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Falling Into Place

Page 28

by Brandy L Rivers

  Robert sat down beside her and pressed two fingers deep into her dripping sheath. Her breath hitched when he found her sweet spot, rubbing until she cried out.

  Tremaine moved out of the way and gave her a strained command. “Flip over.”

  Surprisingly, she did as told.

  He took Robert’s hand and sucked her juices from his fingers. Robert groaned.

  “Are we trying to torment her? Or make her beg?” Robert asked as he sat up and grabbed the oil.

  Tremaine chuckled. “Make her beg, because I really like the way she feels all slippery and relaxed. Not to mention, she looks really fucking scrumptious all oiled up and sprawled out.”

  Tremaine was right about that. She looked edible. Her long leanly muscled legs, her round little ass he wanted to sink his teeth into, and enough hips to hold onto. She had always been the woman he compared all others to, his ideal perfection.

  “You can stop talking about me like I’m not here,” she murmured.

  Tremaine caught her pebbled nipples, pinching lightly. Robert pressed two fingers into her.

  “Fuck,” she cried. “Right there, yes.”

  They both took their hands away, and Robert grinned at Tremaine. Her eyes flashed to each of them. “What the hell? Why did you stop?”

  “Beg,” Tremaine said darkly.

  She sat up with fire in her eyes. “You’re sitting there getting off on touching me, and teasing me. Why should I beg too?” Tremaine reached for her breast and she crossed her arms over her chest with a scowl.

  He answered, “Because men like to know what their woman wants.”

  “And if I don’t want to beg?” she growled.

  Robert grabbed her under the knees and yanked her hard enough she fell back with a gasp. “Then maybe we won’t make you come again.”

  “Then I’m going to take a shower. By myself.” She sat up.

  Tremaine pushed her back down and straddled her waist. His hands going to her breasts. He tsked at her. “You don’t want a shower, and certainly not by yourself.”

  * * * *

  Liz glared up at Tremaine, but the bastard was right and he knew it. She also knew that if she wanted to stop, they would both let her walk away the second she said it.

  She felt the bed dip and move as Robert scooted down her body, and spread her wide. She tried to close her legs, but he put his shoulders between her thighs and flicked his tongue over her clit.

  Tremaine’s erection lay between her breasts as he plucked and twisted her nipples until she couldn’t catch her breath. He started out teasing, and she was tempted to beg, but she didn’t want to play games. She just wanted them.

  She caught her lip between her teeth and her hands landed on his knees, her nails cutting skin as her back bowed. Tremaine looked back to see Robert making love to her with his mouth.

  “Fine, don’t beg,” Trem chuckled. He squeezed her breasts around his cock and her head fell back as he started to move his hips.

  Trem had already sensitized every inch of her flesh, and the way he pumped his shaft between her slicked up breasts felt incredible.

  Liz got herself under control and raised her head to lick the slit of his cock.

  “Oh, God, yes,” he breathed, and then she sucked his head into her mouth, her tongue teasing the ridge of his crown. “Fuck, that’s so damned good, Liz. Please.”

  Robert laughed, his breath skating over her thighs. “I thought you wanted her to beg, not the other way around.”

  “You try fucking her breasts and having her mouth on you, then tell me you won’t beg.” She giggled before sucking him in. He almost fell forward but caught himself on the headboard with a moan. “Oh fuck, Liz, that’s so damned good.” She did it again, and he really started begging. “Please, oh please, please, fuck, please.”

  Robert chuckled. “I’m only pointing out that our woman turned the tables on you, but I’m not the man who told her to beg.”

  Trem groaned and Liz kept right on until his cock jerked and he gave her every drop.

  He rolled to his side as Robert slid a third finger into her. She heard the needy sound he drew from her, his eyes sparkled as he licked and sucked her clit until pleasure erupted every direction and she was left deaf and blind, only able to feel as she was washed away with passion.

  When she finally opened her eyes, Robert was still kneeling before her. He picked her up and sat her on his cock. “Oh, I don’t think I can move yet,” she whimpered.

  Robert chuckled that deep masculine chuckle. “I’ve got this.” He moved her up and down while she clung to him. Tremaine pressed in behind her, one hand on her ass, spreading her further. And then she felt the blunt head of his cock push into her.

  There were hands everywhere as both men pumped into her. They kissed over her shoulder, and she might have been jealous but they felt so damned good she couldn’t complain. Their rhythm matched, both pushing into her at the same time as they kissed deep and hard while holding her in place.

  Someone had their thumb on her clit, someone was pinching and twisting her nipple and she came again, but both men stopped moving and held her there for a moment. The only sound was their ragged breathing. “You didn’t, neither of you did. Don’t stop.” She wouldn’t say please, at least she was thinking a little.

  “I want it to last.” Robert grunted and started his retreat. Tremaine did the same.

  “I’m not lasting much longer,” Tremaine panted, “I’m almost there.” He sucked her pulse point behind her ear and she came. She cried out as they both pressed deep and followed. They wound up in a heap on the bed.

  Chapter 30

  Amethyst sat at one of the tables in the front of Inktastic with Fallon. She was kicked back in her seat looking at dresses in a magazine. “I still can’t believe you’re looking at these.” Amethyst twisted the ends of her purple hair as she looked over at Fallon.

  “Why’s that? It’s a wedding. We want simple, but I still need to wear a dress.”

  “Yeah, but I totally see you in a cute, simple, flowing white dress. Something summery, maybe silky. Maybe to your knees, no sleeves. Your hair down, with white flowers in it.” Amethyst sat back and chewed her bottom lip. “Barefoot of course, druid and all, it would have to be outside, with the sun shining.”

  Fallon nodded. “You’re right. I need to stop listening to Jess before she convinces me to go with some fancy smancy dress I will never be able to stand.” She grinned and put the book down. “Besides, Brody doesn’t care as long as I’m his. If I told him no wedding, he’d be okay, but I really do want this.”

  “I know. I’m so happy for you.”

  Fallon turned toward her. “So what do you think you’ll wear?”

  “Something similar, but with color. I was thinking maybe peach, or lavender. Something soft.”

  “You can wear whatever you want, Ame. I trust you fully.” Fallon grinned. “I’m going to go chat with Brody. I can’t believe how fast it’s coming.”

  “I know, but you’re ready.”

  Fallon squeezed Amethyst’s shoulder and got up to head out the front door.

  Amethyst sat back in her seat to daydream.

  Not long after Fallon left, a gunshot rang out behind the shop. She was on her feet and running to the door before she could think.

  Hayden slumped against the door, blood running down the glass as he slid to the side.

  Panicked, she burst through the door as Hayden’s image faded. A scarred man with a cruel smile lay in his place. She kicked out, catching him in the groin. He let out a howl of pain as he dropped to his knees. That didn’t stop him from cuffing her ankles in iron, while someone else chained her wrists.

  Twisting away, Amethyst screamed as a cloth bag came down over her head, taking away the sound. She could only feel as a rough hand closed over her throat, closing off her air.

  * * * *

  Hayden rushed into the shop, but he didn’t feel Amethyst. He only got the sense she was in trouble and he ha
d come running. Fallon stood in the hall, a confused look on her face.

  “Where is she?” Hayden demanded.

  Fallon shook her head. “I only left for fifteen minutes. She’s not here. Her car’s here. Her phone. Her purse. It doesn’t make sense.”

  The ground rumbled as Hayden closed his eyes and tried to make sense of the smells in the shop. He followed the most recent trace of her scent out the back. He saw the tire marks from a van pulling out. His vision faded to red as he reached for his phone.

  He dialed Robert and prayed that Preston was either with him, or where Robert could bring him to the shop. He knew mages had been there. There was only one mage he knew who wanted anything to do with Amethyst, but he had never met the bastard.

  Two rings later, Robert answered with a yawn. “Morning, Hayden.”

  He heard sheets rustling around and bodies moving, then Tremaine’s voice. “What does Hayden want?”

  “Don’t know,” Robert muttered. “What’s going on?”

  “You mentioned that piece of shit mage that wanted to hurt Amethyst was involved with your brother. I think he might have her, and I need your and Preston’s help. Please.” Hayden slammed his hand against the wall and the whole building shuddered. “She hasn’t been gone long, but I can’t risk losing her.”

  “We’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Preston will be with us.” Robert hung up.

  Hayden only cared about one thing. Getting Amethyst back. If he had any idea where to start looking he would, but the tire marks had faded, and any trace of the van or the people in it were gone, including Amethyst. He knew magic was blocking their connection, and it scared the abyss out of him.

  “Hey, we’ll find her,” Fallon told him.

  “You might want to call your man. Just to let him know what you’re getting up to,” Hayden warned her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Already did. He’s on his way.”

  Brody came around the corner, concern plain on his face. “Don’t look so surprised. I got your back,” Brody told him.

  * * * *

  Liz yanked on her clothes and turned back to glare at Robert. “Don’t give me that look. Of course I’m going. It’s my fault that sick fuck has Ame. I’m not letting anything happen to her. Besides, I’m not going to stand by while you go after James.”

  Tremaine laced up his boots and cast Robert a dark look. “We stand a better chance together than apart. Do you really think Liz would ever leave you behind if she were planning to go? She let you come with her when she still thought you might try to stop her from killing James all those years ago.”

  Robert pulled a sweater over his head, and smoothed down his jeans. Liz normally found it amusing how he was so at home in his fancy tailored suits, but uncomfortable in casual clothing. He looked good no matter what, even when he was scowling at her, and pissed because she refused to stay where it was safe.

  “I’m worried.” Robert directed his attention at Tremaine, as if Tremaine was going to take another side but hers. “I don’t want anything else to happen to Liz.”

  “Then watch my back and make sure nothing else does, but you are not leaving me here,” Liz snapped as she slammed her feet into her boots.

  “You’re right,” Robert grumbled, rubbing a hand over the scruff on his normally shaved face. She really liked this roughed up version, but now wasn’t the time to think about that.

  “Thank you,” she smirked and started for the stairs.

  Robert growled. “For the record, Trem, I know I can’t talk her out of going, but damn it, I want her safe.”

  She heard Tremaine as she walked down the stairs. “Ditto, but that’s not how she works. She doesn’t do safe at home, she goes in with spells crackling and is always the one who comes out the winner. I wouldn’t stress so much. She will be fine.”

  Liz found Preston in the kitchen, already dressed. “So, I know things between you and Amethyst are a little strained of late, but she’s in trouble and Hayden could use your help. We all could.”

  Preston shot to his feet. “What happened? What the fuck is going on?”

  She shook her head. “Robert got a call a couple minutes ago. I guess she was at Inktastic but she’s not there now. There were mages. That’s all I know.”

  “Of course. Okay, yeah, I’m in.”

  She smiled sadly. “You know, she told me a little of what’s going on. She misses you.”

  He nodded. “She has Hayden, and they’re right for each other. I just needed time to accept the fact that I had plenty of chances to figure out what I felt and I blew it. It’s too late, but you know what? The bond she shares with Hayden, I can’t compete with that, and I don’t want to.”

  “Doesn’t mean she has to lose you as a friend.”

  “She hasn’t. I know that I need to man up and deal with it. I’m done wallowing in my own stupidity.”

  “Good.” Liz grinned. “When you aren’t being an ass, you’re a good guy to have around.”

  Preston snorted. “Yeah. Don’t let that get out. It’s easier when everyone thinks I’m an ass.”

  * * * *

  The sound of rushing water was close, the air was muggy like they were outside, but sheltered from the early August sun. Amethyst could hear the mages arguing somewhere nearby.

  She was careful not to move and kept her breathing slow and easy. The longer they thought she was asleep the better off she was. Or so she hoped. She had a headache, the iron binding her to the chair irritated her skin, but she didn’t think she suffered any worse injuries than that.

  “She can heal me,” a vaguely familiar voice snarled.

  “And do you really think it will be as simple as her healing you?” There was something dark and twisted in his voice. “Healer or not, she isn’t going to heal you out of the kindness of her heart. She’s was fighting against you. Didn’t you say she froze last time you saw her?”

  “She did. She was terrified last time. She’ll be terrified again.” There was a dark promise there, and then her blood ran cold because she remembered who the voice belonged to.

  Jarvis. Her mother had told her exactly how he had lost the majority of his power, and why he still preyed on her kind, hoping to gain back what was taken.

  “Jarvis held me for a week. I was tired of trying to dodge his advances.” Opal had shuddered, but carried on with the tale. “He kept me trapped in a very beautiful room, offering me jewels, clothing, whatever I wanted, except my freedom.”

  Amethyst knew how much her mother hated to be cooped up, and how much she detested being locked down by anyone with the exception of Gabriel who never forced his will on her. He was happy to be at her side, and Opal was in love with him.

  “What did you finally do?” Amethyst asked.

  “When he last came to me, I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. Before long he was finished, and most of his power was drained, but to take all of a mages power is to either kill them or condemn them to the ways of dark mages. I didn’t want his death on my hands, so I left him weakened.”

  “It seems to have backfired.” Amethyst winced at her own words, but only a few weeks had passed since she came face to face with Jarvis.

  “Yes, I realize that now. I should have drained him dry, and left it at that.” Opal’s eyes were cold and icy as she said it, as if taking the mage’s life would have been no different than squashing a bug. “Unfortunately, he has hurt many of us, trying to find his gifts again, but he can’t ever have them back. What he did to others with his power was even worse than the crimes he commits now.”

  Amethyst still didn’t understand how that could be. Honestly though, she didn’t want to dwell on it. She didn’t know much about the victims before Opal took his power, but she knew her mother would never give his power back.

  “Pretty little Amethyst,” Jarvis murmured. He was closer now, and she fought not to jump at the words. It took every ounce of her will to sit there, her neck hanging loose. “I thought you only strangled her until
she slipped into unconsciousness. She should be awake by now,” he growled.

  The cloth bag was yanked from her head and she let her head roll forward again. His hand tangled in her hair, yanking it back up. She felt his acrid breath on her face as something rough brushed her cheek. “Wake up little one.”

  Doing her best to act, she fluttered her eyes opened and tried to pull back. Jarvis winced, his dark eyes filling with pain. He caught her jaw in his hand and forced her gaze to him. “Our time was cut short last time.”

  Amethyst glared back at him. This time, she wasn’t afraid of what he might do. Now she was more worried about what she would do to keep him from touching more than her face.

  “Ooh, now you have some fight?” His brow arched as he let go of her hair, but she didn’t try to jerk away, she held his gaze, trying to think of anything she could do with the iron firmly locked around her ankles and wrists.

  “I told you, she’s not afraid,” the stranger said, an amused tone coloring his words.

  Her gaze shifted to his scarred face. She quickly took in his appearance. It looked as if he’d been set on fire years ago. She only had one question. Who the heck is he?

  “Brave little thing, aren’t you.” His smile reminded her of Freddie Krueger having a bad day, minus the bladed nails.

  She fought the urge to wet her lips as she took a quick look around. She was in a three walled shack near the river. She had to wonder whose plan it was to take a water nymph to water. That had stupid written all over it.

  “Oh, now, don’t get any ideas. You can’t do much with Iron wrapped around your delicate skin,” Jarvis taunted. “That is until you help me with this.” He held up his hands. The skin was blistered and oozing, his fingertips blackened.


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