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Page 13

by Blair Grey

  Just waiting.

  I knew it was coming soon.

  “Get down! Get down!”

  “Put your hands up!”

  “Get your hands behind your head!”

  “Get down!”

  The shouts rang out loud and clear, coming suddenly as the cops broke their cover and came down on the guys hard. It was utter confusion, but we weren’t about to miss out on the action. I knew this was the last time I was going to get the chance to come down on Smith, and I was going to make the most of it.

  We had gone around and around in the past, and I was eager to get my hits in where I could. I was sick of him butting into our business, and I wasn’t about to let him get away with it anymore. It was about time he had to own up to what he did, and I wanted to get a few licks in when I had the chance.

  I threw a punch, hitting him square in the face and sending him back on the table. He was punching back, but it was the man who had been responsible for the stabbing of the victim who was really getting the shit beat out of him. He was fighting against the cops, and they were fighting back.

  They weren’t going to put up with any of his shit, and they wanted to get him in cuffs before he was able to do any damage to them or anyone else. They knew what he was capable of, and they were going to keep him subdued before he had the chance to do anything else.

  “Get them, boys!” Jett was shouting. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to us or including the cops in the encouragement, but that was fine with me. Either way, he was shouting, and we were responding.

  It wasn’t often that we worked alongside the police in our town, and I was glad for the chance to do it. I didn’t like being at odds with the officers, and it felt good when I was able to work with them and help them bring these men into custody.

  Sure, I stood with the rest of the MC. And, I was proud to know that we had our own way of doing things on the streets. But the fact of the matter was that we also had to work with the cops and follow their laws, too.

  It did make it hard from time to time having to butt heads with them but still maintain our own code and way of doing things, so when we were able to unite over a common enemy, we all felt like we were doing the right thing. I was proud to stand with them when they put the men in cuffs, and I knew this was just what we had to do to get our guy back out of jail.

  They were on their way, and we would be getting him out. I would talk to Amelia as soon as we were free of this, and we would be getting Roman out that night if possible.

  Amelia didn’t know for sure how long it was going to take to get the order in front of the judge, but with these men in custody, then there was no chance he was going to want to keep Roman behind bars much longer. This was the evidence that we needed.

  I was eager to get this over with, though I knew it was going to take some time for them to get the men booked and sorted with their files. Still, it was another step, and I was glad for that. It was time to finally be pushing onward with what we were doing for Roman, and I could finally rest easy knowing that we were going to get him on the right side of the bars once again.

  At the end of the fight, I stood for a moment and looked around the room. The cops had the mobsters in cuffs, and they were reading them their rights as they got them ready to take them down to the station. It was then that Jett walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “You fought well over this,” he said with a smile. “Thank you for standing with us, as always.”

  “Of course, brother,” I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, as well. “You know I would do anything for this MC.”

  “I know you would, and now we’re going to get our man out thanks to the work of your old lady,” Jett nodded.

  I smiled as he walked away. It felt good to hear him call Amelia that. He knew she had worked hard and had done a lot to pull this off. All this was largely thanks to her. We were all grateful for what she had done, and I knew she was going to be welcomed into our circle.

  She didn’t know a lot of the guys yet, and even though she had seen them a few times, there was still a lot for her to learn. But, that didn’t change the fact she fit into the group, she was just one of us.

  She might come from another world, and we didn’t exactly see eye-to-eye on everything, but she was still part of us, which made me feel good. With these men behind bars and Roman out from behind them, I knew we were on the right track at last.

  We were going to get what we wanted, and we could go back to our lives without worry that Roman was going to end up locked up forever. It was the best ending any of us could have asked for, and I couldn’t wait to find Amelia and let her know.

  She would want to see Roman as soon as she could, I knew that, and I hoped she would manage to get in there that same day. He had been locked up for a couple months now, and it was time to get him out of there. The world needed him on the right side of the law.

  Hell, we needed him on the right side of the law, and it was time for her to go get him.

  Chapter 24


  “Well, I’m going to work with the prosecution and get that taken off the table, and in short, the entire thing is going to be dropped,” I said as I flipped through the paperwork.

  I was sitting down at the jail, glad to talk to Roman. He and I had met only once before during the process, and I felt bad that I hadn’t been able to come in and talk to him more often. But, I was so busy with the other things that were going on and trying to keep up with the other cases, it was hard to appear in person and talk to the clients I had who were still behind bars.

  And, he wasn’t the only one. I knew that there were others who were still locked up who weren’t going to be happy to hear that I had been there and didn’t stop to talk to them, but that was just the way it had to be. It happened, and it was one of the things that I had to deal with as a lawyer.

  Of course, there was the part of me that always muttered they shouldn’t have gotten themselves in trouble if they didn’t want to deal with the consequences, but I knew that wasn’t entirely the case. I had to do my part to get them out of there, and I was going to work hard to do that, too.

  But today, I was going to bask in the glory of being able to talk to Roman and give him the good news that he’d wanted to hear for a long time.

  “Are they going to drop the case entirely?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No, they are going to drop the charge against you. You’re no longer going to be considered a suspect, and you’re not going to have to go to trial.”

  “I thought the whole idea behind what you were doing was to get enough evidence to prove that I didn’t do it,” he said with a shrug.

  “Well, that was the main idea in the first place, but when we found out the people who were responsible, it’s going to be a lot easier to wipe your record clean and let you out and free to go without having to put you through the stress of a trial,” I told him.

  “Are you going to get me out today?”

  “I’m going to do my best,” I told him. “We need to get more paperwork in front of the judge, and he’s going to have to sign a few things. But, we’re going to get it pushed through quickly, and I would imagine if you’re not out of here today, then you’re going to be gone tomorrow at the latest. They’re going to deal with the rest of the paperwork and make sure the judge signs it, and then I’m going to come in and make sure you get out of here.”

  “I hope that’s soon,” he said with a sigh. “This is fucking bullshit. I didn’t do it in the first place, and it sucks that they keep me back here for this long then set me free as though it didn’t matter that I missed out on this much time, really.”

  “If you want to pursue legal action about this, I can work it out, but my recommendation is at this point you cut your losses and move on with it. It’s your right, of course, but do you really want to be fighting with them longer over something that isn’t going to matter?” I asked. “It’s not like they’re going to stop looking
at you guys every time something goes wrong.”

  “You’re right,” he sighed. “I just hate that we are the ones who have to deal with this shit, while it’s never an issue when they fuck up and let us go months after they are the ones who arrested the wrong guy.”

  “I know,” I said with a nod. “I believe the same thing. But, I got you out of here now, and that’s all we can really focus on. I know the rest of the club is looking forward to you being home, and we don’t want to disappoint them now, do we?”

  I smiled, and he shrugged. But, I could see the smile that was playing on the corner of his lips as he gave me another look.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You and Rocco,” he said as he folded his arms. “What’s going on there?”

  “What do you mean?” It was impossible for me to hide the blush that rushed to my cheeks. I didn’t know how he knew anything about us, but he seemed to know a lot more than what he was letting on.

  “Rocco didn’t shut up about you every time he came in here, and he didn’t just talk about you like the two of you were working together, either,” Roman said with a grin. “In fact, I got the impression he likes you a lot more than he was trying to let on.”

  “You could say that. But like you said, you got the impression, so it’s hard to say what’s really going on in his head, isn’t it?” I said. I didn’t mean to be defensive, but it was my lawyer side coming out, and Roman laughed.

  He could see right through what I was trying to do, and he wasn’t going to just let it go. He sat back in his chair with the same grin on his face. “You like him, too, don’t you?” he asked.

  I wasn’t sure how to answer. I wasn’t going to tell him right on the recorded line that I had fallen for a client, but at the same time, it was almost impossible for me to talk without the blush rushing through my cheeks. The fact of the matter was that I did like Rocco. I liked him a lot more than I was even willing to admit to myself.

  I fell in love with him. There was no denying that, and to know that it was so plain to the rest of the world made it hard for me to keep it to myself. I wanted to be with him, and I wanted the whole world to know that I was. I wanted them to see me as Rocco’s girl.

  I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, but I wasn’t sure if I could say so much to this man who was sitting across from me. I knew that he and Rocco were close, and I knew Rocco thought of him like a brother, but I didn’t know if he was going to tell Rocco anything I told him or keep it to himself.

  At once, I felt like I was a schoolgirl who was talking about my crush to one of the popular kids, and I was afraid he was going to share the news with the wrong person. I didn’t want that to happen, but at the same time, I didn’t want to hide from my feelings anymore, either.

  Now that I wasn’t working with Rocco, now I was free to do anything I wanted with him and not worry that I wasn’t being professional. I was going to have all the respect from the others in the office, and they weren’t going to be able to judge me for sleeping with the man I was working with.

  There was a lot more freedom that came with the close of the case than just Roman getting out of jail, and I had a feeling he knew it, too. Hell, he might know more about the situation than even I did. I didn’t know what Rocco had told him when he came to see him in jail, and I didn’t know what he was telling the other guys in the MC, either.

  All I knew was that there was no way I could hide the blush on my cheeks, and it was getting worse when Roman laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “You are,” he said with a shake of his head. There was an amused look on his face that broke into a grin. “The way you’re acting is so cute. I know you like him. I can see it on your face. But, I was just wondering if he was able to marry himself.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I mean, he’s the chaplain of the MC, as you probably figured that out already,” he said with a shrug.

  “And?” I pressed.

  “And, that means he’s the one who has been responsible for like all the weddings we’ve had. Jett can do them, too, and does from time to time, but the fact that Rocco is the chaplain and he’s the one who will be getting married makes me wonder if he’s going to want to do it himself, or if he’s just going to let Jett take care of it this time,” he laughed.

  I flushed crimson, and it was hard for me not to keep blushing as I tried to brush off what he said.

  I wasn’t going to commit to the feelings I had in front of Roman, not to the extent that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Rocco. But it was hard for me to picture any other person in my life, and it was hard for me to imagine what my life would be like in the MC.

  So much excitement was running through me, but I knew I was going to have to be careful. I was going to have to be smart and choose my words carefully. These men were close, and I didn’t want anyone to know how I really felt about anything until I told them myself.

  But, as I left the jail, I had to admit, I was more than a little excited to see Rocco, and the thought of being his wife was enough to flood me with excitement. I wondered if he would perform his own ceremony, too, or if I was going to exchange vows with him in front of Jett.

  Either way, the thought of being married was enough to make my spine shiver. It was exciting, that was for sure, and it was something I never thought would happen to me, but something I could see happening with Rocco.

  He was the love of my life, after all, and more than anything, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I wanted to be with him, I could put up with his lifestyle. I could be there with him in it. I wanted to be.

  Anything he did, I wanted to do, too. I wanted more than anything to be his wife. I had a feeling the day would come when I would be. It was just a matter of time before I was his for good, and I could hardly wait.

  My cheeks flushed once more with the thought of it, and I quickened my pace. I wanted to see Rocco. I wanted to hold him. I wanted him to hold me. Hell, I wanted it all with him.

  I just wanted him.

  Chapter 25


  I pushed forward, sliding my cock inside her pussy from behind. Amelia was naked in my bed, her body twisted so she could look into my face as I took her from behind, her leg up over mine, our bodies pressed together as though I was spooning her.

  She had come to me after she talked to Roman, and I was glad to hear he was going to be out of there soon. I wanted him back on the street, and I knew the rest of the MC felt the same.

  But, now that it was over, I wanted to celebrate with Amelia. I wanted to make her mine officially. I wanted this to be more than just the two of us being together because we were working on the case together.

  I wanted her to be with me because she was mine.

  I thrust my cock in and out of her, my hand gripping her tit as I did. She moaned on the bed, writhing under my touch and moving along with me, making the most of the time we had together, enjoying me as much as I enjoyed her.

  I couldn’t get enough of her, that was for sure. I wanted more and more of her; I had to have more of her. I moved with her, sliding back and forth on the sheets. Our bodies moved together as though they were made for each other, and the connection we felt was unlike anything I ever felt with any other woman.

  I knew this was the woman for me. I knew this was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I knew I had to talk to her. I wasn’t going to go down for what I had done with some of the others and know she was going to be passed back and forth around the MC while I was gone.

  No, this was my woman, and I was going to let her know without a doubt I felt that way. Nothing was going to keep us from each other. Nothing was going to hold me back.

  She moaned, louder and louder, pressing her ass against my body as she came hard. I gripped her hips, holding tight her as I thrust into her fast and hard, making the most of the moment and giving her all that I had in me. She moaned once more before I th
rust into her one more time, as hard and deep as I could.

  She cried out once more, arching her back as we came together. I loved making her cum more than once, and I loved giving her my full load when I did come. She loved it when I filled her, and the feeling of my cum running out of her and around my cock was the most perfect feeling in the entire world.

  After the last waves of orgasm washed through us, we held each other on the bed for a few minutes. Neither of us spoke, but then I couldn’t help it any longer. I had to tell her what was on my mind. I had to let her know how I felt about this.

  “You know I’m going to have to do some jail time for what happened the other night,” I said. “They found enough evidence we’re going to be charged with some of what happened at the warehouse.”

  “I heard that,” she said.

  “But you’re not going to be passed around. I don’t care about the prison clause,” I said. “You are mine, and I’m going to know that you’re waiting for me to get back out before you have sex again.”

  She laughed. She knew by now that the women in the MC were free to sleep with anyone they wanted when one of the members was in jail. But, I didn’t care if she laughed or not, I was going to make a point of what I was saying.

  “I’m serious. You are mine, and since I haven’t officially introduced you to the rest of the club yet, I don’t think anyone is going to think that it applies to you. Either way, I’m not going to have it. Believe me, you are mine, and you’re not going to have to deal with any of that,” I said.

  She laughed again. “Relax, I love you.”

  I kissed her before she had the chance to say anything else. “I love you, too. But I’m not going to relax until you promise me you’re going to wait.”

  “I’m not going to promise you that,” she said. Immediately, I could feel the anger building in the back of my mind. I didn’t want to have an argument with her, but I wasn’t going to go to jail knowing she was out here sleeping around with the other guys in the MC.


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