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Always And Forever (Stone Pack book 3.5)

Page 3

by Harper Phoenix

  ‘I just never did anything like this before.’

  ‘Well, believe me, if I could take this woman back home with us, I would. I used to have a pamper session every week with mum before we moved to university.’ She sighs. ‘I miss it so much.’ She pouts like a spoilt kid, and we all laugh at her. As I am pregnant, I don’t lie down on the table. Instead, she adjusts it, so it looks almost like a reclining chair. Putting my face into the hole at the top I relax without the weight on my stomach, everyone goes quiet, and I hear ambient music fill the room. Then warm, oiled hands work their way from my shoulders down my spine. And oh my god, Zoe is right, this feels amazing. I almost moan but catch it as her hands knead my shoulders. I can literally hear a pin drop in the room, it’s so quiet—only the low sound of the music. I must nod off because I startle a little when she asks me to turn around. Thinking I’m done, I move to get up.

  ‘No, no, just turn around. I will put this under your head for support,’ she explains popping a pillow under my head and a warm towel to cover my boobs. And then she goes to work on my legs. Oh my, it’s something else. My legs are then covered with a warm sheet, and I’m ready to go right off to sleep again. But then she starts on my shoulders and arms and works all the way to my fingertips. What magic is this? This is so good! I’m left for a moment when she’s finished with both hands and arms, and then another warm sheet covers me up to my shoulders. The table is adjusted slightly, and I sit up a little further.

  ‘Please can you drink this for me?’ she asks. Opening my eyes, I see a whole pint of water. I suddenly realise how thirsty I am and reach for the glass, almost losing the warm sheet. We giggle. And then I drink while looking around the room. Imogen and Willow are now free of gunk and having some kind of cream rubbed into their faces, and Zoe and Maiya are on a table of their own having massages too. No wonder it’s been so quiet. I finish my water, and she pours more with ice from a jug in the corner. Bringing it back, she places it beside me and then asks me to turn and straddle the seat. I realise she has changed the top while I was watching everyone else, and now there is nothing to rest my head on. ‘Please, rest your arms here, then you can rest your chin on them if that is more comfortable for you.’ She pats what is now the top. I do as she says, and then her magic fingers are in my hair. It’s like having your hair washed at a salon, but so much better. The night is ended with a facial and my nails being painted in the perfect colour matching my colour scheme for tomorrow. I’m giddy with excitement but so damn relaxed that I think I could sleep standing.

  ‘I think I’m going to go up to bed, girls. I’m sorry to be a party pooper.’

  ‘Damn, girl, you get married tomorrow!’ Maiya squeals. Biting my lip, I smile. ‘Gimme a hug and get your ass to bed,’ he says. After I’ve said all my goodnights, I make my way to the room I’ve been given for the night. Completely relaxed, I don’t even take off my clothes. I just crawl into bed. I check my phone, and I find a message:

  Jared- I might come climb through your window later.

  I giggle because he really didn’t want us to be separate tonight and doesn’t deal well with being apart.

  Me- Baby you can climb through my window anytime!

  Jared- on my way.

  Me- haha no you’re not.

  Jared- I’m outside.

  I leap up from my bed, suddenly feeling full of energy. Opening the window, I pop my head out. And sure enough, there he is. My man. With a huge grin on his face.

  ‘Can I come in?’

  ‘How are you going to climb up here?’ I whisper-shout back. But he grasps the downpipe and makes his way up. In a matter of seconds, he’s through and lifting me off my feet. His lips find mine and our tongues dance that familiar dance. It still surprises me that he chose me. That I am going to spend the rest of my life with this man—and have his babies in a few short months. All of this runs through my mind as his lips and tongue wander, finding my collarbone.

  ‘Wait, do you think we should wait so tomorrow is more special?’

  He looks almost hurt, and I want to laugh, but I maintain my straight face.

  ‘Really? Is that what you want?’ he asks, and I can hear the disappointment. But I know if I tell him now that we have to wait, he will do it. Because that’s the kind of guy he is. And I love him so damn hard for it. I laugh and watch the relief flood his face.

  ‘Come here.’ He pulls me to him and onto the bed. I straddle him, and before I know it, I’m naked, and he’s inside me, leaving me feeling gloriously full.

  Hours pass as I lay in his arms with that half asleep, post-sex feeling. I feel him shift beneath me, and I lift my head. He kisses my head.

  ‘Gotta go, baby. Its bad luck for me to see you before the wedding.’

  ‘Lie back down. I don’t believe in all that crap.’

  ‘Me either, but I’m not risking it. I’ll see you at the altar, baby. I’ll be the one with a huge ass smile on my face.’

  I bite my bottom lip and giggle. ‘We’re really getting married tomorrow.’

  His smile turns into a grin. ‘We sure are, baby, don’t be late,’ he tells me kissing my lips.

  ‘Isn’t it tradition for the bride to be late?’

  ‘Grrr, well don’t keep me waiting too long then.’ I smile and get up onto my knees, the comforter sliding down my body revealing my growing belly and my swollen boobs. ‘Babe you’re killing me here, how am I supposed to leave you looking all sexy and hot?’

  ‘Easy, just remember, I’ll be the one in the white dress, racing down the aisle to you.’

  He laughs so loudly that I’m sure the others will have heard him. And then he climbs out of the window just as deftly as he climbed in. ‘Be careful!’ I hiss as I watch him go. He chuckles. As he jumps the short remaining distance, he turns and dramatically blows me a kiss, which I catch.

  I COULDN’T FUCKING sleep without Devon. I tossed and turned all night because she wasn’t there. And now I’m tired as shit, and the boys want to go out and have pre-drinks. Fucking pre-drinks. It’s my wedding, not a night out. I turn over as I hear Brad shout for me again.

  ‘Come on, sleeping ugly. We gotta get this show on the road.’

  ‘Fuck off. I’ve got loads of time. I don’t want to go out.’

  ‘Jesus, guys, I think the princess needs a bit more sleep.’ Finally, he gets the message. All I have to do is shower, shave, and get dressed. Easy as pie. So, I don’t need to be up for another two hours. Wedding is at noon. And I’ll still make it there early. I turn back over and close my eyes.



  I didn’t sleep well because I wasn’t with Jared, and I think the excitement kept my mind spinning out of control, despite the amazing massages. I never sleep well before something big. I think my brain just likes to torture me. So, I’m tired as shit but as excited as a child at Christmas. I know I am already Jared’s, and he mine, but today is about solidifying that bond. Making me officially, Mrs Stone. I will wear his name like a badge of honour. I can barely contain my excitement when Zoe knocks on my door.

  ‘Hey, beautiful, are you ready to get hitched?’

  I sit up and wipe my eyes and smile. ‘Hell, yes!’ I leap out of bed, and she comes in to hug me.

  ‘I have a gift for you.’

  ‘Oh, Zoe, you shouldn’t have.’

  ‘Oh, I didn’t, this is all your man.’ She hands me a small box. I look at it, wondering what it could be. ‘Well, open it then. Jeez, woman, I’ve had that since yesterday! I’m dying to know.’ I pull the bow and the ribbon slides off. As I lift the lid, I see something glisten against the sunlight coming through the window. A circle within a circle pendant, on a beautiful silver chain. Engraved in the smaller circle, it says: ‘My everything’, and on the larger circle, it says today’s date. I lift it from the box, and the inner circle spins and engraved there is ‘Forever and Always’. I tear up and get an emotional lump in my throat.

  ‘Aww, babe, that’s so beautiful. Look at the li
ttle diamonds around the edge too.’ Zoe admires over my shoulder. ‘So, we’ve got breakfast ready. Do you want it up here or downstairs with the girls?’

  ‘With the girls! Eeeek, I’m getting married today!’ The pair of us squeal like toddlers and then make our way downstairs. The girls are sitting at the table in the kitchen—all still in PJ’s. Mrs Kessler is hard at work cooking sausage and bacon on the stove. On the table already are pastries, all kinds of fruit pancakes, and champagne. I decline the champagne and go for the OJ instead. I may have a sip or two later, but not this morning. The team of beauticians arrive while we’re still finishing up, but they join us for a coffee, and then we get a move on. My hair is washed, curled and set so that the curls don’t drop out. I have a beautiful veil to wear on a very small hairpiece, but that is being added at the last minute—the finishing touches to be done when I am finished with makeup and everything else. So I move on to the next lady and get my makeup done. Once we’re all finished, we all chat and giggle, and my nerves are forgotten until the moment my dress goes on. Mrs Kessler ohh’s and ahh’s enough for everyone, but I see a tear in Maiya’s eye as I turn in her direction.

  ‘Don’t you cry now! My makeup will run!’ I tell her smiling.

  ‘Devon, you look so amazing.’

  ‘Thank you.’ The girls leave me to get their dresses on, and when they come back in, I am speechless at how great they all look! ‘Oh my god, you guys! You look amazing!’ Our flowers arrive in a chilled van, just in time for us to leave. Jared had booked a limo for us all. I still have no idea where we are headed to, but we all climb into the limo, and each of us is handed a glass of champagne as we do. I refuse mine and instead, am given a small glass of orange juice. Perfect.

  ‘A toast!’ Zoe declares. ‘To Devon and Jared!’

  ‘Cheers,’ we all say in unison. I look around at all the girls and feel so blessed, even Willow in such a short space of time has become a valued friend. I am so lucky to have all of these strong women around me. And be a part of this pack. I feel a lump in my throat, and my eyes sting a little. I swallow it down and look out of the window, trying to determine where we are heading. Eventually, we pull up outside a small church, and I can’t believe how beautiful it is. The weather is typical of January but dry and crisp, so I lift my dress and walk from the car through the gate into the churchyard. The girls surround me, and Harrison stands proudly in the doorway. He smiles at me, and my emotions almost get the better of me as he walks towards me and offers me his arm.

  ‘You look beautiful,’ he whispers, and that’s my undoing. I can’t even speak because the lump in my throat won’t let me. I smile back at him though, and he understands because he lifts his hand and wipes away the single tear that spills over. ‘Are you ready?’ I nod, and the girls line up in front of me. Willow and Imogen go first, followed by Maiya and Zoe. Harrison and I wait for our cue, and then we make the walk down the aisle.

  Jared is facing the front and beside him are Howard and Brad—both beaming at their bridesmaids. And then Jared turns, and his face splits into a huge grin. I almost skip down the aisle to him, but Harrison holds me steady, and we walk in time to the music, which, I notice Jared has chosen well. I hated the thought of the wedding march or something equally boring. I’m not familiar with this tune, but it’s beautiful: sax and piano. I love it. When I get close enough, I almost leap into his arms. Harrison stops, and the Vicar asks who gives this woman to this man?

  ‘I do,’ Harrison declares as he looks down at me. Again, my eyes fill with tears. As he says the words, he hands my hand to Jared, and then he takes a seat.

  The vicar talks for some time, but I don’t really hear him—my eyes are on Jared and his are on mine. It’s like the room is empty, and only he and I exist.

  ‘I promise to love, honour, and protect you always. You are my life mate, my love, my everything.’ Tears stream down my face as the final words are spoken. Simple but so powerful.

  ‘I promise to love, honour, and obey you always. You are my forever and always.’

  We’d discussed the obey part, and I said I wanted it in the vows. He is my mate first, but he is also my alpha. And If I can’t obey him why would anyone else? So it remained in the vows, at my request, not Jared’s.



  When I see her walk towards me, I’m nearly brought to my knees. She’s so fucking perfect. Our vows are spoken, and she has tears running down her face as I speak mine. And I just want to fucking kiss her. But then it’s her turn. The vicar requests we kneel at the altar or some shit, so we do. Devon manages it, lifting the front of her dress. I can’t keep my eyes off her. The vicar is going on about some sacred oil, and starts, with a metal orb, wafting shit over and around us. It stinks. Incense he calls it. Fucking horrible I call it. But if that’s what we have to endure to be married, it’s good with me. I lean over and wipe the tears from Devon’s face, and as I cup her cheek in my hand, her eyes close, and she leans into my touch. I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from pulling her onto my lap. She’s so damn sexy, and I am horny as shit looking at her. Fuck, you’d think we had abstained for weeks the way I feel right now. I can just imagine what she’s wearing under that dress. Thankfully, we’re kneeling there for a while because I have to clear my head of the filthy fucking images I have of my almost-wife.

  Howard steps forward to present the rings, and the vicar goes through the same ritual with them as he did us. Blessing them, he places them on a red cushion and waves the orb around it, mumbling something in Latin, I think.

  ‘The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward spiritual bond, which unites two hearts in endless love. And now, as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, Jared, you may place a ring on the finger of your bride.’

  ‘I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you,’ I say sliding the ring onto her finger. I take a deep breath as I look at the ring against her engagement ring. The perfect fit—just like we are.

  ‘By the same token, Devon, you may place a ring on the finger of your groom.’

  ‘I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.’ She slides the ring onto my finger and bites her bottom lip as I hold her hand to my lips and kiss just above her rings.

  ‘By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.’ The church breaks out in cheers and applause, and I only just hear the vicar say, ‘You may now kiss your wife.’

  ‘Thank fuck for that,’ I mumble dragging her to me. Our lips crush together, and the crowd once again erupts with whistles and applause. I slide my tongue in. I can’t help it. Finally, she is Mrs Devon Stone.

  ‘May I now introduce to you Mr and Mrs Jared Stone!’ The Vicar proclaims.

  We’re taken into a smaller room to sign the register, and then a million and one fucking photos are taken. I just want to take her back to my bed. But out in the courtyard, we have yet more taken.

  It’s about two hours before we finally get into the limo. Just the two of us. Everyone else is making their way back to my father’s house. Meanwhile, I will be undressing my wife and consummating this marriage. I get on my knees in front of her as the secrecy panel goes up, hiding us from the driver. A mischievous smile spreads across her face as I begin to lift her dress and find her panties underneath.

  ‘Jared,’ she whispers all breathy like I’ve already fucked her. I pull her panties to one side, and I’m just about at licking distance when she says it again.

  I move out from under her layers. ‘What’s up, baby?’

  ‘Can he see through?’

  ‘Nope, and, baby, I can’t fucking see under all that either, but I’m still going in.’ I move back under and before she can breathe another word my mouth connects with her pussy. And fuck me it tastes good. I have her cumming and biting down on her lip, desperately trying to keep the noise down, just as we pull up outside. Licking my fingers, I pull he
r dress down so she’s decent and adjusting myself, we get out of the limo, hand in hand. I carry her over the threshold, even though it’s not our home. Giggling the whole way up the stairs, she wraps her arms around my neck until we get to my bedroom, and I put her down. I halt her hands as she moves to undo her dress.

  ‘I want to be the one to take you out of that dress.’

  She bites her lip. ‘Have at it husband.’ She giggles.

  ‘I intend to, wife. Now come here,’ I growl out. Making her squeal as I approach her.


  ‘Jared… I… aaaammmm,’ she growls like she wants to kill me.

  ‘You’re doing so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.’

  ‘Aaaaaaarghhhhhh.’ She squeezes my hand, and I seriously think she’s stopping the blood flow to my digits, but I grin and bear it. She’s giving birth. It’s the least I can do.

  ‘Baby, how about some pain relief now?’ I ask and soon wish I’d kept my fucking mouth shut.

  ‘I DON’T FUCKING WANT IT!’ she growls out, and I’m not going to lie, she’s doing a pretty good impersonation of the exorcist right now. But again, I bite my tongue.

  ‘Okay, baby, I’m just checking that’s all.’

  ‘Please, can you get me a drink?’ And right then, she’s back to normal, for a second anyway. Apparently, I wasn’t fast enough getting her water, because she’s back to the exorcist seconds later. Jesus, I hate seeing her in this much pain, when there is fuck all I can do but stand by and watch.

  ‘Mrs Stone, if you want an epidural, I’d say now is a good time.’

  Her eyes widen, and she glares at the midwife. ‘Why? Is something wr…oooooong?’ she says having another bad contraction.

  ‘You’re having twins, and with multiple births, an epidural is usually a good idea, just in case.’


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