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Sinful Weekend

Page 2

by Francesca St. Claire

She moved around the back and sat next to him, long legs stretched out, feet on the snow-spotted asphalt of the parking lot. “Nope. I’m originally from Pennsylvania, but I went to college in Colorado Springs.”

  He half turned to her. “Did you really?”

  Amused by his surprise, she nodded. “Yeah.”

  “So did I. What year?”

  She couldn’t help but tease him. “Long after you.”

  He narrowed his eyes and she giggled.

  Nick was far from old. She ventured to guess he was in his mid-thirties. Older than she was by maybe seven or eight years…thank you, God! She had no patience for insecure or juvenile behavior, the kind she’d experienced when dating much-younger men.

  Handsome. In great shape. Experienced. Mmm… What more could she ask for in a fling?

  She wiggled her eyebrows in jest and Nick shrugged, his electric-blue eyes holding hers. “I’ll find out sooner or later.”

  There was humor in his voice, his tone light and friendly, but the heat and promise in his eyes hinted there could be some truth to his words. Her stomach lurched and she flushed as her body steamed at the thought. She stared at her hands, clasped around her gloves. What would his commanding sexy voice be like in the dead of night behind closed doors? Just imagining being alone with him dampened her panties. Desire surged strong and sudden. She stole a glance at his large hands against his muscular thighs and wet heat came crashing down on her pussy.

  “I find you very beautiful.”

  Her eyes shot up to find raw desire on his face.

  “And sexy,” he said, his voice soft. Intimate.

  Excitement skittered through her, hardening her nipples, setting her on fire as his eyes roamed over her face and lingered on her mouth. She leaned slightly forward and Nick slid a hand through her hair. He held her open mouth to his, capturing her soft moans as he deepened their kiss. She was swept away by the overwhelming thrill of his lips pressed against hers and surrendered to the shivers of desire moving through her. His kiss was deep, sensual. Their tongues met in a slow hot dance that made her gasp and drove her to an entirely different place than she’d ever been before. With each stroke, she sank deeper into his embrace.

  The slam of a car door jerked her back from him. Reality crashed down on her, but for a few moments their eyes remained connected—and she found it hard to turn away from such a strong bond.

  “We’d better go.”

  “Yes.” Was the breathless whisper hers? The husky word ended on a sigh as if she’d needed to relieve the tightness in her chest.

  Was Nick as affected by the kiss as she was? She tried to repress the shiver of excitement caused by the memory of his lips and concentrated instead on the mountain road while listening to Earth, Wind and Fire on the stereo. They finally entered a narrow lane and stopped shortly after in front of a house perched on a cliff.

  “Welcome to my mountain retreat,” he said. “Shall we go in?”

  She removed her ski boots on the porch and entered the front hall in her socks.

  The large room with breathtakingly tall ceilings and wall of windows overlooking the valley and distant mountains was amazing. Stephanie couldn’t help a gasp of admiration. “What an incredible place you’ve got here!”

  “The view is pretty impressive, isn’t it?”

  “Not just the view, check this room!” She spun around, taking in every detail. “Beautiful.”

  The décor was truly a page out of Architectural Digest—hardwood floors, a fireplace set in a stone wall. The beautiful open room with mid-century furnishings and the soft wool-pile carpet created a comfortable, chic living space. “Have you rented it long?”

  “I own it, actually. Shall I take your coat?” he asked as he shrugged his off.

  Stephanie stared at him in awe. “Wow! I’m hugely impressed,” she said, handing him her coat. “Are you some important person I should have read about?” Without waiting for his answer, she walked to the glass wall for a closer peek at the spectacular view of the lake through the snow-covered trees.

  He chuckled. “No, just a successful architect with a love for my work.” He dropped their coats on the back of the sofa and followed her across the room.

  He stood quietly behind her for a long moment, but she didn’t forget he was there. How could she when electricity grazed her entire back? He placed his hand on her shoulder and heat and strength radiated through her fleece pullover to her skin. Her sweet spot came to life. All her senses heightened as her heart tripped in anticipation of his next move.

  She didn’t have to wait long. Nick pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck. His arm came around her waist, keeping her flush against his warm hard chest. Her head fell back on his shoulder and rolled to one side. His tongue, hot and smooth, swept over her neck. A shiver started right where his lips caressed her skin and raced through her body. Her nipples hardened with a passing wave of heat. Her spine softened and her knees turned to jelly. She struggled to breathe as her pulse thundered in her head.

  “Come to the bedroom with me,” he whispered against her neck.

  Her breath stopped. This was the moment of truth. She could delay going to bed with him, tease him a little longer or maybe even postpone consummation until they were back in San Francisco…or not. She wanted him. Badly. Right now. He was the reason she’d stayed. One year of celibacy was enough to drive anybody mad, but refusing the opportunity to have sex with a gorgeous man like Nick redefined madness.


  They slowly moved up the stairs, entwined in one another’s arms. Twice they stopped to kiss—a couple of wet opened-mouth kisses that left both of them panting before they reached the top. They arrived at the bedroom without breaking contact. Once inside, Nick tugged off her fleece then her thermal layer of underclothes, kissing her again and again, moving from her lips to her throat and lower still until he reached her perky nipples.

  She had a fleeting concern for her less-than-sexy clothing, but as need pumped through her everything except their joining became irrelevant. She fumbled as she quickly unfastened each button of his shirt. Her nervousness to perform well for him surprised her. Why was it important to impress him as long as she got her itch scratched? Only all the difference. She wanted him to like her.

  Clothes piled on the floor and they toppled naked onto the bed. He rolled her underneath him, skin to skin. Lifting a hand, he stroked her throat, his gaze never leaving hers, found her pulse point, lowered his head and kissed her there. When he nibbled and licked her ear, her breathing increased, her chest rose and fell faster.

  He slid down to suck first one nipple then the other into his mouth, teasing the hard nubs until she gasped for breath. She bowed upward, tugged and pulled at his thick hair when he nipped the aching tips, pressed her thighs together as electric jolts speared down her center, flooding her pussy with warm cum. They moved together as if the choreography had long been rehearsed, rolling around the bed, arms and legs a perfect harmony of movement.

  He kissed the little spot just below her ear and she slid her arms over his shoulders and pressed on the back of his head, certain she’d die from the pleasure pulsing through her. He filled his hands with her breasts, caressed her sensitive flesh. He replaced his hands with his mouth and she arched into him with a low moan. His mouth was warm against her breasts, his tongue so very busy licking and stroking. He played over her rib cage, tracing a path down her abdomen with wet kisses and sharp little bites that drove her to a fever pitch.

  She gasped when his fingers hovered over her pubic bone, moaned when he covered her mound with his hand, cupping and squeezing until she writhed underneath him, helpless to stop.

  “Ah, you’re hot,” Nick murmured, nipping the sensitive tip of her breast.


  She’d never been too verbal in bed, preferring to let her body do the talking, but when Nick’s hand slipped lower and played with her clit—first slowly then faster, pressing harder against the ever-tightenin
g nub—she couldn’t help the sudden need to express her pleasure.

  “God! Yes, yes, so good. Don’t stop,” she cried as her inner walls spasmed.

  Nick slid two fingers inside her and nudged upward, searching for her G-spot, and she froze under him, muscles taut.

  “Oh God!”

  “Let go. Enjoy yourself,” he urged between two strokes of his tongue on her breast.

  She couldn’t. She wouldn’t…not without him inside her.

  “Come inside me,” she pleaded.

  Ignoring her request, he slid down her body and closed his lips over her clit. Her long moan brought on by the heat and pressure of his mouth, sucking and licking her hard bud, echoed in the stillness of the room. She thrust up, pressing her pussy against his mouth, clenching and releasing her inner muscles as her climax slammed through her.

  Shuddering as her inner muscles gripped Nick’s fingers, her body engulfed in heat, her mind blown as wave after wave of warm cum flooded her pussy, she hardly contained a gasp when he slid inside her, the heat and strength of his erection stretching her ever so wonderfully.

  It was definitely one of those holy-shit-life-is-awesome moments—intense and fast and totally the perfect way to wind her up for whatever came next.

  She slowly opened one eye, then the other.

  Nick’s face hovered above hers in attentive study, his eyes heavy-lidded under his thick dark-blond lashes. Imagining his face, taut with restraint as he pounded into her, sent a jolt of lust to her pussy. Desire flooded her veins, thumping and surging.

  She smiled shyly, unlike he who boldly grinned, showing his pleasure. She closed her arms around him and rolled over until he lay on his back.

  He slipped from inside her, but even in the dim light of the room she caught the fierce need in his eyes as she straddled him, rubbing her wet pussy over his hard shaft.

  She lowered her hands to his chest and his muscles tensed underneath them. His torso was beautiful—wide, rock-solid and hairless, except for a light-blond dusting of hair around his brown nipples and below his navel. Palms flat, fingers splayed, she moved her hands over his strong shoulders and chest while she caressed him with her lips and teeth.

  His breathing grew sharp, ragged. His muscles tightened and he bucked.

  “Ah, you’re beautiful,” he rasped, tugging her long dark hair until his lips captured hers in an opened-mouth kiss.

  She took her time, slowly working down his magnificent body, kissing, licking, her quivering fingers stroking his smooth skin with almost reverent fervor.

  “Oh fuck.” Hoarse and rough, his voice sounded quite different from the whiskey-and-honey tone of before.

  Her hands and lips slid down his flat stomach and he sucked in a breath, jerked beneath her. But when she slid lower still, he groaned and grasped her shoulders as if trying to put an end to the slow torture.

  Velvet steel. With unhurried thoroughness, she kissed his cock from top to bottom. She cupped a hand around his shaft and blew on the tip. She wanted his cock super-hot.

  It worked.

  His eyes closed and his sharp intake of breath spoke of powerful, urgent, raw arousal surging out of control. “Oh fuck, that’s it.”

  There was no time to react before she found herself on her back.

  “I’ve got to do this first,” he rasped as he reached for a condom in the drawer and slid it onto his engorged shaft with lightning speed.

  His hands raced up her arms, circled her wrists and pinned them above her head. Her heart pounded furiously and she gasped for breath as he stretched out on top of her and entered her in one long deep plunge.

  She pressed her hips high, meeting his first thrust, and rode the violent wave of passion consuming her. His hand slid between their bodies and his thumb rubbed her clit in time with his strokes. The nails of her free hand dug into the tight flesh of his ass as he glided in and out of her, and she eagerly met him each time. With his cock embedded to the hilt, he buried his face in her throat, kissing her with his lips, tongue and teeth. Shivers rippled down her neck and torso to between her thighs.

  She closed her eyes, hovered on the verge of coming again. A cry escaped her and she arched upward, shuddering over and over as spasms shook her, contracting her pussy tighter around his cock.

  Nick groaned, stiffened against her and thrust frantically a few times before he buried himself deep inside her. She saw nothing but Nick’s face as she came, his brilliant-blue eyes and soft mouth while convulsions racked their bodies and they tipped over the edge in blissful release.

  While she waited for the world to find balance again, Stephanie held him close.

  Nick didn’t attempt to leave the bed. Instead, he rolled onto his back and brought her with him, tucking her body snug to his side. She rested her head on the crook of his shoulder, her slim thigh draped over his muscled one as her idle hand fondled his chest.

  “Thank you. You’re fantastic.” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  Chapter Four

  Stephanie woke slowly, the early morning sun warming her face and the faint scent of hot cocoa in the air. She reluctantly opened her eyes and glanced around the unfamiliar room before noting the empty place on the bed next to her.

  Her hand moved over the rumpled and still-warm sheets. Joy rippled through her body. She hugged her pillow and smiled at the memory of making love with Nick. She replayed last night in her mind—every passionate kiss, every urgent whisper, every soul-shuddering touch. Nick had been tender, yet forceful. Patient, though demanding.

  And lovemaking had never been so good.

  She smiled over her own lack of inhibition. Never in her life had she acted so lustfully or with such abandon. She had connected with Nick on a level she never experienced before. It wasn’t only that he was gorgeous, his technique flawless. Something had happened last night…well, beside the obvious.

  Her smile widened. She’d found her ideal lover—someone sexy, skilled and uninhibited. To her, he personified the perfect Californian cool. Laidback yet articulate, impersonal yet intimate, strict yet hedonistic and seriously playful. After the fast-and- hard first encounter that had left her heart pumping and blood flowing, they’d enjoyed slow, drawn-out lovemaking that had lasted half the night.

  The exceptional closeness between them drove her to share thoughts she usually reserved for her friends. And the level of trust he’d instilled in her spoke for a couple of firsts in the bedroom—anal play, for example, a practice she’d much frowned upon in the past. But to her surprise and delight, she greatly enjoyed it with Nick.

  She sighed with contentment. Perhaps she should shower and get dressed before he came back to the bedroom. Searching the room for something to cover herself, she climbed from the bed, but there was only the pile of clothes on the floor rashly discarded the night before.

  Beams of light filtered through the patio doors. Still naked, she tiptoed over boots and clothes, squinting as the sun shone directly into her eyes, and stood by the doors.

  She opened them and let the morning air come into the slightly sultry room. The brisk temperature instantly hardened her nipples and covered her body with goose bumps and she hugged her arms over her breasts, breathing deeply.

  “You’re going to catch your death standing here naked,” Nick whispered low and smooth in her ear just as his bare arms came around her waist and his lips caressed her shoulder.

  She shuddered from the stimulation of her senses, his sexy voice and warm lips. She turned to face him. Their eyes met. And held.

  “Morning,” he mouthed, caressing her exposed ass.

  She smiled, the joy of being with him rippling through her.

  His lips curved in a lazy smile before his head lowered and he pressed a lingering kiss on her mouth. Her arms drifted up his torso, encircled his neck. She brushed her chest against his, reveling in the contrast—soft against hard, chilled against warm—the coarse stroke of his jeans on her legs and pussy an arousing contrast to the smoothness of
their skin.

  Fiercely excited, her heart pounding against her ribs, her clit throbbing with anticipation, she trembled.

  With one, effortless sleek movement, Nick swept her off her feet and brought her back to the bed where they tumbled, arms and lips locked. His broad body covered hers, blocking the cold from the open door and the light from the beaming sun.

  He braced himself on his elbows, the full weight of his lower body and the contours of his arousal pressing against her mons, and she fought the urge to spread her legs and invite him in.

  “Hold that thought,” he said, suddenly pulling back and swinging his legs off the bed. “We’ll come back to it after you’ve had my hot chocolate, which, I may add, is well-known for its aphrodisiac merits.”

  He winked and she suppressed the question on the tip of her tongue. How did he know the secret powers of hot cocoa? But his eyes, dancing with humor, changed her mind. Better not ask. She didn’t really want to hear how well it had worked on his past conquests.

  She expected him to remove his jeans and join her on the bed, and was a little disappointed when he reached for one of the two cups on the nightstand and handed it to her.

  He grabbed the second cup and sat by her hip. “Here, the long-overdue hot chocolate.”

  She inched toward the headboard and tugged the sheet over her lap—more out of habit than self-conscious of her nudity—and sipped the frothy beverage. “Mmm…” The tip of her tongue curved over her upper lip, scooping the excess foam into her mouth.

  Lips slightly parted, Nick kept his intent gaze on the sweep of her tongue, seemingly transfixed on her mouth. She let the tip of her tongue surface a second time and he jerked forward and replaced it with his own.

  “Mmm…delicious,” he said. “And your lips aren’t bad either.” His face was deadpan, but the look he shot her was pure blue-eyed devil.

  She narrowed her eyes in jest.

  He chuckled as his long fingers trailed up to her shoulder and gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. His hand prodded the back of her head as his tongue urged her lips open for a slow, hot, possessive kiss.


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