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Salene's Secrets

Page 33

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “Yes, that’s fair,” she said as though she hadn’t intended this all along. “I suppose if I had to come up with just one word that’s different from those you’ve already used, I’d have to say it was…hmm,” she trailed off, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Boring.” She nodded. “Yes, that’s exactly the right word. It was sweet, gentle, memorable, and boring.”

  She had just enough time to see both Talus’s and Kar’s mouths fall open before Jon leapt to his feet, reached her in one long stride, clamped his hands at her waist and lifted her up until her feet dangled several inches off the floor. He pressed her back against the wall as his mouth came down on hers hot and hard. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, taking possession without hesitation or a single trace of gentleness. This was more than just a kiss, she realized. It was a claiming.

  Salene’s entire body shook with sudden hot arousal unlike anything she’d ever felt before or even suspected possible. She heard a deep, needy groan and was surprised to realize it came from her. When Jon broke the kiss they were both panting harshly.

  “Still bored, love?” he rasped.

  She swallowed hard, hesitated for one moment, then threw caution to the winds. She’d often wondered what it would be like to make these three big, strong men lose a little bit of their control. Now that she’d gotten a taste of it, she wanted more. She licked her lips, her eyes locked with his and shrugged. “Not yet, anyway.”

  Jon’s eyes flared with heat as he grinned, then leaned down to nip her lip before handing her into Talus’s waiting arms. “She’s a siren, Talus,” he said. “How the hell did we miss that?”

  “That’s a good question,” Talus said, his voice low and gravely. “We’ll have to ask her. Later.” His kiss was as hot and hard as Jon’s had been, and even more demanding.

  She felt Kar pressing against her back just before his hands slipped beneath her shirt and cupped her breasts, squeezing and stroking before pinching her nipples firmly. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sensation of pure, hot pleasure that shot from her nipples to her clit like an electric current. She’d never felt anything like it, but she definitely wanted more.

  Talus lifted his mouth from hers, his mouth stretching into a smile she’d never seen on his face before. A smile that promised things she couldn’t begin to imagine, but knew with every feminine inch of her being that she wanted. “So, you were bored the first time?”

  Salene’s arousal slipped away as she dropped her eyes. “No, bored isn’t really the right word.” Kar’s fingers gentled in response to her sudden change in mood.

  “What is the right word?” Talus asked, softening his voice.

  “Disappointing,” she whispered.

  Talus nodded. “I know we disappointed you,” he began, then stopped speaking when her head came up.

  “No!” she exclaimed. “You didn’t disappoint me. I disappointed you.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because it’s true,” she said, dropping her eyes again. “If you weren’t disappointed, you would have wanted to repeat the experience. But you didn’t. Not that I blamed you.”

  “You think we didn’t want you again after that first time?” Talus asked as Kar moved around so that he was standing on one side of her while Jon moved to the other side.

  “I slept in the same bed with the three of you the following night on the Razor and when I woke up the next morning we were all still fully dressed,” she pointed out, her voice getting sadder and sadder with every word. “You never even tried to kiss me.” She hesitated, sighed, then decided that since she’d come this far she might as well tell them all of it. “And then there’s the way you look at me. Actually, it would be more accurate to say the way you don’t look at me.”

  “I don’t understand what you mean,” Jon said.

  “Male Clan Jasani look at their women like they can barely stand to have their hands off of her for more than a moment or two. Like their whole world is that one woman, and nothing else matters more than her.”

  “You don’t think we feel that way about you?” Kar asked.

  “No, I don’t,” she said, tears in her voice. “I’ve seen my dads look at my mom that way my whole life. I’ve seen Rayne’s Rami look at her like that and they’ve only been together a few weeks. Every mated male-set I’ve ever seen looks at their woman like that but I’ve never seen you look at me that way. Not ever. It was obvious that you weren’t sexually attracted to me.”

  “Do you believe that we love you?” Kar asked.

  “Yes,” she replied without hesitation. “I’ve always been able to feel how much you love me. The only time I didn’t feel it was when the Controllers broke faith with me, but I feel it again now. I know you love me, but I could never find a way to make you want me.”

  She felt Talus’s body tense against her and looked up to see his eyes dark with some emotion she couldn’t identify. “That’s the real reason you believed so quickly when the Controllers broke faith with you, isn’t it? You already believed we didn’t want you.”

  She stared at him for a long moment, but she couldn’t come up with a way to avoid answering. “Yes,” she admitted finally. “Why did you hide the truth from me?”

  “Why did you?” Jon asked.

  “No, Jon,” Talus said, not taking his eyes from Salene’s. “To begin with, it’s our responsibility to care for her, not the other way around, and we failed in that. Miserably so. In addition, she spared us having to tell her something that we had no idea how to tell. It’s only fair that we answer that question first.”

  “I agree,” Kar said, and Jon nodded. Talus picked her up and carried her back to the blankets where he sat down with her in his arms. Jon and Kar joined them and Talus arranged her across his lap so that she could see all three of them.

  “We hid because we didn’t want to scare you,” Talus said. “We spent five years away from Jasan working with ICARUS, and when we got back you were no longer a child. You were on summer break after your first year of college, barely nineteen years old, and so beautiful you took our breath away. When we got close enough to scent you the first time we were over the moon to discover that you were our berezi. But you were still so young, Salene. Too young to claim, and far too young for the things we craved. Waiting for you to finish college was both a relief, and a torture to us. Relief because we knew you were nowhere near ready for what we wanted, and being around you constantly while you were on break about drove us crazy with desire. And torture because every time you came home we hoped to see signs that you’d want the same things sexually that we did. But you never did. You hid your true self very well, Salene. The only question is, why?”

  “Because it terrified me,” she replied. “I never knew I had submissive tendencies until after I met you three, and I had virtually no idea what it meant. I’d done enough romance reading to recognize a few things in myself, but it wasn’t until I did some research that I began to understand it. I researched dominants, too, so I would have some idea what to look for. You three never exhibited any of the signs or traits I read about. Since it was clear to me by then that you weren’t attracted to me sexually, I was afraid that telling you the truth would just put you off even more.”

  “The research you read certainly did not include Clan Jasani males,” Jon said. “We’re a little different, love. We’re dominant sexually, but we prefer to keep that behind closed doors. That doesn’t fit with the general dominant male profile.”

  “I should have thought of that,” she said, shaking her head. “How stupid can I be?”

  “Not stupid, love, just inexperienced and confused,” Jon said.

  “I have a question,” Kar said.

  “Okay,” Salene replied.

  “How did you figure out what we were about to confess to you?”

  “I spoke with m…,” she broke off suddenly, realizing that naming her mother would be sharing intimate details about her parents that she had no right to share. “I spoke with someone
recently, before I left Jasan. A woman who I’d just accidentally learned was submissive. I asked her how she ever managed to tell her men.” Salene paused. When she began speaking again her voice was barely above a whisper. “I’d already lost you by then, so I knew I’d never have any use for the answers I sought, but I’d wanted to know for so long that I asked anyway.” She cleared her throat and looked up again. “The words Talus used, that you’d hidden your true selves, reminded me of something she said and it just sort of clicked in my head what you were about to tell me.”

  “Salene,” Talus said, then paused as he searched for the right words. “I’m sorry, more than sorry, that you’ve spent all this time thinking that our desire for you was less than it should be. I promise you that it’s not true. What you saw was us working very hard to rein in the true depths of our desire for you. It wasn’t easy for us, and we obviously made a mess of it, but you are our berezi and that’s what we thought you wanted. Since your needs come first above all things we believed we had no choice.”

  “If we’d all been honest with each other, it would have saved us all a lot of worry, stress, fear, confusion, and frustration,” Salene said sadly. “It’s almost funny in a way. Mom told me that Rami and their Arimas are made to be compatible in every way, including sexually. I guess I should have trusted in that.”

  “I believe this is one of those times when our uncles would tell us that our youth has worked against us,” Kar said. “They’d be right, too.”

  “So, now what?” Salene asked.

  Talus, Kar, and Jon looked at each other, then back to her. “Now we start over,’ Talus said. “From this point on, we’ll be true to ourselves and each other. And we’ll start right now.”


  “Yes, now,” Talus said, nodding at Jon and Kar. “We have some research of our own to do.”

  “Research?” she asked just before Jon reached over, grasped the waistband of her pants and pulled them off, taking her underwear at the same time. He tossed her clothes aside while Kar made short work of her top and bra. Jon slid his hands between her legs while Kar moved closer and reached for her nipples again. He pinched them, sending hot shivers through her body while at the same time distracting her from what Jon was doing.

  “She liked that,” Talus said to Kar. “Do it again.” Kar’s fingers tightened on her nipples and tugged. Salene shivered, her skin pebbling. “Harder,” Talus said. Kar’s fingers tightened still more. Then he pulled firmly, stretching her breasts up and away from her body before twisting just enough to make her gasp and arch her hips up toward Jon. Kar growled as Salene shuddered with the intensity of the pleasure that exploded within her.

  “She’s already wet to her thighs,” Jon said, his voice hoarse with arousal. “Lay her down, Talus, I need to get my mouth on this pussy.” Salene shivered at his words, barely aware of Talus lifting her up, then laying her down before he rose to his feet along with Jon and Kar. She looked up to see all three of them staring down at her before they quickly stripped off their own clothing.

  “Please tell me you have the rings,” Talus said to Jon, who nodded. He bent to pick up the pants he’d already dropped on the floor and removed something from a pocket. He handed something she couldn’t quite see to Talus and Kar before they all lowered themselves to the blankets next to her. Kar stretched out on her right, Talus on the left, and Jon knelt down between her legs. She blushed hotly, but made no move to stop him when he spread her legs widely apart, then laid down, his broad shoulders forcing her thighs even wider.

  “I can’t believe how wet you are,” Jon said, his voice rougher than she’d ever heard it. Then she felt his tongue lapping at her thighs before he spread her with his fingers and licked her with one broad stroke of his tongue, leaving her so close to orgasm that she whimpered.

  “We’ve dreamed of having you like this,” Talus said huskily. “Naked and spread wide between us. You’re so damn beautiful.” She watched him put something in his mouth, then he lowered his head to her breast and sucked hard on the nipple. She gasped softly as Kar did the same thing on the other breast. They raised their heads and smiled down at her with satisfaction. She felt something new, something tight, on both nipples but she couldn’t imagine what it was. She raised her head a little and looked down, surprised to see a tiny golden ring around the base of each hardened nipple.

  “Stunning,” Kar breathed as he lightly pinched a nipple. The sensation was so intense that her back arched. “Like that, do you?”

  “Yes,” she gasped breathlessly.

  “Our rings look even better on you than we imagined,” Talus said, teasing her nipple with his fingers. “They should feel tight, and they should pinch just enough to keep your nipples hard and swollen, which will keep the rings from falling off until we take them off. Just remember to let us know if they start to hurt.”

  “All right,” she said. “I will.”

  “My turn,” Jon said. She looked down, her face heating when she saw his eyes on hers from between her legs. She watched as he put another gold ring in his mouth and then lowered his head. When he sucked her clit hard into his mouth she thought she was going to come. Then she felt the same tight sensation around her clit as she felt on her nipples, only it was far more intense.

  “Like the nipple rings, the clit ring squeezes your clit at the base, forcing it to swell up and stay hard and throbbing,” Talus said. “It also holds your hood back, fully exposing your clit to whatever sensations we decide to subject it to. For example, if Jon licks your clit now, it’ll feel much more intense than it did a moment ago.”

  As soon as Talus said that Jon licked her with the tip of his tongue. Her hips arched toward him but he refused to give her what she so obviously wanted. Instead he pressed her hips back down with his hands and licked it again before nipping it sharply with his teeth. She jumped and let out a surprised squeal even as hot goosebumps rose on her skin.

  “Did Jon nip your clit?” Talus asked in a low, deep voice. She nodded her head, incapable of speech at the moment. “You liked it.” She nodded again. Then Kar and Talus both began sucking on her nipples again at the same time. She’d been so focused on the sensations Jon was causing that she hadn’t realized how swollen and sensitive her nipples had become with the rings squeezing them. After a few moments Talus raised his head and smiled down at her.

  “I always thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but now…I don’t have a word to describe how utterly, erotically stunning you are at this moment, all hot, wet, and ready to come for us, your nipples and clit held tightly by our rings as you wait for us to do whatever we wish. You make me want to come every time you gasp.” Salene smiled but found that her facility for speech seemed to have disappeared.

  “Don’t let her come yet, Jon,” Talus said. “Put your fingers inside that tight little pussy and then go slow and easy.” When Jon slipped one finger into her, then added another, she arched her hips again, seeking more. Jon laughed.

  “Not yet, love. We have our own research to do now.”

  “That’s right,” Talus said. “We’re gonna say a few things to you, and ask you a few questions. Don’t worry though, you won’t have to say a word. Jon is going to tell us your answers.” Salene understood that whatever he said, her body was going to give away her answers whether she liked it or not and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about that.

  “Oh, she likes this game,” Jon said with another chuckle.

  “I guess that puts a big checkmark in the sexual helplessness box,” Kar said before leaning down to nibble on her ear, raising a fresh wave of goosebumps. Then he reached for one of her hands and brought it to his cock. She wrapped her fingers around the hot, hard flesh and stroked him the way they’d taught her that first night. That had been the only thing they’d taught her.

  “How would you like to have Kar’s cock in your mouth?” Talus asked. Her eyes closed without her permission as she shivered again.

e’d like that a great deal,” Jon said.

  Talus gave her nipple a slow hard pinch. “How would you like it if Kar shoved his cock all the way into your tight little throat?” Talus asked, his voice deepening so that she would have almost sworn she could feel it brushing her skin. He reached up and stroked her throat lightly with one finger. “His cock would stretch your throat so much that we’d be able to see the outline of it as he shoved himself in deep. So deep that you’d have to wait till he pulled out before you could even breathe.” Salene moaned, her body shifting restlessly. Talus went back to teasing her nipple.

  “She wants that so much she’s clenching on my fingers like she’s gonna come,” Jon said.

  “That’s good,” Kar said. “I can hardly wait to see her with a cock in her throat.”

  “Me neither,” Talus agreed. “How would you like to feel a cock buried deep in your ass?”

  “She’s a little uncertain on that one,” Jon reported.

  “I guess we’ll have to teach her to like it,” Talus said. “That’ll certainly be fun.” Salene looked into Talus’s eyes and gasped to see them almost black with desire. He smiled at her, that new smile that she was just beginning to understand.

  “I think we should spank her ass until she begs us to fuck it instead,” Jon suggested. Then he grinned. “She likes that idea, too.”

  “Since it’s our duty to see to her happiness in all things, I suppose we’ll have to do that,” Kar said, pinching her nipple again before bending down to suck it into his mouth.

  “The first chance we get, we’re going to remove all the hair from your pussy,” Talus said. “Permanently. It’ll be so soft and smooth, and so sensitive you’ll feel every tiny little whisper of air that touches it. We have all sorts of rings back home that we made just for you. Some are smaller, some thicker, some weighted with jewels, and some have little dangling charms that will brush your exposed clit when you move. Once your pussy is bare and smooth, we’ll put a tight, weighted ring on your clit. That’ll make it swell up more, and then stretch it so that it sticks out from between your pussy lips. Then we can see it and touch it and spank it whenever we want.”


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