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Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series

Page 54

by T. M. Nielsen

  “Your world isn’t ready for me,” Emily said, and headed for the door.

  “Don’t do this to protect us,” Chevalier said, starting to panic. “If we made a mistake, then let us fix it... but don’t leave to protect the heku.”

  Emily slid into the Aero and Allen got into the passenger’s side. He was too numb to talk, too afraid he would never be a part of this world again. The world he was a part of, and belonged to, but he also knew he couldn’t leave his mother and his sister unprotected.

  “Stop her,” Sotomar said, frowning.

  Chevalier knelt down by the driver’s seat, “Just give me a few weeks to make things right.”

  “No more time, no more tortures… and honestly, I’m pretty tired of being confined in a bedroom,” Emily said, and grinned slightly. “Tell Kyle that I came to see him.”

  “He wanted to see you, to make sure you were ok,” Chevalier said, lying to keep her. “Stay at least until he can make sure you’re ok.”

  Emily started the car and shut the door, and then pulled away from the castle as the entire heku army watched. She pulled onto the ferry and the Captain checked with the pier guards, and then slowly backed the ferry up, heading for land, 4 hours away.

  Emily leaned her head against the steering wheel and started to cry. She was leaving her husband behind, never again to see him or the species she loved so much. She had to protect them. Exavior would be killed soon, but then there would be another. She was also taking two blood drinking children into the world of the mortals, and she had no idea how she would feed them. She knew they would be better off left with the heku, but she couldn’t bear to never see her children again.

  “Mom,” Allen said, touching her back softly.

  Emily looked up at him with red, swollen eyes.

  “Dad wants to talk to you,” he said, and looked out her window.

  Emily turned and saw Chevalier standing on the ferry, a few yards from the car. She opened the door and stepped out hesitantly, and then leaned back against the Aero.

  “We have three more hours to figure this out,” Chevalier said softly.

  “My mind is made up.”

  “No it’s not. I saw the decision happen suddenly in my office. If you came to the castle with the decision made, then I wouldn’t be here... but you don’t want to leave.”

  “You did it again… you confined me to the palace, breaking records with the number of guards,” Emily reminded him.

  “Those weren’t just for you. We left the palace unprotected, Thukil and Powan were there to watch over the entire palace.”

  Emily sighed, “I don’t need bodyguards, had I not agreed to them with Zohn…”

  “I know... but we emptied the guards out of Council City. It’s never been more dangerous for you,” Chevalier explained.

  “So stop tricking me and going behind my back. I thought I was a member of the Council.”

  “You are…”

  “Then treat me like one. Did you hide the attack from any of the others?”

  “No, but…”

  “Did you lock any others up in the palace?”

  Chevalier sighed, “I’m sorry.”

  “For now, but next time you’ll do the same.”

  “It’s in my nature to protect you.”

  Emily sighed, “It’s in my nature to fight back… so we’re at an impasse.”

  “No, damnit, I’m not ready for you to leave,” Chevalier said angrily. “With a mortal, I only have limited time with you, and I don’t want it cut short, not even if only by 50 or 60 years.”

  “I don’t want to turn.”

  “I haven’t asked you to. In my opinion, you’re too young anyway.”

  “See, that’s your problem… I’m an adult,” she said, irritated.

  “I know that.”

  “Do you? Or am I some little doll that you have to protect from the neighborhood dog, one to dress up and parade around?”

  “You can’t really believe that,” Chevalier said, frowning. “You’re twisting my words. I didn’t say you were a child. I said you were too young to turn. If I had my way, no one under 70 would be turned.”

  “It doesn’t matter anyway. That doesn’t change the fact that Kyle was tortured because of me.”

  “No, he was tortured because Exavior is power hungry. He’s been planning this for years, even if you weren’t here he would have tried this eventually,” Chevalier explained. “When the Valle replaced Elder Jeaniel, Exavior thought he was a sure bet for her seat. This entire thing started when he found out he wasn’t her replacement.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “Are you putting me on?”

  Chevalier smiled slightly, “No, this isn’t all your doing. I figure he’s planned this for a few years and has only recently decided you need to be an Elder in his new faction.”

  “So let me,” Emily said.

  “What? Why?” Chevalier asked, confused.

  “Nothing can bring a new faction down faster than a troublesome Elder.”

  “Nothing can bring down a mortal faster than being a troublesome Elder that Exavior wants to re-train.”

  “True,” Emily said, sighing.

  “Give me two months?”

  “To do what?”

  “I don’t know, that just seems to work,” Chevalier told her.

  “The ultimatum was just smashed to pieces by all three factions… four if you want to go there.”

  “We’ll make it up to you. Meet with the Elders and we’ll come up with something,” Chevalier suggested.

  Emily glanced over at Allen. He was sitting in the car, pretending not to listen, but she knew he heard it all.

  “No more leaving for wars behind my back?”


  “No more minions guarding me?”

  “No,” Chevalier said.

  “Fine, but that includes anyone attacking Allen because he helped me,” Emily said.

  “I need to talk to him about that, but I won’t hurt him.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “No.”

  Chevalier sighed, “He overstepped…”

  “He did what I told him to do… and I’m his mother.”

  “He needs rules… you may not be a heku, but he sure as hell is and there are rules to follow.”

  “He’s my 11-year-old son,” Emily reminded him.

  Chevalier glanced into the car, “This once…”

  Allen grinned and pulled a book out of his bag.

  Emily went back and sat down in the Aero, but left the door open. Chevalier came over and handed her a bag.

  “What’s this?” she asked, looking inside.

  “Lunch, heard you aren’t eating again. Do you know how frustrating that is?”

  Emily glanced at Allen when she thought she heard a whisper. She saw his lips moving, but didn’t hear anything.

  “What are you whispering?” Emily asked, irritated.

  “Let me see your ankle,” Chevalier said, putting out his hand.

  Emily frowned at Allen, “Tattle tale.”

  Chevalier grinned, “Your back is next… come on.”

  Emily smiled, “I’m expressing my independence… no.”

  “No?” Chevalier asked, wide eyed. He briefly wondered if he would ever get used to being told no, after thousands of years of his every word being followed immediately and without question.

  “No…” Emily said again, and grabbed her book from under her seat.

  “Interesting,” Chevalier said, amused.

  Emily didn’t look up until the ferry signaled they were almost to land. The ferry driver hadn’t turned around when Chevalier asked because there was a message that Quinn was waiting for them at the docks.

  Emily got out of the Aero and followed Allen and Chevalier to the end of the ferry and watched for Quinn’s silver Zonda.

  “Well, well, well,” Chevalier said, crossing his arms.

  “What?” Emily asked.

  “4 Veyrons,” Allen told her.

  Emily smiled, “I got this one…”

  Chevalier glanced at her and she smiled, “There… empty ugly sports cars.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “You’re calling $1.7 million cars ugly?”

  “Yes, I am,” Emily said, and stepped off the ferry, walking toward the cars. She opened the first car and looked down at the pile of ash in each seat, “Do you want these?”

  “Yes, I do,” Chevalier said. He gathered up the ashes from the first car and moved to the second.

  “No!” Allen yelled, and Chevalier heard a loud splash.

  He turned around just as the top of one of the Bugatti Veyrons disappeared below the surface of the water.

  “You… did you just push that over?” he asked, shocked.

  “Yes, I did,” Emily said, and started to push the second one.

  “We could give those away,” Chevalier said, too surprised to stop her as she pushed the second one over the pier.

  “I want one,” Allen said, staring at the top of the second car as it disappeared.

  “I’m proving a point,” Emily said, and pushed the third one over the pier. The Captain of the ferry watched with wide eyes.

  Emily walked over to the fourth car and tried to push it, but it wouldn’t move. She looked up and saw Allen standing in front of it.

  “You can’t have a car, you’re 11.”

  “Please…” Allen said, his eyes pleading.

  “Give him the car, Em,” Chevalier chuckled.

  “He’s not old enough to drive.”

  “Mom… come on…”

  Emily sighed, “Fine.”

  Allen grinned and got inside. He pulled it onto the ferry as Chevalier and Emily followed. Chevalier waved to the Captain, and he slowly pulled away from the docks. Emily checked the water and saw no signs of the million dollar sports cars.

  The ride back was uneventful, and Sotomar and William were waiting on the pier, excited to see the purple car come into view on the ferry. Emily pulled off the ferry and turned around when she saw the Veyron following her, and Chevalier stepped out onto the pier.

  “No,” Emily said sternly. “Chev… take that car.”

  “It’s only a mile,” he said, glancing at the car.

  “He’s 11,” Emily said, crossing her arms.

  “Were you attacked?” Sotomar asked, surprised at the Veyron.

  “We were going to be, but Em saw them first,” Chevalier chuckled.

  “Drive that back,” Emily said, and sped off toward the castle.

  “Sorry, Allen, I don’t need a fight,” Chevalier said, opening the driver’s door. Allen moved to the passenger seat, and Chevalier drove back to the palace. Sotomar and William met them there and Mark was just coming out of the front doors.

  “Glad you decided to stay,” Mark said, smiling.

  “I didn’t agree to stay. I’ve agreed to negotiations,” Emily told him, still not happy with his recent behavior. She headed inside, limping slightly on her left ankle.

  Mark fell back after her glare and stood at his post silently.

  “Come, Child, let’s talk in here,” Sotomar said, opening the door to the conference room.

  “Call me Child again and I’ll ash you,” Emily snapped, and then headed inside as Sotomar looked at William with wide eyes.

  Chevalier came in and grinned, “She won’t turn you to ash, come on.”

  Emily sat at the end of the table, arms crossed, and obviously ready for a fight. The three Elders were joined by Zohn before sitting down at the table. A servant came in with a pot of hot coffee and a mug, and sat them down in front of Emily. She poured herself a cup and then glared when Chevalier took it away.

  “You need food, not caffeine,” he said.

  Emily stood up and started for the door.

  Sotomar pushed the coffee back towards her, “Sit, please.”

  She picked up the coffee, “Stop treating me like your disobedient daughter.”

  “If you bothered to take care of the human needs to keep yourself alive, I wouldn’t need to,” he said, and then grew quiet when he realized how that sounded.

  “Would you two stop it?” Sotomar asked, frustrated. “It’s hard to negotiate when you’re having a domestic spat.”

  Emily leaned back in her chair and brought her knees up to her chest, then sipped her coffee slowly, waiting for them to talk.

  “What was decided on the ferry?” William asked.

  “She agreed to come talk to us, that’s it,” Chevalier explained.

  “So you are still planning on fulfilling the punishment in the ultimatum?” Sotomar asked.

  “Yes, I am,” Emily said angrily.

  Sotomar sighed, “What exactly happened to break the ultimatum?”

  “I was blocked from leaving Council City by an army from all three factions.”

  “The Valle wouldn’t do that,” Sotomar said.

  “Actually, they did. Ryan approved it,” Chevalier told him.

  “It was merely to keep you safe. We knew you would try to join us in the war against Exavior’s army,” William explained.

  “I don’t believe cause was part of the ultimatum,” Emily said.

  “Still, we cannot let you go into a war that we are unsure of the outcome.”

  “I was blocked from leaving, chased, slammed off my horse, confined to a bedroom, and then babysat for the last few days… all clearly breaking the ultimatum.”

  “So what now?” Sotomar asked. “Why did you return instead of disappearing?”

  “I say we let her go,” Zohn said calmly.

  “Fine,” Emily said, and stood up.

  “Zohn…” Chevalier growled.

  “She’s nothing but trouble and I, personally, am ready to be done with her,” Zohn said.

  “He’s just feeling bold because Damon’s back. He doesn’t have the balls to act alone,” Emily said, and opened the conference room door, stepping out.

  “Stop,” William shouted, following her out.

  “Let her go. Our lives will be much easier without the brat hanging around,” Zohn said, amused.

  Emily spun, “Brat?”

  “Yes, brat” he said, and everyone in the castle’s foyer turned to look at them curiously.

  “Suck it, Zohn,” Emily said, still walking for the front doors.

  “Shut up, Zohn,” Chevalier growled.

  “Emily, wait,” William called out, and left the castle after her.

  Zohn ran out after them, “You’d love that… then big mean husband could come save you.”

  Emily turned on him and walked toward him, “I don’t need Chev to save me, you sack of shit.”

  William turned quickly and wrapped his arms around Emily’s waist, “Just a second.”

  Sotomar grabbed Zohn by the arm as he advanced on Emily, “Stop.”

  Emily glared at Zohn, and he screamed as a burning smell filled the area. Sotomar let him go and he fell to the grass, writhing in pain.

  “Emily!” William yelled, surprised, and let her go.

  Emily released Zohn from the pain, and he got to his hands and knees while the pain subsided. She ran to him and kicked, her foot catching his jaw and breaking it in half. Sotomar lunged for Zohn when Chevalier moved to grab Emily, just as Zohn took her foot and pulled her feet out from under her, dropping her to the ground.

  Sotomar pulled Zohn to his feet quickly and took one arm while William took the other. He pulled against them, “Bitch, if it’s a fight you want, bring it on.”

  Emily fought against Chevalier’s arms around her waist, “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Mark appeared when he heard the yelling and froze, not sure who he was supposed to help.

  Zohn stopped fighting and calmed down. The Elders let go of him, and he straightened his shirt. Emily glared at him and did the same when Chevalier let her go.

  “Damn, you don’t want treated like a child, yet you act like one,” Zohn said.

  Emily screamed and ran at him. Chevalier’s hands
missed her as Allen plowed into him, knocking him backwards a few steps. Zohn reached out, surprised, and caught her around the neck. William and Sotomar grabbed a hold of his arms, but he kept his grip on her.

  Emily brought her knee up, connecting with Zohn’s groin. When he doubled over slightly, she reached out and quickly dug her fingers into his neck, pulling his trachea out of it as blood splattered across the area. She pulled hard and snapped it in half, completely cutting off his airway. Mark wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back, too surprised to do much more than dodge her attacks towards him.

  “Everybody calm down!” Sotomar yelled with enough force that everyone in the courtyard froze.

  Emily stopped fighting Mark and watched Zohn slowly heal. Chevalier had Allen by the arm and was angrily pulling him into the castle. Sotomar and William helped Zohn to his feet when he’d healed enough to walk, and led him back into the castle, followed by Mark, who was still carrying Emily.

  Mark sat Emily down in a chair and held her shoulders, “Just stay put.”

  Zohn was leaned over slightly, talking to Sotomar and William in whispers.

  “You and I,” Chevalier growled at Allen, “Are about to come to an understanding.”

  Allen was glaring at his Dad, “Stop restraining Mom and we won’t have a problem.”

  A helicopter arrived from Council City and landed on the front lawn. Quinn, Silas, Valle Elder Ryan, and Encala Elder Aaron stepped out and came inside. They all stopped and watched, wide eyed as Zohn, Emily, and Allen were all restrained. Zohn and Emily were both covered in blood.

  “What happened?” Quinn asked, frowning.

  Chevalier pushed Allen toward Silas, “Take him upstairs and don’t let him out of your sight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Silas said, pulling Allen up the stairs.

  “Was there an attack?” Aaron asked, frowning at the blood covered foyer.

  “Yes,” Zohn said calmly. “Emily decided to attack me.”

  “Bullshit!” Emily growled. “He started it.”

  Mark readjusted his hands and continued to hold her in the chair.

  “So whose blood is all over?” Ryan asked, stepping over a pool of it.

  “Mine,” Zohn said, grinning slightly. “Seems Emily’s learned some new tricks.”

  Quinn walked over and knelt down beside Emily, “Calm down, ok?”


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