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The Billionaire and The Virgin

Page 10

by Bella Love-Wins

  “I’ll get them. It’ll take me a while, but I’ll start with Sheba and get them out of your hair one by one. Again, I’m sorry, Jackson.”

  I follow him as he goes from room to room, and he stops short at his study. “They’re in here.”

  He waits at the door with his arms folded over his chest as I slip past him and go to the side of the leather sofa where they’ve taken up residence, it would appear. I reach for Sheba, and he actually bares his teeth at me. This is a clear message. He wants me to back off, and is warning me before he gets more aggressive.

  “What in the world?” I glance over at Jackson and stretch my arm out to grab the end of Sheba’s leash. “He has never done anything like this.”

  Jackson has probably had his fill of us by now. He enters the room and takes a seat on the sofa, leaning to the side to grab Bailey’s collar. That’s when Sheba jumps into his lap, and Daisy comes to his other side. Bailey rests her head on Jackson’s knee, and Daisy licks the side of his face.

  They’re guarding Jackson?

  What’s more strange is Jackson isn’t pushing them away.

  “Sit,” he says, and I start to wonder if he’s addressing the dogs, or me.

  “What?” I ask him without looking his way.

  “Have a seat. They’ll leave when they’re ready.”

  I’m about to write off this last twenty-four-hour period, because hell, I must have stepped into an alternate reality.

  “What happened to you today?” I ask after we’ve been sitting silently on the sofa for what feels like forever. His expression is dark, deadly serious. The look he gives me sends a sharp, sudden chill down my spine. If I can just focus long enough to get through the next little while, I won’t have to feel his gaze on me again.

  “Nothing. Everything. It’s fucking complicated.”

  “Try me.”

  He scoffs out a weak laugh. “You don’t want to know.”

  “It must be bad. I mean, it’s affected you to the point that the dogs must be sensing you need comforting.”

  He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head as if I’m wrong. “Dogs aren’t that smart.”

  “They’re smarter than you think. Why else would they come to you?”

  Jackson cocks his head to one side, brows furrowed with confusion. But it’s mildly entertaining for him to be skeptical right now, with a Great Dane, a Shih Tzu and a Bull Terrier all nuzzling into him like they’re his pets. Jackson leans back and rests his head on the chair back again, crossing his arms above the dogs’ heads. Those muscular arms that have always been hidden under suit jackets, long-sleeved shirts and tuxedos.

  Until today.

  I can’t keep my eyes from staring at his sleeve of tattoos on each arm, or the outline of his massive chest as he sizes me up, putting distance between us with his almost unreadable eyes. His silent gazes are too intense. I can’t handle much more of this, so I slap my palm against my knee to see if the dogs are ready to listen to me again. Jeez. They’re not even interested in looking my way.

  Then Jackson unfolds his arms and places his hand over mine.

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he says out of the blue.

  What? This again?

  “You’re kidding me, right?” I say through gritted teeth.

  “No. That’s why I let you go.”

  I’m seeing red. The heat rises up my neck into my face. My chest is pounding hard, blood drumming that much harder in my ears, and my stomach does a flip from nausea—or something else. He’s the rudest, most obnoxious, arrogant, sexy man I’ve ever met in my life. I have no idea why the dogs have taken such a liking to him. For a moment, the question of why he has this effect on me overtakes my mind. I should be much more offended too. And I am, but I’m also... drawn to him. I have to shake my head at the thought. Drawing in a deep breath, I remind myself that I don’t need this. Mind you, he just confirmed that he’ll let the whole trespassing thing slide.

  Damn. I wish Sheba hadn’t stepped foot on his terrace.

  My trembling hand shoves his away from my lap. My legs work, so I get to my feet to leave. As long as he doesn’t send the dogs to the pound, they can stay with him for a few hours.

  “You have my number. Phone me when you’re ready for me to pick them up.”

  “Wait. This isn’t easy for me.”

  He motions for me to sit. I don’t return to his side, but take a seat on the creamy button back armchair a few feet away.

  Then he takes a breath, and tells me everything. From the few weeks that he’s had at work, to details about his childhood, to the way he keeps everyone at an emotional distance. Which is why he sent me packing when he found out I’m a virgin. He actually thought I’d get attached to him. Okay, maybe I would have.

  Anyway, it’s touching to see him in this new light, but my heart breaks when he tells me about this acquisition deal they’re working to close, and on what Jace has just learned about their mother. One part makes me want to bawl my eyes out. That the experimental drug that led to their mother going into remission from breast cancer is also the cause of the side effects that killed her two years later. The company illegally buried the data and removed her results from the trials so they could push through FDA approvals. And it’s this same company that’s in the group of subsidiaries they’re negotiating to acquire.

  Looking over at him right now, I can’t even fathom how he’s able to cope with both the tragedy and the irony of it all. I’m not just sad for him. I’m angry. His family deserves justice. Someone needs to pay.

  I search for something to say, but the words don’t come. Nothing feels fitting.

  Jackson slides the dogs off of him, getting to his feet. He steps up to me in a few ground-eating steps, and next thing I know, he’s pulled me to my feet, and his hands are on both sides of my face, his intense eyes staring down at me.



  “Stay,” he whispers his command. He doesn’t give me a moment to answer.

  I forget everything I was thinking. I can’t wait for what’s about to happen. The time for consoling Jackson with words is behind me. For now, I just want to feel him close. His lips meet mine and God, my entire body lights up in flames. Leaning into him, I lift up on my tiptoes through my sneakers and hold on to the back of his head, using my finger to grip his hair for leverage. He smashes his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily.

  His touch feels like so much more than lust, but what would I know about that? All I have to go on is one so-so high school make-out session, and a few kisses from guys I now know were either amateurs or not really into me. Jackson and I have something more. It almost scares me that I’m starting to care for him, and the fact that we have so little in common grips me with fear for a moment. He must sense some of my hesitation because he pulls back just long enough to stare down into my eyes again.

  His eyes search mine with a question. Is this what I want? I may not be sure about much, but I’m positive of one thing.

  I want Jackson Knight to be my first.

  I was sure of it when I let him tie me to the bed last night. Knowing what I do now, I’m positive last night went down exactly the way it was meant to happen. With a nod to him, I’m certain that he understands this one truth. He presses against my lower back, drawing me in close, so close I can feel the sinew of his lean, chiseled abdomen and thick erection between our clothes, and his strong heartbeat pounding against my breasts, which combine to intensify the insistent throbbing deep in my core.

  Feeling the firmness of Jackson’s hand on my back took away any hesitation I have left. I want this. I’m not going anywhere until he shows me exactly what I’ve been waiting to experience. My eyes close as he brings a hand to my hair and bites gently onto my lower lip, tugging it between his teeth. I release a sigh of longing into his mouth, and Jackson groans out a primal sound. He kisses me wildly, his touch hot against me as our tongues connect and taste each other. He traps my tongue with his. I’m so deep in the mom
ent that I can feel every pore and ridge as he claims my mouth the way he’ll probably own the rest of my body.

  Intense. Confident. Masterful.

  He shifts slightly to one side, wedging his knee between my lower thighs, which bumps up the pressure of his rigid erection at the top of my mound. I blink back the lightheadedness caused by pure need to feel more of his bare skin on me. In me. The urge is so strong that I lift one leg up along his calf as he grinds his hip against my throbbing clit, suddenly wishing we could go back to last night, in his bed, bare.

  All these clothes need to be gone from us both. I tilt my hips, desperate to know relief from what had begun since the second I laid eyes on him. Jackson must be overcome with need too. With both of his hands down at my hips, he picks me up with ease, wrapping my legs around him to carry me somewhere down the hall. Maybe to a guest bedroom, or a more comfortable sitting room. I don’t much care, and neither do the dogs, because they don’t follow us out of the study.

  I’m overpowered with need. If my clit was throbbing before, it’s pounding now, aching from its tight contact, in such close proximity to the hardness I need inside me to finally fill me like never before. We arrive at a guest bedroom as I suspected, and he kicks the door shut behind him. As Jackson places me in the center of the bed, he opens his mouth to say something, and I clasp my hand over his lips. I know what he wants to ask. My answer is yes.

  I want this.

  I’m ready. I forgive him for last night.

  I’m sure.

  He lowers on top of me, covering me with wicked heat that radiates from his skin, restricting my ability to move and overwhelming my senses. I don’t know why, but I love this feeling of being somewhat trapped. Or maybe I enjoyed the way he tied me to his bed more than I care to admit.

  With one hand supporting his upper body, Jackson raises his torso a distance from mine. I begin to reach for the hem of my top, but he stops me.

  “There’s no rush, doll,” he tells me in that deep raspy voice from the back of his throat. “We have all night.”

  “I waited for you.” I hear the words slip out of my mouth, and almost can’t believe I just said that.

  “Fuck…we’ll both enjoy this more if you let me take care of you. You won’t regret letting me be your first. That’s a promise.”

  Slowly, he slides my top up my body inch by inch, kissing up along my midline with the softest touch of his lips. Pulling the top over my head, he throws it to the side of the bed and reaches under me to my back, unclasping my bra and sending it flying off in the same direction as wherever my top went. Jackson takes a moment to pull back again and look at me, causing me to miss the heat of his body against mine as my stomach, breasts and shoulders get the full blast of cooler air in the room.

  His eyes run down my body, and he groans as he slides firm fingers down from my collarbone, between my cleavage, and down my stomach to the seam of my pants. Deft fingers of one hand flick the button and slide the zipper open. With a sharp jerk, he tugs that material past my hips, inching them down my legs until they’re past my calves, at which point I get them the rest of the way off.

  Jackson doesn’t remove my panties just yet. He holds on to the seam, and continues to kiss a trail down my lower stomach to my mound through the fabric of my panties. I try to control my desire with a breath of air. What he’s doing to me is pleasure and torture. His touch creates a fire, while the barrier between our skin drives a longing deep inside me, making my hips writhe and push off the bed. I want to wrap my legs around his head for more contact with his lips. I want his thick erection at my folds. I’m desperate to have him buried deep within me. But I’m not going anywhere, not with the force of his strong arms pinning my hips to the bed.

  His tongue flicks the tip of my most sensitive bud, and I’m ready to beg him to rip these soaking wet panties off me.

  I do beg.

  The sound of my own pleading voice registers in my head, and he groans out a soft chuckle. Jackson moves his hands down to the inside of my knees and spreads me wide, never allowing his mouth to leave my center. Just when I think I’ll die from raw need, he fists one side of my panties and rips it from me, flinging the scraps of shredded fabric away from the bed. He looks up at me, eyes intense as he reconnects his lips around my bare clit. My eyes close from pleasure, but my oblivion doesn’t last. The heat of his touch disappears from my skin way too soon, causing me to look at him again.

  “Don’t close your eyes, doll,” he breathes out. “I have to see the look in your eyes when I make you come. I want you to know who’s driving your body over the edge.”

  “Mmmm,” I whisper.

  With his eyes trained on me for my reaction, he slides his tongue down one side of my folds, and up the other, tasting my wet center as he makes slow, circular strokes that drive me closer to erotic insanity. I can’t hold in the whimper that leaves my lips when he returns some attention to my swollen, sensitive bud. And as he flattens his tongue and flicks the tip, he buries two thick fingers deep inside.

  “Oh God,” I cry out as a powerful climax crashes over me, drowning me with more pleasure than I’ve ever felt.

  My legs start to shake. Sparks explode out from behind my lower belly now that I’ve given over all control to the moment.

  To Jackson.

  At this point, my eyes are open, but I don’t see a thing in front of me. It’s just white light and spots of every color clouding my vision as he finger-fucks me and extends my orgasm beyond anything I’ve ever known. I grind my hips in time with his digits and skillful tongue, stretching out the moment until exhaustion creeps in and I can’t move another inch.



  I’m just getting started.

  The idea that I’ll be the first man ever to get inside her virgin pussy plays on my mind like a broken record, but I force myself to take my time.

  I move up her body and relax beside her for a while, allowing her to catch her breath. She opens her mouth to say something, but I caress her bottom lip with my thumb. Her breath on my finger makes my cock throb, and I start to wonder if I’m strong enough to hold out much longer.

  Then she begs me, pleads for me to fuck her, and with that, she seals the deal.

  Stepping off the bed, I remove my clothes, my eyes taking in every inch of her body, and her head on my pillow. I greedily get into bed and waste no time. Parting her legs, I look down at her trimmed bush and pink pussy—that’s never been touched. Every second is a push-and-pull conflict going on in my head. Dick or mouth? Fuck her hard, or suck on her sweet and slow? I settle for the middle ground. Penetrating her tight heat with two fingers, and giving her clit some more attention will break her in slowly.

  My instincts are dead on. Dahlia swivels her hips into my fingers, and cries out my name as she takes each firm thrust. I speed up just a little, spreading my fingers apart inside of her, stretching her walls to ready her for what is sure to fill her up and more. Smiling as she shudders through another peak, I slowly remove my fingers, slide up her body. I find a condom, rip open the wrapper and get it on, then slowly, nudge my tip at her opening.

  Dahlia is still caught up in her last orgasm, which has her hips rolling as I ease my thick cock into her. I let her movements control the pace. She’s hot and so fucking tight, gripping me like a vice, causing me to grip her shoulder with one hand, and the bed with the other for control.

  I sink into her a little further. This time, her body stiffens up, and her legs freeze in place. It pains me to stop, but I’m sure I’m not the only one.

  “Did I hurt you?” I ask, looking down between us, that small part of me wishing to witness her virgin blood on my cock.

  “No,” she says, moving her hips again and digging her fingers into my triceps. “You feel so good. Please don’t stop.”

  I kiss her cheek and continue, more slowly this time, but she begs me to take her harder. Pulling out, I study her face again, and when she moans out another plea, I drive into
her hard. She clings to me with every movement in, then out, filling her center that hugs my cock, then pulling back, and boring into her again.

  With one hand supporting my weight, I slide my hand under her and squeeze one of her ass cheeks. The rough move causes her lower stomach to seize. Dahlia breathes out a whimpering cry as she comes hard. She’s weak and shaking, descending into exhaustion as the pressure in my balls become too powerful to hold in anymore. I bury my head in her neck, letting go of my will as I come.

  She hangs on to me as we take our time to catch our breaths, and once she relaxes her grasp on my arms, I pull out, throw out the used condom, and stretch out beside her.

  My doll.

  Mine and only mine.

  She may not know it yet, but I own her, and I’m not letting her go.



  I wake up to sunlight streaming in through the opening between the window blinds, and the heat of Jackson’s body tight against my back. Squinting, I lift my head and look back at him. He’s sleeping, but even now, his substantial length presses on my lower back. I turn to nestle my chest into his, and stare down at his cock. Jesus, it’s massive. I don’t know how all of that corded muscle fit into me last night, but it felt so good.

  My core clenches just thinking about it, and all I can do to ease the wave of need is cross my legs and press my inner thighs together. The moan that I let escape from my lips must have woken up Jackson. With his hands on my ass, he rolls onto his back, spreading my legs to either side of him as he takes me with him.

  “Morning, doll,” he groans from below me.

  I smile down at him, running my hand through his hair. “Good morning.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Great,” I answer.

  “Nice. Don’t worry about the dogs,” he says, sobering me right up because I forgot all about them. “I was up earlier. They ate. And I let them out on the terrace for a while.”


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