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The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci_An Out of Time Thriller

Page 26

by Belle Ami

  “Call them off Alex, or I’ll shoot them. Enrico and I will kill them and the two of you.”

  “Alex!” Angela’s scream echoed in the cave. The terror in her eyes unnerved him, but he breathed a sigh of relief knowing she was unharmed.

  “It’s okay, Angela.” He turned to the dogs. “A cuccia subito!” All three dogs sat. They remained still, their eyes locked on their master.

  Angela was not to be silenced. “No, it’s not okay. History is repeating itself. Why did you come here? Can’t you see your life is in danger?”

  He heard the panic in her voice and knew she wasn’t thinking rationally. This whole past life stuff had clouded her vision. He was relieved that the barrel of the gun was pointing at him and not her.

  “Take it easy, Scordato.” He glanced at the other accomplice who had his gun aimed at the dogs. The man was in his element, comfortable, which meant he was a professional. Alex knew the odds were against them. There was little chance of him taking out both Scordato and the other man. He also knew there was no way they’d leave Angela and him alive. He was going to have to make a move and risk everything. But before he could…

  What Angela saw was otherworldly. The cave shimmered, the past and present converging before her eyes. The apparitions of Giuliano and Gerhard held her gaze, their gestures, encouraging her to act. There was no way Scordato would allow her and Alex to live. He would finish it here, kill them here, leaving their bodies to rot in the cave. He’d kill the dogs, too. Ama and Zaba’s eyes flitted back and forth from Alex to Scordato. Misu’s fur was raised and his back bowed, poised to strike.

  If time had caught up with them and history was repeating itself, so be it. She would not go down without a fight. Now! Do it now! Her enraged scream pierced the air as she sprinted toward Scordato.

  Alex ordered, “Angela don’t!”

  Scordato spun around, his rifle swinging back to Angela. But she kept going, charging like a lioness knocking him over. The rifle flew out of his hands. Snarling, she clawed at Scordato’s cheeks, scraping skin as he howled and flung her off.

  At the same time, Alex lunged at Enrico unbalancing him before he could fire. Alex and Enrico rolled in the dirt with the dogs viciously circling around them. Alex slammed his fist into the criminal’s jaw, knocking him out cold. “Attacca e sottometti.” Misu leaped on Enrico’s chest, snarling, holding him in place.

  Alex yanked the gun from his belt at the same moment as Scordato reached for his rifle. Like an old western standoff, they fired at the same time.

  “No!” Angela screamed. Then something unbelievable happened. Everyone and everything shifted into slow motion around her. The ghosts of Giuliano and Gerhard appeared, their hands gripping the rifle and pushing it upward. Then with a whoosh, they disappeared, and everything sped up again.

  Instead of hitting Alex in the chest, the bullet grazed his shoulder, knocking him to the ground, and ricocheted to the back of the cave, shattering a bottle of wine. She scurried to Alex and picked up the fallen Glock. It was surreal and impossible, but with what she assumed was something beyond the perception of human knowledge, the ghosts had managed to cross the boundaries between the afterlife and the living world. They’d intervened purely through the force of their will.

  Scordato had been knocked off his feet, as well. His arm oozing blood, he cursed and scrambled for his rifle. “This time I’ll finish it.”

  Filled with a blinding rage, Angela pointed the Glock at Scordato. Fioretta and Sophia appeared beside her. Their voices echoed in her mind. You must end it, Angela, for all of us. Their ghostly fingers covered hers. Together, they pulled the trigger.

  The gunshot blast reverberated throughout the cave. Scordato’s eyes widened in disbelief as he fell to his knees. He clutched his stomach, blood seeping through his fingers, and toppled over.

  Alex rolled to his feet and, reaching for Scordato’s rifle, trained it on Enrico, now moaning on the ground. Misu and the other dogs formed a circle around him, their growls echoing around the cave.

  “Alex,” Angela dropped the gun and wrapped her arms around him. Her chest heaved with her sobs. “You’re bleeding.”

  “Baby, I’m okay, it’s just a graze. I’ll be fine. His fingers were gentle on her cheek, but she couldn’t help wincing. “I’m so sorry, honey,” he said, his voice cracking.

  “I’ll be fine, bruises heal. I’m just so happy you’re okay.” She covered his hand with hers.

  “If Scordato wasn’t already dead, I’d take great pleasure in killing him.”

  “I know, but we won. It’s a miracle. We changed destiny. We broke the curse.”

  “Angel, you were amazing.” His eyes glowed in the dark cavern, making her breath catch at the love that shone from his gaze. “I don’t understand how Scordato could have missed me. He was just a few feet away.”

  “It was them—Giuliano and Gerhard stopped time and shifted the rifle.” Angela wrapped her arms around Alex’s waist.

  Catching a flash of movement behind Alex, Angela’s arms tightened around the man she loved as Giuliano and Fioretta appeared beside Gerhard and Sophia.

  The ghosts embraced each other, united in death as they once were in life. With a last look at Angela, they dissolved into nothingness. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she glimpsed a smile of satisfaction on their lips.

  Alex kissed her cheek, then bent to pick up the Glock. “Here, hold the gun on that bastard while I grab my backpack.”

  He returned to the cave a moment later and pulled a zip-tie from the bag. Enrico was still unconscious, but it didn’t matter, Misu and the other dogs stood ready to pounce if he made a threatening move.

  Alex patted Misu on the head. “Seduti.” The dog backed off and sat. Alex rolled Enrico onto his stomach and bound his hands with the zip-tie. Standing, he returned to Angela, taking the gun from her trembling hand.

  “We weren’t alone, Alex. They were all here in the cave, including Fioretta and Sophia.

  His eyes darted around and returned to her. “Ghosts can’t change the trajectory of bullets—”

  “But that’s just what happened. I saw them as clearly as I see you now. Giuliano and Gerhard somehow managed to push up the barrel of the rifle when it fired. But even more bizarre is that Fioretta and Sophia’s fingers were on mine. We pulled the trigger together.”

  Alex looked around. “Are they still here?”

  “Why, are you afraid of ghosts?” She smiled.

  “Why would I be afraid of my past lives. I just want to thank them.”

  “They’ve moved on, Alex. I don’t believe we’ll see them again. But I’m pretty sure they know your sentiments.”

  Cupping her face with his hand he grinned. “Good. I’m happy they can finally rest in peace because I was getting tired of them hogging your time. From now on, I want you all to myself.”

  “Won’t you get bored after a while?”

  “Angel, something tells me that life with you will never be boring.” His lips claimed hers and for the second time that afternoon, time stood still.

  Chapter 23

  Paris, France

  Shangri-La Hotel

  September 1, 2018

  Alex held Angela snug against him, his body still quivering with pleasure from their morning sex. It didn’t matter how many times they made love, he only knew that every time made him profoundly happy. He still couldn’t quite believe she was his, or that the nightmare was over. Enrico confessed to everything, including the murder of Max Jaeger. With his sworn statement, the police investigation was neatly wrapped and closed within a couple of weeks. Angela and Alex were cleared of any wrongdoing. The memory of how close they’d come to death was beginning to fade like an old scar.

  The painting was returned to Celestine Marchesi at the Uffizi. Gratefully, she agreed Angela would be given full credit for its discovery and would
be granted the honor of bringing her discovery to the attention of the world.

  For the third time that morning his muse jumped from the bed.

  “Alex, I’m sorry.” She opened the French doors that led to the terrace. “But I can’t stop looking at it.” He had to admit that their view of the Eifel Tower was spectacular. Even he, who’d grown up with every luxury imaginable, was impressed. The suite was comparable to the most elegant pied à terre on the Avenue Montaigne. Worth every penny. Indulging Angela turned him on. Her delight put a fresh spin on the world. It was impossible to suffer from tedium in the face of her inexhaustible enthusiasm and joy. Loving her is like being reborn. He laughed aloud, realizing that’s exactly what they were, reborn lovers.

  “What’s so funny?” She peeked her head back through the door. Her bed-mussed hair spilled around her shoulders.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby. But if you don’t stop prancing around nude on the terrace we’re going to have every Peeping Tom in Paris out on the rooftops with telescopes.”

  She looked down as if realizing her state of undress for the first time. “Oops, it never occurred to me that anyone could see me.” She ran back in pouncing on top of him.

  He rolled her over and balanced above her. He kissed her soundly. “Mmm, I’m glad that one thing didn’t change after finding the da Vinci.”

  “And what’s that?” She lifted up on her elbows, pressing her breasts into his chest.

  “Every time we touch I feel fireworks.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that we returned the painting to the Uffizi?”

  “Not a bit. I got something worth a whole lot more to me than money.”

  She laughed. “That’s because you’ve got plenty of money.”

  “It’s true, I do, but I don’t think you can ever understand how much more important you are to me.”

  She caressed his face with the back of her hand. “Maybe I’m going to let you prove it to me for the rest of our lives.”

  He claimed her mouth with a blazing kiss. Then, pulling away, he rolled out of the bed.

  “Hey, you can’t just kiss me like that and leave.”

  “Yeah, I can. You just provided me with the opening I’ve been looking for.” He disappeared into the closet and, a minute later, returned and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “What’s this about, and what are you hiding?” She playfully poked his arm.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve got something serious to say.”

  She sat up and pulled the sheet over her breasts. “Okay.”

  “Angel, I’ve never met anyone like you and I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m hopelessly in love with you and I want to be with you forever.” The hand behind his back came forward bearing a velvet jewelry box. He set the box in her palm and opened it. “Please say you’ll marry me, baby.”

  She gasped, the dazzling light from the ring reflected in her eyes. “Alex, it’s beautiful. When… how… is this really happening?” Her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He plucked the diamond ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. “Just say yes, Angela. We belong together. We’ve always belonged together. Before in our past lives and now in this one.”

  “I love you so much, Alex.”

  “I love you too, baby. And I have another proposal to make to you.”

  “Another proposal?” A curious smile chased her tears away.

  “Work with me, be my partner. Permanently.”

  “You mean in the winery?” She grinned.

  He shook his head. “Well, you’ll be a de facto partner in that, anyway. What I mean is, you and me solving art crimes. Restoring stolen and missing art to their rightful owners. You’re a natural, Angela. It’s a worthy cause for your talents.”

  Her brows knit in thought. She glanced at the ring on her finger and then into his eyes. “Partners. I like the sound of that.” She wiggled her eyebrows the same way he always did. “Shall we seal the deal with a kiss?”

  He laughed, pulling her down on top of him. “Angel, a kiss is just the beginning…”


  Montefioralle, Italy

  September 15, 2018

  Angela stood at the sink in the kitchen staring out the window. The vendemmia was in full progress. The grapes, having reached their peak, were ready for harvest. Alex was busy supervising the picking in the vineyard with Joseph. The dogs were running to and fro, enjoying the excitement. Maria was gathering fresh herbs from her garden. She was going to teach Angela how to make a proper tomato sauce that she could use as a base for a variety of dishes.

  Angela glanced down at the sparkling engagement ring on her finger. Paris had been everything Alex had promised. The beginning of their “once upon a time” fairytale. A dream come true. Her love for Alex was like the grape harvest, sweet and ready to be plucked, the taste of it satisfying and fulfilling. She pictured their future together and wanted nothing more than to run out to the vineyard and plant her lips on his.

  After the harvest, they would travel to Chicago, and drive up the coast of Lake Michigan to her hometown of Great Lakes, where Alex would formally ask her father for her hand in marriage. Then they’d fly to San Francisco to meet his mother and his step-father. After what Alex predicted would be a series of parties celebrating their engagement, they would fly to London where she’d meet his father.

  Her heart fluttered at the thought. Please let them like me and bless this marriage. She sent up a silent prayer, remembering that Fioretta had once made that same prayer for her marriage with Giuliano. It seemed nothing could stop the forward motion of time and love.

  Since the climactic events in the cave, she had only one small episode, one loss of herself when she’d slipped into the abyss of the past. Standing before the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, she’d once more found herself travelling through time to the studio of Leonardo da Vinci. He’d begun the portrait of a woman with an enigmatic smile and she could see him delicately applying paint with his brush. It was the Maestro’s thoughts of Fioretta that had drawn her back in time. For a brief moment, she felt Leonardo’s fond remembrance of her. I miss you, Fioretta.

  Alex had squeezed her hand and she was herself again. She’d said nothing to him. She was afraid that even acknowledging her loss of the present would somehow make it recur, and she would be taken by the vortex of history and once more dragged from her body to witness the past playing over again. The thought of that happening made her shudder.

  Now, of all times, she was feeling it again. A strange tingling took hold of her and her vision blurred. She rubbed her eyes, trying to clear them. When she opened them, she shook her head trying to see through the mist that clouded her vision. A young woman with long blonde hair ran through a field. She clutched a package wrapped in burlap. Frantically, she looked behind at her pursuers. Two men armed with AR-15s and dressed in military fatigues were closing in on her. Angela didn’t recognize the woman or the men, but she felt the woman’s fear as if it were her own.

  The men grabbed her and the woman screamed. Angela clasped her hands over her ears trying to drown out the woman’s terrified cry. Her vision cleared and everything disappeared in an instant. She jumped, startled by the press of someone’s hand on her arm.

  “Signorina Angela, are you all right?” Maria asked.

  A feeling of peace washed over her. She gazed into the warm, brown eyes filled with concern.

  “Maria, I’m sorry, what did you say? For a minute I wasn’t myself.”

  “Si, I understand. You have a rare gift.”

  “A gift? More like a curse.”

  “No, signorina, it is the sight. I sensed this gift in you from the moment you arrived. But I knew you needed time to understand it. After dinner, we will have a cappuccino and some amaretti, and I will tell you what I have learned in my own life.”
Maria took Angela’s hands in both of her own. “You must learn to embrace it. You must not fight the visions.” Maria hugged her and walked back to the sink to rinse the fresh herbs.

  A wave of panic drenched Angela in a cold sweat. Could Maria be right? Was this so-called gift going to plague her for the rest of her life? She wanted no part of any second sight. Glancing out the window, she spied Alex walking toward the back door. He looked ruggedly handsome, unshaven, and bronzed by the sun. Love mingling with fear flowed through her veins. Should she tell him? Would he, too, encourage her to embrace this gift? What would it mean for their future?

  The door opened and Alex’s eyes lit up when he saw her. Two steps brought them together. His arms held her and his lips pressed to hers. “How’s my baby?”

  “She has a story to tell you.”

  About Belle Ami

  Belle Ami writes intriguing romantic/suspense/ thrillers with a touch of sensual heat. A self-confessed news junky, she loves to create cutting-edge stories about politics, espionage, and redemptive love.

  The Girl Who Knew da Vinci is Belle’s latest release and the first book in a new thriller series with a supernatural twist.

  Belle is the author of The Only One Series, which includes The One, The One and More and One More Time is Not Enough.

  She is also the author of The Tip of the Spear Series, which includes the highly rated Escape and Vengeance. She is currently working on Ransom, book three in this compelling romantic suspense series.

  She was honored to be included in the RWA-LARA Christmas Anthology Holiday Ever After, featuring her short story The Christmas Encounter.

  Belle is a Kathryn McBride scholar of Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. Her passions include hiking, boxing, skiing, spinning, cooking and of course, writing.

  She lives in Southern California with her husband, two children, a horse named Cindy Crawford, and her brilliant Chihuahua, Giorgio Armani.

  Belle loves to hear from readers.


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