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Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 4)

Page 2

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We can do that,” responded Lieutenant Summers confidently. “Let’s go kill a Zaltule battlecruiser!”

  The Alliance fleet accelerated toward the Kleese. The Kleese fleet was quickly forming up into one of their standard attack formations. This would be a battle of Sampson against Goliath.


  “The Alliance fleet is attacking,” reported Minor Overlord Gareth in surprise as he saw the enemy ships rushing toward the Zaltule fleet on the ship’s main tactical screen.

  “They rush to their deaths,” replied Supreme Military Overlord Harmock from the top of the Command Pedestal. He moved his six legs and leaned forward, studying the sensor screens. His multifaceted eyes confirmed what Gareth had reported. “We shall allow them to come to us and then destroy them. All ships are to standby to fire pulse fusion beams and antimatter missiles en mass.”

  Harmock gazed at the tactical screen, noting the human ships scattered throughout the attacking formation. Those ships would possess particle beams and would be the most deadly. Quickly passing on additional orders, he designated them as priority targets. His entire fleet had been updated with better energy shields while at the trading station in Sector Twelve. It was technology garnered from some of the conquered nonaligned worlds; technology he would now put to use to defeat the troublesome humans and their allies.


  Admiral Adamson watched the tactical screen closely as they neared the waiting Kleese fleet. “They seem very confident,” he spoke with a hint of unease in his voice. He had expected the Kleese to respond to the approaching Alliance fleet. All they’d done was hold their position and formation, making very few adjustments.

  “Communication intercepts indicate their Supreme Military Overlord is in command of this fleet,” Commander Sandra Shepherd said, as her eyes shifted to the admiral. “This is the same Overlord that attacked the solar system and is responsible for the deaths on Mars.”

  Adamson nodded as his eyes hardened. Over six hundred thousand humans had died when the antimatter missiles struck Mars Central, including the planet’s governor, Alex Scott. It had been a devastating loss to the struggling human survivors.

  “Contact the Argyle and inform Commander Anton that his mission is a go.”

  “Sending message,” Lieutenant Travers responded, as she sent the prearranged message.

  “Argyle and her escorts are entering Fold Space,” reported Lieutenant Lash, as he saw the five ships vanish from his sensor screens. The large troop assault ship had four light cruisers as escorts.

  “Do you think they’ll be able to pull our Marines off the planet?” asked Commander Shepherd. She was concerned that as soon as the Kleese realized some ships had left the Alliance fleet formation they might guess where they had gone and what their mission was.

  “It won’t take long to evacuate the Marines,” responded Wade with a frown on his face. It was a relief that the Argyle was on her way and would soon have Ryan and the other Marines safely off the planet.

  He was disappointed they wouldn’t be able to free the Diadem’s home world so they could join the Alliance. When they returned to Lanolth, where the fleet was based, they would have to come up with a new plan to push the Kleese out of the nonaligned system.

  “Admiral,” interrupted Lieutenant Lash from his sensor console. “Six Kleese battlecruisers have just jumped into Fold Space. They’re headed toward the Diadem system.”

  “Damn!” uttered Commander Shepherd, shaking her head in dismay. The Argyle and her four light cruiser escorts would be no match against the superior firepower the Zaltule ships could bring to bear. “Should we dispatch a battlecruiser?”

  “Yes,” replied Adamson, hating to weaken his fleet any further. “Order the Falcon to proceed to Diadem to support the Argyle.” At least a battlecruiser would give the Argyle and her support ships a fighting chance and might allow them time to rescue the trapped Marines.

  Wade knew Admiral Adamson was doing everything in his power to save the Marines on Diadem. It didn’t help matters that his brother, Lieutenant Ryan Nelson, was on the planet. At least Beth was safe back inside Vesta. Since she had resigned from the Marines, it had taken a load of worry off Wade’s mind. Now he only had to worry about his younger brother.

  “Engagement range in eight minutes,” reported Lieutenant Lash.

  “All weapons ready to fire,” added Lieutenant Kali Summers from Tactical as her hands flew over the complicated console. Two other officers were sitting next to her who were also responsible for the ship’s weapons as well as its energy screen.

  Adamson watched the tactical screen closely as they drew ever nearer to the waiting Kleese fleet. Glancing up at one of the viewscreens, he could see a dark black disk ship waiting to open fire on his fleet. “Change fleet course to left axis thirty degrees and up axis sixty degrees,” ordered Adamson over the general fleet frequency. “All weapons to fire as we go up and over the Kleese formation. We’ll engage for two minutes and then enter Fold Space for the Diadem system.”

  “We may not arrive in time to help the Argyle,” Wade pointed out. He knew while the Marines on the planet were important, the welfare of the Alliance fleet was even more so. It pained him to know they might not be able to rescue Ryan and his Marines.

  “We’ll do our best,” promised Adamson. “We’re not going to leave anyone behind on my watch.”

  “All weapons are powered up and the energy screen is at optimum,” reported Commandeer Shepherd from her position just behind Tactical.

  “Engagement range!” called out Lieutenant Lash.

  “All ships fire!” ordered Adamson, clenching his right hand into a tight fist.

  From the Alliance ships particle beam fire and pulse fusion beams slammed into the upper quadrant of the Kleese fleet, striking energy screens causing them to erupt in a cascade of brilliant colors as the screens struggled to stay up under the ferocious bombardment. Energy beams and even a few ruby-red lasers also lit up the space between the two fleets.

  “Firing sublight antimatter missiles,” uttered Summers in anticipation, as she saw the energy screen of the Kleese battlecruiser they were targeting flicker briefly.

  Two missiles left the Constellation’s tubes and accelerated rapidly toward the Kleese vessel. One missile detonated its twenty-megaton warhead against the disk ship’s energy screen, but the second flashed through and exploded against the heavy armor of the warship’s hull. A massive explosion reverberated through the Zaltule warship, setting off numerous secondary explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. Inside the stricken Kleese ship, emergency bulkheads slammed shut as numerous compartments were opened to space.

  “Keep firing our particle beam cannons!” ordered Commander Shepard, as she saw the Kleese energy shield falter and then go down. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her breathing rapid.

  More sections of the Zaltule warship were blasted loose from the hull as the bright blue particle beams slashed into the hull of the ship. Then a massive explosion blew the ship in two as an antimatter missile from another Alliance vessel finished off the Kleese ship.

  “Kleese battlecruiser is down,” spoke Lieutenant Lash with satisfaction in his voice.

  “Switch to the next target,” ordered Commander Shepherd, her pulse still beating rapidly. She could feel the flow of adrenalin and the excitement flowing through her as she commanded the ship’s weapons.

  “Light cruiser Ajax is down,” reported Lieutenant Lash. “Assault ships 436 and 462 are down.”

  “We have numerous ships reporting damage,” added Lieutenant Travers from Communications.

  “Nalton battlecruiser is down, Lanolthian battlecruiser is down, two Tureen battlecruisers are down, four Diadem battlecruisers are down,” Lash spoke in a rapid voice, knowing the Alliance fleet was being hurt by the deadly return fire from the Kleese.

  “Seventy seconds to Fold Space,” reported Lieutenant Martin from the Helm. “Fold Space Drive is powered up and ready to initiate

  On one of the main viewscreens, Wade watched as a human light cruiser let loose a broadside of every weapon it possessed at a Kleese warship. The ship scored several hits with their pulse fusion batteries and energy turrets, opening up glowing rents in the enemy battlecruiser’s hull.

  Even as Wade watched, the Kleese ship retaliated, joined by several others. Powerful pulse fusion beams reached out and, after a moment of resistance, penetrated the weakening energy screen of the light cruiser. The top section of the ship exploded and debris started drifting away from the ship. Then an antimatter missile slammed into the stern of the vessel and the ship vanished in a fiery explosion.

  “Light cruiser Odin is down,” spoke Lash, trying to keep his voice calm.

  “Battlecruiser Arrow is reporting major damage. They’ve lost one of their reactors and barely have enough power to enter Fold Space,” reported Lieutenant Travers, glancing over at the admiral.

  “Tell them to enter Fold Space now!” ordered Adamson not wanting to risk the cruiser suffering even more damage.

  The Constellation shuddered violently as two antimatter missiles hit her energy shield, severely jarring the ship. The energy screen seemed to flicker for a brief moment and then returned to full power.

  “Antimatter missiles impacted our energy screen,” Commander Shepherd reported, as she studied information on one of the tactical displays. “Minor damage to the hull at section nineteen, bulkhead twelve. No breach and the screen has returned to full strength.”

  “Thirty seconds to Fold Space,” called out Lieutenant Martin, as he prepared to activate the ship’s drive.


  Supreme Military Overlord Harmock glared in anger at a viewscreen as another of his battlecruisers was blown apart by human particle beam weapons. The battle had been as violent as he’d expected. Once again, he was becoming more convinced these humans were not vermin, but actual warriors worthy of fighting the Zaltule. It was a belief he knew should be best kept to himself, as the Kleese Council of Overlords would doubtlessly reject such a notion.

  “We have a slight advantage over the Alliance fleet,” reported Gareth as he studied some data coming across a screen. “The Alliance fleet is losing two ships to every one that we lose.”

  “Only because they have two hundred assault ships in their fleet,” responded Harmock in a cold voice. “If both fleets were even they would have us at a decisive disadvantage in firepower and advanced weaponry.”

  “This Alliance is a growing threat to our empire,” proclaimed Gareth, his multifaceted eyes focusing on the Military Overlord. “We must find a way to eliminate it before it grows any further.”

  “I have taken steps to ensure their eventual defeat,” Harmock said. He clinched the seven digits of his right hand into a fist, knowing only the humans stood between the Zaltule and galactic domination. Without the humans, the Alliance would fall apart.

  The Warrior’s Fire shook suddenly and the lights in the Command Center seemed to dim. Harmock had to grab a console to avoid being knocked off the Command Pedestal.

  “Particle beam hit,” reported one of the Kleese, standing in front of damage control. “The beam penetrated through twelve decks and we have multiple fires. Fire suppression equipment has failed in two compartments and I am opening them up to space to smother the flames.”

  “The Alliance fleet is jumping into Fold Space,” reported Jalridd at the main sensor station. “Their course indicates they’re heading back to the Diadem system.”

  “We shall follow,” commanded Harmock in a hard voice. “They’re returning to rescue the warriors they landed on the planet earlier. The small group of ships they dispatched prior to the battle will not be able to do so if the battlecruisers we sent in response reach the system in time.”

  “We shall meet them in combat above the planet,” stated Gareth. “They shall know the wrath of the Zaltule, and we will eliminate this Alliance fleet.”

  “They will not be successful in recovering their warriors,” predicted Harmock, nodding his triangular head in agreement. “I have already seen to that.”

  A few minutes later, the Zaltule fleet began entering Fold Space in pursuit of the Alliance ships. Behind them, they left only wreckage and the dead from both fleets.

  Chapter Two

  Ryan scanned the spaceport ahead as his Marines slowly advanced. Since using the nuke on the ridge there had been no further resistance to their presence upon the planet. They were now nearing the spaceport boundary and everything seemed strangely quiet. It was as if the Kleese had suddenly vanished.

  “I don’t like this,” mumbled Corporal Parker, as he paused next to a large tree, peering around it. His right hand went down to touch the Energy Lance fastened to his waist. He felt comfort knowing the lance could cut through almost anything except the composite material a Type Three or Type Four battlesuit was made of.

  His tall six foot two frame was completely encased in the protective suit. The suit was black and gray with small red lights at the joints and other areas. It looked nimble and quick. The Type Four battlesuit was eight feet tall and made out of a new type of composite material even stronger and lighter than that of the Type Three suits. It allowed for greater flexibility in movement, which at times made the wearer almost forget that he or she was encased inside one. In addition, the Type Four suit was capable of operating in full combat conditions for nearly twenty hours before needing to be recharged. In non-combat situations, the suit could keep its wearer alive for well over a week. Antigravity plates in the feet of the suit could generate a repelling force, which allowed the Type Four battlesuit a limited flying ability.

  “Neither do I,” replied Corporal Adams. Lauren had been having the same concerns. She paused and looked around using the enhanced vision her suit allowed. Nowhere did she see any indication of movement or danger. “Why fortify that ridge so heavily and then nothing between it and the spaceport?”

  “Maybe they didn’t expect us to get past the ridge,” suggested Alexander. He held his RG rifle in his arms, feeling its comforting weight. The Type Four suits were tied into a neural processor inside the brain, which made the suit feel like a second layer of skin.

  “Does anyone see any signs of movement?” asked Major Stevens over the general comm channel. He was fearful they might be walking into a trap and he only had four platoons of Marines with him.

  “Everything seems quiet,” reported Lieutenant Felton.

  “Same here,” added Lieutenant Guthrie.

  Ryan was busily scanning the buildings on the spaceport with his suit’s enhanced vision optics. Nowhere did he see any sign of the Kleese or Kleese conscripts. It almost seemed as if the spaceport had been evacuated. Even the civilians who should be working there were missing.

  “Nothing,” he reported over the com channel. “Could the Kleese have pulled out after we used the nuke on the ridge?”

  He had already used his suit sensors to scan as much of the spaceport as possible. There were a few cargo and passenger ships sitting out on the blastcrete, but there were no Kleese ships. Ryan would have expected at least one assault ship to be parked on one of the landing pads.

  “It’s possible,” Stevens replied though he doubted the Kleese would give up the spaceport without a fight. “The Kleese might have a smaller presence on the planet than we thought. It’s also possible the bunker beneath that ridge contained the majority of them. I want scouts sent ahead one hundred meters. Continue forward cautiously, use anything available for cover. Be aware the spaceport could be sown with hidden popup weapons. The Kleese seem to have a propensity for those things.”

  “Popups,” moaned Alexander not liking the sound of that.

  He recalled how many times he’d been shot by stunners on Charring Mountain during their training. While the stunners had been painful, the popups the Kleese used would be deadly. He looked over at Lauren, knowing she was probably thinking the same thing. Hell, they all probably were. Charring had spared no one
the pain of those dreadful stunners. Even Lieutenant Nelson had been nailed a couple of times.

  “If there are popups embedded in the blastcrete you’ll be a primary target,” Lauren teased. She knew how badly Alexander hated being stunned.

  “Private Swen and Private Hatterson, you have the point,” called out Sergeant Casey Hunter. Casey was standing out in the open between two large trees staring at the waiting spaceport. “One hundred meters in front of the platoon and watch your asses. I don’t want any heroics. If you see the enemy, take cover immediately.” Casey was friends with most of the members of the platoon. They had been together for such a long time that it was inevitable friendships would form.

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Hatterson replied and then motioned to Private Swen. “Come on Cameron, let’s get moving.”

  Alexander watched the two battlesuits move out. He was relieved he and Lauren were no longer being chosen to scout ahead. Even so, he felt a little guilty at Cameron and Mary being stuck with the job. Anyone on scout duty was in elevated danger. They would be the first ones fired upon.

  “Move out!” ordered Casey once she was satisfied the two scouts were sufficiently far enough ahead of the other Marines to give warning if the enemy were spotted.

  For ten minutes they advanced, making slow progress as they used parked vehicles and buildings for protection while moving toward the center of the spaceport. At any moment they expected weapons fire to break out, but it remained quiet. The anxiety was rapidly increasing, as everyone knew the Kleese had to be here somewhere.

  In the distance, the sudden roar of explosions suddenly erupted followed by heavy weapons fire. Everyone paused, looking about to see where the sound was coming from.

  “The Marines on the far side of the spaceport have made contact,” Major Stevens informed everyone. “They’re pinned down.”

  He’d been talking to the colonel in charge of the four hundred Marines in Type Three battlesuits, which had been advancing toward the spaceport from the other direction. The two groups were supposed to rendezvous at the tall Control Tower in the center of the space complex.


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