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Full Disclosure

Page 2

by Sean Michael

  "Excellent. What's on today's calendar?" He synched his Palm with the laptop, waiting.

  "You've got a conference call with Senator Graves and Rick Haverty at eleven, lunch with Bob Salvo. I made reservations for you at The Cattle Corner as that was the notation my predecessor had by the entry in the database." Jarrod crossed his legs and smiled over at him. "That sees you wrapped up by four today."

  "Excellent. Then I'll have time for paperwork tonight. Get me the file on Bob, see if Jeannie made any personal notes about him. Kids, favorite drinks, all that." He started pacing, going over his lists. "Get me Aaron Ritchie on the phone. I want to know exactly where we're going and make sure someone has flowers delivered to Senator Graves's wife this afternoon. It's her birthday."

  "Consider it done. You want a massage or something, boss-man? You're looking a little stressed." Why was it that half the stuff coming out of Jarrod's mouth sounded suggestive?

  "Pardon me?" Good lord. He needed to get laid, if his mind kept going to the gutter.

  "You know, a massage. My hands, your shoulders--squeeze and rub, you feel better, more relaxed." Jarrod raised his hands and opened and closed his fingers. "Free service."

  "I'm fairly sure that would be frowned upon by HR."

  This was not happening.

  Jarrod gave him a look that swept from his toes on up, and then winked. "I won't tell them if you don't."

  Samuel chuckled, the sound just a little nervous. "I'll keep that in mind."

  "Is that a no, then?" Jarrod asked, the look in his eyes challenging. Standing, Jarrod leaned against his desk, eyebrow quirked, and by God, it was a challenge.

  He didn't quite know what to say, so he didn't, he just stared back.

  They stayed like that for what felt like forever, eyes held as if there was a thread between them. The tension grew thicker until each breath seemed harder than the last to pull in. Just when he didn't think he could stand it anymore, Jarrod moved, breaking eye contact.

  Of course, he moved to come over, to stand behind him, hands dropping onto his shoulders. Jarrod whistled as his fingers squeezed. "Damn, you are tight."

  Samuel's mouth opened.


  This was.


  "It was a long weekend."

  "You should have called me." Jarrod's fingers dug into his muscles, the touch painful, but only because he was so tight.

  "I mean it's a part of a partner's prerogative. To take advantage of his assistant, isn't it?" Had Jarrod's voice really pitched low and deep like that at the end, or had it been his imagination?

  " aren't required to work weekends."

  "Oh, I know I'm not required to." Jarrod chuckled, air puffing across Samuel's neck and ear with the sound.

  The strong fingers found a particularly stubborn muscle and worked it hard.

  Samuel groaned, head falling forward as his eyes closed. Oh, ow. Yum.

  "Mmm. Yeah, that's it. God, you're tight."

  Jesus Christ, did everything Jarrod said sound like it was straight out of a porno?

  Okay. Okay. No thinking porn at work.


  Especially given his taste in porn...

  Samuel stepped forward, shaking his head and thumping his cock hard. "We've got work to do."

  "You're the boss-man." Jarrod's voice seemed colored in disappointment, but the man settled back in the chair across the desk from his. "I emailed the notes from last week's meeting to you. You'll have to let me know if you like the way I set them up and I'll do them that way from here on in. I assume you'd like me to take notes at today's meeting?"

  Just like that, Jarrod was all business and efficiency. It almost made Samuel think he'd imagined everything that had come before.


  * * * *

  A week later Jarrod was no closer to proving one way or the other whether or not Samuel was their leak.

  He had to assume, given he was still on assignment, that the others were having no luck with their marks either.

  On the other hand, Jarrod didn't need any more proof that Samuel was into him. Oh, the man hadn't said so, would no doubt deny it if Jarrod confronted him with it. But the fact remained that the sexual tension between them was growing every day.

  Jarrod tried to focus on the job at hand, he really did. He was being so very good. But it wasn't easy.

  Karen and Judy laughed and he blinked, bringing himself back to the present, smiling at the ladies he shared the break room with, and hoping like hell they hadn't asked him something.

  "Well, have you seen Cavanaugh's new ride? That convertible is sweet. Of course with no kids, you only need the two seats."

  A loft apartment downtown and an expensive new car?

  Now that was interesting.

  "He one of those guys who leases a new one every year?" he asked. It was one of the reasons he hung out with the other assistants and the secretaries. They had the best gossip on their bosses, and everyone else's, too.

  "Every couple, yeah. He's hard on cars." Karen's eyes rolled. "Jeannie says he gets pissed and zooms out of here, heads to the coast to play with the boy toys."

  Well, no wonder the man looked like he needed to get laid--boy toys were just playthings. Samuel needed a man to fuck him, not some simpering twink who'd roll over and beg.

  "Yeah? What about the holidays? I bet he goes to all the best resorts."

  "He's really hush-hush about that sort of thing. Jeannie didn't schedule his vacation stuff." Karen winked over. "We figure he's got some amazing little cabin somewhere. He always comes back tanned and lean and laughing."

  "Ah, to be one of the high and mighty mucky-mucks, eh? Jetting off for holiday." Well, Samuel wasn't hurting for money. It wasn't proof, of course, and BBH&W paid its execs pretty well, but was worth looking into.

  "Well, I'd better get back before he starts looking for me," he told them with a wink.

  "Poor baby, stuck with the whip snapper." Both girls laughed at him, teasing unmercifully. Whip snapper. Right.

  If anyone was going to be snapping a whip...

  He chuckled and waved. "See you later."

  He headed back to Samuel's office, pondering his new evidence. Maybe Samuel made good investments, or had inherited money. Or maybe he had nothing to spend it on but himself. Jarrod was pretty eager to find some reason for Samuel to have all that money that had nothing to do with the man selling secrets.

  He knocked lightly on the door and opened it. "Hey, boss--you need anything?"

  "Huh? No. No. I'm fine." Samuel looked up, windows closing on the laptop. "Working through lunch today."

  Now there was a guilty look if he'd ever seen one. Samuel hadn't colored up, but Jarrod would bet it was a close thing. Damn it--he didn't want Samuel to be guilty. He liked the man.

  He sauntered up and leaned against Samuel's desk. "Yeah? I ate with the girls. I'd rather have eaten you. With you."

  He got a blink and a wide-eyed look. "Then you'd've been hungry, hmm? Is that market research that I asked for in?"

  He grinned. Working? Uh-huh. "Yeah, I emailed them to you before lunch." He leaned in and brought up Samuel's email program, opening up the attachment he'd sent with the numbers. "There you go."

  "Thanks." Was that a porn site at the bottom? No way.

  Samuel pulled the laptop closer and leaned in, tapping and typing away.

  He leaned in under the guise of pointing out some of the numbers at the bottom. He rested his right hand on Samuel's shoulder, pointing out the numbers with his right. His eyes though, they zeroed in on the taskbar. Yep. Porn.

  Someone was a very naughty man.

  Better naughty than lying, he always said. Samuel should be rewarded, honestly.

  Trusting his gut, that told him Samuel needed a man like him, secretly wanted things he'd never admit to, Jarrod reached for the mouse.

  "This should be us," he told Samuel, clicking the porn window to bring it up.

  He groaned when he saw the picture: a man spread out over his desk, hands bound with his tie, the man behind him was hung, hard, and bringing his hand down to smack the bound man's ass.

  Fuck, yes.

  The laptop slammed shut and Samuel stood. "That'll be all."

  He stepped forward instead of backward, getting toe to toe with Samuel. "Are you sure, boss-man? Sure you don't want a spanking?"

  "I... You're completely out of line." God, that panic was addictive.

  "You're the one with porn on your computer, boss-man." He could smell the need rising from Samuel. It would be so easy to shift, move a step to the right and one forward and let his hand fly.

  "I...I don't have to explain myself to you."

  It would be so easy just to take Samuel, but something said not yet. Not quite yet. Patience, Jarrod. It would be rewarded, he could taste it.

  "No, you don't need to explain anything at all."

  "Excellent. If you'll excuse me? I have work to do."

  He gave Samuel a slow once-over--toes on up back to Samuel's eyes. Then he smiled. "Yes, sir, boss-man."

  He turned and walked out slowly, making sure he gave Samuel a show, knowing the man was watching him.

  Chapter 3

  Samuel had considered just firing Jerrod. Then he considered jumping in a hole. Finally he found a reason to be out of town for three weeks and took it, only talking with Jerrod via email and periodically on the phone. By the time he got back, Samuel was feeling strong, settled, and able to hold his head up. So he had been looking at porn. He was a healthy, young male. That's what men did. Damn it.

  He walked into his office early, way earlier that most anyone, whistling as he got ready for the day.

  A sound at the door had him looking, finding Jarrod leaning against the jamb, watching him. The brown eyes were dark, warm. "Well, hello there, boss-man. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back."

  Straightening, Jarrod walked in like he belonged, like it was his office.

  "I didn't want anyone to forget what I looked like." His office. He was the boss. Not Jarrod. Just. Him. "You've been well?"

  Jarrod shrugged. "Felt a bit like a boat without a rudder, boss gone and all." Jarrod came right on up to him, only stopping when they were about a foot apart. God, the man was intense. "Welcome back."

  "Thank you. I assume there isn't any immediate business we need to deal with?" He didn't back up one bit.

  "I have a bunch of papers that need your signature. But nothing"--Jarrod licked his lips, gave him one of those once-overs he remembered from before he'd gone--"pressing."

  "Excellent." See him. See him be in control. He resisted the urge to smooth his dress shirt, smooth his hair.

  "Did you miss me?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "I think you heard me, boss-man. I asked if you missed me." Jarrod chuckled. "You still need that spanking."

  Samuel growled, cheeks heating uncontrollably. "You must really want to be fired."

  "You're not going to fire me." Jarrod's voice was low now, husky.

  "You are an arrogant little bastard." That was it. He was going to. Going to.

  "Not so little, boss-man, I assure you." Jarrod moved closer, face suddenly right there in his, and then Jarrod's mouth descended on his.

  The kiss was hard and sure, Jarrod's lips pressing his against his teeth.

  Jesus Christ.

  Samuel jerked, pulling away, cock hard and aching in his slacks. "What the fuck?"

  Jarrod followed him, backing him up toward his desk. "That comes later."

  "You're out of your mind." He could hear his heart pounding.

  "No. But you're almost out of yours, aren't you?" Jarrod kept coming, kept backing him up until his legs hit his desk. "You've been thinking about it. Can't get it out of your head. Oh, you convinced yourself you did. Fooled yourself. So you came back."

  "I don't know what you're talking about." He worked here. He belonged here.

  "Yes. You do. And you've been a very naughty man. Running away from me. You need to be spanked, Samuel."

  Jarrod took his arms and turned him, pressing up against his back, cock hard against his ass, mouth at his ear.

  "I'll scream." Well, that sounded stupid and queer as hell.

  Jarrod chuckled, but it didn't feel like he was being laughed at. "If you don't, I'm not doing it right." Jarrod licked a line from his collar up to his ear. One of Jarrod's hands dropped to his belt, started to undo it.

  "This isn't happening." He couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

  "Feels fucking real to me." His earlobe was nipped, the top button of his pants undone, his zipper tugged down. "You feel real, Samuel. You feel like you need. And I've got what you need."

  "No." His cock pushed out, slapping against Jarrod's hand. "You don't know what the fuck I need."

  Jarrod's hand wrapped around his prick, tugging on it once and once only. "I know exactly what you need."

  He was bent over, his expensive trousers tugged down, exposing his ass, the air shocking against his balls.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" They were at the office. In his office.


  This wasn't happening.

  "Giving you what you need, Samuel." Jarrod's hand came down on his ass, slapping his skin. He could feel the outline of each finger on his ass cheek.

  "Don't." Oh, fuck. It was like a fucking fantasy, like his fucking fantasy.

  "Don't what, Samuel? Do this?" That hand came down again, hitting his ass square on. Then again.

  "Yes." He pulled away, reaching back toward Jarrod's hands.

  "You're telling me you don't want this?" One of Jarrod's hands grabbed his, the other one landed on his ass again. Then Jarrod was bent over him, hot against his back. "Tell me to stop, Sammy. Say 'Jarrod stop. Jarrod leave.' And I will."

  "I..." Another blow made him gasp, made him jerk. So fucking hot.

  "That's what I thought," Jarrod's voice grated. The next blow came just as hard, just as loud in the quiet of his office. His fucking office!

  Two more blows followed in short succession; his ass began to feel like it was on fire. This rough, raw sound escaped him, hips rolling back. Whether it was toward the blows or away, he didn't know.

  "Oh, fuck, Sammy, yeah." The blows kept coming, one after another, making him gasp and jerk, making everything else just disappear.

  His head dropped forward, eyes closing as his thighs spread, bracing himself for more.

  "So fucking hard for you, Sammy. Fuck."

  They found a rhythm together, like fucking, his hips pushing back into each blow, the sound ringing through the office.

  When they stopped it was like a shock. The heat of Jarrod's cock rubbing against him, the tip leaving a wet trail over his burning flesh, was an even bigger shock.

  "Tell me you want it."

  His ass was on fire, thighs shaking furiously. Oh, God. Oh, God. "I..."

  Jarrod's cock slapped against his ass, and then he heard the crinkling sound of a condom wrapper.

  Samuel thought he was going to stand up, pull away, but he wanted it. Wanted a good hard fuck. Wanted to feel Jarrod against his burning ass.

  The head of Jarrod's prick slid along his crack, pushed against his hole, but didn't breach him, not before Jarrod's hand slid around and took his cock in a hard grip. Then Jarrod pushed forward.

  "Uhh..." He jerked, went up on his toes and just begged for it. Thick and long, Jarrod's cock pushed up into him and made him feel every inch.

  "Hot. Shit. Fucking tight. Oh, Samuel." Jarrod's voice groaned, the words ending in an almost whimper.

  In and in Jarrod pushed, until the wiry hairs around the base of his cock rubbed up against Samuel's burning ass. The whole world tightened to his ass, his cock, the fire between them. His need.

  Jarrod made a growling noise and started to move, taking him hard. Each thrust slammed Jarrod's cock deep, and had those hips pushing against his ass. His thighs slammed against h
is desk, the skin aching, bruising, and fuck it felt good. Jarrod's hand worked his cock hard, jacking him as he was fucked.

  The slap of flesh, their bodies hitting the desk, their gasping breaths, the sounds mingled with the sharp, musky scent of sex, the air redolent with them. Samuel started shaking, so close to coming he could taste it.

  "Wait for it," groaned Jarrod. "Wait 'til I say so."

  Harder, faster, the hand around his cock increased its pace as well, Jarrod pushed him hard, but made him wait. His entire body clenched, body jerking, balls drawing up tight.

  "Just another..." Jarrod groaned, swore. "Fuck. Now. Now, Sammy!" The long cock slammed into his gland, and Jarrod's shout filled the room.

  His cock jerked, spunk spraying over his desk, ass squeezing that heavy cock tight.

  Jarrod leaned against his back, panting sharply in his ear. The hand around his prick slowly loosened and slipped away, reaching up to grasp his chin and turn his face. Jarrod's lips slid against his own, tongue dipping inside.

  He didn't know what to think, how to think. If he could think.

  The scent of his own come was on Jarrod's fingers, filling his nose as Jarrod's tongue lazily fucked his lips. The thick prick slid out of him. Jarrod let his chin go in favor of tugging his trousers back up, the zipper, button and belt, carefully done back up.

  He kept his teeth together, refusing to make a sound, not sure what the fuck he was going to do next.

  Once he was all put back together again, Jarrod held him for a moment, the rangy body warm and solid behind him. "No one ever needs to know." The words whispered against his skin. Then the heat against him disappeared. The noise of the door sounded a moment later, opening and then closing softly.

  Samuel stood still for a long moment, then he moved across the office and threw the lock. He didn't want to be disturbed until he could... Could...

  Do something.

  * * * *

  Jarrod made a beeline for the bathroom at the end of the hall and locked the door behind him.



  That had been...fucking intense.

  Fucking perfect.

  But unexpected.

  Oh, he knew it was coming, knew Samuel wanted it, knew he wanted it, too, but he hadn't expected it this morning. Hell, he hadn't expected to see Samuel back this morning and when he had, he couldn't wait to give them both what they needed.


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