at the end, facing the outstretch of concrete for takeoff.

  This was really happening.

  Sean and Mike exchanged a look.

  We came closer until the men were in sight. A man stood in the center with a leather jacket, two men on either side of him with heavy rifles. They all look foreign—and sinister.

  “You brought the wife. How nice.” He took a step forward with his arms across his chest. He had a handsome face with a strong body. His brown hair and blue eyes were familiar, strangely familiar.

  When Sean tensed beside me he recognized him. “I didn’t know Maximum was a twin.”

  “A lot of people didn’t know,” he answered with an Italian accent. “I cared more about making money than fashion so we didn’t have much in common.” He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering unnaturally long on my chest.

  Sean narrowed his eyes in anger. “Look at me. Not her.”

  “Sorry,” the man said with a laugh. “Pretty woman. It’s hard for me not to stare.”

  “It won’t be hard to stare when your eyes are ripped out of your head.” Sean didn’t raise his voice or change his tone, but the underlying threat was unmistakable.

  “Big talk for a man about to be a prisoner.”

  Mike remained silent during the exchange, his eyes watching the men with rifles.

  I ended the tension before it could escalate any further. “Where’s my son?”

  The man turned his gaze on me. “Mama wants her boy back.” He snapped his fingers. “Get him.”

  One of the men walked into the plane and returned a moment later with Roland. He walked him forward with the gun pressed between his shoulder blades. Roland had a few cuts and bruises but he seemed fine otherwise.

  My body went into shock when I saw him.

  Roland looked at his father, his hands still behind his back. “Dad, don’t do it. Don’t hand yourself over.” Roland kept the tears back but the emotion was written all over his face.

  “Shut up.” The man cut his bindings and shoved him forward until he hit the concrete.

  “Now it’s your turn.” The leader beckoned Sean forward with a wave of his fingers.

  Sean gave my hand a gentle squeeze before he released it.


  I couldn’t do this.

  No. No. No.

  Sean turned to Roland on the ground and helped him to his feet.

  “No.” The leader grabbed Sean by the arm and yanked him away. “The trade has been made. Step away.”

  Sean twisted out of his grasp with lightning speed. “Let me say goodbye. I’m not going to run.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Maximum before you killed him.” He shoved him forward, toward the plane and placed his body in the way.

  I ran to Roland and wrapped my arms around him, holding him for dear life. I just lost my husband but at least I had my son back. “Roland, I’m so glad you’re alright. Come here.”

  He fought my hold. “Dad, don’t do this. Please.”

  Sean stepped back, his hands raised so the man wouldn’t push him again. He held himself with strength like always. He didn’t even seem scared of the situation he was in. “Roland Sean Preston, I love you with my whole heart. And I’m so sorry for the way I treated you.” He looked at our son with love in his eyes, knowing exactly what was coming next.

  “No goodbyes.” The man slammed the butt of his gun into Sean’s face, making the blood pour from his nose.

  “Stop!” I was about to charge the man when Mike grabbed both of us and held is back. “Let him go. Stay back.” He kept dragging us before we ran right into gunfire.

  Sean didn’t flinch at the pain. He didn’t seem affected by it. To him, it was worth it to say goodbye to both of us.

  The man grabbed him by the arm and escorted him to the plane. The two men with the rifles kept their guns trained on us as their leader ascended the steps and entered the cockpit.

  The three of us watched until Sean took the last step and entered the plane. When he was gone from sight, the tears fell from my eyes. I didn’t just lose my husband. I lost a part of myself when he was taken away.

  “Dad, no…” Roland sniffed as he cried with me, still held tight in my grasp.

  The two guards climbed up the steps of the plane then shut the door behind them. The motor kicked into gear and the propellers worked at full force. Mike grabbed us by the arm and pulled
us to the edge of the building and away from the runway.

  “Mom, we have to do something.” Roland watched the plane slowly move as the wheels turned. “We can’t let them take Dad. We can’t.”

  Mike rested his hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Roland. We’ll get him back.”

  “Shoot them!” Roland flung his arms down and tried to take Mike’s gun. “Do something now!”

  Mike restrained him and held his arms behind his back. “Roland, calm down. Don’t make any quick moves otherwise we’ll be shot.”

  “I’m not letting them take my father.” Roland kept squirming in his grasp.

  The plane picked up speed then powdered down the runway. The wind hit the wings and soon the plane was lifted from the ground and soared into the sky. It was aimed directly for the Atlantic, probably flying to the opposite end of the sea.

  “No.” Roland left Mike’s grasp and walked forward, seeing the plane shrink as it slowly pulled away. It became smaller and smaller until it could no longer be seen.

  I was grateful I had my son back, but I was just as heartbroken as I was before. A piece of my soul was taken away from me. I may never see him again, but I had to believe he would come back to me. Sean never made a promise he couldn’t keep.

  I just had to believe.

  I had to believe in us.

  Chapter Eleven


  It was a very small plane.

  Only ten people could fit on it. And that was the maximum. There was only Maximum’s evil twin and his two gunmen plus the pilot. If I played my cards right, I could get out of there.

  I just had to focus.

  I couldn’t think about Scarlet’s tears as I was yanked from her grasp. I couldn’t think about the way Roland begged me not to take his place. I couldn’t think about the heartbroken look on my brother’s face as he pulled my family away and kept them safe.

  I had to survive.

  I had to get back to them.

  He sat in the chair directly facing mine, looking exactly like Maximum in every way imaginable. He had the same bright blue eyes and the same jawline. It was like looking at him—but worse. “You have a very beautiful family. That wife of yours…” He whistled loudly. “I almost took her too.”


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