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My Professor's Secret Baby

Page 1

by Jamie Knight

  My Professor’s Secret Baby

  Copyright © 2018

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10


  Chapter 11


  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13


  Chapter 14


  Chapter 15


  Chapter 16


  Chapter 17


  Chapter 18


  Chapter 19




  Sneak Peek of My Father’s Best Friend’s Secret Baby

  Sneak Peek of My Dad’s Rival’s Secret Baby

  Chapter 1


  "I'm so glad that you decided to hang up your nerd hat for the night and come party," yelled Layla, inches away from my ear.

  I had to strain to hear her over the loud techno music blaring from the loud speaker. The speakers seemed alive as they shook with each beat. The room was filled with sweaty bodies pulsing to the rhythm of the music. I nodded in Layla's direction.

  It felt nice to be out of my dark dorm room. I had been holed up for a few days, studying for a math test that I knew was going to be a major part of my overall grade in one of my classes.

  Earlier, while my head had been buried deep into my math book with all types of notes scattered all over my desk, Layla had stormed into my room, all huffy. She always had a demanding way about her, but I loved her anyway.

  "Where have you been? What are you doing?" she demanded, her hands on her hips.

  Her normally nearly porcelain white skin was bright red and her breathing was shallow. I could tell that she had been walking fast.

  I looked up, almost in a daze.

  “I’m studying,” I told her.

  "That’s all you ever do. But not tonight. We're going out," she said, grabbing my hand, not waiting for my response.

  “Hey. I have class tomorrow. Several, in fact. A math class, with a test. As well as that brand new class starting mid semester, due to them finally finding a professor for it. The Organic Chemistry class…”

  I tried to keep protesting, but Layla had a firm grip and was a lot stronger than she looked. Once I realized how insistent she was on making sure I went out with her, I stopped trying to fight.

  I’d learned some time ago that it was pointless to try to stop some people from getting what they wanted out of life, and Layla was one of those people. Vivacious, head strong, and always determined to grab life by the horns and make it hers, she was like some force of nature to be reckoned with.

  And I didn’t have it in me to do the reckoning. I felt overwhelmed with my college study work load and decided that she was probably right – a break from it all, a fun night out, would probably do me good.

  Now, standing there in the middle of the crowd, nursing a long island iced tea that I sipped out of a large, clear glass through a tiny, red straw, I made a face as I sucked in the liquid and cringed. Layla laughed, showing off all of her shiny, straight teeth.

  "Let me guess. You're a lightweight?" she yelled, thick veins bulging from her neck as she leaned toward me, smirking and shaking her head at me.

  I hoped that she wasn't surprised that the drink was strong for me. I could count on one hand the number of times I had indulged in any liquor at all. As a matter of fact, Layla had to make a few calls on the way to the club once she realized that I wasn't 21 yet and wouldn't be able to get in.

  "Damn, I forget how young you are," she had said, as she dialed the phone and waited for someone to pick up. "You should live a little."

  After she made a few calls and didn't get an answer, I started to think that our night was going to come to a grinding halt. After about the fourth call, though, someone picked up.

  "Sara, hi! I'm glad that I caught you. I have a favor to ask. Can I stop by? I'm right around the corner."

  She hung up quickly and pulled me around the corner to the grad students' dorm rooms. I had never been there, so it was nice being able to see where I would soon be heading. The point behind all my arduous studying was to go to grad school.

  Layla disappeared into one of the dorm rooms and told me to wait out in the hallway. She emerged after a few minutes with the ID of a girl who looked a lot like me, except older. Layla waved the driver’s license at me and raised her eyebrows. The name on the ID read Sara Miller.

  Layla said that she was a friend of hers who was a lot like me. She knew that Sara was probably going to be studying and wouldn't need her ID, so she asked if she could borrow it. Sara had graciously said yes.

  "It's so sad when people come to college and waste all of their time in books," said Layla, clucking her tongue and shaking her head. "But you? You can't let your college years pass you by. You will feel so much better if you just let go and have fun."

  I smiled at Layla. I knew that she was right. And standing there feeling the electric energy of the club permeating the air made me sigh with relief at being able to lean into life.

  I mouthed the words “thank you” to Layla, since I knew that it was probably too loud in the club for her to hear me. She nodded and smiled, making a motion with her hands like she was drinking and pointing at the half empty drink that I had in my hands.

  It was as if she was telling me, “You can thank me by finishing that drink.”

  "I'm getting to it," I told her, lifting my drink toward her.

  I did want to let my hair down a little and enjoy my night, but at the same time, I knew that just being out this late would make it hard for me to get up in time for my early classes. I rarely ever missed a class, unless it was some kind of emergency.

  I had worked too hard to get good grades and I would hate it if I were to flush all of my hard work down the toilet because I wanted to hang out. I would never forgive myself.

  I tried to shake off those thoughts so that I could let the night flow.

  There had been a few parties going on on campus, but Layla had insisted that we go to this club, the Rain Bar, off campus. Layla said that it was a great spot because it had a mixed crowd and you never knew what the night might bring or who you might meet.

  All of a sudden, the music dropped, and a low baseline made the floor rumble, tickling my feet and vibrating up my legs.

  "Oh my God," yelled Layla, flapping her arms wildly, while reaching for my hand.

  She pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing like she was in a music video. She was so full of life and fun. I wasn't sure if it was the music, the liquor flowing through my body, or a little bit of both, but I threw myself into the music, feeling each beat and stepping in sync with it.

  Layla and I danced with each other, making a little routine that made other people nearby stop and watch. Some even tried to follow our steps and we all made it into some sort of line dance.

  I was really enjoying the moment, spinning around on the dance floor, feeling weightless. I felt like I did
n't have a worry in all the world.

  Then, it happened.

  I turned toward Layla and bumped into a girl dancing near me. We hit each other so hard that my cup flew out of hand, its contents spilling all over the shimmery, skin tight dress worn by a young, blonde girl who had been dancing with a tall, gorgeous man.

  It almost seemed like everything had happened in slow motion. The girl froze and let out a high-pitched shriek. Her mouth was open so wide, and she was so loud that she could be heard even over the loud music. Everyone seemed to turn and look in our direction.

  I wished that I could have sunk into the floor.

  The girl stood there, her arms flailing wildly at her sides. She was so upset, I was sure that she was going to break into tears at any moment.

  I did feel bad for her, but I also felt like she over-reacting and being a bit of a drama queen. But maybe that’s just because I felt sorrier for myself, for having done such a humiliating thing in my clumsiness.

  All of a sudden, the guy that she had been dancing with stepped toward us. He grabbed the girl by the shoulders and turned her away from me and so that I could get a good look at him.

  Even in the dark and flashing lights of the club, I could tell that he was extremely handsome. His dark eyes were penetrating, and his smile was reassuring. He was tall, broad shoulders. He looked older than me, but distinguished, and had a full head of dark hair.

  He leaned in to speak to the girl who was standing there, her napkin-sized dress soaked with the contents of my cup. Rivulets of tea were streaming down the front of her legs and landing in droplets onto her stiletto heels.

  I couldn't make out what she was saying to him, since her back was turned toward me. But the way that she kept throwing dirty looks over her shoulder at me gave me a pretty good idea of what she was saying. And I knew that it wasn't good.

  But still, I couldn’t take my eyes off the guy. He looked absolutely amazing.

  I clutched my chest and took a step back as I watched him in awe as he calmly spoke to her while she continued to act upset. Whatever he was saying worked, though, because I could see her body begin to relax with each word from him.

  He pointed in the direction of the bathroom, touched her face, and she laughed. She sauntered away in the direction of the ladies’ room, not without first giving me what I assumed was her attempt at a withering look.

  I grimaced apologetically and tried to shout, “I’m so sorry!” but the club music drowned me out. She marched off, tossing her bouncy blonde curls over her shoulder while swinging her ass back and forth with such force that I was sure that she was going to break a hip or something.

  "I'm so sorry about all of that," came a deep, even voice next to me. "I'm sure that it was an accident. She really didn't have to overreact like that."

  Mr. Amazing had come to stand by my side. He leaned toward me as he spoke, making his arm rub against mine.

  Shit. I had no idea what to say to this man who was somehow capable of taking my break away.

  Chapter 2


  I jumped back, startled. It felt like a current of electricity shot through my body. A dark, brooding look fell over his face.

  We had a silent moment where our souls seemed to connect. That sounded cheesy, but it seemed real. It felt like time stood still and he was the only person in the room.

  Then, I felt myself moving away from him. Was I falling? Was I walking? It took me a few moments to get my bearings and realize that there was a hand on my arm pulling me. It was Layla.

  "No standing against the wall like a flower," said Layla, even though I hadn’t been standing against the wall.

  She was swaying like she had had a few more drinks in the short time that we had been away from each other. I looked back at the handsome guy who had been talking to me.

  I shrugged, trying to make the most apologetic face that I could at the guy who I had been standing next to. He smiled and nodded in my direction, putting two fingers up to his forehead as if he were saluting me.

  "Where are your moves, girlfriend?" chided Layla, tapping me on the shoulder like she was challenging me.

  I appreciated Layla for trying to make sure that I was having a good time. I also got that she hadn’t noticed the attractive man or felt the searing intensity between us, but at that moment, I just wished that I could have been talking to the handsome, polite stranger that I had never seen before.

  I turned to look where had been standing, but I didn't see him anywhere. After craning my neck to see if I could spot him, I finally gave up and tried to dance with Layla and forget about him. I could feel each half-hearted step that I took and thought that even though my body was back on the dance floor, my mind was not.

  I glanced over by the bar and that's where I saw him. My heart leapt up into my throat. My excitement came to a crashing halt when I saw the blonde bimbo that he was with saunter up next to him and throw her arms around his waist.

  He turned around and gave her a big bear hug, swallowing her up with his thick, muscular arms. I couldn't explain the feeling, but for some reason, seeing him with his arms around her made me sick.

  Or maybe it was the result of drinking even a small amount of liquor on an empty stomach. Whatever it was, I knew that I was ready to get out of there and get some fresh air.

  "Hey, Layla, I'm going to head back to the dorms," I told her.

  She spun around to face me, scowling so hard it looks like her face was balled up like a fist.

  "You are such a fun ruiner. Well, at least you came out with me even for a little bit. I guess I'll walk back with you to make sure that you don't turn into a pumpkin or something."

  She laughed heartily at her own joke, jabbing me in the ribs with her elbow.

  I told her that I would be okay and that she could stay longer if she wanted to. I noticed a guy eyeing her from a few feet away, that she had been dancing with.

  Well, dancing wasn't exactly the right word. It was more like their bodies had been glued together for several songs. She took a longing look in the guy's direction, sighed, and shook her head.

  “It’s okay,” I told her. “You can stay here. You don’t have to walk me back to the dorm.”

  She still said that she wanted to walk with me. I wasn't all that convinced, but I didn't protest, either. It was really late, and it probably was a better idea to be walking with someone than to be walking alone in the dark.

  Layla jabbered loudly the whole walk about everything that she could think of. I didn't mind because it gave me the chance to clear my head.

  Once I got back to my room, I didn't even bother taking off my clothes. I just climbed right into bed.

  I closed my eyes, hoping that the quiet calm of my dorm room would quickly usher in sleep so that I could try to salvage a decent quality of rest while I still could. I was nervous about the studying I hadn’t finished and my classes in the morning.

  I had been waiting to start an Organic Chemistry class and tomorrow was finally the day that I could. I knew I would be groggy, if not hungover, thanks to tonight’s antics. Not to mention the fact that I had that damn math test. I was so dumb to have gone out and partied. It wasn’t like me at all.

  I lay there staring at the ceiling. At first, I was berating myself. But then I realized that the reason I couldn't sleep wasn’t even due solely to my worries over school. Instead, I kept seeing the face of that guy.

  I didn't even know his name and would probably never see him again. But his eyes were so penetrating and steady.

  His lips... God, his lips. I licked my own, hungry to find out what his might taste like. I bet they tasted like a dream.

  I had to catch myself starting to entertain fantasies of me kissing him, being in his arms. Surely, I wasn't so desperate that after a passing interaction with some older guy, I was going to start having fantasies about him.

  And actually, he didn't even look that old. He had a sexy maturity about him, one I definitely didn't see with any of
the stupid frat or prep boys who frequented the campus.

  He seemed more put together, like he had a kind of consideration, like he understood what it meant to be a gentleman. It was refereshing, to say the least.

  And he definitely didn't have the body of an older man, that was for sure. He had muscular, broad arms and shoulders that rivaled body builders.

  I had to stop myself from wondering what type of equipment he might be packing in his pants. I felt a shock of warmth spreading between my legs, making me clap my thighs together in an effort to contain my growing excitement.

  But I wished that I could have pressed some sort of reset button and gone back to last night, to that time right before Layla came and interrupted our brief conversation and dragged me back onto the dance floor. I imagined what could have happened from the moment that our arms brushed up against each other.

  He could have grabbed my hand, his eyes begging me not to go, and pulling me in closer to him. His sweet, manly musk would fill my nose while he grazed my lips softy with his own. I imagined him kissing my neck tenderly, biting me softly while he guided my body against the wall, where he could do what he wanted with me.

  My heart beat quickened as I thought of him reaching under my dress, running his hand against my panties. My clit jumped at the thought of him slipping his finger into my wet pussy, plunging it in and out of me until I couldn’t take it anymore and he would hold me by the back of the neck gently with his other hand, leaning his heavy frame against me as if trying to absorb the powerful orgasm coursing through my body.

  The thought alone was enough for me to cum all over my own hand, as it worked its way in and out of my soaking wet pussy. I envisioned him lifting me up easily, not caring who was or wasn’t watching, and sliding his thick dick into my juicy pussy, filling my cavity with his rock hard cock.

  I would hump him greedily, the wall pressing against me hard with each thrust of his hips. I would circle my hips, causing a stream of cum to run down the front of him, sweat and loud music accenting the moment, overloading and exciting all of our senses.


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