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The Rooster (Erotic Apocalyptic Thriller)

Page 4

by Richard Peters

  For the first time ever, I was happy to hear gunfire. The shock on Daniella’s face when those rounds fired off from inside the motor bay was priceless. She absentmindedly waved the knife in my face before rushing outside. “You stay right there.”

  Over the bedlam I heard Rachel apologizing. Peeking out the window, I was perversely relieved to see Espinoza jogging up with her ever-present armed entourage. “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Rachel cast her eyes down and laid on the meekness. “I’m sorry, boss. Just a function check on the new gun and I guess I had an accidental discharge. I fucked up, ma’am.”

  Espinoza holstered her weapon. “You can say that again. So the stuck up, smart ass bitch turns out to be retarded.” She laughed with relief. “I thought for a minute someone was putting John down.” The rare laughter cut short. “Wait a sec. Jessica. Where the hell is John? I thought I told you he was never to get out of your sight?” While my “little boss” gesticulated and turned pale, I had the first flash of courage in a long time.

  I stripped down and snagged Daniella as she ran past the door, trying to slip out the back of the maintenance lot. I threw her against a locker and dry humped her leg. Making as much of a racket as a frigging orgy. Didn’t last long. She snarled and, with freakish strength, threw me to the floor in seconds. I did manage to rip a few buttons off her camo blouse as I fell. With more luck than I expected, she wore no T-shirt underneath in this heat. I snapped her bra open too, but she just howled and dived on top of me. Beating the crap out of my face the whole time.

  On the verge of passing out, someone ripped her off of me. Espinoza slapped her upside the head and probably would have done the same to me, if she had found any spot that wasn’t already red or blue. Instead, she just shook her head.

  “God damn it. I always knew you were sneaking around behind my back, but never expected you’d play such teenage games.”

  “Boss, he-”

  “Shut up, Daniella! Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. You’re growing too powerful operating independently.” Espinoza stepped out of the shack and glared at her maintenance chief trying lamely to look innocent. “Now I have an excuse to take you out of the field. You’re confined to base until I feel you’ve learned a lesson. That little empire you’ve built is gone. One of my lieutenants will take over scavenging operations.”

  Espinoza turned her back and chewed out Jessy. From Daniella’s white-hot rage, you’d expect to hear a war whoop. Instead, she just quietly caved the nose in of the boss’s bodyguard. A hidden revolver grew out of her hand as she drew a bead on Espinoza’s back. To this day, I still don’t know what came over me. I like to think I was making a strategic choice and siding with the devil I knew rather than a new one. To be perfectly honest, maybe I was just pissed off about getting my ass handed to me.

  Either way, I leapt out of bed and ripped a fire extinguisher from the wall. While Espinoza’s other two compatriots froze in quiet indecision as the most popular woman in camp took aim at the boss, I slammed the heavy canister into the back of her head. Daniella got off a wild, but far-off shot as she crumbled.

  Espinoza spun like a top, that ubiquitous .50 caliber pistol of hers out and ready. She blasted three quick holes in Daniella’s chest without saying a word. I collapsed to the floor, suddenly feeling even more like a naked idiot. The boss, naturally, was cool as ice.

  “She wouldn’t have tried something like this if she couldn’t count on support. Seize the three girls that came in with her from the field. Go now, before they realize what’s happening.” She looked the maintenance team over, her eyes halting on Rachel’s deadpan stare. “One idiot and a bunch of disloyal cunts. That’s what I’ve got to work with.”

  Jessy turned ghost white. “Boss, no! We’re on your side. You know that!”

  “We’ll find out soon enough. For now, take this,” she kicked Daniella’s corpse, “down the road a few miles and dump it. She doesn’t deserve a burial in the camp.”

  Espinoza’s tone softened just a tad when she stepped closer to me. By her standards, that meant she was practically purring at me. “John, out of all these bitches, you’re the only one I can count on. I never took you as the type for romantic gestures.” She brushed her hand over my hair and whispered in my ear. “You might just make me switch teams. Once this loyalty purge is over with, we’re going to explore this a bit more.” I practically fainted when she gave me a peck on the cheek.

  For her part, Rachel wouldn’t talk or even look at me the rest of the day.


  That night I only had one appointment. A sweet young girl who’d been kissing the boss’s ass for the chance to get pregnant. Not looking forward to that visit. Five minutes of sex and then all night I’d have to listen to her drone endlessly on about the family she lost in The Fall. Oh, I’m not that callous, but every one of us has a similar story. We make it through the pain by focusing on the future. In my depressed state, it took a second to realize the girl rushing into my arms when I answered the door was Rachel.

  “Baby! Holy God.” Lust and terror sparred across her face. You could tell she’d been crying, but she hushed me. “I know the risk and I don’t care. If this is the only we can be together, then I’ll take what I can get.”

  “Rach, I want you too. More than you can ever know, but my, uh, client will be here soon.”

  Rachel finally laughed. “Oh, you mean that young tart with the big tits? Hate to break this to you stud, but your mojo did the trick last time. She’s a few weeks pregnant. Got what she needed and isn’t interested in you anymore. I bought her slot dirt cheap.” Her green eyes held as much challenge as mockery.

  There were about 10,000 thoughts swirling around my mind by that point. Thankfully, I shut up before saying anything stupid. Apparently opening my mouth just to kiss her was the smart move.

  I held Rachel tight, afraid the magic would disappear any second. We kissed with a real fervor I hadn’t known in a long time. I squeezed her butt in both hands and eased her towards the bed, only to be pushed away. “Um… no, no no. Not here. I can’t.”

  Rejection was a new phenomenon. “Uh, come again?”

  “John, please. Not on that bed. I’m not another… assignment. Hmm, can’t do my room either. My roommate is a gossip.” Like an emotional tornado, she swirled back into seductive mode. “Oh, I got it. Look, we can’t be seen leaving together, so meet me in the motor pool in ten minutes.” She ran to the door, straightened her hair and walked away. Calm as could be.

  No, I wasn’t good at waiting. 60 seconds later, I opened the door to follow… and ran right into the duty guard. “Where you headed to so late? Don’t you have a date tonight?”

  Surely my excitement didn’t show. “Hey! Well, she didn’t feel like cuddling. So I’m going to go take a shower.” I remembered this woman from last week and gave her a wink and my best bedroom voice. “You remember how sweaty it gets, right?”

  Must have done the trick, because she smiled wide. She still smiled after pushing me into the room and softly shutting the door. “That’s not the date I was talking about. I saw Rachel skipping away a little too mellow. A girl doesn’t wiggle around like that every day.”

  This, what’s-her-name, something starting with a C, leaned her rifle against the door and turned on her own, much more powerful, bedroom voice. “Why are you taking such a risk with that ugly little duckling? All these randy hens here, and you’ll run off with her?!”

  A dozen lies formed and then disappeared in my mind as she unbuttoned a bit of her uniform. I gave my wittiest response. “I like her.”

  “Shit! I think you’re serious. Ha!” She licked her lips in, I guess, a seductive style. “Well, if you care so much, what are you willing to do for her?” She maxed the charm. Her voice was sex distilled into its purest form. “I’ll keep your little secret, but only if we can have our own dirty secret.” I stepped away while she still clawed at me.

  Not so easily deterred, this tiger nea
rly jumped me. She rammed her tongue down my throat while slipping a hand inside my pants. Now it was her turn to be flustered.

  “Are you kidding me? You had such a hard on for that little bitch, but can’t get it up for me!” Those big blue eyes cycled back and forth with rage, embarrassment and astonishment. After what seemed like forever, she finally buttoned back up.

  “I’ve never been rejected by a man in my life.” She slapped me and then kissed my cheek. “Hurry up now. Go on and find a little happiness before it’s too late.”

  I didn’t waste another second.


  I flipped on a black light when I slipped into the Conex shipping container turned storage locker. Rachel rose from some sofa in the back. Really? A couch? Had she planned this? She hesitated when I hugged her. The first time I’d ever seen her truly nervous.

  “What’s wrong, Rach?”

  In the soft light, her fear was only amplified. “What am I to you?”

  Once upon time, that would have left me cold-footed. You get a little quicker on your emotional feet living with women for weeks though. “The most important thing in the world.”

  Her eyes watered, but she pushed the tears back. “Don’t give me any lines.” She blinked and searched my face. “I want to believe you, but… are you just slumming it with me?”

  “Darling, what’s with this nonsense?”

  “You know what I mean. I… I haven’t been with a man in years… how can I compete with those other girls? I’ve heard the stories. The things they do for you… I’ve never-”

  I was more embarrassed than her. “Shh. All that means nothing. Just games. This is real.” No point in any more words. She let me ease her down on the sofa. I undressed first to calm her nerves, but she wanted to strip herself. Getting down to her underwear, she balked again.

  “Kill the lights.”

  “No, I want to see you. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted to see.” I tried to show off my well-practiced, one-handed bra unsnapping, but I felt her back stiffen. Way too tense. Not a good start, John. I flicked the black light off. Also let her keep her clothes on while I backed off to just petting. Instead of foreplay or getting down to business, she pulled me on top of her and locked lips.

  A move I always considered procrastination before, but not with her. My God, how can a kiss mean so much? Not just a hot prelude, I mean it was better than sex. Lost in this new plane of non-physical pleasure, we were both a little slow and didn’t notice the door creaking open. We didn’t react at all until the regular white lights flipped on.

  Ms. Espinoza carried no weapon, but that sadistic grin was dangerous enough. Four of her henchwomen rushed in. Someone butt stroked me in the gut while I tried to untangle Rachel’s pistol from the pile of clothes. Espinoza only laughed. “Don’t worry. The party is not over. It’s just getting started. Take them to my room.” While they prodded me outside, my previous guard and wannabe lover raised her bowed head. Even through her split and bloodied lip, I could have sworn I saw her mouth, “I’m sorry.”


  Espinoza circling us like a shark wasn’t the scary thing. The fact that she seemed genuinely unsure what to do next blew mind. You could see her insane imagination running wild. I tried to avoid eye contact and assumed a submissive posture. Hoping to keep from pissing her off any more. Standing at attention beside me, Rachel oozed proud defiance. Shit. I respected her stoicism, but what good would it do us?

  “What a dilemma. I get that ambitious Daniella nutjob screwing around behind my back, but now even a nobody is showing me disrespect? This back-stabbing can’t go unpunished. The rest of the compound needs to know I don’t make wild threats.” She toyed with the grip of a hand cannon in her shoulder holster. “If it was anyone else, I’d just take them behind the cesspit and shoot them myself.”

  I’m not usually the type for noble gestures, but something came over me. “It was my idea, boss. Passion of the moment. You wouldn’t let her buy any time with me. So, you know, I wanted what I couldn’t have. I mean, I basically raped her.”

  Rachel practically growled. “Man up! Quit sucking up to this pyscho bitch. She can’t do anything to us. She needs us both too much.”

  Espinoza nodded and two guards yanked Rachel down onto a stool. They tied her down while another held a gun to the back of my head.

  “That’s all so cute. Well, you’re half right. You are both extremely valuable. Rachel is the only mechanic we’ve got really worth a damn. Beating you both is probably a waste of time. Not an effective deterrent and anything worse is out the equation.” She walked over to my girl and pulled her hair back. Hard. “Buuut, you two have a unique weakness. There’s some love here. Unlicensed love.”

  I never thought about that before, but damn if I’d try to deny it. Espinoza grinned triumphantly as we waited in silence. “What I thought. That’s what I’m going to take away from you.”

  Without warning, she literally ripped Rachel’s bra and panties off. The boss tsked tsked over her shoulder at me. “This is your prize? What are those, A-cups?” She shoved a hand between her captive’s legs. “Desert dry. Not your thing, huh? What if I paraded every hot girl in camp through here? Have your ‘hero’ service each of them in front of you, while they laugh at your ugly, naked body?”

  Rachel tried to spit, but in her fear you could tell there wasn’t much saliva. Espinoza snapped her fingers and pointed. A particularly busty blond sat her rifle down and toyed with me. “Show him a real good time.” Rachel turned away as I was handcuffed behind my back. A couple of the boss’s girls turned my woman’s head and pried open her eyes when she shut them.

  For my part, I wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of any emotion. I kept my poker face on while this blonde dropped to her knees and forced my little snake to dance.

  Espinoza idly toyed with Rachel’s nipples. “That beauty sucking your man off used to be a porn star back in the old world. Did you know that? No matter how tough he acts, you know he’s having fun. Do you really think you could ever pleasure him? You might be exotic at the moment, but he doesn’t care about you deep down. You’re just a temporary diversion.”

  Rachel’s face was white-hot with rage, but no held sign of self-doubt. I was as proud as a tied up naked guy getting treated like a pampered slave could be. Espinoza caught the subtlety. “Not enough. You still don’t believe me, huh? Charlotte, why don’t you help Cherry?” Another fake-breasted vixen slid alongside. One swallowed my shaft while the other worked my scrotum. No passion, just straight up professionalism. I’m sorry to say, effective professionalism. I stopped trying to fight and just let myself go. Just get it over with before I slipped and showed any sign of enjoying myself. The bitch wouldn’t get the satisfaction. I muffled a grunt and blinked the stars away.

  Espinoza laughed without mirth. “Oh my, that was fast. Must have had the time of his life. Charlotte, Cherry: excellent job, as usual. But it’s going to be a long night. Give him some go-go juice.” From behind me, someone shoved a couple of little blue pills down my throat. Someone else came over with a warm washrag and wiped me up. The whole thing was less a hot fantasy and more just fucking work.

  Espinoza arched a finger. “Oh, and Cherry, you don’t fool me. Why don’t you come over here and give our resident dirty girl a kiss before you go spit.” I tried not to watch, but the ever-cold barrel on the back of my neck forced me to turn my head back. Espinoza was kiddy with excitement as Cherry leaned in to give Rachel a kiss with her mouth full. “Enjoy the taste, because that’s as close as you’ll ever get to his love!”

  Disgust briefly shot across Rachel’s face, but she suppressed it. She knew how to get under the boss’s skin better than me. She even surprised Cherry by Frenching her thoroughly. When the blonde pulled away, Rachel made an elaborate show of swallowing.

  Espinoza howled and raised her arm to backslap her. She paused in mid-air. “No. You want some physical pain. Get this over with as fast as possible. All this pisses you off,
but you believe it can’t break your ‘special bond’ with him?” The boss gave the most evil purr. “We’ll see about that. Everyone out. Now, I said!”

  I didn’t wait around to see what her plan was. The second the door closed, I summoned my fickle courage and made my move. Espinoza’s back was turned to me while she double-checked Rachel’s straps. My hero dive ended abruptly when she spun around, smile on her face and Desert Eagle cannon pointed at mine.

  “Got a little spunk in you now, huh?” She pushed herself close and whispered in my ear. “Do what I tell you and I’ll release her. Simply keep you two apart. If anything happens to me, well, those girls outside are loyal, but not smart. They’ll kill Rachel slowly, while you watch and then just put you back to work.”

  The tiny boss stepped back and waved her hand graciously. “Ok cowboy. Why don’t you finish what you started in the maintenance bay? Eh, Rach? Do you still want him after all he’s done?” Espinoza whipped out a knife and cut Rachel’s legs free, but her arms stayed pinned.

  “What’s the matter? You wanted so bad to spread your legs for him earlier. Did I win so easily?” Rachel found some inner courage while I gave up. She winked at me and wiggled her butt to the edge of the chair. That could not have been even remotely comfortable.

  “Come on Johnny. Let’s beat this jealous bitch at her own game.” Espinoza’s eyes narrowed at the taunt.

  The game finally dawned on me. I knelt before Rachel eagerly, but whispered, “I’m sorry it’s like this,” when I entered her. Yes, my member was fully ready, even after only a couple of minutes. Couldn’t have been the boner pills. A fact that was not lost on the frowning Espinoza.

  Rachel started with the corniest fake moaning, but after a minute I felt a slight shudder radiate from her hips. Her voice got lower and huskier. Between the mocking, “Yes, oh yes!” I heard genuine faint gasps. Despite the awkward position, she was nearing a climax.


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