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Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series

Page 60

by T. M. Nielsen

  Chevalier’s eyes flared, “Don’t compare me to him.”

  “You know I would rather die than turn… so does Exavior.”

  Quinn and Zohn each grabbed an arm when Chevalier started forward, “Watch it.”

  Mark stepped closer to Emily, “Both of you need to calm down.”

  “As you see, at times, I’m the only adult in the family,” Allen said matter-of-factly.

  “Shut up, Allen,” both Chevalier and Emily yelled, in unison.

  “You’re not helping,” Silas hissed at Allen.

  “The problem here, is that both know they were wrong, but you’ll never get either of them to admit it,” Allen said, ignoring Silas’ glare. “Mom wants to stay, but doing so would make her appear weak. Dad needs to buck up and say how much he actually needs her, but that might make him appear weak. It’s all a matter of hard-headed pride.”

  “You may be right, but I’m warning you… one more word and I’ll haul you out of here,” Silas growled.

  “Let’s just go into the conference room and calmly talk about this where the servants and guards aren’t watching,” Quinn suggested.

  “Why do you think I want to talk? What part of I’m leaving… are you not understanding?” Emily asked, frustrated.

  “Because turning you shouldn’t be factored into this… we had no option that we saw, other than to save your life by making you a heku,” Zohn said, and then stepped back when Emily glared at him.

  “He’s right… before that you were willing to negotiate some terms for your return,” Quinn said.

  “Why do you want me back here so badly?” Emily asked. “Zohn hates me. I’m a loose bull in a perfectly aligned glass house. What could you possibly want me here for?”

  “Because I love you,” Chevalier said, watching her, and Emily’s heart sank.

  “Because we all do,” Kyle said. “You’ve become a part of our lives that we don’t want to give up quite yet.”

  “You aligned the factions,” Quinn said. “What did the Ancient say? We’ve all become smitten with you.”

  “You offer us some protection,” Zohn added.

  “Shut up, Zohn,” Chevalier growled.

  Emily was still looking into Chevalier’s eyes, shocked he had uttered those three precious words in front of heku.

  “Negotiations… we call in all of the Elders and we talk,” Quinn said.

  “You have a habit of keeping me against my will,” Emily said, taking a step back toward the door. “How can I guarantee my safety?”

  “We’ve never been able to keep you for long,” Mark said, grinning.

  “We hold negotiations in the Valle Palace,” Emily suggested. “Neutral territory.”

  “Agreed,” Quinn said. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Let’s go to the new Equites 1. The arrangements will be made when we get there,” Chevalier said.

  “I’ll take the Harley,” Emily told them, and turned to leave.

  “Wait,” Zohn sighed. “As much as I’m sure we’d all prefer you stay in black leather… it’s too dangerous to ride at night and you can’t take guards with you.”

  Emily spun and glared at Zohn as Chevalier growled low.

  “Who said I was taking guards?” Emily asked, tying her hair up.

  “Just come with us, please?” Chevalier said softly.

  “No, I need my own way out,” Emily said. “I have to be to work on Monday, negotiations or not.”

  “You got a job?” Chevalier asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, that’s what mortals do.”


  “If you are all so dead set on me not taking the Harley, then I’ll take the Jeep, that way Allen can ride with me,” Emily told them, and headed toward the garage.

  “I get to go?”Allen asked.

  “No, you don’t.” Chevalier told him.

  Emily turned to Allen, “Get in the Jeep.”

  Chevalier grinned, “Fine, but he’s my son and I think he needs a guard.”

  Silas turned away, grinning.

  “You,” Emily said, turning to a first-floor guard.

  The guard glanced nervously at Chevalier and then back to Emily, “Yes, Ma’am?”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Ashtin, Ma’am.”

  “Get in the Jeep,” Emily said, and headed for the garage with Allen.

  Chevalier shrugged, “At least it’s someone.”

  “Sir?” Ashtin asked.

  “Go… one thing happens to her though, and it’ll be your head,” Chevalier said, and stormed up the stairs.

  Emily pulled off the top and doors of the Jeep, setting them off to the side. She crawled in while Allen got into the passenger seat, and the nervous guard got into the back.


  “They said they are only a few minutes out,” Sotomar said to those gathered around the conference room. “Let’s meet them out front.”

  Emily didn’t know the exact location of the Valle, so the Elders had sent out a few cars to guide her in. The Elders from all three factions stepped outside into the warm afternoon and watched as the three Ferrari’s followed the dark green Jeep. They pulled up outside of the large garage across from the palace and the guards met Emily at the Jeep and walked her toward the palace.

  “Damn,” Elder Ryan said. “Does she wear leather often?”

  Sotomar growled at him and turned back to Emily. She pulled off the leather jacket and slung it over her shoulder, leaving only a lacy white camisole that showed a hint of bare midriff as she walked. She didn’t look happy though, and the Equites guard was walking far behind her.

  “Welcome,” Sotomar said, smiling.

  “Is there a problem?” Quinn asked, glaring at his guard.

  “Yes, Genius over here tried to pick a fight while I was getting gas,” Emily said angrily. With her 4” heels, she was closer to the height of the heku, but still dwarfed by them. The Elders glanced away from her nervously, afraid if they looked too long at her in the tight leather pants, that Chevalier would notice.

  “Over what?” Chevalier asked, irritated.

  “There was a mortal…” the guard started, but Emily cut him off.

  “Getting hit on by some dumbass is no reason to threaten to tear his hand off,” Emily yelled.

  “He… he touched… you,” the guard said, defending himself.

  “Where?” Quinn asked, curious.

  The guard sighed, “He took her arm and then patted her butt.”

  Emily glared at him, “When you get back… you’re fired.” She took Allen’s hand and walked into the Valle’s palace.

  “When you get back, report to Mark for a promotion,” Chevalier whispered, and followed them in.

  Sotomar growled at a few guards when they turned to watch Emily walk past them. They suddenly faced forward, and Sotomar gave Chevalier an apologetic glance.

  “Em, would you like to change, maybe?” Chevalier asked hopefully. He admired the way her high-heeled boots and tight leather pants accentuated her figure, but couldn’t help but notice how many heku were watching her walk by.

  Emily shrugged, “I was just out for a ride. I didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

  “Dear, there is an entire wardrobe for you, if you need to change… please, do so,” Elder Ryan said.

  “Fine,” Emily said, and bent over to unzip her boots. She stood up quickly and turned around when she heard gasps from behind her, “What?”

  Chevalier’s eyes were wide, “Did… what… in…”

  Quinn grinned, “Did you get a tattoo?”

  “You got a tattoo?” Allen asked, surprised.

  Emily grinned, “I did.”

  “I see,” Quinn said, amused.

  Emily shrugged and unbuttoned the top button on her leather pants, and turned around, pulling them down enough so they could see the tattoo on her lower back, where it was mostly hidden by her low-rider pants. The Equites crest was tattooed in black, and was surrounded by intrica
tely drawn green vines and red roses that formed an elongated V that stretched out toward her hips. She re-buttoned her pants and followed a servant up the stairs.

  “Didn’t see that coming,” William chuckled.

  “Motorcycles, tight black leather, high heels, and tattoos,” Zohn said, raising his eyebrows. “She never ceases to amaze me.”

  Chevalier grinned, “I like it.”

  “Of course you do,” Allen said, rolling his eyes. “Before you all start to drool, let’s go into the conference room, shall we?”

  “Yes… good idea…” Ryan said, and glanced once more as Emily disappeared from the stairs on the fourth floor.

  The nine Elders and Allen sat down around the large table in the conference room and waited.

  “So, what happened with the mortal?” Chevalier asked Allen.

  Allen shrugged, “Mom draws attention, what can I say?”

  Quinn grinned, “We do apologize.”

  “No reason, she’s to blame this time… not sure what she expects in that outfit,” Allen said, sitting back. “So some biker approached her and got handsy. He didn’t have time to do much more because Ashtin threatened to remove his hands.”

  “I knew I liked Ashtin,” Chevalier said, thinking.

  “He’s lucky it wasn’t Mark or Silas. They wouldn’t have threatened,” Zohn said, frowning. “She really needs to cover up or we’ll have more than just Exavior following her around.”

  “She was completely covered, even had her jacket on,” Allen explained.

  “Pants that tight should not be considered covering anything.”

  Allen grinned at Zohn, “She just made you nervous because you liked it, too.”

  “Allen…” Quinn warned.

  Allen sat back quietly and waited.

  “Has she agreed to stay then? Pending negotiations?” William asked, changing the subject.

  “No, she’s not,” Quinn said. “She has to work on Monday, so we can’t drag them out. She said negotiations or not she’s going.”

  “She got a job?” Ryan asked.

  “She’s the secretary for Bruce Isaac,” Allen said, still sitting calmly.

  “Wait!” Chevalier said, turning to him. “What?”

  “Bruce Isaac, CEO of the V.E.S.,” Allen said.

  “I know who Bruce Isaac is… why is she working for him?” Chevalier asked angrily.

  “She said to keep an eye on what’s going on, to protect us kids… course… we all know that’s a façade so she can protect all heku,” Allen said, smiling.

  Chevalier pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, “I’m getting a headache.”

  “Heku don’t get headaches,” Quinn reminded him.

  “Yeah… well… I’m married to one big headache.”

  “Good to know,” Emily said from behind him. She came into the room in a floor-length shimmery silver slip dress with spaghetti straps, “Any clothing other than heku Barbie?”

  “Sorry, Exavior worked with the tailor,” Sotomar said, grinning slightly.

  Emily sat down, “Let’s get on with this then.”

  “Bruce Isaac, Em? Seriously?” Kyle asked.

  “Tattle tale,” Emily said, frowning at Allen.

  “I didn’t know it was a secret,” Allen told her.

  “Anyway, that has nothing to do with these negotiations.”

  “I think it probably does,” Sotomar said. “Do you know how dangerous it is to work for them?”

  “Yes, I do know, and no, it has nothing to do with negotiations.”

  “What is it you want, for you to stay?” Quinn asked quickly.

  “First off, Allen explained to me what happened after the attack by Exavior, and why the Equites attempted to turn me,” Emily said, leaning her elbows on the table. “So… for now… that is no longer a consideration. However, next time, remember I would rather die than turn.”

  “Why is that, exactly?” Encala Elder Aaron asked.

  Emily glanced at him, “None of your business.”

  “It just seems odd that a species you obviously care a lot about, yet don’t want to become…”

  Emily just looked at him, not saying a word.

  “Moving forward,” William said, taking the pressure off of Aaron. “What is it you want?”

  “You’re the ones with the photographic memory, remind us all what I said,” Emily said, sitting back in the chair.

  “To quote…” William said. “That means no more kidnapping, spying, torturing, killing, following, dressing me up like a doll, deceit… nothing.”

  Emily smiled, “Yup, that’s about it… most of which occurred over the last few months, and I am willing to not include anything done by Exavior.”

  “So punish us and stay,” William suggested.

  Emily frowned slightly, “Punish you?”

  Chevalier grinned slightly, “That’s not a bad idea.”

  Emily glanced at Allen and he shrugged.

  “How am I supposed to punish the Elders?” Emily asked.

  They all thought in silence for a few minutes as Emily watched them, somewhat amused.

  “No guards,” Reese suggested.

  Emily frowned, “That’s not much of a punishment... but it’s a start, what else?”

  “You could ash the entire Council…” Zohn said, irritated. “Oh wait, you already did that.”

  Emily chuckled, “Yes, I did.”

  “You sort of did punish us already,” Sotomar said. “We’ve been sick with worry since we found your horse tied to the side of the Interstate.”

  Emily sighed, “Joking aside, all I want is to be ensured that I won’t be restrained any more. I want the freedom to come and go as I please… if there’s a war, and I want to join, then let me… if I want to slip my guards and go riding alone, then let me.”

  “Deal,” Chevalier told her.

  “Wait,” Zohn said. “I disagree… you’re saying if we go to war against the Valle, that Emily is allowed to participate?”

  “What? Why us?” Sotomar asked, frowning.

  “Just an example,” Zohn told him. “V.E.S. uprising then… you’re fine to let her fight alongside us?”

  “Maybe, at that time, we can talk openly about it and she would see reasons behind staying at the palace.”

  “We’re talking about Emily, right?” Zohn sighed. “Seeing reason?”

  “Hey!” Emily yelled. “Are you insinuating that I can’t see reason?”


  Emily glared at him and Zohn disappeared, leaving ash scattered under the table.

  “Emily!” Chevalier yelled, leaning over to look.

  “Well… guess she showed him,” William chuckled.

  “I’ll get the Enforcer,” Sotomar said.

  “No,” Emily told him. “He’s fine where he is for now… what’s his problem, anyway?”

  “Not sure exactly,” Quinn said. “We’ll talk to him about it later, course, this isn’t going to help.”

  “Let’s try this… if I were submissive and obedient, what would you have me do?” Emily asked, serious.

  “That’s a trap if I’ve ever seen one,” Chevalier chuckled.

  “Guards… we all feel it’s important that you have guards,” Elder Ryan said.

  “No more running,” Quinn added.

  “Or disappearing for weeks at a time,” Sotomar said, smiling slightly.

  “Eating… drinking… sleeping... would be nice,” Chevalier said.

  Reese smiled, “Contact with all Councils would be required, so we can insure your welfare.”

  Quinn jumped in, “No swimming alone… or riding alone.”

  “No job,” Valle Elder Vizia added.

  “No interrupting the Council in session,” Quinn said.

  “She can interrupt our Council,” Sotomar told her.

  William nodded, “Ours too.”

  “Then no interrupting the Equites Council,” Quinn clarified.

  Emily sighed, “Damn, is t
hat all?”

  Chevalier grinned, “You asked.”

  “Two weeks under your rules, followed by two weeks under mine… and we’ll see,” Emily suggested.

  The Elders looked around and then Quinn turned back to Emily, “If we agree, you’ll stay.”

  “For four weeks, guaranteed.”

  “You’ll quit your job?” Chevalier asked.

  “I’ll take a 2 week leave… then if I need to work, I’ll still have it.”

  “I don’t like you at the V.E.S.”

  “I worked hard to make it to the CEO’s secretary. I’m not giving up that kind of knowledge or power for a 2 week trial.”

  “Very well… Equites agree.”

  “Valle agree,” Sotomar said.

  William nodded, “Sure, we’ll agree.”

  “Starting now,” Allen said, and they all looked at him. “Kyle found her running amok at 3 o’clock in the morning, which means she hasn’t slept… and as far as I can tell, she hasn’t eaten either.”

  Emily glared at him, “You’re pushing it.”

  “No time like the present, Em,” Chevalier said, smiling.

  Emily sighed and stood up, “As you wish.”

  “You’re really going to bed?” Chevalier asked skeptically.

  “Sure… alone,” Emily said, and disappeared from the room.

  Kyle grinned, “Denied.”

  “She cuts me off weekly,” Chevalier chuckled, and stood up. “I’m ready to feed.”

  “I’ll go,” Quinn said, standing up.

  “As will I,” Sotomar said.

  Allen looked up, “Can I?”

  “Sure,” Chevalier said, and they all headed out.

  Emily went through the closets, but found only skimpy silk nightgowns. She frowned and stepped out into the hallway.

  “Ma’am?” one of her door guards asked.

  “Do you have a t-shirt on?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “T-shirt… are you wearing one?” Emily asked, somewhat irritated.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Can I have it, please?” she asked, and held her hand out.

  The guard frowned slightly and slipped off his gray shirt and the t-shirt underneath, and then handed it to her.

  “Thank you,” she said, and disappeared back into the room. She put it on and climbed into bed.

  A servant had already pulled the heavy shades so even though it was afternoon, the room was almost completely dark. Before leaving, Sotomar assigned four guards to her and she was already dreading the arrangement that she would follow all orders for two weeks, but was looking forward to her two weeks of complete freedom.


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