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Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series

Page 80

by T. M. Nielsen

  “I won’t ask again… why?” he growled, slamming his fists down on the table.

  “E… Ex… Exavior said to,” he stammered out.

  Chevalier frowned, “Exavior told you to kill her?”

  The heku nodded.

  “How did Exavior give you orders when he’s imprisoned?”

  “He… he spoke through the walls. He told Samuel and she… I mean and he then told us…”

  Emily stretched slightly and opened her eyes. Things were fuzzy, like waking up from a deep sleep. She sat up and felt the pull on her arm. Her eyes focused slowly, and she saw the I.V. and promptly pulled it out, wincing slightly at the sting, then tore the oxygen from her face and frowned, looking around the room.

  Her muscles were sore and tight. She felt like her joints were swollen and it was hard to move. She flexed her hand, watching it move slowly, then got to her feet and steadied herself on the bedpost. Emily noticed the runes on the headboard and touched them lightly before turning to the bedroom. There was a lot of equipment in the room. It looked like medical equipment, and she couldn’t remember how it got there.

  “Chev?” she tried to say, but couldn’t even muster a whisper. Her throat was dry and scratchy, and she wanted to get a drink, but couldn’t call out.

  Testing her legs, she took a step away from the bed and found that with considerable effort, she could move. She struggled to get to the bathroom and leaned down, taking a long drink from the tap. The water felt good against her dry mouth. When she leaned up, she glanced in the mirror and her eyes grew wide. She turned sideways, surprised at how big she’d gotten at only 4 months along.

  Her nightgown was wet from sweat and she peeled it off and went to the closet. None of her clothes fit her. They were all too small, so she finally went to Chevalier’s closet and pulled out a guard shirt, relieved that it fastened around her and came down to her knees.

  Emily stiffly walked to the door, holding onto the wall to keep herself from falling over. Her muscles were too stiff to move freely, and the weight of the baby was off. It was more than she expected and she was curious to see why the palace seemed so quiet.

  She expected to see guards in the hallway, but there were none, so she listened and could hear voices coming from the floor below. She sat down in a chair in the hallway, already out of breath and exhausted from getting dressed. Once she caught her breath, she slowly went down the stairs, holding the railing to keep from falling and to help her weak legs.

  As expected, the screaming was coming from inside the council chambers. She debated going around back, but the stairs seemed daunting and her legs were already so sore they felt wobbly and unsteady. She was surprised that Derrick wasn’t at the door, but glancing around quickly, she saw that none of the guards were in sight and could see the thick iron bars across the windows.

  Emily tried the door to the trial area, but it was locked, so she frowned and knocked lightly. She took a step back when Mark threw open the door, and then almost fell when her legs got tangled.

  “Oh my God!” Mark yelled, and caught her before she hit the floor. Instantly, they were surrounded by members of the Cavalry as Mark picked her up in a cradle.

  “Let the guards handle it,” Quinn said, looking back down at the heku on the floor. “I guess the only question is whether to kill you now… or torture you first.”

  “Mark, put me down,” Emily whispered hoarsely. Her quiet voice carried into the council chambers, and they all looked up with wide eyes. Chevalier was in the hallway before the Council even made it to their feet.

  “Em?” he asked, watching her in Mark’s arms.

  “Tell him I can walk,” Emily whispered, trying to get down from Mark’s strong grip.

  Chevalier took her from Mark and held her close to him, “My God, Em, you’re awake.”

  Emily looked over at how the guards and council members were looking at her, in shock, and she started to blush, “Of course I’m awake.”

  “Put them in jail. We’ll deal with them later,” Kyle said, and followed Chevalier up the stairs along with all of the Council.

  “I’m hungry,” Emily said as Chevalier laid her down in bed. She sat up and blushed deeper when everyone came in and watched her, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Em… God, Emily, what’s the last thing you remember?” Chevalier asked, turning when Mark came in.

  “I was going to ash the Valle. I was in front of their Council, and there was a guy there who was going to cut my head off,” she whispered. “So I’ll take it I ashed enough that I slept for a while?”

  Chevalier nodded and smiled, “Yeah, a while.”

  “What do you want to eat, Dear?” Zohn asked softly.

  Emily frowned slightly at him and then shrugged, “I don’t care.”

  “There’re no servants,” Mark said. “Pancakes and coffee! I can do that.”

  Emily nodded, and he disappeared.

  “Are you mad, then? That I went to the Valle?” Emily whispered, pulling a blanket up to cover herself better.

  Chevalier took her head in his hands, kissed her softly, and then looked into her eyes, “No, I’m not mad.”

  “Why is everyone staring at me then?” she whispered, her voice still hoarse.

  “You’ve been in a coma for 3 months,” Chevalier explained, and took her hand.

  “Three months?”

  He nodded, “Yes, we were told you were dying.”

  “Three months explains why I look like a house,” she said, and smiled slightly.

  “We should take her to the hospital, just to make sure she’s ok,” Quinn suggested.

  Emily frowned, “No, no hospitals.”

  “He’s right. We need to take you,” Chevalier said.


  “Were you listening? You were in a coma, low brain activity, low body functions… you were dying.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not going to a hospital.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “I won’t force you.”

  “Did… did everyone get out?”

  “Most, but no, not all.”

  “How many died?”

  “One order of pancakes and some hot coffee as ordered,” Mark said, bringing in a tray.

  “How many?” Emily asked Chevalier again.

  “Twelve guards… Elder Vizia and the Valle’s Chief Interrogator, Buach were killed in the initial takeover.”

  Emily leaned back against the headboard, “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  “Oh no… you’re eating or we take you to the hospital,” Chevalier said, and took the tray from Mark.

  “It does smell good,” she said, taking the tray from him.

  “Clear out,” Chevalier said, still watching Emily. He heard the heku leave her room and shut the door behind them, “You have no idea how worried I was, being told that you were going to die.”

  Emily started to eat, suddenly starving. The pancakes were perfect, and she finished up with the coffee, hoping some caffeine would knock out the headache.

  “How are you feeling?”

  She leaned back against the headboard with her coffee, “Let’s see, headache, my entire body is sore and stiff, and I’m bigger than my car.”

  Chevalier smiled, “Not quite that big.”

  “Was it really 3 months?”

  “Yes, 3 long months.”

  “Mommy!” Alexis yelled, and ran into the room and in to Emily’s arms. “You’re awake.”

  Emily kissed her head softly, “Yeah I am.”

  Allen smiled, “I knew you’d make it, you’re too stubborn to die.”

  Emily hugged Allen and then sat back, again out of breath and exhausted, “Wow, tired already.”

  “Take a nap, we’ll leave,” Allen said, and took Alexis from the room.

  Emily crawled under the covers and laid down, “Someone wrote on the bed.”

  “I know,” Chevalier said, and laid down beside her.

  “Just a little nap.”

; “Just not another 3 months.”

  Emily nodded and quickly drifted off to sleep.

  She stood in a vast field. The grass was up to her knees and she faced an army of heku in purple and red capes. She had the baby in her arms, and it was squirming and crying.

  “The deal stands,” Keith said, his purple cape blowing behind him. “Give us the baby and you get the Elders back.”

  “No,” Emily told him. She glanced back at the thousands of heku behind her and then back to the enemy, “Come get her. I dare you.”

  “You can’t handle her… she’ll kill you,” Keith said, grinning.

  Emily looked down at the baby and she was fighting to get to Emily’s arm. Her teeth were exposed as she tried to feed. Emily dropped the baby just when she sunk her teeth into Emily’s arm.

  “See, hand her over,” Keith said, and suddenly he was standing right in front of her. She ducked as he tried to punch her.

  “Em,” Chevalier whispered, and touched her arm softly.

  She jerked awake and cried out slightly at the pain in her body.

  “Just a dream.”

  Emily looked over at him, trying to catch her breath.

  “It’s not funny anymore, stop trying to save us.”

  “I can’t control my dreams,” she whispered, flexing her hands.

  “If you weren’t always trying to save the species when you are awake, it might leave your dreams,” he said, and took her hands, massaging them.

  “I hurt everywhere,” she sighed.

  “I bet… you didn’t move in 3 months… maybe we should call Sotomar over, see if he can help.”

  “Unless he’s mad at me.”

  “Why would he be?”

  “I ashed his entire city.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “I think he’s ok with it.”

  “None of my clothes fit.”

  “I wondered why you have my shirt on. We’ll have some made.”

  “Are the Valle stable now?” she asked, sitting up slowly with some help.

  “Yes, you pretty much took care of the problem covens.”

  “And the Ferus?”

  “Still being a pain,” Chevalier explained. “In fact, Exavior ordered you killed. That’s why the palace is in lockdown.”

  Emily frowned, “How can he order me killed when he’s in prison?”

  “He got word out.”

  Emily sighed, “Fine… I’ll take care of him then.”

  “Damnit, Em, no.”


  “I don’t want you ashing… ever… even one heku.”

  “One or two never hurt anything.”

  “None, period,” he said sternly.

  “Fine, for now. We’ll discuss it when my headache is gone, then I can fight back,” she said, and tried to grab the covers, but her hands were too stiff.

  “We really should take you in to the doctor.”

  “No… when do I get my voice back all the way?”

  “I don’t know. You won’t let us take you to the doctor… Enter,” Chevalier said, and turned to the door. Four servants came in carrying large trays.

  “What is that?” Emily asked, her eyes wide.

  Chevalier chuckled, “I think Quinn and Zohn ordered your breakfast.”

  “Enough for an army?” Emily asked, watching as the servants picked up the domes and left with a bow. She winced as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, “Damn, nothing works.”

  Chevalier appeared beside her and picked her up, “It’ll take time to get your body to cooperate.”

  “It’ll be faster if you let me walk,” she said as he sat her down at the table.

  He sat down beside her and grinned, “Sit back, enjoy it.”

  Emily reached over, and after some concentration, was able to pick up a piece of bacon with both hands.

  “Hmm, I’ll call Sotomar,” Chevalier said, and grabbed his phone.

  “No,” she said, setting down the bacon. “Let me talk to him first.”

  He dialed the Valle Council and put them on speakerphone and then held the phone out towards her.

  “Yes, Chevalier?” Sotomar asked.

  “How mad are you?” Emily whispered quietly.

  “Who is this?” he asked, confused.

  Emily looked at the phone oddly, then answered, “It’s Emily.”

  “Oh my God, you’re awake!” Sotomar said, shocked.

  “So how mad are you?”

  “Mad? At what?” His voice was still surprised.

  “I ashed your city.”

  Sotomar chuckled, “You restored the true Council. I am not one to judge the way in which you did it.”

  “I’m sorry about Vizia and Buach,” she said softly.

  “Child, we don’t blame you.”

  “Chevalier here,” he said, grabbing the phone. “We have one tiny problem that we wondered if you might be able to help with.

  “What might that be?” Sotomar asked.

  “Emily didn’t move for 3 months, she’s sore and stiff… she can barely function.”

  “I’m not that bad,” Emily whispered, and heard Sotomar laugh.

  “Yes, I have just the fix for that. Can you accommodate two of us for a few days?”

  “Yes, by all means,” Chevalier said. “We’ll alert security that you are coming. The palace is on lockdown at the moment.”

  “Wait,” Emily said before they disconnected. “How are you going to fix it?”

  Sotomar chuckled, “We’ll discuss it when we arrive.”

  Emily frowned when Chevalier hung up, “If he hurts me, I’ll ash him.”

  “Stop,” Chevalier said sternly. “No more…”

  “I can’t just stop,” she whispered and picked up some toast.

  “Yes you can. There’s no reason for it anymore.”

  “You’re going to try to put guards on me again, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not going to try, I’ve already done it.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “I don’t want guards.”

  “I didn’t ask what you wanted. Now eat and I’ll run you a bath.”

  “Go away.”

  “No,” he said, amused.

  “I’m not your child.”

  “Then don’t act like one, and do what’s best for you.”

  “Go away!”


  “Who’s guarding my door?”

  Chevalier smiled slightly, “Silas and Jaron right now.”

  “Silas!” Emily called out, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Silas and Jaron both came in, “Yes?”

  “Remove him from my room,” she said, and started eating.

  “They can’t forcibly remove me,” Chevalier chuckled.

  “You’re being a pest, now go.”

  Chevalier stood up, “Fine… I have things to do in my office anyway.”

  Emily mimicked his words and went back to eating.

  “Good to see you didn’t wake up grouchy,” he said, laughing, and went to leave.

  She watched him leave and heard Silas and Jaron laughing in the hallway as the door shut.

  Chevalier smiled on the way to his office, shaking his head. He wasn’t sure why, but her grouchy attitude was charming to him. He still couldn’t believe she woke up, and seemed to only suffer some muscle weakness for the mass slaying of over 3400 heku and 3 months of sleep. He went into his office and shut the door, deeply engrossing himself in staffing restrictions.

  A knock on his door a few hours later brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked up, “Come.”

  Sotomar and a strange heku in gray robes came in, “I’ll never get used to coming into the Equites palace calmly.”

  Chevalier nodded, “I hear you… thank you for coming.”

  Sotomar turned to the other heku, “This is Lex. He was a Physical Therapist when he turned a few years ago.”

  “Physical Therapist? You think you can help her?”

  Lex smiled, “I know I can.”

/>   “Her scent though, to one so young.”

  “We’ve been discussing it, and though it may take a while, it would be easier to acclimate him to her than to restrict him with a mask,” Sotomar said. “When he’s done, I will help take the soreness away.”

  “There’s one… tiny… thing,” Chevalier said, and smiled slightly.

  “Tiny?” Sotomar asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Emily’s a little… grouchy, with this pregnancy.”

  “Define grouchy.”

  “Snippy, short tempered,” Chevalier said. “She’s not hurt anyone, but threatens a lot… and makes pretty harsh remarks.”

  “Worse than when she stayed with us?”


  “That should be interesting. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “Great, I’ll have Kralen help you acclimate,” Chevalier said, and walked out of his office with Sotomar and Lex. Kralen and Mark were on the ground floor talking when they walked up, “Kralen, will you help Sotomar and Lex acclimate to Emily?”

  “Yes, Elder,” Kralen said. “When I did it I started down here and just slowly moved up.”

  “How long did it take?” Lex asked.

  “About twelve hours.”

  “To acclimate to a mortal?”

  Kralen grinned, “No, to acclimate to a Winchester.”

  “I guess I just don’t understand, but will follow instructions.”

  “We need to acclimate a new chef also, we’ll get him,” Mark said, and called for one of the servants.

  “I’ll go stay with her… just in case,” Chevalier said, and headed up the stairs. He stopped when one of her guards held is hand out.

  Silas grinned “We’re not supposed to let you in.”

  Chevalier sighed, “Did she say why?”

  Jaron nodded, “Yes, she said… erm…”

  Silas glanced at Jaron, and then back to the Elder, “I’ll quote, Sir, ‘Tell him when I want him in here, I’ll summon him… until then he can turn around and kiss his own ass.’”

  Chevalier chuckled, “Very well, I’ll tell her you tried to stop me.”

  Silas sighed, “She’s in the bathroom.”

  “Is she sick?”


  “Damn,” he whispered, and walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He looked around the room. The equipment was all turned off and the I.V. was hanging over the side of the bed. He could see her mostly untouched breakfast, and heard her move slightly in the bathroom. He knocked lightly on the door.


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