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The UN Series Complete Box Set

Page 172

by Shantel Tessier

  The only part that I heard was that he went looking for me. “Why were you looking for me?” Does it matter? Of course not. Just plain curiosity.

  “To apologize.”

  I place my coffee mug on the coffee table and lean back on the couch, getting comfortable. “I thought you didn’t apologize?”

  He shrugs. “Some things deserved one and that was one of them.”

  Well, shit! Does Parker O’Hare have a soft side? It can’t be. “I guess I should apologize as well.”

  “No.” He lifts his right hand to stop me. “I should have never called you…” he pauses.

  “A hooker,” I finish for him. Technically, he had said I was out hooking. It didn’t hurt my feelings, but it sure as hell pissed me off.

  “Yes. A hooker. I’m sorry.”

  “No worries.” I try to blow his apology off. “That’s not the worst thing I’ve ever been called,” I say with a laugh that he doesn’t return. I cough as I try to stop it.

  “So, your dad?”

  I take a deep breath. “He’s still in the hospital.” I had decided on a nursing home today. I get to go and move him tomorrow afternoon. And although that’s not what I want to do, I know that is what’s best for him.

  “I’m sorry to hear about that,” he says in all seriousness.

  I nod my head because there’s nothing I can say to that. It sucks for me and for him. But at least my father doesn’t have to live with what he can’t remember. I will have to for the rest of my life. The only thing he thinks of is my mother, the ungrateful bitch. Just thinking about her makes me tense. I reach behind my neck and try to rub my upper back.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah. My back is just killing me.”

  “You said you’re a nurse at the hospital?” he asks. I nod. “Standing on your feet for long periods of time must be stressful.”

  “It can be,” I say. “But I love my job,” I say with a proud smile. “Your job must be stressful. You know? People hitting you in the nose.” I can’t help but laugh when he laughs. It’s deep and powerful and makes his eyes light up. Ignore that feeling in the pit of your stomach and keep your legs crossed.

  “Yeah. I have those days where I run into the crazies.” He continues to laugh and I look down at my coffee mug. “But those are the ones that you remember the most.”

  I look up at him and see him watching me intently. It makes me shift in my seat.

  “Where did you learn to speak French?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

  The sudden change in subject doesn’t help my unease. “My mother was French,” I say, hating that I have to bring her up. Why didn’t I just say school? That would have been an easier answer.

  “Was?” he asks.

  “She’s dead.” Well, she’s dead to me.

  His face softens. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” I’m not. I hate for anyone to feel pity for a dead mother who doesn’t exist.

  I place my hand over my mouth as I cover a yawn and he stands to get my attention. “I should go so you can get some rest.” He starts to walk to the door and I stay seated like an idiot. He may try to kiss you. And that can’t happen. “Thanks for the coffee,” he says with a smirk on his face, and I have a feeling he’s laughing about something.

  I look down at my dress to make sure I’m not flashing him. “Welcome,” I say awkwardly and his smirk grows.

  He turns around and walks out of my house. I fall back onto the couch and let out a long sigh. I need sleep.


  I feel slobber on my face as Boner, my pit bull, licks me. “Stop,” I say trying to shove him off me. He plops down beside me, and I open one eye to see him staring at me as if he’s starving. I reach out and pet him and he starts to pant. My father got him for me four years ago. I came home from Oklahoma to spend his birthday with him, and he surprised me with a present. He said I needed protection and a dog would help him sleep better at night. I fell in love with him and he is great protection. Everyone who looks at him is terrified, but he’s just a big teddy bear. “Such a good boy,” I say, rubbing the top of his head and he rolls over onto his side. “Yes, you are…”

  I sigh heavily as I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up to see Sexy Motherfucker display on my screen along with a selfie of Parker sitting on my couch from last night. That sneaky little bastard got on my phone while I was in the kitchen. And that’s why he was wearing that smirk when he left last night. He had gone through my phone and got my number. I go to hit ignore but find myself pressing answer.

  “What do you want, Parker?” I stretch my body and can feel the tightness in my back.

  “Well hello to you too, sweetheart,” he says with a chuckle.

  I roll my eyes. “Why are you calling me so early?” I roll over onto my stomach and close my eyes waiting for his response. Boner licks the back of my head reminding me that he needs to be fed. “Why are you calling me at all?” is a better question.

  “I’m calling to tell you to get ready. I’m taking you on a date.”

  “Not happening.” Geez, this guy is persistent. “And it’s like ten in the morning.”

  “It’s not up for discussion. Now, get up. No need for make-up. Or to fix your hair. You’re going to have to shower afterward anyway.”

  My eyes spring open. “Are you entering me in mud wrestling match?” I put nothing past this guy. He seems like the type to like to watch girls wrestle.

  “Damn. I must tell you thank you for that visual, but no, that is not it.” He chuckles again. “Now, get dressed.”

  I roll onto my back and look up at my ceiling. Boner whines beside me, and I reach over to pet him. I have nothing else to do today. Well, not until later. “How should I dress?” I cringe at the thought of Parker O’Hare taking me anywhere. But my thighs tighten as I imagine looking at him.

  “Doesn’t matter. You’ll be taking it off anyway,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “I’m not going to go to a sex club with you, Parker.” I’m pretty sure they have those here in St. Louis. The question is—are they open this early?

  “Is that all you think about? Sex?”

  Sex. It’s been too long. “Isn’t that all you think about?”

  “Touché,” he answers laughing. “Now. Seriously, I’m only about ten minutes away.”

  “Parker…” He hangs up on me.

  Placing my phone back on my nightstand, I angrily kick off my bed sheets and Boner barks. “I know,” I say running into the kitchen to put some food in his bowl.


  Why did I answer my phone? I ask myself as I pace back and forth in my entryway. I could be doing a lot of things today besides spending it with this idiot.

  “Like what?” I ask myself out loud.

  “Anything. I could go…”

  The doorbell rings as I talk to myself like a weirdo. I take one deep breath to calm the nerves that I seem to have all of a sudden and open the front door.

  “Who were you talking to?” he asks by greeting.

  I allow my eyes to look him up and down like they always seem to do. He has on a white fitted shirt with the sleeves cut off. His tan and muscular arms are on full show and I swallow nervously. How am I going to be able to go anywhere with him without jumping on him? He wears a pair of black sweatpants that hang low and all I can think about is if he has the V. The one that makes all girls want to lick them. Yeah, that would do me in.

  I clear my throat. “I was on my phone,” I answer his question before I grab my purse and walk out the door. Let’s get this date over with so I can get away from him.

  I thank him as he opens up the passenger door for me. Hmm. He’s being way too polite.

  He climbs up into the driver’s seat and starts the truck before pulling out of my driveway. I inhale the smell of his truck and my insides tighten. It smells one hundred percent man—clean and refreshing. And it surprises me to find the inside extremely clean. He seems like someone who wou
ld throw dirt on it just to give it the rough and used look.

  He rests his arm on the steering wheel as he places his glasses over his eyes. I place my sunglasses on as well so I can look out of the corner of them to watch him.

  “What type of music do you like?” his deep voice asks and I jump. He chuckles. “Nervous?” he asks, not looking over at me.

  “Didn’t get much sleep,” I lie. I actually slept pretty damn well. “And anything is fine,” I say answering his question.

  He goes to turn the stereo on when my phone rings. He places his hand back on the steering wheel. I dig into my purse and see it’s Robert, the doctor that I allowed to take me out last night. I don’t want to talk to him, but I also hate to ignore him. I see the guy every time I work at the hospital.

  “Hello?” I ask.

  “I’m so sorry about last night,” he rushes out. “I don’t know what happened.” He takes a deep breath.

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I saw that guy talking to you. I heard about how you and your ex got in a fight a few weeks back and then how he’s suing you.” I sigh. “And then I saw him sitting there with you.”

  “That wasn’t my ex,” I say and Parker grins. I know he can hear Robert speak as well since he didn’t turn the music on.

  “Oh.” He sounds disappointed. “Well, I got mad. And confused. I just want to tell you that I’m very sorry,” he says sounding disappointed in himself.

  “No worries,” I assure him. There won’t be another date, but there’s no need to apologize. Nothing happened.

  I hang up and place the phone in my lap. “Sorry,” I say, feeling even more awkward now that I answered the call.

  “No worries,” he says, making fun of me. I give him a hard look as the truck starts to slow down.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask as we pull up to a salon and day spa. “Are you trying to tell me something?” Do I need to get my hair colored? Do I have zits that need to be scrubbed off?

  He shakes his head as he chuckles but gives no answer. He removes the keys from the ignition and then lifts up his center console. I take a look in it, being nosy. My eyes widen in surprise when I see a set of handcuffs and a black handgun sitting in there. He grabs his wallet and then shuts it. Were those the ones he used on me? At the time, I was pissed at the cop who held me down. Now, that thought turns me on. Would he be that rough with me knowing who I am? Or would he be soft?

  “What?” he asks getting my attention.

  I pull back quickly and look up at him. “Nothing.”

  “I’m a cop. I always have a gun and a set of handcuffs with me,” he informs me, and I nod reaching for the door handle. I follow him inside, and he gestures for me to sit down before walking up to the desk.

  “Hello, Mr. O’Hare,” the brunette says from behind the desk the moment she sees him.

  I refrain from rolling my eyes as she pushes her nonexistence tits out. Parker eats it up as he smiles brightly at her. “Hey, Lindsey.” His voice has changed to more of a seductive tone and I can almost hear her moan. Douche.

  I have to look away before I vomit. I reach over and pick up a magazine blocking out whatever they have to talk about.

  I sit there for about fifteen minutes enjoying the silence as he sits beside me. I like that he’s not being much of a talker today. The last few times I’ve seen him, he’s either hitting on me or pissing me off. “Mr. O’Hare,” a woman calls out his name. “We’re ready for you guys.”

  I look up at Parker as he stares down at me with that smirk on his face. I toss the magazine onto the table next to my seat and stand. He places his hand on the small of my back to guide me down the hallway to the back and I notice the look of disappointment from the girl sitting behind the front desk.

  I shove Parker’s hand off my back as we walk down the darkened hallway. The lady I’m following comes to a stand and turns to face us after opening the door to a room. “You know the drill, Mr. O’Hare. I’ll be back in five minutes.” Then she turns and walks away leaving us together.

  “What are we doing, Parker?” I whisper harshly.

  “Come on.” He grabs my upper arm and pulls me into the room. It’s dark but not black. There’s a sound of a piano softly playing in the background. A dark brown color paints the walls, and there’s a soft light coming from under a brown lampshade tucked over in the corner. Then I look down in front of me and see two small yet long tables side by side. Each covered with a soft, white linen blanket. I finally realize what we are doing. We’re getting a massage. Together. Side by side.

  “A couple’s massage?” I blurt out.

  “Whoa,” he says placing a hand up. “It’s a little too soon to put a label on it,” he jokes.

  I wanna slap that smirk right off his face. “No.” I shake my head quickly as I take a step back from him. “I didn’t mean you and me. I meant…” I place my hand out. “This…”

  “Relax, Kat.” He gives me that little smirk that I’m growing to hate. “I was just joking with you.” He laughs and I narrow my eyes. “I just figured your tight ass could use some relaxation.” He takes a step toward me and I stand my ground. He reaches up and places his hand on my upper back. “You said your back was bothering you last night. I figured this couldn’t make it any worse.”

  I go to speak, but he takes a step back, reaches down, and pulls his white shirt up over his head. I watch the muscles move in his smooth chest and his six-pack as he kicks his shoes off and then pushes his black sweatpants down his legs. I stand frozen and stare shamelessly. The way his leg muscles flex as he removes his pants makes my heart beat faster. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex, and say what you want, but I love sex. I’m not that girl who can go without it. I need it.

  “Superman?” I question out loud not realizing it as he stands in his boxers in front of me. And what a sight that is. Maybe I was wrong about him being small. Don’t drool, Katherine.

  “Well, yeah,” he says with a shy smile. “I’ve always had a thing for superheroes. Superman was my favorite. I always wanted to fly.” He then turns around and crawls under the little thin sheet before lying on his stomach. I stand there staring at his back, the way the muscles roll like waves as he pulls the blanket up and over his ass. God, what an ass it is. I just wanna sink my teeth into it.

  “Don’t worry,” he says, making me jump. “I’m not gonna watch you get naked like you just did me.” He turns his head to look over his shoulder and winks at me. “But I’m glad you liked what you saw,” he smirks before lying his head down to look through the little hole on the massage table.

  I should say something—fire a comeback—but it’s too late now. And what would I say anyway? I literally stood there like an idiot and watched him undress. If I had dollar bills, I probably would have placed them in those Superman boxers just to feel that V that every girl drools over. Of course, he has one.

  “You have about one minute before they come in,” he mumbles not moving.

  It snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly undress and place my phone on silent before tossing it into my purse.

  I sigh as I lie down under the thin sheet and get my big boobs situated. I also lie face down and smile to myself.

  “Make sure not to fart.”

  I raise my head and look over at Parker to see him looking at me with a straight face. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s a known fact that when the body becomes relaxed you can let wind.” He smiles.

  “Whatever.” I shift on the table and it pushes the sheet down a little exposing my upper back and my side boob. His eyes automatically look. I watch as his jaw twitches.

  I smile to myself and lie down placing my face down. I don’t adjust the sheets. The bastard is still staring at my side boob. He did pay for this; I might as well give him a little show. Like the one he gave me, which I’m sure was on purpose. The fucker. Now my pussy is wet and my mind is in the gutter.



  What does one think about when their dick is harder than a diamond in a polar bear’s ass? The answer is anything but the naked woman lying on the table next to him.

  Every now and then, I can hear her sigh. Or take a deep breath. I’m trying to relax as the woman rubs her hands on me, but all I can think about is the other woman who is rubbing all over Katherine’s body. The slippery oil making it so easy for her hands to roam all over her body.

  Fuck, Parker. Stop it! Think about something else. Anything else. Cats, my cat—Puss Puss. “You can roll over now,” Terri whispers down into my ear.

  Shit! I can’t do that. She’ll see my cock standing to attention. Hell, she might try to massage the damn thing. I lean up a little and try to whisper. “I wanna stay on my stomach.” Then I drop my head refusing to say anything else. Katherine is enjoying her massage, and I don’t want to disturb her. So, I motion with my right hand to continue massaging my backside in case she missed it.

  I feel her hands back on my calves and I close my eyes. At least she’s not gonna make me turn onto my back. I shift a little trying to release the pain in my cock that I’m smashing to death. It feels like it could pop like a can of biscuits. But only my biscuits would no longer be edible.

  The last twenty minutes go by excruciatingly slow. I eventually just give up the fight and let the dirty thoughts I have of her surface. I dreamed of doing her a hundred different ways in this room. Her on top of me. Me on top of her. Her bent over the massaging table while I pound into her from behind. My most favorite was her throwing her sheet off and crawling on top of me. Just as I imagine myself coming in her drenched pussy, Terri takes her hands off my body.

  “Okay. You guys are free to get dressed. We will be waiting right outside the door for you.”

  The second the two ladies close the door shut, I jump up off my table. I rush over to my pants and pull them up, trying to conceal my aching cock. It’s not until I’m completely dressed that I realize Katherine is still lying on her table with her eyes closed.


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