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Rumor Page 5

by Maynard, Glenna

"One more thing..." Baby is looking at me with a sneaky grin on her face.

  "Yeah, what's that?"

  "You have to tell Foxie." Fuck, I am not looking forward to having this conversation with her. Baby runs to her room laughing, she already knows I am in for an ass chewing.

  Peering in her doorway of her room, I ask, "Got a color in mind? We can take the truck to the hardware and get whatever you want."

  Baby is spinning around in circles with her arms stretched out. "What are you doing?"

  "Getting a feel for the room, I'm waiting for it to tell me what it wants to be." Kid is weird, but she is mine, must be the gypsy in her from her mother. Abruptly she stops twirling, "yellow, lemonade yellow with pink and blue floral accents."

  Sounds ugly to me but if that is what the kid wants, that's what she will get. "Alright I'll pull the truck around, you be making a list of what you think you will need."

  Baby runs my ass allover town, buying pillows and lacey frilly stuff. Says she is going to redo every room in the trailer, says it needs a woman's touch. I joke with her what would she know about being a woman and she retorts more than I think, about damn near giving me a heart attack.

  She pulls out a cell phone from her purse and asks me for my credit card, says she needs to order her bedding. I am more concerned with where she got that phone than giving her my card number. "Where'd the phone come from?"

  "Foxie," she smiles and goes on about her business as if her having a phone is no big deal. Yeah Foxie and I are going to have a good talk.

  I treat Baby to dinner and I have to admit it feels good to be spending time with her. Although all through dinner, she keeps checking that damn phone and giggling. She says it is a friend from school, I just hope it isn't a damn boy.

  "This was fun Grim; we should do it more often." She kisses me on the cheek, can't believe she opened up to me as much as she did. Usually the kid can't get away from me fast enough; maybe this is a turning point in our relationship. I find that for the first time in years it doesn't hurt to look at her for the same reasons it used to. Before when I would look at her all I could see was her mother, but now I see my daughter, a daughter I have failed. But I am going to change that from here on out, I am going to step up and take care of my shit, no more running, no more chasing ghosts of the past.

  Baby helps me pack all of our purchases into the trailer; looks like Martha Stewart threw up in my place. After getting her stuff into her room, I let her know I will get some of the guys started on painting her room this week. It will be a good job for some of the potentials.

  "Well kid, it is gettin' late, best be gettin' back to Foxie's, she is probably wonderin' where ye at."


  Foxie and her boys are having a late dinner when I walk Baby home. When we walk through the door they all greet Baby with such affection, I feel like an intruder watching them share an intimate moment through a looking glass. "Did you have a good time sweetie?" Foxie tucks a strand of Baby's red hair behind her ear and dotes on her, as a mother would do. "Are you hungry? The boys fixed tacos."

  "No Grim took me out to that Mexican place out on the freeway." Baby smiles and excuses herself to go shower while the boys clear out the dinning area and go off to their rooms leaving me alone with Foxie.

  "So you're back, "Foxie is looking at me with a twinkle in her eye, fuck, thought she was over this shit.

  "So, um Baby is going to move home with me."

  She is startled, by my words, guess that was not what she was expecting to hear. "Is that really such a good idea, I mean I know you are her father, but Baby's home is here with me and the boys."

  "She's my daughter, and I appreciate everything you have done, I do, but it's time. Baby wants to live with me."

  Foxie is clutching her chest in a dramatic fashion. "Well if that's what she wants, but don't you set her hopes up only to bring her disappointments. Don't you hurt her Grim." She warns me taking a step towards me. "You are real good at cutting a woman right to the bone and bleeding her dry."

  I step closer to her, "I never fuckin' led you on. I was always real with you. Never promised you a damn thing." I wipe the mascara that is running down her face with my rough fingers and she shudders. Her delicate red manicured fingers reach out and trace the tattoo I got when I claimed Red.

  "I miss her, Red—she was the best friend I ever had, and I hardly even knew her." Her expression goes from sad to angry. "I hate you Grim, I hate you so fucking much. All a woman needs is to be desired and shown a little attention you gave me a taste of you and it's not fucking fair. You have always been right out of reach. Like a dream floating so close to my heart, but I can't seem to hold on to you. You hurt me Grim, don't hurt Baby." Foxie is crying, and I wrap her in my arms and rub soothing circles on her back.

  I place a kiss on her forehead and she looks up at me, and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I can see the years of heartache, brought on by the men in her life. Tilting her chin up further with my thumb, I place a soft kiss against her tear stained lips. "I'm sorry Foxie, I care about you, but I don't love you the way you deserve to be loved. I can't be that man for you. But I am going to be her dad."

  "Am I interrupting," Slim clears his throat and walks into the house without knocking. He takes a long hard look at Foxie and me as if he is trying to fit together the pieces of a puzzle.

  "No," Foxie steps back from me dropping her arms from my waist and wiping the tears from her eyes. "Grim here has come to take his girl back." Slim nods in understanding, he knows Foxie and Baby have a special bond. I just hope he didn't see our embrace and get the wrong idea. I am sure he has had his suspicions about the nature of my relationship with his wife, but he has never manned up and asked me. I look down the hallway and see Baby watching us. Foxie notices her and excuses herself.

  Chapter 7

  "Walk with me brother, we need to talk." Slim isn't asking, guess it is time we put all of our shit to rest. We start walking down the backside of the trailers along the edge of the woods. The moon is full and the critters are silent. Slim lights up a joint and we continue walking in silence while he works out whatever shit he has running through his head. "You fuckin' my wife?" He goes straight for the jugular.

  "No brother, but I have fucked her." No sense in lying about what he already knows to be true. I owe him the respect of being honest and upfront. Slim stops walking and I turn back to see what he is doing when a hard punch hits me square in the jaw.

  "Fuck!" Slim starts shaking his hand and flexing his fingers. "Been a long time since I have hit anyone." He smiles at me and I know we are going to be okay.

  "That's what happens when you are at the head of the table, motherfucker's get lazy." I wipe the blood from my lip. He passes me the joint he was smoking and pats me on the back.

  "Glad you are home brother." We walk in silence to the Roadhouse and share a couple jars of shine. Feels like old times and it feels good to be home for good.


  Wild Cherry and a few of the girls from the Fox's Den greet Slim and me, there is already a party going in honor of my homecoming. Slim takes off with Wild Cherry wrapped around him. Damn, everyone came out for me tonight, even Skull drug his old ass out tonight. That motherfucker never leaves his house these days.

  I join Skull at the bar for a beer. "Got something to talk to you about boy."

  "What's up old timer?" He sighs deeply and I get the feeling this isn't going to be a pleasant conversation.

  With his gruff voice he leans over and speaks in a barely there whisper, "Can't talk here, I'll call you when I'm ready." He gets up and pats me on the back of my cut. "Good to see ya boy."

  That was strange, but Skull has never been the most normal either. I brush off my concerns and set my eyes on a blonde chick playing pool with Stone and Blaze. I stare her down, my eyes roam over her low cut blouse that gives a peek at her natural tits, fake ones don't jiggle like that. Her jean skirt is short enough that if she had any hair left on her pussy, I would
be able to see it from here at the bar. She is wearing a pair of black heels, that I wouldn't mind feeling digging in my back, with her legs wrapped around me, wearing nothing but those shoes.

  She feels my stare and blushes before licking her lips and returning my smile. Blaze follows her line of sight and shoots me the finger. Motherfucker knows if I want a piece of ass, I get it. Blondie runs her hands through her short locks and gives me a wink before she takes the next shot. Stone takes up the seat next to me at the bar, "that fine ass over there is called Sunshine. LL and Foxie recruited her for the Fox's Den. She comes at top dollar; she might be too rich for your blood."

  "Brother, I don't pay for pussy. She will come to me just wait and see. They always do."

  "Not this time, Blaze has been chasing her panties for a few months now and hasn't gotten no damn where." Stone takes a swig from his mason jar full of shine.

  "Stone, that's because Blaze is a boy, I am a man. I don't chase pussy, it chases me. Sooner you learn that that faster you'll get laid." I leave him sitting and trying to figure out how in the hell to get pussy to come to him and start throwing darts and ignoring Sunshine.

  It's only a few minutes before she is falling over herself to make my acquaintance. "Not seen you around here before, Grim is it?" She licks her lips wetting them before biting her bottom lip and chewing on it seductively. "Name's Sunshine," she holds her hand out to me.

  I take a hold of her and pull her flush against me, cupping her bare ass with my palm. I lick her bottom lip. "Sunshine, I've been on the road for a long motherfuckin' time, I'm horny, you taste sweet, I say we go to my room and see if you can brighten my day."

  I can hear Blaze cursing my name as I throw Sunshine over my shoulder, while she laughs in my ear. I unlock the door to my room upstairs at the Roadhouse after I put Sunshine back on two legs and my room is clean. Fucking Foxie must have been in here when she learned I was coming home. Her and Slim are the only people with a master set of keys to every room in this building.

  "Why do they call you Sunshine?" I place a kiss on her neck, and run my hands along her silky thighs.

  "My momma named me Sunshine said I was the only light in her darkest of days." She wraps her arms around my neck and her tongue travels across the outline of my lips. She laughs when my beard tickles her sensitive skin. Something is different about this girl, cannot place my finger on it but she doesn't get under my skin like most of the whores I fuck. Sunshine is real sweet for a girl who has been through some of the things she has been. Says she was pregnant and homeless at fifteen gave her baby up for adoption, and now here she is with me and working at the Fox's Den at the age of twenty-five.

  "Well I like your name sweetheart, it suits you." Sunshine seems to have a light that is just bursting out from her. She is the happiest person I have ever met. She takes a rubber band off my table and pulls her hair into a small ponytail. Without a word, she begins removing her clothes, and I follow her lead and take mine off as well. Her body is banging but that is not what is drawing me to her, as I said she just emits happiness into the air, I can't help but be entranced by it. She is standing before me in all of her naked glory and I her. We stand face to face looking over one another and I can't explain the energy that is buzzing around us. She is looking at all of my teardrop tattoos with adoration; I swear she is staring straight into my soul with her grey blue eyes. I cup her jaw with the palm of my rough calloused hand, she leans up on her tiptoes and her mouth melts into mine. My hands travel down her naked torso, fuck her skin is smooth.

  The sensation that shoots through me when she kisses me about steals my breath away. It's that feeling I haven't felt since I was with Red. It terrifies me and excites me all in the same, all I know is I don't want to lose this feeling. "Fuck, Sunshine, you make me feel things I haven't felt in years." I run my tongue across her lips and she sucks the end of my tongue so tenderly. We are still standing, her bare soul pressed to mine. I can feel her heart beating against my chest. My dick is rock hard and pressed between us, I am fighting the urge to lay her down and kiss her all over. I only intended to bring her up here for a fast fuck and my dick is getting ideas of its own. She takes a step back from me, as she turns to give me the full view, she winks over her shoulder, pouting her lips and wiggling her ass.

  I take her in my arms roughly and taste those sweet lips once more. Panic sets in and I can't fuck her, I've fucked many a women over these past years and for the first time I feel like I am cheating on Red. "I'm sorry sweetheart," I break our kiss and take a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Sunshine crouches down in front of me, her hands resting on my knees. "Hey, where did you go just now? I didn't take you for the shy type." She is looking at me with such concern; I don't know why she would give a fuck what kind of war is raging inside of me. Bitch doesn't even know me.

  "You had better go back to the party darlin', I have had a long motherfuckin' day. I just need some sleep." I lie on the bed and slide under the sheets. "Turn the light out when you go." She doesn't say anything and I close my eyes when the light goes out.

  A moment later, the bed dips and she is sliding in bed beside of me. She lays her head on my chest and whispers, "get some sleep Grim." Don't know how she knew that I needed her to stay, that I wanted her to stay but she did. I have not felt this pull to anyone in a long time.

  When I wake up the next day, she is gone and I have this feeling pushing me out the door to the Fox's Den. I have an urge to see her again. Over at the Roadhouse, I have a message from Skull, I almost forgot about him needing to talk to me. I give him a call but he isn't home. After a shower and a shave I drive over to the Fox's Den, I really hope Foxie isn't here, I don't want things to be awkward for her, but I want to see Sunshine.

  "Grim what brings you here?" LL greets me with a kiss on the cheek she looks great as always.

  "Where's Sunshine?"

  "Oh, she is with a client. Do you want to wait for her?" The thought that she is in there with another man makes me want to march in there right now and drag her out by her hair and I only just met her. I don't like to share my pussy. Fuck, she ain't even mine. I need to play things cool. I rushed into things with Red and look how that turned out.

  "Nah, don't even mention I was here." When I walk back outside, I see Blaze's motorcycle. Motherfucker best not be here for Sunshine. No, it is none of my business. I shrug and climb on my bike and decide I will let her come to me. I probably scared her off last night with how weird I was.


  Every night for the past two weeks Sunshine has been sleeping in my bed at the clubhouse, we have yet to fuck. She even went with Baby and me to dinner tonight. Baby seems to really like her. Sunshine is a little young for me; she is only twenty-five to my forty. I don't know what the fuck we are doing but I like her company, when she curls up against me at night it just feels right. She knows all about me, my past, how I feel about Red, she even knows about all the bad I have done. She said none of that matters, it only matters what kind of man I am now. I have even been trying to keep my face shaved because she says she likes me better clean cut, says my scruff beard burns her skin, bitch makes me laugh, she is so honest, there is just something so pure about her, even though she is far from innocent.

  One thing standing in our way right now is her job. I don't like that she works at the Fox's Den, but it isn't my place to tell her to quit. I am in no position to ask that of her. She says she doesn't kiss them on the mouth, she says she doesn't do oral either because it is too personal, but the thought of another motherfucker sliding his cock in and out of her makes me sick.

  Tonight is my last night at the Roadhouse with Sunshine; I am not bringing her over to stay at my place with Baby and me. That wouldn't be right, even if we ain't fuckin'. Baby is moving in with me tomorrow and just in time too, her birthday is a few weeks away.


  Sunshine and I are playing pool against Stone and his old lady and I can feel Blaze staring a damn hole through me from
the bar. Can't help that he has to pay Sunshine to fuck him or give him the time of day. She enjoys my company all he is to her is a dollar sign.

  Wild Cherry serves us our drinks and I head to the bathroom to drain my lizard. When I come back from the bathroom, motherfucking Blaze is sitting in my seat drinking my jar of shine. "You got a problem brother?" I ask him as he ignores my presence and continues talking up Sunshine.

  He is my brother but he isn't going to disrespect me. Jerking the back of his chair, I grab the back of his cut, "I said you got a problem motherfucker?"

  He shrugs from my hold and stands toe to toe with me, "You gonna fuck this pussy or are you gonna keep jerking off to old hairy palm every night?"

  "What the fuck did you just say? Let me tell you something you piece of shit, if and when I fuck Sunshine, it will be none of your business, brother." I poke him in the chest. He goes to swing at me, and I duck and tackle him throwing both of us over the table. The music that was playing from the jukebox cuts off and the bar goes silent. The only sound is the crunching of my knuckles hitting Blaze's face.

  It takes Slim, Stone and Romeo to separate us. "Easy brother," Slim is pushing me out the backdoor of the Roadhouse with Sunshine following him close behind. I hear the rumble of a Harley starting and tires screeching down the road. "Fuck," Slim mumbles. "I hope that wasn't Blaze he was two sheets to the wind, been drinking all damned day. You got to fix this shit, can't have you bastards fighting over a whore." Sunshine winces at his harshness.

  "Don't talk about her like that." I shove against his chest.

  "Your problem ain't with me." I know its not, but don't mean he can say shit like that.

  I pull Sunshine to me and kiss her lips roughly, "Wait for me in my room." I hand her my key and go out front to see if Blaze was dumb enough to take off on his bike.

  Chapter 8

  Dumbass motherfucker cannot believe Blaze was ignorant enough to get on his bike, he knows better. I grab Romeo and Stone to help me go look for the jackass. About fifteen miles later, we come up on fresh tire marks veering to the opposite side of the road. I come to a slow roll and signal for Romeo and Stone to stop.


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