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Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance

Page 14

by S Cinders

  “Stop laughing!” he was spitting with rage, grasping his side and for the first time I noticed that there was blood pouring down from a cut on his right abdomen.

  I rose to my feet feeling the flames flare within me, surely my eyes were golden and my hair had to be whipping in the air around me.

  “I have had enough of your games Carl,” my voice sounded more resonant than my own. “You will never have power over my people, nor will you ever use magic for your will again.”

  I raised my hand noticing that I was completely encased in flames, my father looked completely terrified. It was a look that I had never in all my years seen on his face.

  “Be gone.” A light erupted behind his eyes and then he seemed to burn from the inside out. It was only moments before he was completely gone.

  I felt it the moment the moon goddess left me. She smiled at me kindly and took my chin in her hand.

  My beautiful daughter, I am so pleased with you. Go and be happy.

  It was moments later that I was surrounded by my family. Hugs and tears from all of them, even the great and terrible Shana.

  Then there was Patrick who Apple had managed to unfreeze. He swept me up into his arms the first moment he possibly could and locked his lips with mine. I seriously could feel my stomach sink through my toes. That man could kiss my socks off any time anywhere.

  He started walking us towards the cabin without breaking the kiss and I heard my brother yelling out to come back but he didn’t lift his lips from mine.

  This is the act of a man in love… my man—in love.

  CHAPTER 40 - Shana

  As I packed the last of my things in the suitcase I pondered over the time that I had spent here with the Applebottom’s. They were truly unlike any other family that I had ever known and I knew that I would never in my life meet a lovelier family.

  A small tear slid down my cheek, but I hastily brushed it away. There was no time for sadness, and it wasn’t as if I couldn’t come back any time that I wanted to. Apple was still and would always be my best friend.

  There would be weddings, babies and holidays. Instead of cheering me up this thought process almost had me slitting me wrists, what on earth is wrong with me today.

  Apple came in and frowned when she saw my luggage, “Must you go Wilson?”

  I sighed and shrugged a little, “Yeah, I need to help Emily at headquarters. I know that she has your brother there, but as the Oracle, I did take an oath to always put the magical world’s wellbeing before my own.”

  “That’s why you were assigned to me at the compound wasn’t it?” Apple wasn’t stupid. She always had a way of figuring things out.

  “Carl wanted to be certain that you really were the person of the prophecy. Problem was, I couldn’t tell at the time. It’s not like I’m sent color photographs and identification sheets with every prophecy. But it didn’t ever seem to feel right.”

  Apple propped her head to the side, “Then why did you stay with me for so long?”

  “Because I know what he would have done to you had he known that you were no longer valuable. At first it was for your protection, and then it was because I wanted to see what crazy thing you would do next. But you really grew on me Apple. You are my very best friend. I even left the magical counsel to make sure you escaped.”

  She sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. “You’ve carried a lot of responsibility for a long time now.”

  I nodded, not really knowing what else to say.

  “So, I was thinking that maybe you could ask if you could work more part time.” She smiled her saucy smile and I laughed.

  “The Oracle for the magical world can’t work part time you goof!” I took the pillow beside me and hit her over the head with it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” The masculine voice from the door startled me and I jumped up causing Apple to slip onto the floor.

  James stood there, pain written across his face. He hadn’t really spoken to me much since the blow out with Carl and Emily over a month. He had left two days later saying that he had things he needed to clear up.

  Apple quickly jumped up from the floor, “What’s that? Ryan’s calling me on the brain phone need to run.”

  I snorted a little and his face softened the tiniest degree.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you were the Oracle all those years ago Shan?” He looked so tortured, I was such a fool.

  “I’m so sorry Jay,” I went to him and pulled him into my room. He came grudgingly but I could tell that he was very upset with me.

  “I had told you that I loved you.”

  I winced.

  “I would have done anything for you.”

  “Jay, please stop! You are killing me here.” I raised my hands as if to stop the words that kept coming out of his mouth. “I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone.”

  He looked devastated, “But we were best friends Shan, not even me? You said that you loved me.”

  I couldn’t help it the tears that had started earlier reappeared. “I am so very sorry. There have been so many times that I have wished that I had done it differently. That I had refused, that I had begged you to run away with me. Jay, I have always loved you. That has never changed.”

  He looked at her in disbelief.

  “It’s true,” she shrugged her shoulders a little depreciatingly. “I know that we were young and were saving ourselves until we were older.”

  He grinned wryly, “Well I was fifteen, and I was more than willing. But I understood that you wanted to wait. And I would have waited, for however long that you needed, but you threw it all way.”

  “I am still waiting.” I said softly looking down trying to muffle my voice.

  It was several moments before he moved and I thought that perhaps he hadn’t heard me. But the moment that I felt his calloused fingertip my chin and my eyes met his hungry ones I knew that he had heard.

  “You NEVER?” he was deathly still.

  “I told you that I love you Jay, that hasn’t changed. I just got pulled to do a job. It wasn’t something that I wanted to do or even something that I would have chosen. It runs in our family.”

  “You are telling me that you have never let a man touch you?” he reiterated.

  “Are we still on that?” I was getting irritated.

  “Hell, yes we are on that!” He scooped me up and laid me out onto my bed. “You are saying that no man has ever kissed your lips or touched your breasts or licked you until you couldn’t say your name?”

  I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable but in a very pleasant way, however I really felt like we were getting off topic, “No, some tried, that is why I came up with the Shana disguise. It kept the creepers away. I figured that if I couldn’t have you, I really didn’t want to have anyone.”

  James grabbed the bottom of my tiny dress and whipped it over my head. “JAMES, what in the hell do you think you are doing?”

  He leaned over me and licked a long line up the side of my tanned stomach. “I love you too princess, always have.”

  CHAPTER 41 - James

  Shana loved me. Suddenly all the hurt and disappointment that I'd harbored for all those years melted away. I had been an idiot.

  She lay before me in the tiniest red satin panty and bra set, and as much as I'd like to see her parade around in it, I'd much rather see how it looks tossed on the floor.

  I cupped her breasts with my hands and pinched her nipples to firmness before biting the lace with my teeth and dragging it down to see her perfect breasts pop free. The material bunched beneath thrust each breast forward. They were perfectly in line so that I could draw each nipple out elongating them further and further. A raw moan escaped her between each ragged breath.

  "More Jay, I need more," the begging I could get used to. She was beyond gorgeous and I had been tied up in knots my entire life over this woman.

  I captured her mouth in a ravenous kiss, it was hot and spicy, everything that Shana was and more.
Her tongue fought mine for dominance. Damn woman was always causing me trouble! I took both of her hands and raised them high above her head so that I could lay more firmly against her.

  And then I almost made the greatest mistake of my life when I magicked both of our clothes off and the feel of her taunt nipples digging into the muscles of my chest almost had me spilling like that 15-year-old boy. Knowing I needed to but myself some time I started kissing down her hot body.

  Seriously, women should not be built like this, it's not fair to the regular mortal man. I nipped at her ear lobes and then blew gently until goosebumps appeared on her arms.

  She laughed softly while squirming, "Stop teasing me Jay! Just do it!"

  I looked back at her face exasperatedly, "If I do something you don't like you can say something, otherwise you are not allowed to talk."

  She smirked, "Says who?"

  I flushed, "You are pushing it sister."

  She laughed, "what are you going to do big guy?"

  I grabbed her legs and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed and then I pushed her thighs open. "Don't close them"

  She blinked.

  "Do you understand?" I commanded, needing to have her in my mouth so badly I was feeling faint.

  "Yes" she said.

  I knelt between her thighs and finally knew what heaven was. She tasted of honey and spice. She only tried to close her once, and I think it was unconsciously, but I stopped everything and pushed her thighs even wider and instructed her to hold them.

  Soon she was bucking against me using words that I thought only sailors knew. I pushed myself in for a deep kiss rubbing tightly against her nub and she went off like the firecracker I know her to be.

  Before all the aftershocks were gone I turned her over and placed her on her hands and knees. She easily sunk her face into the nearest pillow, and then goddess bless her, wiggled that perfect ass at me.

  "What are you waiting for?" Her sultry passion filled voice was enough to cause my cock to jump in response. Seeing it she laughed and I scowled before teasingly smacking that round globe. A squeak of surprise came from Shana, but to both of our surprises a rush of wetness coated her thighs. Ummmm, that would have to be something we would explore another time.

  I edged her legs apart running my fingers through her swollen folds. She was so wet, it was hard to control myself. I grabbed my cock and positioned myself, the sight of her perfect ass and her open core is something I will never forget.

  I wish I could say I was gentle and it was beautiful. But that would be a bald face lie. And coming from the man who can come up with sex euphemisms on a dime, it's obvious I am no stranger to the birds and the bees.

  So, I will be honest, our first and second time was rough and rowdy as hell and Shana loved every second of it. I'm betting that three four and eight-hundred-seventy-two will be the same. I think I may have created a monster.

  Goddess, I love this woman.

  And now a little catch-up to all our characters from Applebottom Magic...

  Apple and Ryan have 6 children, all who have magical talents of various degrees. Most choose to go work with their Uncle Patrick and Aunt Emily at the Magical Council as COW's. Law enforcement is something of a family business after all.

  Patrick and Emily have twin sons that when working together are able to do magic of unforetold magnitude. When they are of age they take over as co-commanders of the counsel. The magical world is at peace.

  James and Shana never had children, however they have the most passionate, wild and crazy relationship any of the family have ever seen. There is an argument each time everyone congregates back at the cabin about who must inhabit the bedrooms next to them. Apparently, some of the noises that are heard are a smidgen obscene.

  Gladys, Jessica and Sally are loving spending the time with the children and their children. And couldn't be happier that the Applebottom family is finally all together again.


  New Adult Romance - Hunter & Holt * Keep reading for a sneak peek!


  Hunter and Holt


  I knew that having a small bladder was going to bite me in the ass one day. I just didn't think it would get me and the hottest guy at Jay Middleton University evicted from our dorm.

  I place full blame on my roommates break up with the cock-sucker, Mike. You see, it went down like this.


  Earlier that week-

  "Annie, I am not lying to you. Honey, your thighs are golden. If God didn't want your thighs to touch he wouldn't have made Chunky Monkey Ice Cream. Mike is a douche-bag, a dirty cock-sucker and you are so much better off without him. But Sugar, I've got to go, you need to let me in there."

  The wails from my roommate only escalated. And I knew that I had moments before I exploded. Not in outrage, but that was probably warranted. No, I needed to pee in the worst way. I am talking Niagara Falls here.

  I hadn't ruled out weeing in the tub. It was that bad.

  "Annie," my voice was starting to shake, oh wait- that was just me, as I bounced trying to hold the urine in. "I have to pee, Annie! Let me in there! You are not fat! We can share the seat. You are that thin!"

  "Sam, this is an emergency," she sobbed through the locked door, "I can't leave the toilet for a second. I took that entire box of Ex-lax!"

  Was there no one else that saw the irony here?

  Grunting I did the only thing that I could. I made a beeline for dorm next door. A place I swore I would never enter, even if my life depended on it. And my life I would have forgone at that moment, but my bladder was another matter.

  There is something you need to know about 2A. For starters, all three guys that live there are dick wads. They think with their dicks. They act with their dicks. They essentially are dicks.

  I know they have individual names. Hell, I spent my childhood under the delusion that one of them was my best friend. But not to worry, middle school took care of that.

  Let's call them, Holt, biggest dick wad on earth, and the other two idiot dick wads. Their goal in life is to hit on chicks, all chicks. Somehow manage to bang said chicks. Then spend most nights banging on our walls while banging said chicks until I've been up half the night. Some mornings I've barely gotten an hour sleep and can hardly make it through class.

  If I thought middle school was bad when Holt dropped me faster than a training bra on the first day. All to start hanging out with Shelby Summers whose breasts were clearly reading on a tenth-grade level.

  It was nothing compared to when he laughed at me during our senior year when I fell off the hay ride at Christmas-tide. Just- don't ask.

  Holt's primary purpose from then on was to torture and otherwise irritate the living hell out of me. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

  And I wasn't peeing in the damn tub... yet.

  So, I strapped on my big girl thong and raced next door. There was no gentle knocking, I pounded on the door, and there might have been some screaming.

  The door was wrenched open.

  Apparently having just been awoken, Holt had sleep lines across one cheek. This should have made him look vulnerable. Or given me some advantage, that's how this is supposed to work. That is if fate wasn't such a bitch.

  A sexy ass smile crossed his handsome visage, and I felt my panties catch fire.

  Frowning I put my hands on my hips, my fingers brushing the edges of my underwear to assure myself they were still there.

  He cocked a brow, folding his arms across his very firm, very naked chest.

  My eyes followed the motion. A rookie mistake I knew the moment I locked in on his rock-hard abs. You never look at him directly! He's the king of the dick wads! He obviously has magical powers!

  "If you frown any harder at me, Hunter, you're gonna have a unibrow."

  That voice. I shouldn't have come here. I could pee in the tub. I turned around to leave when his arm caught my el
bow. Damn, I think my panties might have melted again. Mistake! Mistake!

  "I don't think so," his voice was close to my ear. "Why are you here, Hunter?"

  That's another thing. He's the only one in the world that calls me by my last name. I'm Samantha Hunter, but he's always called me Hunter. And even after all this time, it gets to me.


  "Excuse me," he questioned, stepping closer, essentially cutting off my air supply.

  He smelled amazing. It was when I realized I had accidentally started leaning towards him I pulled myself together. I was just about to repeat myself when dick wad two or three shouted out from somewhere inside.

  "She said she needs to use our bathroom. But it's going to cost her. I want to see her tits."

  I was out of there. I didn't need this shit. I tried to shake my arm free, but Hunter tightened his grasp.

  Holt frowned, "Rich, what's wrong with you, man? Apologize!"

  Rich obviously had a death wish. Holt was built. He had been a starter on the football team in high school and gone to state for wrestling. I don't know positions or crap like that. But I do know they worship him like a God back home, and there is a reason why.

  "Never mind," I mumbled rolling my eyes and went to leave.

  But the next words caught me the wrong way.

  "Probably nothing to look at anyway," Rich mocked.

  Most days I would have walked away. Most days I could have flipped him the bird and wished I had the guts to pee on his door. But this was not that day.

  I launched myself at him, "You gigantic ass-hole dick wad, I've got awesome tits!"

  Rich's eyes grew to double their size, "Shit!"

  I beat him squirming away every time Holt got his hands on me. Holt might be bigger and stronger. But I was quicker and a lot angrier. Rich was scared, which I loved.

  Holt finally hauled me off his roommate and threw me down before straddling my waist. His sweaty body draped over mine combined with my already melted panties made it easy to trap my hands above my head.


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