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Always And Forever (Stone Pack book 3.5)

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by Harper Phoenix

  Table of Contents







  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright - 2018 Harper Phoenix

  All rights reserved.







  ‘SO LET’S HAVE a look at this baby, shall we?’

  Jared looks on in excitement as the nurse plies my stomach with cold gel, and then presses the wand to it. She moves it around, and we get the distinct sound of the water swishing around in there. I knew to expect this because I’d looked it up. I needed to know what to expect in every scenario. The nurse moves it around for a while before taking the wand off and turning to me, she has a huge ass smile on her face, so I know there isn’t anything wrong.

  ‘We have two. You’re having twins,’ she says waiting for our reaction. I blink and blink again. What did she say?

  ‘TWO?’ Jared blurts out through his own excitement. The nurse nods her head.

  ‘Twins,’ she confirms. ‘Both have separate amniotic sacs and placentas, so they won’t be identical. Look here, baby one: head, bottom, and heartbeat. Baby two: head, bottom, and heartbeat.’ She smiles. My gaze goes to Jared, and he is staring at me like all his Christmas’s just came at once.

  ‘Baby I’m so fucking proud of you.’

  I giggle at his words. ‘What for?’

  ‘Growing two babies in there.’ He points to my stomach. ‘Two fucking babies, Devon. That’s amazing!’ I laugh at his enthusiasm, and I suddenly feel elated that we’re having twins.


  We announce to the pack that we’re expecting twins and everyone in the room erupts in applause and sounds of joy. I look at my mate, and he has tears in his eyes looking right back at me. This day couldn’t be any better. Jared’s lips lightly touch my ear as he whispers, ‘I can’t wait any longer to marry you, baby. It needs to be soon. You need to be Mrs Stone before you have our babies.’

  We’d talked about this—we’d planned it already. Everything was set for when the babies were born. I laugh at his enthusiasm.

  ‘Jared, we have everything planned for fall.’

  ‘Fuck that. It’s ages away. I wanna marry you now.’ Everyone laughs as his voice carries and is no longer a whisper.

  ‘Umm, so what do you wanna do?’

  ‘Change the date.’

  ‘To when?’

  ‘Tomorrow? Next week? I don’t care, just let’s do it soon.’ Again, I giggle because he’s like a little kid.

  ‘Okay, Jared, you win. Let’s do it, BUT… we have to choose a date which can work with all the plans we’ve made. Okay?’

  A few hours later, I’ve made a million calls and rearranged everything. We can do it in two weeks! Two weeks! Jesus, I’m going to be married in two weeks time. I can’t quite believe it. It’s only January, so it’s cold out. Our guests will need winter clothes on if we’re still going to get married at Jared’s childhood home. So maybe we need to think about an indoor venue instead. We have the minister, which is the main thing, and flowers, a cake, and dresses are all taken care of. Its cost a small fortune to move at such short notice, but it’s amazing what a little extra cash can get you.

  ‘Babe, I’ll sort the venue,’ Jared assures me. ‘I know just the place.’

  ‘You’re sure? Because I don’t want to just settle, Jared. I want it to be perfect.’

  ‘It will be. I swear.’

  ‘Okay, but just so you know, pregnancy hormones and planning a wedding are sure to result in making me stabby at some point, so please don’t mess it up.’

  He looks at me horrified. ‘Me? Fuck up? Come on, baby, you know me better than that.’

  ‘I know you inside out, Jared Stone, so I say again, don’t make me stabby!’

  He puts his fingers up to his forehead in a salute. ‘Scouts’ honour.’

  ‘Pssssh. Were you even a scout as a kid?’

  ‘No, but that’s not the point here.’ He laughs. I shake my head and walk down the hall to the kitchen. I’m starving, and now I know I’m feeding not one, but two babies, I don’t feel so bad when I eat half a loaf and cheese spread with pickles. Yum.

  Jared finds me in my chair in the library, stuffing the last of the bread and pickles in my mouth. He eyes the jar of pickles and the cheese spread I had brought with me.

  ‘You have cravings?’ he asks smiling.

  ‘Mmhmm’ I mumble still chewing.

  ‘So cheese on pickles?’ I shake my head and snort at his guess. ‘Pickles and cheese?’

  ‘No, silly, just pickles and cheese spread, on white.’

  ‘So basically, cheese and pickles?’

  I pout my lips. ‘Okay, you’re right, I guess.’

  ‘Always right, baby, you know this,’ he says through a smile as his lips touch mine.

  ‘Ohhh,’ I groan out as his lips reach my neck, and his breath hits that place between my collarbone and neck, and, oh my, my panties get damp, and I get shivers all over my body.

  ‘Take me to bed,’ I whisper. He’s all kinds of aroused, and it doesn’t take him a second to haul me up into his arms and carry me up the stairs. He’d been so set on not having sex in case it hurt the baby that now he’s finally realised it’s actually possible, I can’t get enough of him. And he knows it too. Being pregnant makes me super horny.



  Brad is insisting I have a stag do, and right now I can’t think of anything worse. We’re not on lockdown anymore, and I know the girls will be safe, but, the thought of going out and getting drunk and making an ass of myself, without Devon, just doesn’t appeal to me. But Brad being Brad wants to do the traditional shit and makes sure he gets everyone on board. Even Devon says I should go. So, I guess I’m having a stag party.

  One week before the wedding

  I TAKE OFF my blindfold and look at myself in the mirror. Immediately, I want to punch Brad and Howard in the face. I’m wearing a luminous pink t-shirt, with ‘almost hitched’ written across the front. And on the back is a ball and chain. It looks fucking stupid. But it doesn’t end there. Oh no. There is a box beside the mirror. Inside it are luminous bangles and rings, which I’m supposed to wear, a shot glass on a necklace, and a tiara, which is attached to a green curly wig. Fucking wankers. I could go alpha on them and say no, but I would never hear the end of it. So I put all of it on and leave the room. Devon is the first to see me as I enter the kitchen. She can’t hide the surprise on her face, and then she bites her lip. Not the sexy come-hither kind, no it’s an I’m trying not to fucking laugh kind. Her eyes close and she turns away from me. Her shoulders are shaking in silence. Just as everyone else bursts into laughter, she turns around, and I see the tears running down her face. I give Brad and Howard a fucking evil stare. Bastards. This is all them.

  ‘I’m not fucking wearing it,’ I tell them both, ripping the wig off my head.

  ‘Oh come on, it’s not t
hat bad,’ Devon squeaks barely able to keep her giggling under control. Brad pulls off his jacket to show an equally luminous t-shirt with, ‘We’re on stag duty’ written on the front. And it has the same ball and chain on the back.

  ‘See, you’re not alone, it’s all fun, man.’

  ‘I don’t see your tiara and wig?’ Brad smacks Howard in the shoulder. And he too takes his jacket off and shows off his t-shirt.

  ‘Just for the fucking record, I said I didn’t like this idea, but this dipshit insisted.’ Howard throws a thumb Brad’s way. Brad rolls his eyes and pulls an ‘I’m bored’ face. Then the kitchen begins to fill with all the males and Brad hands out the stupid t-shirts to them all. They all put them on with no complaints. That is until Harrison walks in. I watch as Brad hands him a t-shirt. Harrison won’t even take it from him. He just shakes his head.

  ‘Awww come on, man. It’s just a bit of fun?’


  ‘But we all have to wear them.’

  ‘I said no.’

  Brad rolls his eyes as Harrison turns away, and he flips him the bird behind his back.

  ‘Don’t fucking push it,’ Harrison growls. Brad laughs and puts the spare t-shirt on the table.

  ‘Everyone, grab a shot necklace from this box, and we have some bangle things too.’ To my surprise, everyone reaches in and grabs one—everyone except Harrison.

  ‘You not coming?’ I ask him.

  ‘Yeah, I’m coming. You all dressed like that, bound to be trouble.’

  ‘Not gonna happen, not tonight.’

  ‘I’ll be sober, just in case.’ Harrison replies stone-faced.


  We’ve had far too much to drink, and not nearly enough to eat, and I feel tipsy. I lean up against the wall and reach for my phone.

  Jared- All okay at home?

  Devon – All is good. They’re feeding me

  Jared- I’d like to feed you something

  Devon- Oh?

  Jared- Yeah, you just wait till I get home ;)

  Devon – I’m waiting :)

  Jesus, that woman is perfection. I feel my dick jerk at the mere thought of her.

  ‘Hey, handsome, are you looking for a bit of fun before you tie yourself down?’ I shake my head and look back at my phone. As I try and type back, this woman’s hand snakes out, and she cups my dick. I smack her hand away.

  ‘I said fucking NO!’

  ‘Aww, come on, you’re already hard for me. Take me to the bathroom?’

  ‘Get over yourself. This isn’t for you.’

  ‘I don’t see anyone else around…’ The cheeky fuck tries to touch me again. Now I’m getting pissed off.

  ‘Listen, I’m not interested. Under-fucking-stand?’

  She pouts, and her hands go to her hips, I look at her properly then. She’s actually a pretty girl. ‘Why the fuck do you treat yourself that way? Have some respect for yourself,’ I tell her.

  ‘I’m all about having fun, shame you aren’t. I could have shown you a real good time.’ She pouts again, not in the least bit offended by anything I’ve just said. Jesus Christ, did I get old all of a sudden? I walk away from her, leaving her sulking from my rejection, and head back to the table where the guys are. They have two bottles of whiskey and are filling up their shot glasses. Shouts and whoops fill the air as my glass gets filled, and we knock them back. Then a barmaid comes over with a tray full of something with flames coming out the top. She slides them across the table, winks at Harrison standing just behind me, and then leaves.

  ‘On three!’ Brad shouts. Everyone takes up their fiery glass: ‘One. Two. Three!’ We all down the liquid. It’s quite nice actually. Leaves a nice burn. As everyone is swallowing their shot, we all go quiet, and it’s then I hear what’s going on behind me.

  ‘What the fuck you staring at, huh? That’s my fucking girl!’ I turn to find a big dude in a soul seekers cut, squaring up to Harrison. What the fuck? I stand and move to his side. But I’m drunk, and it shows.

  ‘You got nothing to say to me?’ The guy demands. Harrison just takes a deep inhale, as if he’s bored. His arms are still folded across his chest, and he hasn’t moved a muscle.

  ‘Listen, buddy, move the fuck along. No trouble here,’ I say hoping to calm the situation down.

  ‘I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to this dumb fuck.’ The words leave his mouth at the same time as he pokes a finger into Harrison’s chest. He hates to be fucking touched. I cringe as it happens, knowing he’s in for a whole lotta pain. Harrison moves so fast, the guy’s finger is broken and pointing the wrong way in a second. Blink, and you would have missed it. Now the guy is wailing like a little girl. Fuck. Harrison goes back to his stance like nothing happened. But, what do you know? The guy didn’t come alone. Another five men rock up wearing the same cuts, realising what has happened, they all spoil for a fight. Two of them come at Harrison and me right away, and as I throw a punch, Harrison jabs the other in the throat, rendering him useless and rolling around on the floor gasping for air. I knock the first guy on his arse. Then all I see is a free-for-all. The place is packed and everywhere I look, someone is fighting. Jesus Christ. Harrison is doing just fine, and I’m pretty sure he could have dealt with the five of them on his own. But my pack would never allow that. And pretty quickly, the original five, and the dude who started it are all knocked out. But the place is in chaos. Chairs are being thrown, and people are throwing punches at just about anyone in their way. We all look at each other, and I shake my head.

  ‘Time to go?’ I grin because this could only happen to us.

  ‘I think so,’ Howard replies with a smirk. We make our way to the door in a group, pushing anyone out of our way. We don’t get out unscathed though, a barstool comes hurtling towards us, and Harrison almost catches it, but it knocks the wind out of him for a second. Doesn’t take long for him to hurl it back to where it came from though. The guy who’s thrown it is standing there—definitely not expecting it to come back at him like a fucking boomerang. He’s knocked off his feet and Harrison, losing his cool, goes after it. The guy is already out cold, but the guy behind him gets Harrison’s wrath. Poor bastard. There are a few punches thrown our way while we get across the room to where Harrison is besting three men all at once. We all look fucking ridiculous in these bright pink t-shirts, with necklaces around our necks. But despite taking a punch I didn’t see coming, the whole night is great.

  We make our way to the taxi stand.

  ‘Umm, remind me again why you were staying sober, Harrison?’ Brad pipes up. Harrison just shakes his head. ‘Oh, that’s right. Because we were bound to get in trouble because of our t-shirts?’ he grins. ‘Someone just remind me how we got into a fight just now? My memory fails me,’ Brad continues ragging Harrison the whole way home in the cab. Harrison is being remarkably patient. Maybe the irony of it hasn’t gone unnoticed, and he’s internally laughing. We arrive back home, and I find my woman in the kitchen, dishing out pizza.

  ‘I assumed you guys would be hungry?’ She smiles. I know she’s done this just for us because the females have already eaten. And I love her for it. She really has taken the role of alpha female in her stride, and she makes damn sure everyone is cared for. Harrison is last through the door. I’d called ahead and told her we were on our way home and she had heard all the jeering at Harrison. So as he walks in, she goes to him and hugs him. I’ve never seen her do that before, and I had NEVER seen Harrison allow anyone near him—ever. But he doesn’t flinch. He looks uncomfortable, but he doesn’t back away. I stand, staring in shock. Not because it’s my woman, but because of what she’s doing. She steps back and holds his face between her palms and asks if he is okay. He nods and grunts in response, but doesn’t pull away. Well, fuck me. No one says a damn thing as she shimmies her way back to my side and plants a kiss on my lips. Then she giggles and pulls at my t-shirt. You gonna keep that on?’ she murmurs. I pull it over my head and haul it at Brad, who is stuffing a piece of pizza in his m

  ‘Bah… stahhd’ he mumbles around the mouthful, making everyone laugh.

  ‘You know I’m still really hungry,’ Devon whines.

  ‘Yeah? You want me to feed you, baby?’

  ‘Ummhmm.’ She nods. ‘Get a plate first though. I don’t want you hungry.’

  I do just that and take her right up to our bedroom.



  Jared carries me like a child in his arms up to our room, and I’m just dying to rip our clothes off and get naked with him. I’m always so hungry for him and was going stir crazy when being pregnant meant he wouldn’t touch me. But thankfully, he came to his senses and now fucks me however I want to be fucked. He always takes more care now though, and I can’t blame him. I’m carrying precious cargo. We sink back onto the bed, and I’m yanking at his clothes. He’d promised to feed me, and I wasn’t going to let him forget. He lifts my top over my boobs and flips my bra so the cups sit under the mounds, exposing them to his mouth. He sucks and laps at each nipple with his tongue, and I just about lose my mind. He knows just what I need, when I need it. I throw my head back, and he sucks at my neck, licking up the side, right up to my earlobe, which he takes between his teeth and gently tugs. I moan. It’s impossible to keep it in, being as horny as I am right now. His fingers are tweaking my nipples and his tongue doing all kinds of things to my neck. He kisses along my jaw, then our lips meet, and I part mine in desperation for him. He chuckles low, and I bite my lip.

  ‘You eager for my cock, baby?’

  ‘Mmhmm,’ I mumble back against his lips. ‘I need it.’

  ‘Where do you want it? Mouth or pussy?’ His aroused tone is gravelly and so sexy, I could listen to him talking dirty to me all night.

  ‘I want to taste you.’

  He shifts so he has his back to the bed. ‘Get your ass up here and sit on my face.’


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