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by Jack Lindsay

  [231] True Hist. ii 8 & 26; Dial. Gods. xx 14; Dead xviii 2, xix I; R. Helm RE xiii 2 (1927), 1733; E. Ziegeler Programm Hameln 1979. Ptol. Kaine historia iv 5 (Paus. iii 19, 2).

  [232] Philostr. opera C. L. Kayser (1871) ii 301ff & 327f. Worship of Achilles at Borysthenis, on Danube: Dion Chr. Borysthenikos 9, 14, 25. Meidias: Beccati (2), Hahland, Nicole.

  [233] W. F. J. Knight (3); Kehmptsow; Noack. (2) Q.S. vi 26, x 344, 395, xiv 156. Genuine emotion over Paris, x 390ff (not fake: Becker 127).

  [234] GK 216f. Stinton 9. Byzantines: John of Antioch, Malalas, Constantine Manasses. School manual with summary of origins of war: J. Schwartz (2).

  [235] Glover 94-8; Rohde 110 n5 & 109-12. Aisa: iii 649-56, xi 271-7, xiv 98-100, v 594, ix 402. Moira: iii 756, vii 70-92. Death: Glover 98f. Thetis: xii 206; Justice xiii 377-84. Nestor: vii 70-92. He ignores Achilles and Polyxena romance: Chassang 368.

  [236] GK 223; Schefold (10) 939; von Salis (3) 56f. Return not popular. Persuasion: GK 225ff, 327f; mosaic and paintings 230ff, 238ff; reliefs 236; sarcoph. 238; Menelaos and Helen 245ff; Iliac Table 247f, 250f; K. Bulas 124; Paulske 54-6; Lippold (1) 22; toilet, Gerhard (3), Roscher sv Hel. 1962.

  [237] GK 251, 236f; Carcopino La basilique pythagoréene 1926 321ff. Delatte (3) 110. Late interpretations: Wüst 1499; rationalist, Antikleides fr. 15, Jac.; Dion Chr. xx 21-3; Dares vii; Ptol. Heph. (197, 3 West) — allegorical: Chrysippos (Stoic. Vet. Fr. iii 197 xxv; Salloustios de diis iv; Proklos Comment Rep. ii 263, 21 Kr.; Fulgent. ii 1. Simon: Hippol. Ref. Haer. 252; Epiph. Adv. Haer. ii 1, 1; Schneidewin Gött. Nach. 1852 99; Knaack; P. Coucelle Les lettres grecques en Occident (1930), 85 n2; Tryphiod. Sack 512ff; Doresse i6f; 164 (told also of Barbelo, Prunikos, Norea, the Virgin of Light in Pistis Sophia); also in Manicheanism. Also, Oswald, ch. v.

  [238] Dawkins (1) 223, pl. 127 & 130, 2; Boardman (2) 4; Clairmont 15 n3; Kunze (1) 14. Paris: Dawkins, Reinhardt, Clairmont; Hampe (2) 145 sceptical. Olpe: Payne (1) 71; Villard 15-21, 33.

  [239] Ignored by Homer: Stinton 57f & 3. Expurgations: G. Murray 120ff. Antiquity of Pegasos: Radermacher (1) 86f. Further: Reinhardt (3) 9ff; Wüst agrees that Homer knew but omitted; N (1) 566 thinks unproven. Stinton (4) on difference of saga and myth, citing Radermacher (1) ch. iv & n144; Reinhardt n17; Halliday (1), ch. 1; Aly (2); Kirk (1) 96, 108f. Meleagros: WM (4) 887 (216f); Kakridis 14. Common FT, yet attached to hero as aetiology of his cult: Barrett 6f.

  [240] Choice: Rose HB 107, 128 n191; Schultz (1) i 117f. Triads: Stinton 6; von Dorenseiff (1) 55f. Il. xxiv 49 obscure: WM (9) i 360; Od. vii 19. Fates may not be late addition to Meleagros tale as WM (1) 88m (216n) supposed: Kakridis 138.

  [241] Od. xix 518, xx 67ff; Pind. Ol. xiv 7ff. Graces: Vian (2) 217-19; Paus. iii 17, 1-3. Moirai: Fontenrose 331, 426-9 (Korykian Nymphs), aid Zeus v. Typhon, 73f, 89, 280, 430; at births in FT 324.

  [242] Harmonia: Vian 147-51; Pherek. FGH i 3F 89; Hes. fr. 233 Rz. fr. K1, 1-7 Merk. Thetis: Ephoros FGH ii A 70F 96; Demetr. of Phal. FGH iiB 228 F32; Diod. xvi 33, 3. Anodos: Vian 65f, 1 i8f. Tragic twist: JL (2) 295f.

  [243] Erman 156 & 161f, both from New Kingdom; Peet 227; W. K. Simpson 92-107 and 85-91. Koharoth: Gordon (2) 25f, 123f, cf. Psalm 68, 7; 68, 6. Paris scared: Hampe (1) 549; Perdrizet; Rasch 36; Weninger 3; Dugas 61.

  [244] Reinhardt n1 fails to see FT link, but Usener (1) does. Grimm 155 Brautschau. Greek FT: Stinton 6f; N. Polites 768; SS i 208 n2.

  [245] Fates present: Catullus 64; Hyg. Fab. 92; Louk. Dial. Gods xx 7; Tzet. Lyk. 93. Erotic: Clairmont 102-4, but see Hampe (1) 550.

  [246] Demeter: Roscher Lex. ii 1342f, 1345; Athena, Heliod. fr. 2 (FHG iv 425); F (1) i 327; Milon, Paus. vi 14, 6; Philostr. Ap. Ty. iv 28; Hera, Zanotti-Bianco 244; Elderkin 429-31; Bossert (2) 327. Goddess or Korē: GT (3) 219.

  [247] Kokkos: Str. 630; Plin. xxiii 107, 112; Euseb. PE iii II, 6; Kall. Hymn Dem. 45; Theok. vii 155-7; PM iii 458. Taboo: Porph. Abs. iv 16; Paus. viii 37, 7. Athens: Clem. Pr. ii 16; Plin. xxiv 59; Ail. NA ix 26; Hesych. sv kneōron; Ov. Met. x 431-5. Death: Clem. Pr. ii 16; Paus. ix 25, 1; Philostr. Im. ii 29, 4. Frazer (2) iii 184f wrong. Dream: Artem. i 73. Further JL (4) 75, 77 (TC of Korē or girl rising from pomegranate should be ‘kneeling on it’): Kerenyi (7) 145. GT (3) 118, 219, 237, 252, 288.

  [248] Hera: Gruppe (1) 460f; Athen. 83c. Love-apples: Theok. ii 120, iii 10, v 88; Verg. Ecl. iii 71; Polites E no 138. Brides: Plout. Mor. 138d.

  [249] Robert (1) ii 979; Athen. 609ef-610ab (Paus. viii 29, 5; N (2), 94 336; FGH iv 460); Paus v 19, 5; Alkaios fr. 130, 32. L.-P. Athen. 565f; Tenedos; Athen. 609e.

  [250] Athen. xiii 565f. Fire, Il. ix 220. FHG iii 168. Sparta: Od. xiii 412; Plout. Agis 2, cf. Educ.1cd, cf. Athen. 555. Eur. TGF (2nd ed.) 367 for Aiolos: Stob. Flor. 65, I. Agamemnon: Il. iii 169. Bion. FHG iv 351; Hdt. iii 20; Aristot. Pol. I 1290b5, cf. Hdt. iii 23 (Howe and Wells note). Ganymedes: Il. xx 234f. Kephalos: JH (6) lx—lxiii. Kleitos: Od. xv 250, Iasion: Od. v 125. Aigina: Nonnos vii 211ff (Ov. Met. vi 113; Plat. Rep. 381d). Chios: Petronius 63; Thouk. viii 24, 4; Plout. 249d.

  [251] Harpok. sv (Philochoros); Xen. Mem. 3, 12ff, cf. Arist. Ethics 1099a 3 (Olympia). In general N (2) 57. 336; Gow on Theok. xii 29; Page (1) 168 n4.

  [252] Paus. ii zi; sch. vet. Pind. Pyth. xii 13 (24); Fontenrose 285, 295, 100f; Athen. ix 393ef; Ail. NA xv 29; Boio in Ant. Lib. xv. Keyx: Vian 119; J. Schwartz 200-10; Ap. i 52 etc. (Halkyon daughter of Aiolos ancestor of Aiolians.) Niobe: Il. xxiv 603-17 etc. Myrrha: sch. Theok. i 109a; Fulgent. Myth. iii 8; Serv. Aen. v 75, Ecl. x 18. Chione: Ov. Met. x 270ff.

  [253] Stinton 8f, 77; contest of two: Weninger 13. Moral distinction: Kall. Bath. of Pallas, Isomachos in Xen. Oik. x 7ff; Louk. Dial. Gods xx 10; each strips in different way.

  [254] Price (1); Vian 146; JH (2) 286ff; O. Walter 300f; Picard (12), (13), (2) 104, 108f; Demargne 299-303. Phoin. 681-7. Persephone got Thebes as wedding gift: Euphorion fr. 107P, rape, Vian xx 368 n4. See on Harmonia, end of ch. II. Only plural: N (3) i 424ff; linked, Dorig 72-91. Dual and triple Hekate, Price 61f; Dameteres 61. Note Aglēis, one of a triad sacrificed on a Kyklops’ tomb to stop a plague, during Minos’ siege of Athens: Apollod. iii 15, 8. For Hekate and triad of (?) Erinyes: S. Karouzou, JHS 1972 64-73: they specially punished matricide: Nilsson (2) i 91; Roscher Lex. ii, 1, 998f; RE Suppl. viii i 16 (E. Wüst); Nestle (2) 26; Rohde, Psyche, i 72 n2 and 267f. Group of three dancing maidens, some with polos on head, was added to Hekataia in early Hellenistic period: Karouzou 73; Schwarzenberg 22f. Hekate and choros of Nymphs: Karouzou 70.

  [255] Price 50. Thebes: Paus. ix 16, 3f; viii 32, 3. Vian, link of Aphrodite-cult with polemarchs; in general, Tümpel; Vian 144-7 for effort to link with Dumezil’s three Indo-European functions. Oaths: W. (1) 207f. Eileithyia singular in Homer, Od. xix 188, but plural as daughters of Hera, Il. xi 270. See further, Price (1) 50, 53. I call Hestia a mother-goddess as the uniting Hearth.

  [256] Graiai (two in Hes., triad in Aisch. & Ap.) with swan shapes and one eye etc, sch. Prom. 793. Dyads of opposite sex, eg Hekalos, Hekale; Hekatos, Hekate: Deubner 217. Daimones or genii nearly always two, unless three: Salviat (1); Ath. Agora iii 65, 149f; BCH 1963 371; Karageorgis (1) ii 181. Three goddesses under one cloak: Guarducci (1). Paus. i 19, 2, Aphrodite is daughter of Kronos like Moirai or Erinyes, Epimenides fr. 19 Diels. Stoic exegesis linked Aphrodite Ourania, Pandemos, Pontia as symbols of sky, earth, water: Cornutus Theol. Comp. 24, cf. three Zeus (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades). Ourania: Vian 144. Olympia: Paus. v 15, 3. Mirror, Beazley (4); Simon (1) 47 argues she is with Moirai on the Ludovici throne. Pandemos: L. Robert (2) 229f. Puberty: Ganszyniec. Hegemonē: IG ii 3 (2nd) 2297; Paus. ix 35, 2. Price 53 for two Heras at Corinth. Dyads, triads in general, Roscher Lex. ii I 1288-1307; Zuntz 77; Hera triad, Paus. viii 22, 2.

  [257] Korres 107-9 (including amendment by H. Muhlenstein); Price (1) 649 n10. Marinatos (1) fig. 11; Price 49 n12; G. F. Mylonas (1) 120; Marinatos (2) 303; Palmer (1) 135. Perati: Iakovidis 45f. Male dual gods (Hermes, Herakles, Pan), Price 53. Duals in Homer: Price 48f.

  [258] H. Wace (1) no I; (2); Ka
ntor (1); attributes, Korres 113 n1.

  [259] ASAA 236; metope, Pfuhl (1) i 493; Artemis etc, Price (1) 58-60. Thebes: see Price 67.

  [260] Thimme 75; eighth-century work, Price 68f.

  [261] Ancients: Plout. Q. Symp. xi 14, 2; De Ei, ii 1. JIH (2) 242; ix 35, 1. Hera; Paus. ii 17, 2. Centaurs dual in Cypros: BCH (1963), 371; Karageorgis ii 181; Hes. Theog. 902, Good Order leads to Justice leads to Peace. Athens: Eur. Ion 496, Erech. fr.; JH (5) 350, (2) 286-8; sch. Arist. Thesm. 533; JH (2) 291. Pandrosos: IG (znd) 372, 45; 171; Hekate and Graces: JH (6) 373. Eteokles, end of Theokritos’ Graces.

  [262] Il. xviii 492, iii 130; Od. iv 743; Il.. ix 560, xxiv 616; Od. vi 105. Nymphaion: IG xi (2) 144A 91, Delos fourth century; Paus. iii 1, 3.

  [263] Terp. fr.; Nysai AM xiv pl. 1; Kretschmer (3) for derivations; Otto 61-3 localities. Triad: S. Maas 405f nz. Nysa: Jeanmaire (4) 65f, 349f.

  [264] Otto 171; Il. vi 132; Euing 27ff; Theok. xxvi; Eur. Bacch. 680ff.

  [265] Nurse of Ares: Paus. iii 19, 8. Vases: Buschor in Furtwängler (2) pl. 149. Festival: N (2) 188f. Knidos: GDI 3502, 3512; Arch. Anz. (1905), 11; N (2) 241; Otto 203-06 (H. and Dionysos).

  [266] The Geraistiades Nymphai were nurses of Zeus; so too probably the Cretan Meteres (Diod. and Plout.). Texts are late, but arbitrary etymologies do not discredit the evidence; fanciful etymologies are common at all times in ancient world. (Taken as from gerairein, to honour or reward; Geraistion from geras, not from the nymphs.) Nymphai Gerastai in Attika connected with Kephisos (river-god), the triad of Apollo, Leto, Artemis, etc: classical and epigraphic evidence from Athens, near Phaleron, probably the Hill of the Muses. Korres (1) 117 nn1-2; Price (1) 50; Diod. iv 79; Plout. Marcell. xx 3; nurses of Zeus, Ciaceri, Faure 110. Gerastai: AE (1909), 244f, 250, pl. 8; Platon xi (1959) 146-59.

  [267] JH (4) 188; Lechat (1) & (2) 443 different view; G. C. Richards 285. JH (2) 291; Benndorf Arch. Zeit. (1869). Pandora: Praschniker; Price (1) 56.

  [268] Price 57; kylix, Lulliès; psykter, Guarducci 57 no 8. BCH v 349; Eph. Arch. (1893) 135; AJA 2nd s. vii 301; JH (6) 546f. BM Cat. Gr. & R. Fels. (1904) no 2158, 2166 (Baumeister Denkmaler 1033).

  [269] JH (3) 218, (2) 289; JHS xix 218; West (4) 155 n19 (Nymphs as Kourai). Argos: AM iv (1879) 152f; Volgraff BCH (1944-5) 395; Paus. ii 11, 4; ADelt xxiii (1968), pt. I 117-31. Semnai: Paus. I 28, 6; sch. Aischines Against Timarchos 747 Reiske; Pollitt (1) 140-43.

  [270] Vulgarization: JH (1) & (2) 292ff; see Price (1) 56f. François vase: Minto pl. 27. Aphrodite and two women (? Hours: Beazley), ARV (2nd) 291, 2 = K135; Stinton 61.

  [271] Eur. Andr. 277; sch. to that, citing Soph. ft. 511 P; cf. Koll. 123; Eur. Tro. 924, Hel. 357; Hipp. 1148; Clairmont 9if; Stinton 15; Soph. fr. 547.

  [272] Decorative: Stinton 6, 11, 17, 46f, 60; H. Hymn 60-63. Egypt: Erman 35f; Gardiner 15; Roeder 23f, Lefebvre 26-8; Schott 169; I follow Goedicke. Hathor: JL (5) 20ff.

  [273] Samos: Polites 653, cf. the Bori: Talbot chs. vi-viii especially 42. See above: Paris scared. Also cf. Daphnis: Stinton 61; WM 229ff.

  [274] Kall. Hymn v 13ff. Artemis: F (1) ii 558f n4. Haliartos: Paus. ix 20, 4; Plout. Lys. 28. Leap into sea: see Int. in JL (2); GT (1) 143f; Tanagra: Paus. ix 20, 4. Naxos: Diod. v 50. Perseus: Il. xiv 319 sch.; Ikaros: Hyg. Fab. 3o, PA ii 4; Lykourgos, Il. vi 130ff; Soph. Ant. 955. Messenia: Paus. viii 41, 2, cf. 28, 2, and i 43, 4; Poll. iii 38. Mystai into sea before Eleusinian Mysteries. Leukippos: Paus. iv 21, 7; Str. 357, 457; H. Hymn ii 99. Aktaion: Hyg. Fab. 181, Paus. viii 27, 17 (Tales of Boutes, Lykourgos, the head of Orpheus).

  [275] GT (3) 223f; Paus. vi 22, 9, cf. Telesill. 1. Name: Str. 347; sch. Lyk. 1050-3. Cave: Paus. v 5, 5, 11; Str. 346.

  [276] W. (1) 176f. Streams: Paus. vi 21, 7; Str. 357 & 457; Plout. Mor. 771f, 772b; Arist. Lysis. 913. Brides: Thouk. ii 15, 5; Poll. iii 43; Eur. Phoin. 344-8; Harpok. sv loutophoros.

  [277] Sea-bath: Picard (4) 312ff, especially 317; Athen. xv 672; Bather; Graillot 136ff. Nock (2) n9 sees such processions as pre-Greek. Kall. Bath. Pallas, cf. Athenian Plynteria: Xen. Hell. i 4, 12; Plout. Alk. 34; Paus. ii 10, 4 (Sikyon); Ov. Fasti iv 336ff; Amm. Marc. xxiii 3; Tac. Germ. xl; Mannhardt (1) ch. vii, (2) ch. v. Note use of leaf of paideros, holm-oak (paid-eros) in offerings. Helen: Paus. ii 2, 3.

  [278] Hyg. Fab. 91; Serv. Aen. v 380; Ap. iii 12, 5. Briseis cup: Beazley, ARV (2nd) 406, 8, fig. 1); Robert (2) 89-94; Stinton 57 n6. Beazley: ARV (1st) 268, 22; Kollouth. 391f. Cup by Brygos painter: Stinton pl. v; ARV (2nd) 369, 4; Hampe (2) 142ff, Pind. Paian viii; Robert (3); Rzach 43f denies implication; Eur. Tro. 921f, Verg. Aen. vii 3 2of. (Kassandra in art: Davreux 139ff; AJA (April 1972), 233.)

  [279] Stinton 53 n3; 58f; Robert (2) Exkurs iv 234, (1) ii 978 n3; Il. ii 821; lameness, WM (5) 233 n1. Also Il. xiv 444f, vi 22f; Stinton 47 n5; Trenkner ch. iv; Rohde 30ff. Satnios: Str. 605-06.

  [280] JL (2) ch. 18 Hybris 295f, 349ff. Exposure: Sith-Thomson M371; Frazer (3) ii 439ff; with reference to twins, introduction to JL (6).

  [281] Jouan (1) 111ff.

  [282] JH (4) 378f; Athen. xi 494. Hera: Menaich. 3. Also Il. xx 396; Hes. Works 123, cf. Il. x 20 of mētis. Herakles: Louk. Alex. 4. See Paus. iii 14, 6. Photios cites Demoi of Euphides.

  [283] Chadwick Growth (1) iii pt. 2, 283f; E. Best The Maoris (1924) i 75; also his Maori School of Learning (1923). Australians: Crawley 116, 54 (fear). Kassandra: Paus. iii 27, 5. Alexandros as typical robber of FT: N (9) 252f. Males in Australian tribes often gave up their names at the first puberty rites (to escape spells) and were known then by some general term: brother, nephew, cousin. Agraulos: Pelekidis, Souda, Hesych. sv Agraulos; Hdt. viii 53; Plout. Alk. xv; attic deme, Agraule; her festival and mystery, Porph. De abs. i 2; Ulpian to Demos. de fals. leg. Aitiological tale of her throwing self from acropolis after oracle demanded a self-sacrifice to save the country in war.

  [284] R. Carpenter for full discussion of Odysseus. Kyzikos: Str. 575; Nik. Alex. 6-8; AR i 936 sch.; Thomas 276-80; 277. Bear Cave on Ida; cults of Kydonians in NW Crete with the Diktynnaion and Artemis Aptera (Wingless), kourotrophos; her link with a female agela. Coins of Kydonia: Zeus suckled by a bitch, changed into a bear; surely a cult of divine nurses in caves like the Idaian; cave called Arkoudia on the peninsula: W. (1) 135f, 189f, 192. Diktynna as maid become mother, Britomartis become mature: W. 188ff. Artemis of Aptera linked with tale of contest of Sirens and Muses; Sirens losing have feathers plucked. Note Celtic bear-goddess Artio.

  [285] GT (3) 276-80; W. (1) 275-7; Ap. iii 8, 2; Paus. i 25, 1; Paus. viii 5, 6f; Eratosth. Cat. i; Hyg. Fab. 165, 176f. Kallisto: F (1) ii 435; Paus. i 29, 2, viii 35, 8; K.O. Muller 73-6. Brauron: F (1) ii 435-8 for refs.; Carpenter 121f; Gruppe (1) ii 1204, 1293; Mommson (1) 456ff, (2) 406ff — cf. initiation dance of Azimba girls: Hartland (2) 197. Saffron is also Dionysiac; Chairemon (Athen. 608c) on the girls lying in saffron robes on helenion (Calamint, a sort of mint or basil) after weaving garlands of violets and crocus; Delcourt (1) 25. Atalanta: Kall. Hymn Art. 221; Paus. iii 12, 9; Hyg. Fab. 270; Ov. Met. x 560. Ida: CZ ii 932; Solmsen (6); Fick (1) 10 & (2) 11f; Boiacq sv.

  [286] GT (1) 44; Hes. Theog. 73, 112, 383-402, 993; Aisa, Prom. 244. Hephaistos: Prom. 38. Atlas: Hes. Theog. 520. Nymphs: ib. 348; Apollo, Stes. 22; Aphrodite, Hes. Theog. 202, Nonnos xxiv 274ff; Erinyes, Aisch. Eum. 173, 335, 730; Askl. Ag. 1004.

  [287] Talbot, especially (1) chs. i-ii.

  [288] Helenē: with digamma: Dion. Hal. Ant. i 20. Elane: Neanth. 4J; Nik. fr. 89; torch, Hesych. sv, Athen. 699d, 701a; Hippolyt. Philosoph. vi 19 ref. to Aen. vi 18f (subject of Pompeian fresco, Helbig 1326); Norden Aen. Buch. VI p. 261 makes Helen a lunar symbol, cf. coins of Trajan at Alexandreia, Chap. cat. no. 27 etc.; Chap. (1) 139f. Brauron: Poll. x 191. Liknon: H. Hymn iv 21, 150 etc. Attic red-figure, G. van Hoorn (1); JH (2) 401f, 428; Plout. de Is. xxxv. Nurse-nymphs: Soph. O.K. 674; JAI (2) 368. Kalathos: Kall. Hymn Dem. 1 etc. Later worn by Serapis. Also, DS sv Calathus; Bourguet Ruines de Delphes 190; Séchan (3) 1037, (4) 136; N (2) 198; Homolle BCH 1897 605. Mask of Dionysos in liknon: Kerenyi (2) pl. 12.

89] JH (2) 120ff. Eusthath. on Od. iv 131 (1488, 60) kalathos and ‘the fruit of Demeter’. Bringers of offerings, app. to Persephone (kiste, basket, peplos, cock, ball etc) shown in terra-cottas from city of Epizephyrean Lokrians, from end of sixth century, P. Orsi, Quagliati, etc.

  [290] Moon: Solmsen (5) 196; Usener (3) iv 23, 69, 209, Carpenter 23f; but no proof, Becker 142f. Neokles of Kroton said egg with Helen in it fell from moon: Athen. 57f; after death to moon, Eustath. 1488, 19; star, sch. Stat. Theb. vii 792; Chap. (1) 232f, Pisidia. Gem: Chap. Cat. no 58; Ptol. Heph. makes her daughter of Sun and Leda, Phot. Bibl. 149a, but in tragedians Moon is daughter of Sun, eg Eur. Phoin. 174. Aigina: Hdt, viii 122.

  [291] Herbs: Theophr. HP vi 6, 2; Diosk. i 29 & 28; ps.-Disk. iv 9; Arist. HA 16a 1; Diosk. iv 19; Ail. NA iv 47. Tears: Plin. xxi 33; EM 328, 16, Plin xxiii I (23), xxv 1f (12) nepenthe; Colum. xii 48 & xi 3, 35 elecampane; Bion Ep. Adon. 66, anemone. Folk-play: Tiddy 193, 136, 167, 201, 218. Ailian, NH ix 21.

  [292] Grégoire (2): ven.

  [293] Paus. iii 15, 3; 19, 9 & 20, 2; Wide 340f, cf. Hesych, sv heleneia and kannathra. Isok. Hel. 61; Athenag. Leg. 14; Euseb. Pr. Ev. v 28. F (2) 322f; Theok. xviii; Od. iv 567.

  [294] Argos: Paus. ii 22, 6; Hesych. sv kannathra; Wace, Artemis Orthia 283 warning all female deities in lead ex-votos cannot be identified with goddess of sanctuary. Corinth: Tam Tinh 94; Chap. (1) 248; Apul. Met. xi 10; chronicle, Forsdyke (3) 44-6. For Limnatis, Stymphalia, Eleia: F (1) ii 427. Helen as vegetation-goddess: Mannhardt (1) ii 22ff; N (2) i 211, 315; Picard (2) 188.

  [295] F (2) 323-5; Pollard; Paus. viii 23,iii 16, 10; Hyg. Fab. 261; Dawkins 356ff; Plout. Lyk. 18; Inst. Lak. 38; Nik. Dam. FHG iii 458, 144, 11; Michel 175f; Frazer (2) ad loc. Plane: Theophr. HP iv 5, 6; Il. ii 367; Pollard 104. Athenian epheboi, races in honour of Artemis Agrotera at Agra: IG ii 467-71; ordeal at Alea, Arkadia, Paus. viii 23, 1.

  [296] Helen-Astarte: Bousset Hautprobleme d. Gnosis 78-83; RE sv Gnostiker 1537, 1539; Hilgenfeld Ketergesch. d. Urchrist. 155; Gruppe (1) 1612. Bousset 77 thinks of Asianic Great Mother, Delatte sees Gnostic Meter in Argos (JL (3) 382f).


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